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Criteria 4 3 2 1

Exceeding Meeting
Organization Extremely well-organized. Organized. Structure allows Somewhat organized Poorly organized. A clear
Order and structure of reader to move through structure allows reader to sense of direction is not
information is compelling content without confusion. move through some of the evident. Flow is frequently
and flows smoothly. Flows smoothly. content without confusion. interrupted.
Flow is sometimes
Content Thorough and insightful Complete understanding of Shows some Shows incomplete
understanding of content content understanding of content understanding of material
Creativity Enthusiastically uses Use of materials and ideas Shows some use of Shows minimal effort for
materials and ideas for for enhancement materials and ideas enhancement of materials
enhancement and ideas
Ideas Insightful and well Ideas are considered: more Ideas are somewhat on Ideas are unclear; few
considered ideas making than one thoughtful topic; makes some connections
multiple connections connection is made connections

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