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The Simulate User Interface Functionality Page 1 of 2

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Concept: The Simulate User Interface Functionality

The Simulate User Interface Functionality
The most common commands for simulation model definition, analysis, and postprocessing can be accessed by
using commands located on the Simulate tabs. The tabs are located on a ribbon at the top of the workspace and
group-related commands.

Figure 1 – The Simulate Tabs – Embedded Mode

The following tabs are available:

• File
◦ Commands to create new (available in embedded mode), open, or save a file.

◦ Commands to manage a file or session.

• Home
◦ Select current coordinate system, and enter Simulation Model Setup.

◦ Commands for simulation model definition and properties. Create and review loads, constraints,
materials, and measures.

◦ Enter Simulate analysis definition dialog, and enter the postprocessor.

◦ Access Diagnostics for model debugging.

• Refine Model
◦ Commands for simulation model refinement, idealizations, connections, surface and volumes, regions,
datums, and editing.

◦ Commands to define mesh settings and create mesh (AutoGEM), and define geometry tolerance for
the simulation geometry translation, and simulation geometry and connectivity review.

• Inspect
◦ Commands to obtain information about the model, geometry (length or distance), interferences, mass
properties, short edges (important for meshing), or model size.

• Tools
◦ Reports information about the simulation and CAD model, such as regeneration tolerances, feature
information, or parameters. There also is a search tool.

• View
◦ Commands for model display settings like datum planes, points, or coordinate systems. 09-03-2018
The Simulate User Interface Functionality Page 2 of 2

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The Quick Access toolbar is located above the main ribbon on the left and contains frequently used commands.
You can customize the Quick Access toolbar by adding or removing commands. You can also display the Quick
Access toolbar above or below the ribbon.

Help is located above the main ribbon on the right. In addition to the traditional help files, there is a Command
Search utility and Context-Sensitive help. 09-03-2018

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