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BANK/GA/201803/NABARD /E&H/05


Q.1. PACS is an institute of NABARD works at the gram panchayat and village level. In PACS, A
stands for-/
(1) Accredit/ (2) Agriculture/ (3) Asset/
(4) Advisory/ (5) Ability/
Q.2. According to census 2011, what percentage of population lives in rural area?

(1) 70% (2) 58% (3) 69% (4) 65% (5) 57%
Q.3. Agricultural census is conducted in every_____

(1) 2 Years/ (2) 3 Years/ (3) 4 Years/ (4) 5 Years/ (5) 7 Years/
Q.4. Where is Banker Intitute of Rural Development(BIRD) is situtated?

(1) Mumbai/ (2) New Delhi/ (3) Lucknow/

(4) Ahmedabad/ (5) Kolkata/
Q.5. Which of the following is not a plantation crop?

(1) Coffee/ (2) Sugercane/ (3) Wheat/ (4) Rubber/ (5) Rice/
Q.6. The Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) scheme was launched in which year to provide
food, pre- school education and primary healthcare to children below 6 years of age and their

(1) 1980 (2) 1975 (3) 1982 (4) 1993 (5) 1972
Q.7. What is the Priority Sector target for RRB with reference to their total credit?

(1) 32% (2) 40% (3) 60% (4) 75% (5) 80%
Q.8. If a crop lone is given under tie-up arrangement the collateral security is not to be obtained for a
loan up to Rs.——

(1) 1 lac/ (2) 2 lac/ (3) 3 lac/ (4) 4 lac/ (5) 5 lac/
Q.9. What is the amount allocated in budget 2017-18 for setting up of dairy processing and infrastructure
development fund?

(1) 5000 Crore/ (2) 6000 Crore/ (3) 7000 Crore/

(4) 8000 Crore/ (5) None of these/
Q.10. Nabard has entered into collaboration with which European country for a special Programe on
Soil Protection and Rehabilitation for Food Security?

(1) Germany/ (2) France/ (3) Spain/

(4) Italy/ (5) None of these/
BANK/GA/201803/NABARD /E&H/05
Q.11. ‘Blue Revolution’ is related to—/
(1) Space research/ (2) Irrigation/ (3) Fisheries/
(4) Drinking water/ (5) None of these/
Q.12. Tax on agricultural income is a source of revenue for—/
(1) Central Government/ (2) State Government/
(3) Local Administration/ (4) Centre and State Governments/
(5) None of these/
Q.13. Which Years did NABARD start pilot project connecting the SHG to banks?

(1) February 1990/ (2) February 1992/

(3) February 1994/ (4) February 1997/
(5) February 1999/
Q.14. What is the name of the highest body of agriculture and rural development?

(1) Reserve Bank of India/

(2) National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development /
(3) Regional Rural Bank/
(4) Land Development bank/
(5) All of the above /
Q.15. When was the Land Development Bank established?/
(1) 1920 (2) 1929 (3) 1947 (4) 1962 (5) 1990
Q.16. What is the target for foreign banks to provide loans in priority sector?/

(1) 32% (2) 33% (3) 36% (4) 40% (5) 50%
Q.17. Which of the following committe was recommanded the concept of priority sector.

(1) Study Group formed in May 1971/

(2) Formation of Study Group in July 1972/
(3) Talwar committee/
(4) Padmanabhan committee/
(5) None of these/
Q.18. Who monitor the priority sector lending in commercial banks?

(1) Reserve Bank of India/

(2) Small Industries Development Bank of India/
(3) National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development/
(4) Government of India/
(5) None of these/
Q.19. What is the minimum amount invested in the Kisan Vikas Patra?

(1) 100 Rs/ (2) 200 Rs/ (3) 500 Rs/ (4) 1000 Rs/ (5) 2000 Rs/
Q.20. Which is the first Regional Rural Bank of India?

(1) AP Gramina Development Bank/

(2) Chaitanya Godavari/
(3) Andhra Pragati/
(4) Prathama Gramina Bank/
(5) Baroda UP Rural Bank/
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