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CCUS – Technology the World Needs

O. Graff, Vice President, Head of CCUS

Energy Seminar: Efficiency in the Oil Industry
Jakarta, 6 April 2017
© 2017 Aker Solutions
Aker Solutions creates solutions to unlock energy safely
and sustainably for future generations


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Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage
Fixed and Floating
Production Systems
Maintenance, Modifications
and Operations
Field Planning, Feasibility
and Concept Studies

Lifecycle Services

Workover Systems

From subsea to surface and concept to
Advanced Subsea Technologies
decommissioning, our technical expertise
and strong partnerships provide energy
companies what they need to succeed
Subsea Production Systems

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Johan Sverdrup – The Making of a Giant
Aker Solutions is helping to bring
on stream one of Norway’s
largest oil finds. At its peak,
production will equal a quarter of
the nation’s oil and gas output.

200 3,000
Customer: Statoil
Scope: Feasibility and concept studies,
OF OIL EQUIVALENTS engineering services, procurement and
management assistance (EPMA)
Time frame: 2012 – 2019

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Maintenance and Modifications in Brunei
Aker Solutions is responsible for
maintenance and modifications
management services at more
than 200 installations offshore
Brunei in the South China Sea.

200 250
Customer: Brunei Shell Petroleum
Scope: Maintenance, modifications,
EMPLOYED asset integrity management
Time frame: 2012 – 2019

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Kaombo – The World’s Largest Subsea Development
Aker Solutions is providing the
subsea production system for
the Kaombo development
offshore Angola.

2,000 650
Customer: Total E&P Angola
Scope: 65 vertical well sets,
OF OIL EQUIVALENTS 20 manifolds, control systems, workover
systems and tie-in systems
Time frame: 2014 – 2019

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Indonesian CCUS delegations Mobile Test Unit (MTU) visits

NORCEM Cement Factory – 8 September 2015 WtE, Klemetsrudanlegget – 31 August 2016

Learning about carbon capture from a cement factory Learning about carbon capture from a waste-to-energy plant

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CCS & CO2 EOR in Indonesia = Win – Win
 Increased oil production from mature fields (large potential for CO2 EOR)
 Reduced CO2 emissions from industry (large potential for Carbon Capture)
 CO2 EOR at competitive cost (compared with USA & Canada)



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Our history - an unbroken chain of innovation, next?
2008 2010 2012 2015
2008 2008 2008
2007 2007

Blind Faith Gjøa Technology Åsgard

Snøhvit Aker H-6e
Mobile Adriatic Centre Subsea
2005 Sakhalin Test Unit
Ormen Mongstad Compression
Lange (MTU)
White Rose
A CCUS front-runner
Kristin 1997 1996
Grane 1991 Snorre
Steel TLP
Åsgard B Norne first 1989
FPSO Heidrun Veslefrikk
Sleipner First semi FPS
on NCS CO2 Concrete
18 Condeeps
37 H3
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Sleipner CO2 Platform - in operation since 1996


 First offshore CO2 injection and storage project

 Design & delivered by Aker Solutions
 ~1 million tons of CO2 injection per year into aquifer
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Why is Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS) important?
■ COP 21 Paris; 196 nations (incl. Indonesia & Norway):
■ CCS is required to meet global warming target (+ 2 deg.C)
■ CCS must be applied on CO2 emitters:
■ Fossil fuel power plants
■ Cement, steel, aluminum, W-t-E, fertilizer, etc.
■ CCS will secure the future market for CO2 emitters
■ CCS will make CO2 available for EOR and as feed stock for
production of other products such as methanol and fish feed
(algae, fuels, plastics, chemicals, etc.) = CCU

1980 2012

Global Warming is visible

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CO2 roadmap for Norwegian process industry ~ 60% CCS

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E/Bio-methanol from flue gas & electrolysis

Existing units:
 CO2-source flue gas
 Power generator
 Thermal driven process
 Grid connection *

Expansion units:
 CO2-separation / amine gas treatment
 Alkaline electrolysis
 Methanol synthesis
 Methanol distillation
* Aker Solutions has signed an agreement with bse Engineering (Germany)
for delivery of carbon capture plants for E-methanol production

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The positive effect of CO2 in an oil reservoir is well known

 CO2 injection may increase the recovery

in an oil reservoir by 5 - 12 % points
(OD report 2005)
 CO2 has a value for the oil companies
 Part of the CO2 remains in the reservoir
(less CO2 footprint of oil)
 Increased oil production on NCS:
• ~370 M Sm3 from 19 fields (BIGCO2) (DOE)

(potential based on CO2 for EOR)


• ~10% of total acc. oil produced in Norway !

