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Ket. in Brochey amd Donald, Subse tuity aout Socal Le lanes 3 Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses (Notes towards an Investigation) Louis Althusser entered eer (On the Reproduction of the Conditlons of Production {must now expose mor filly something which was biefly glimpsed in my alysis when fr apoke of the necsity to renew the meant of proton if production sto be poe. That a pass hint Now Isha onder for Ie. ‘As Meas every child nos that social formation which dd noeprodce the conditions of production athe sre me att produced woul ot as een ‘The timate condition f production iy therefore the reproduction af the anions of praaction. Tas maybe sigpe(eprodeing exaty the previous ondtons of production) ot Yon sn extended sea” (expanding them) Let lore thi lt tintin for the moment "Wht then the vprductin ofthe cron of production? Here me te entering a domain which I both very faite (since Cpial Volume Tws) and niqiey ignored. The tenacigor ebwourneset (eal! voumese fn empl pe) ofthe pnt of view of peadction le oF even ofthat of mere productive practice (self absent lation to the process of [rection ee ontegrted ina or everyaycancousnese tha iisetremely Bed, nt tsa almost impor, to raze oneself o the pon of tea of Peproducton, Neverteles, everything ove thi pnt view remain abt (ore than one-sided: distrted)-even the level of production, tortion, that of mere practice Leta ty and examine the mater methodical “Tosimpliy my expsition anc arroing tht vey Sc oti are fom «dominant made of production, Lean say ta the proces of production rs fo ‘enka exiting prodciveForcerin and under dint elton of production 56 eso ond Iso Siate Apparat, 1 1 flows that, in ordre ext, every socal formation must eprdce the contons production at the ame ime mit produces, andin dette abe tovpendoce, Kun therefore reprooce 1 the productive forces, 2 the exiting atone of production Reproduction of the Meon of Proton Everyone (coding the bourgeois economies whote works atonal accounting, torte modern macto-economie’"thoreticans nom Fecngizes, bee Mart ompelinay proved in Capt! Volume Two that no production is posise ‘hich doesnot allow for the teredocton ofthe material condltens af Prodan: the reproduction af the meen of preietion “The average ecomoin, wo no ilferent inthis than the avenge captit no that exch year eset freee what ee ded Yo replace he he been wsed up oF worn wut sn prodscton raw meri fed invaltnn (bulge), straments nf production (machines, ete Lay the tere conomistthe average capita, fr they Both express the point of ve ofthe Sm, regeeding Ha sien simply give commentry onthe terns the fms nan acconting pve, ‘thnk o she gers of Quesny whos posed thie lasing! problem tn ‘othe penis of Mare who eesved i, we Row that the repredeton ofthe Imari conditions of production cannot be thought atthe Teel of the fm, Urecase i does mot eit that level its el conditions. What happens a the level af the fiom 99 elfect, which only giver an idee of the neces of ‘production, bat sbseutel ils allow conditions and mechanisms tobe ‘hows "Armoment’s election enough oe convinced of thi: Me Xyacapitalit who produce woollen ymin ie spnning mil hs to epreduce’ hist mee it Invchines ete Bot doesnot produce them for is wm production ofr Capitainy do: an Australian sheep tamer, MY, 4 heany engineer producing Imtchine tol, Mr Z, ee ete. And MY and Me Z inorder to proce tore Products which ae the eandton of the teprodvtion of Me X's sonctinae of Prodaction, sso hive to repredoce th conditions of therm production, ends ‘Seo infiny-she whole in propotons sch fey on the naoal and eve the Sold markt the demand for ens of prodaction (or reproduction) ean be ‘sed by the supply In order techn this mechani, which eds ro hind ons chan i ecssry 10 follow Mares lal procedare, ap to sy in pale the ‘eons ofthe eitculatin of cpt between Deparien](podtion of eens {fgrodacian ond Departmeat I (reduction means of ons ‘esization af surpos-al, in Coa, Volumes two end Tee ‘We shal ot gointo he nae thi question epeoghrotave mentioned teextence of the necenity a he reproduction ofthe materia eonations of rrodecton = Lewis Albus | Reproduction of Laour-Power However, the reader wil ot have led to note one thing, We have dncused the reproduction of the means of production-but not the fepreduction of the productive