English FPSC Uts Iba Nts Css Notes

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‫بسم ﷲ الر ٰمحن الرحمی‬


1. Aslam speak the truth. Aslam speaks the truth.√
2. We offer electronic toys as well as rents out video games.
We offer electronic toys as well as rent out video games. √
3. There is many reasons why I can’t help you
There are many reasons why I can’t help you. √
4. The king along with his ministers deserve to be punished.
The king along with his ministers deserves to be punished. √
5. He assures me that everything together with other matters have been written.
He assures me that everything together with other matters has been written. √
6. Frank, accompanied by his students, were at the studio.
Frank, accompanied by his students, was at the studio. √
7. The child, together with his grandmother and his parents, are going to the beach.
The child, together with his grandmother and his parents, is going to the beach. √
8. Neither Aslam nor his friends is busy. Neither Aslam nor his friends are busy. √
9. Not only chairs but also bed are broken. Not only chairs but also bed is broken. √
10. Neither the supervisor nor the staff members was able to calm the distressed client.
Neither the supervisor nor the staff members were able to calm the distressed client. √
11. Neither the staff members nor the supervisor were able to calm the distressed client.
Neither the staff members nor the supervisor was able to calm the distressed client. √
12. You can either stay here nor come with us.
You can either stay here or come with us. √
13. Neither Ahmad nor Aslam are going to school.
Neither Ahmad nor Aslam is going to school. √
14. Gold and silver is precious metals. Gold and silver are precious metals. √
15. Bread and butter are to earn. Bread and butter is to earn. √
16. Horse and carriage are at the gate. Horse and carriage is at the gate. √
17. Two and two makes four. Two and two make four. √
18. The lecturer and lawyer have arrived. The lecturer and lawyer has arrived. √
19. The lecturer and the lawyer has arrived. The lecturer and the lawyer have arrived. √
20. We have a little coins. We have a few coins. √
21. There is a few water in the jug. There is a little water in the jug. √
NOUN and RELATIVE PRONOUN (who-humans/pets, which-things/animals)
22. This is the dog that bites. This is the dog which bites. √
23. Ahmed appreciated the mobiles that he saw in the market.
Ahmed appreciated mobiles which he saw in the market. √
24. I met a beggar in the street who was blind.
I met a beggar who was blind in the street. √
25. Ali appreciated the people that he met in the market.
Ali appreciated the people whom he met in the market. √
26. This is the most intelligent girl whom I have ever met.
This is the most intelligent girl that I have ever met. √
27. All which glitters is not gold. All that glitters is not gold. √
28. You may choose any topic which you wish. You may choose any topic that you wish. √
29. Ahmed appreciated the people & things which he saw in the market.
Ahmed appreciated the people & things that he saw in the market. √
30. This is the same pen which I got yesterday. This is the same pen that I got yesterday. √
31. My shoes is missing. My shoes are missing. √
32. These goggles is too small. These goggles are too small. √
33. A pair of shoes are missing. A pair of shoes is missing. √
34. The wages of sin are hell. The wages of sin is hell. √
35. Wages is paid on Fridays. Wages are paid on Fridays. √
36. Mathematics are an easy subject. Mathematics is an easy subject. √
37. Her mathematics are good. Her mathematics is good. √
38. Politics are a game of rich people. Politics is a game of rich people. √
39. Her politics is very good. Her politics are very good. √
40. 90% of students in the class is dull. 90% of students in the class are dull. √
41. 90% of class are dull. 90% of class is dull. √
42. None of students in the class are dull. None of students in class is dull. √
INVERSION (hardly/scarcely – when) (no sooner-then) (after them H.V)
43. Hardly we had covered our syllabus then the examination started.
Hardly had we covered our syllabus when the examination started. √
44. Before Lahore was so prosperous. Before was Lahore so prosperous. √
45. No sooner we did covered our syllabus when the examination started.
No sooner did we covered our syllabus then the examination started. √
46. Five thousand are not a big amount. Five thousand is not a big amount. √
47. Fifty miles are not a long distance. Fifty miles is not a long distance. √
48. Four million are a big amount. Four million is a big amount. √
49. The brave is admired by us. The brave are admired by us. √
50. The wise was they. The wise were they. √
51. The poor is fed by us. The poor are fed by us. √
52. A poor are fed by us. A poor is fed by us. √
53. A number of students in the class is dull. A number of students in the class are dull. √
54. The number of students in the class are dull. The number of students in the class is dull. √
VERB AFTER who & which (Noun+who/which+V/H.V)
55. He is one of the students who comes late. He is one of the students who come late. √
56. Ali is one of the teachers who is my favorite.
Ali is one of the teachers who are my favorite. √
57. Majid is only one of the boys who play game.
Majid is only one of the boys who plays game. √
58. He is the only one of the ministers who have dismissed.