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Available Subsea Processing Building Blocks
 Subsea multiphase cooler
 Subsea gas compressor
 Subsea gas/liquid separator
 Subsea liquid/liquid separator
 Subsea de-sanding equipment
 Subsea produced water de-oiling
 Liquid pump
 Multiphase pump
 Subsea control systems
 Subsea power solutions


Subsea process system building


Production XT Next step: CO2/EOR Injection XT

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Ongoing Technology Qualification Offshore CO2 EOR
Compression system Selective membranes
■ 21 MSm3 NG/d flow rate ■ New polymer qualities with robust properties
■ 2 x 11.5 MW compressor power ■ Compact arrangement for subsea developed

Depending on arrangement 90-97 percent CO2 can be separated from well stream.

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Advanced Subsea CO2 Processing Unit
Enriched HC Gas

Compressor M
Enriched CO2 module

Wellstream Separation

Cooler Produced

For EOR and CO2-rich
offshore gas fields
Production XT Injection XT
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Åsgard Subsea Compression – Completed 2015
 World’s first subsea NG gas compressor in operation
 Operating hours: > 20000 (as of March 2017)
 Compressor being qualified for CO2

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Technology, Process Design and Equipment
ACC = Advanced Carbon CaptureTM Process
Full scale plant and process design, specification and
delivery of proprietary equipment packages, solvent
formulation, performance guarantees and licencing of

Generic Flow Diagram

Key Equipment Technology Characteristics Technology advantages

1. Absorber Tower 1. Most mature
 Excellent performance data from coal, gas, cement and
2. Desorber incl. Reboiler waste-to-energy plants 2. Flexibility
3. Direct Contact Cooler 3. For retrofit and new built
 Ongoing long term testing of flue gas from waste-to-energy 4. For various flue gases
4. Reclaimer
5. Energy Saver
 Cost, energy and environmental focus 5. Life Cycle Cost
 Modularization 6. Verified improvements
7. Excellent solvent performance

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MTU, Mobile Test Unit - Advanced CO2 capture pilot
Owned & Operated by Aker Solutions
Test campaigns in industrial environment since 2008: Longannet Power Plant
coal & gas power, refinery, cement industry & W-t-E

National CCC
Alabama, US


Over 20 000
operating hours

Risavika & TCM


2008 2012


ACCTM 1st at TCM
ACCTM 1st in UK
Slide 20 © 2017 Aker Solutions
SOLVit R&D Improved Solvents – Summary (2008 -2016)
SOLVit R&D Programme
88 months & 332 MNOK (~35 M€)
Research partners SINTEF, NTNU, IFE, Norner
Sponsors CLIMIT/Gassnova, SINTEF, Aker
Solutions & industry partners

Industry Partners Statkraft, ScottishPower, E.ON &

Involvement 50 researchers, 5 PhD’s & 4 Post
Operated six test pilots SDR, Gløshaugen, Tiller, MTU,
Heilbronn, TCM
Extensive test data from Gas and coal power plants, oil
refinery and cement factory

Number of solvents tested ~90

Accumulated pilot ~45 000

operating hours
Number of advanced ~10 000
sample analysis

Number of characterised 73
degradation products

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Achievements – Improved Energy Efficiency
■ Compared to project references
“Bellingham plant“ (NG) and
Esbjerg pilot plant (Coal) a
reduction of the energy
consumption with 10-25% has
been demonstrated in pilot plants
- 35%
with 1st generation solvents.
■ Applying an advanced process flow
sheet increases energy saving of
1st gen. solvents with up to 35%
compared to reference

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Achievements – reduced degradation & waste
■ Discoloration of solvents (indicator of solvent instability) during operation on coal
flue gas at EnBW’s Heilbronn pilot plant
MEA Reference Campaign, 920 h

SOLVit CC2 Campaign, 1 210 h

SOLVit CCx2 Campaign, 2 090 h

Note: No further
discoloration until
end of campaign
(2090 h)
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Achievements- Robust Solvent = Cost Reductions
Degradation (kg)

Reduced degradation:
 less make-up
 less emissions
 less reclaiming
 less waste
 less corrosion

= Cost reduction
Note: Our CCx2 solvent is ten times
better than the standard amine (MEA)
Operating days

Excellent test results at TCM - Solvent degradation

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Amine Mist Emission
■ Mist is aerosols (small droplets) and formed in some amine plants
■ Evidence for amine mist is white plume and high amine emission, low capture rate in water wash & acid wash sections
■ Can be avoided by gas cleanup upstream of absorber, but this is very expensive
■ If formed, amine mist is difficult to capture

Aker Solutions has developed a novel Anti-Mist System (patented)

High mist emission Low mist emission

(attached plume) (detached plume, water
condensation only)