forces. We have therefore ignored the reprodsction of what ~“Ginguene® Wieprodctve forces from the meens of production, ie. the reproduction of labour power "From the observation of what takes place in the fim, in particular from the ‘examination of the financial accountng practice which predicts amortization and Investment, me have been able obtain an approximate idea ofthe existence ofthe rmuteral proces of reproduction, but we are now entering a domain in which the ‘observation of what happens in the firm if nt totaly blind, a lest almost ‘emtrely 20, and for good reson: the reproduction of labour power takes place ‘exemally outside the few Sow isthe reproduction of labour power ensured? tis ensured’ by giving labour power the material meant with which to reproduce isl by wager Wages feetreinthe accounting of eachenerpive, but swage capita’, nota ll «condition of the material ferodueton of labour power However, thats in foc how iwoks since wages represents ony that part of the value produced by the expenditure of labour power whichis indispensable for Its eproducton: +, indspenble othe reconsition of the nbour power af the wmege-carer (the wherewithal to pay fo housing, food and clothing, in shoe 10 couble the wage-erner to present himself again atthe fectory gate the next, ‘dyad every further day God grants hrm); and we should ad:ndispensablefor ‘ising and educating the children in whom the proleteian eprodaces hil (in fn imodel where m0, 1,2 et.» as labour power. Remember tha this quantity of value (wages) necessary for the reproduction of| Iubour power is determined not by the needs of a ‘islogia!” Guaranteed Minimum Wage (Solaire Minimum Inerproferionnel Garant) sone, But bythe eed of it French prlearans need wine shows ike to point out hat tht minimum f doubly historian that itis ‘ot defined by the historical needs of the working clms ‘recognized’ by the ‘apts class but by the historical needs imposed by the proletarian cass struggle (# double cas toggle: aginst the lengthening ofthe working day end seine the rection of wage) i not enough to ensure fr Ibour power the materia conitions of ine reproduction i i sto be reproduced a labour power. I have sid that the tniabe Inbour power mst be ‘competent i. siteble ro be set to workin the omplen system ofthe process of prodction. The development ofthe productive forces and typeof unity historically conaiutiv ofthe productive Forces at given ‘moment produce the elt tha the labour power has tobe (versely sled and therefore repreduced a sch, Diversey: secordng tthe requtements of the socio-technical division of labour, i iferen jobs’ and “posts! How i thie reproduction ofthe (diversified) skills of labour power provided for cology and Idelogial Stee Apparaises ° {ina capitalist epi? Here, unite social formation chaacetized by slavery ot serfdom, this reproduction ofthe kills of inbour power tends (his ia tendental lw) decreasingly to be provided for ‘on the spot” (apprenticeship within production ise, but is achieved mote and more outside production: by the {pitt edveaton system, and by other instances and institutions ‘What do children learn at school? They go varying distances in their studies, but any rate they learn to read towritandtoadd-ie.anmber of techniques, and ‘ nomber of her things aswel including elements (which may be rudimentary ‘ron the contrary thoroughgoing) of scientific or ‘itera cultor’ which are lirectly seal in the aitferen obs in prediction one instrvetion for manval workers, anther for technicians, + hid for engineers 2 final one for higher ‘management, ee). Thos they learn ‘know-how Bot besides these techniques and knowledges, end in earning them, children a ‘school also learn the ‘rules of good belaviut, he the aide that should be ‘observed hy every agent inthe division of labour, according to the job he i “destined” for: rules of morality, civic and professional conscience, which ecully means rules of respect for the soi-technea division of abou and timately the ‘les ofthe order established by clas domination. They alo learnt speak proper French, to"handle’ the workers correctly, ie tally (or the ftore capitals tnd their servants) order them about propery i (Weal) to ‘speak to them’ inthe right way, ete ‘Toput this more sentially, I shally that the reproduction of abour power requires not only a reproduction of ity sil, but