He is the only one of the ministers who has dismissed. √
59. Although she ran fast but she couldn’t catch the train.
Although she ran fast, she couldn’t catch the train. √
60. Work hard lest you will fail. Work hard lest you should fail. √
SUCH (as-example, that-explanation)
61. These apples are not such that I bought yesterday.
These apples are not such as I bought yesterday. √
62. We were considered such dunces as we could learn only English.
We were considered such dunces that we could learn only English. √
SAME (that-100% same, as-not 100% same)
63. This is the same pen as I bought yesterday.
This is the same pen that I bought yesterday. √
THAN (comparison), THEN (time)
64. I would rather die then beg. I would rather die than beg. √
65. I don’t know whether Salma is coming are not.
I don’t know whether Salma is coming or not. √
66. Ahmad is wiser to Ali. Ahmad is wiser than Ali. √
67. She said something & than rode ahead. She said something & then rode ahead. √
68. Ahmad is taller than any other boy in the class. Ahmad is taller then any other boy in the class. √
AS-AS (positive), SO-AS (negative)
69. He is as lucky so his friend. He is as lucky as his friend. √
70. Ahmad is not as lucky as his friend. Ahmad is not so lucky as his friend. √
71. I wish I was a doctor. I wish I were a doctor. √
72. I wish I have been an Engineer. I wish I had been an Engineer. √
73. Ali behaves as if he was a doctor. Ali behaves as If he were a doctor. √
74. Ali behaved as if he was a doctor. Ali behaved as if he had been a doctor. √
FROM (distance-to), (time-till)
75. From Lahore to Karachi. Form Lahore to Karachi. √
76. From morning to evening. From morning till evening. √
77. I already seen this movie. I have already seen this movie. √
78. (verb) Salma got up early took breakfast & goes to work.
Salma got up early took breakfast & went to work. √
79. (gerund) Ahmed is fond of swimming, cooking, singing & to garden.
Ahmed is fond of swimming, cooking, singing & gardening. √
80. (adj) She is nice, intelligent & wisely. She is nice, intelligent & wise. √
81. (adv) Salam made us speech correctly, frankly & eloquent.
Salam made us speech correctly, frankly & eloquently. √
REDUNDANCY (unnecessary repetition)
82. Pleas repeat it again. Please repeat it. √
83. Ali has returned back. Ali has returned. √
84. Ideas that connect together easily to form a theory.
Ideas that connect easily to form a theory. √
85. We will proceed according to forward plan.
We will proceed according to plan. √
i) Double subject vi) Double Comparative
ii) Double relative pronoun vii) Double Superlative
iii) Double preposition viii) Double Future
iv) Double negative ix) Double Past Perfect
v) Double interrogative x) Double Conjunction
86. Ahmed went to Lahore & he visited Ali. Ahmed went to Lahore & visited Ali. √
87. This is the organization that which I want to be associated with.
This is the organization that I want to be associated with. √
88. What that was supposed to mean? What was that supposed to mean? √
89. He asked me what was I doing. He asked me what I was doing. √
90. For what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? √
NOT (x) (least, refuse, neither, none, until, unless, deny, hardly, scarcely, forbade)
91. My mother forbade me not to go outside. My mother forbade me to go outside. √
92. Ahmed is more wiser than Ali. Ahmed is wiser than Ali. √
93. Ali is the most ablest boy in the class. Ali is the ablest boy in the class. √
94. If he will come, I will go. If he comes, I will go. √
95. If she had come, I had gone. If she had come, I would have gone. √
96. I asked him whether if he was busy. I asked him if he was busy. √
WORDINESS & VERBOSITY (short preference, long) (active preference, passive)
97. I have a pen which is red in coluor. I have a red pen. √
98. Majid behaved in a very polite manner. Majid behaved politely. √
RUN ON (two independent clause-not separated by (,))
(If, after, because/FANBOYS)-Start with them-dependent clause (can be separated by (,))
99. I am ill, I cannot come. I am ill; I cannot come. √
100. I am ill, I cannot come. I am ill. I cannot come. √
101. I am ill, I cannot come. I am ill, so I cannot come. √
102. When only a child my father took to the cinema.
When I was only a child my father took me to the cinema. √
103. The thief was chased in a mobile van by the police.
The thief was chased by the police in a mobile van. √
104. If they work hard, they can pass. If they work hard, they will pass. √
105. If it’s sunny, we go to the park. If it’s sunny, we’ll go to the park. √
106. If I won a million dollars, I will buy a car.
If I won a million dollars, I would buy a car. √
107. If the weather had been good, we would gone water-skiing.
If the weather had been good, we would have gone water-skiing. √
108. If I had listened your advice, I will not be in the mess.
If I had listened your advice, I wouldn’t be in the mess. √
109. If you had worked hard, you could have pass.
If you had worked hard, you would have pass. √
110. If I were you, I will help you. If I were you, I would help you. √
111. If I were a good cook, I would invited them to dinner.
If I were a good cook, I would have invited them to dinner. √
112. If it rains, the grass will get wet. If it rains, the grass gets wet. √
113. If you heat water at 100 degrees, it will boil. If you heat water at 100 degrees, it boils. √