ACCTM Anti-Mist

Our anti-mist design has several advantages vs. alternative mist abatement technologies:
■ No additional pressure drop over capture plant
■ No additional power consumption
■ No increased maintenance cost, i.e. filter replacement, cleaning, etc.
■ No increase in capital cost in contrast to alternatives like BD filter or wet ESP

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Achievements - Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM)
 World’s most advanced amine plant (CC from CHP & cracker)
 Designed and delivered by Aker Solutions/Kvaerner
 Excellent industrial scale test results from 2 years operations
 Demonstrated scale-up from MTU with proprietary solvents
 Our Advanced Carbon Capture Technology (ACCTM) is ready
for the market

© 2017 Aker Solutions

Slide 26
ACCTM Amine Process summary
Based on SOLVit and other spin-off activities Aker Solutions can offer:
■ Green solvent (green as an amine solvent can be) with:
■ Improved HSE characteristics (non-toxic, nonhazardous for aquatic
organisms, ready biodegradable, etc.)
■ Improved energy consumption
■ Low degradation and waste (robust)
■ Minimum corrosion
■ Efficient reclamation (HSS removal ~90%)

■ Improved carbon capture plants with:

■ Minimum emission (best in class)
■ Minimum liquid waste (robust solvent and efficient reclamation)
■ Less energy requirement (- 35%)
■ Cheaper materials, lifetime >25 years
■ High availability (93% at TCM campaign)
■ Technology and process validated through long term operation in
industrial scale

ACCTM is ready for full scale market

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UK Competition 1 (2009-2011) – FEED by Aker Solutions
ScottishPower Consortium winner of competition
Longannet 1st CC from ■ National Grid
Coal Fired Power Station Coal in UK
2400 MW SP Consortium members:
■ Scottish Power
■ Shell
■ Aker Solutions

UK Competition:

 CO2 capture from coal fired plant

 Capture: 2 million tons CO2 per year

 Full chain within 2014

 Capture, transport & permanent storage

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Cooperation with Norcem in Brevik, Norway
 1st large scale testing globally on a
cement factory – pioneer work!  part of the Heidelberg Group and cooperates with ECRA
 one of three candidates for national CCS demo project in Norway
 Excellent MTU test results from May  has selected our ACCTM technology for further developments
2014 till October 2015
 Ongoing study (capture, integration,
intermittent storage & ship loading)
 Cement industry is a good candidate
for carbon capture:
6% of global emissions
 High CO2 content (18-22 volume-%), (Gas
power= 3,5%, coal= 13%)
 Available waste heat for the amine plant (almost
0 GJ/ton CO2
for free)
 Gives more compact and competitive capture

 Capture plant 400 000 tons CO2/year

 equivalent to 205 000 fossil fuelled cars

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CCS Demo Project Norway
National CCS demo project within 2022
■ Coordinated by Gassnova Offshore EOR pilot
■ 3 alternative capture plants have been qualified: Norcem 800 000 t/y
• Klemetsrud (W-t-E)
• Norcem (cement)
• Yara (fertilizer)
■ Ship transport of CO2 to storage site at Kollsnes
CO2 Kollsnes
■ 3 alternative offshore storage reservoir have been evaluated
by Statoil. Smeaheia is recommended Smeaheia
formation 8-12” EGE 300 000 t/y
Yara 900 000 t/y

Present schedule:
■ Feasibility studies completed in May
■ Concept/FEED period 2017-2018
■ Project sanction in 2019 Storage*

■ Project completion 2022

*3500 tons CO2
Possible offshore EOR pilot as add-on

8000 tons CO2

Slide 30 (-25oC & 16 bara) © 2017 Aker Solutions
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

Aker Solutions offers technology and solutions for the entire carbon capture, utilization and storage value chain

■ Carbon capture technology

■ CO2 transport solutions
■ CO2 injection templates (subsea)
■ CO2 storage evaluations
■ CO2 EOR evaluations
■ CO2 separation from natural gas
■ Closed flare systems
■ Equipment and plant delivery
■ CO2 as feed stock for products

Engaged in CCS projects since 1996

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Contact details
Oscar Graff
Vice President, Head of CCUS

Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage (CCUS)

Aker Solutions AS
Oksenøyveien 8

Mailing address: PO Box 94, NO-1325 Lysaker, Norway

Phone: +47 67 59 50 00
Fax: +47 67 51 35 90

Read more about CCUS in Aker Solutions:

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Copyright of all published material including photographs, drawings and images in this document remains vested in Aker Solutions and third party contributors
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This Presentation includes and is based, inter alia, on forward-looking information and statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause
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“believes”, “estimates” or similar expressions. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expectations include, among
others, economic and market conditions in the geographic areas and industries that are or will be major markets for Aker Solu tions’ businesses, oil prices,
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