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Responded Aware of Budget Organization( Mo Organisation Overall Months of stock Proper Inventory

terms nitoring drug ( data Monitoring out ( NO of days

funding stockout) management per month 9

Admin Officer III YES >500,000 LGU LGU Yes 2 moths (22days) Yes
( Supply Officer) DOH DOH COA
Others Others Bids and awards
Procurement Team

Medtech NO >500,000 DOH DOH Yes 3-4 Months (15 No

Procurment team days)

Nurse YES >500,000 Pharmacy DOH Yes 3-4 Months (>20 Yes
company Procurement days)

Nurse NO >500,000 LGU LGU Yes 3-4 Months (>20 Yes

DOH DOH Bids and awards days)

Pharmacist YES 250,000-500,000 LGU DOH Yes 3-4 Months (>20 Yes
Assistance Procurment team days)

Pharmacist III YES >500,000 LGU LGU Yes Bids and 3-4 Months (>20 Yes
awards days)
Responded Mebend Promethazi ORS Amoxicillin CoTrimoxaz Paracetam Chlorphen Penicillin V Ibuprofen Quinine
azole ne 25mg 250mg ole 480mg ol 500mg iramine 250mg 200 mg 300mg
500 mg 4mg

Admin Officer None None None None None None None None None None
III ( Supply 20 days 20 days

Medtech None None None None None None None None None None

Nurse None None None None None None None None None None
Not 3-4 months Not Not
available 20 days available available e

Nurse None None None None None None None None None None

Pharmacist None None 4 months 3 months None None None None None None
Assistance Not 20 days 20 days Not Not
available Available available

Pharmacist None None 3-4 months None None None None None None None
III Not Not Not
available available Available

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