114. He sprung back as he heard the sound of explosion.
He sprang back as he heard the sound of explosion. √
115. If you don’t work, you will be hung. If you don’t work you will be hanged. √
116. The keys hanged on the wall. The keys hung on the wall. √
117. The empire was found by the king. The empire was founded by the king. √
118. The dampness began to effect my health.
The dampness began to affect my health. √
119. The consequences then have an affect on the community.
The consequences then have an effect (noun) on the community. √
120. The rebel war in north of Uganda has affected many changes.
The rebel war in north of Uganda has effected (verb) many changes. √
TRANSITIVE & INTRANSITIVE VERBS (transitive requires object, intransitive doesn’t)
121. My father said me, what the doctor had said.
My father said to me, what the doctor had said. √
122. My father told me, what the doctor had told.
My father told me, what the doctor had told to him. √
123. She lay (lie) (I.T) for a long time in that position. √
124. He laid (lay) (T) his head on her shoulders. √
125. Hen laid (lay) (I.T) eggs last day. √
126. The woodcutter was falling the trees. The woodcutter was felling (fall) (T) the trees. √
127. Lastnight I felled on the ground. Last night I fell (fell) (I.T) on the ground. √
128. The sun rises (I.T) in the east. √
129. The students raised (T) their hands. √
130. We arrived (I.T) the place before time. We arrived to (T) the place before time. √
131. The guests have arrived (I.T). √
132. We reached (T) the place before time. √
133. His land reaches (T) the river. His land reaches to (I.T) the river. √

SUBJUNCTIVE (verb be + V3r form)

134. It is required that workers should be present.
It is required that workers be present. √
135. It was requested that she should comes to party.
It was requested that she come to party. √
136. It is recommended that the machine should be checked regularly.
It is recommended that the machine be checked regularly. √
CAUSITIVE (get-to+V1/person) (get-V3/thing), (Have+V1/person) (Have+V3/thing)
137. I got my lawyer change the will. I got my lawyer to change the will. √
138. I had my lawyer to change the will. I had my lawyer change the will. √
139. I had my hair cut & sell. I had my hair cut & sold. √
140. I got my hair cut & sell. I got my hair cut & sold. √
141. I helped him to organize a function. I helped him organize a function. √
INFINITIVE (to+V1-agree, decide, promise, fail, refuse, intend, plan, manage)
142. He promised helping me. He promised to help me. √
143. They decided going abroad. They decided to go abroad. √
144. They refused answering the question. They refused to answer the question. √

BARE INFINITIVE (V1+had better, would rather, dare not, need not)
145. You had better to leave. You had better leave. √
146. You need not to worry. You need not worry. √
147. I would rather die than to beg. I would rather die than beg. √
148. I would rather you to drive the car. I would rather you drove the car. √
VERBS OF PERCEPTION/SENSES (V1-hair, see, watch, feel, notice)
149. I felt my hair to flutter. I felt my hair flutter. √
150. Ali saw Ahmed to pick up pocket book. Ali saw Ahmed pick up pocket book. √
VERBS OF SENSES (watch, appear, see, feel), (no-ing form)
151. The flower is smelling good. The flower smells good. √
152. The country watched as stocks are felling sharply.
The country watched as stocks fell sharply. √
153. One by one, the stars are appearing in the sky.
One by one, the stars appeared in the sky. √
154. He knows how teach. He knows how to teach. √
GERUND (V1+ing form-stop, finish, avoid, miss, argue, deny, like, enjoy, remember, look
forward to, with a view to, is/am/are+ used to, abduct/object/adverse/confess to)
155. We missed to meet him. We missed meeting him. √
156. He denied to help us. He denied helping us. √
157. They enjoy to play all the day. They enjoy playing all the day. √
158. He is adverse to smoke. He is adverse to smoking. √
159. He confess to murder. He confess to murdering. √
160. He is used to smoke. He is used to smoking. √
REFLEXIVE PRONOUN (avail, avenge, enjoy, absent-except object)
161. He absented from the college. He absented himself from the college. √
162. They availed of the chance. They availed themselves of the chance. √
163. I went to the party & enjoyed myself music there.
I went to the party & enjoyed music there. √
164. I went to the party & enjoyed there. I went to the party & enjoyed myself there. √