alo, at the sme time, reproduction of its submission to the rules of the established order, Le. # ‘eproducton of submission tothe ruling of ideology forthe workers, and 3 reproduction ofthe ability to manipulate the ruling ideology correctly forthe ‘agents of exploitation and repression, so that they to, wil provide forthe domination of the ruling class “n words Tother words the school (but alo other Stati other apparatuses ike the Army) teaches how-how', but informs which ensire Inbjctin tothe ruling ideology or the mastery of “pectic”. All the agents of production, exploitation and repression, not to speak of the ‘profesional of deolog’ (Mars), must none way or anor be steeped inthis ideology inorder to perform thei tasks ‘conscentously”-the tasks of the exploited (the proletarian) ofthe exploiters (he capitals) ofthe exploiters auxiliaries (he Imanager) or of the high priest of the ruling Heology (ts Tuncionaies) ete “The reproduction of labour power thus reveals st sne gua mo ot only the reproduction of is sil" bras the repreducton ofits subjection tothe rating ‘Meology or ofthe ‘practice’ ofthat ideo the proviso that fenatenoush to say "nr only but abe, For ivinin the Jorma and wade the forms of ‘deaoicalajeton that provision ti made forthe reproduction of the lof laour power Ut this i to eecognize the effective presence of 8 new reality ideology. Here I shall make two commen The fret eto round off my analysis of epreduction. « Lewis Aloser The just given 9 rapid survey of the forms ofthe reproduction of the prodctve frees, Le. ofthe mean of production onthe one hand, and of sour power on the ether ‘But have not yet approached te gueston ofthe reproduction of he rlationtof producon. This 1s a crcl quetion forthe Marts theory of the mode of Predvction. To It it prt would be a theoretic! omission worse, serious pola vor shal therefore discus i. make anther long, door. “The second comments that in order to make tis detour, Iam obliged to r= ‘aise ny old question: what i society? inorder to obtain the means to discus it ohall Infrastructure and Superstracture (On a numberof occasions I hae insisted onthe revolutionary character of he Marxist conception ofthe oe whole insofar a iti distinc rom the Hegelian “totality: I sid (and this thesis only repeats famous propositions of historical ‘natrili) thet Marx conceived the structure a every society a comstioted by "levels instance’ articulated by a specific determination: the ifasructre, oF ‘economic (the ‘unity’ of the productive ores andthe relations of redton) fd the mpertrucin. which itself eontins two level or instances the politi Tegal (lew andthe Stat) an6 Weology (the differen ideologies, religious, ethical leg, polis, et) Besies its theovtico-diactcleterest (it evel the difference berween Mark ad Hg! this representation hat the following crcl teat cel advan takes tpesble ro neribe in the theoretical apparatus oft esertl concepts ‘that T have eal their rpc inde of efetcty. What des this seen? Tei cary to se that this representation of the structure f every society a8 an edie containing a base (infeastrctre) on which re erected the wo ors of the superstracute, it « metaphor, to be quite precise, # spatial mecephor: the ‘metaphor of «topography (epigue)- Like every metaphor, this metaphor Suggests Something, rakes something vibe. What? Precisely this: thatthe upper Boor ould not sty up” Gn the ni) alone if they didnot rest precisely on their base. “Thus the objet of the metaphor ofthe eifice isto tepresest shove all he “determination nthe last instance’ bythe economic bate. Theft ofthis spatial metaphor to endow the base with an index of effectivity Koon by the famos terme the determination inthe lst instanceof what happens the upper lors (ofthe superstructure) by what happens inthe economic base Given this index of effectivity "in the lst inetance’, the oes of the superstructure ae clearly endowed with different indices ffetvty. Whatkind hindices? Tes posible to sy that the floors ofthe superstructure are not determinant in the last nstance, but that they are determined by the electvity of the ase; that it ‘they ae determinant in their own a et undefined) satis struc ony insofar fs they are determined bythe be, eolgy and Tdeloieal State Apparaees a ‘Their index of effectivity (or determination) as de

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