NOUN (the + proper noun + of), the + Islands

165. The India is a popular country. India is a popular country. √
166. The Shakespeare wrote 36 plays. Shakespeare wrote 36 plays. √
167. Ahmed is Tipu Sultan of our class. Ahmed is the Tipu Sultan of our class. √
168. Swat is Switzerland of Pakistan. Swat is the Switzerland of Pakistan. √
169. The America is a rich country. The USA is a rich country. √
170. The England is a well-known country. The UK is a well known country. √
171. A lot of present. A lot of presents. √
172. A lot of milks. A lot of milk. √
ABSTRACT NOUN-UNCOUNTABLE (the + abstract + of)
173. Bravery of Tipu Sultan is admitted all over the world.
The bravery of Tipu Sultan is admitted all over the world. √
174. The wisdom is not for sale. Wisdom is not for sale. √
175. The honesty is the best policy. Honesty is the best policy. √
176. I received many informations. I received many pieces of information. √
177. I bought two chocolates. sI bought two bars of chocolate. √
178. I bought two golds. I bought two rings of gold. √
MATERIAL NOUN-UNCOUNTABLE (the + material noun + of)
179. The iron is a useful metal. Iron is a useful metal. √
180. The gold is a precious metal. Gold is a precious metal. √
181. Gold of Lahore is expensive. The gold of Lahore is expensive. √
182. Iron of Karachi is the best. The iron of Karachi is the best. √
183. Iron used in this building. The iron used in this building. √

Wood ‫لکڑی‬ Woods ‫جنگالت‬
Copper ‫تانبا‬ Coppers ‫سکے‬
Iron ‫لوہا‬ Irons ‫زنجیر‬
Glass ‫شیشہ‬ Glasses ‫عینک‬
Air ‫ہوا‬ Airs ‫تاثرات‬
Force ‫طاقت‬ Forces ‫افواج‬
Good ‫اچھا‬ Goods ‫چیزیں‬
Water ‫پانی‬ Waters ‫سمندر‬
Ground ‫زمین‬ Grounds ‫بنیاد‬
Mean ‫کنجوس‬ Means ‫ذراع‬
COLLECTIVE NOUN (plural-police)
184. The police is coming. The police are coming. √
185. The gentry was present in the meeting. The gentry were present in the meeting.√
186. The army are chasing terrorists. The army is chasing terrorist. √
187. The jury was divided in their verdict. The jury were divided in their verdict. √
188. The audience was returning to their seats.
The audience were returning to their seats. √
189. A majority of the shareholders want the merger.
A majority of the shareholders wants the merger. √
190. The jury was in disagreement. The jury were in disagreement. √
COMPOUND NOUN-Noun being used as an adjective is not pluralized.
191. Three weeks vacation. Three week vacation. √
192. Five hundred books library. Five hundred book library. √
193. One hundred kilometers road. One hundred kilometer road. √
194. Five years plan. Five year plan. √
POSSESION (humans, animals-apostrophe)
195. Table’s leg is broken. Leg of table is broken. √
196. Ali’s car. Ali’s car. √
197. Ahmed’s house. Ahmed’s house. √
198. Commander’s in chief room is dirty. Commander in chief’s room is dirty. √
199. Father’s in law assets. Father in law’s assets. √
200. He caught three fishes in the river. He caught three fish in the river. √
201. He has made a research on fish of Indian Ocean.
He has made a research on fishes of Indian Ocean. √
202. In the Pacific Ocean, we saw unusual fish that one never sees in Europe.
In the Pacific Ocean, we saw unusual fishes that one never sees in Europe. √
203. She has curly hairs. She has curly hair. √
204. Her hairs are black. Her hair are black. √
205. He found a hairs in her soup. He found a hair in his soup. √
206. He has two white hair in his beard. He has two white hairs in his beard. √
Phenomenon Phenomena Datum data
Errectum Errecta Medium media
corrigendum corrigenda criterion criteria
Analysis analyses Crisis crises
Cattle Cattle Vacation Vacation
Furniture Furniture Poetry Poetry
Machinery Machinery Equipment Equipment
Fish Fish Luggage Luggage
Rice Rice Scenery Scenery
PRONOUN-SUBJECTIVE CASE (before verb, after H.V, after than & as, not with WHO)
207. He played well. He played well. √
208. I watched the game live. I watched the game live. √
209. It was him who knocked at the door. It was he who knocked at the door. √
210. It is her. It is she. √
211. Ahmed is taller than me. Ahmed is taller than I. √
212. You are as clever as me. You are as clever as I. √
213. He who wins the race he will get the prize. He who wins the race will get the prize. √

OBJECTIVE CASE (after verb, after prep, after let & between)
214. He came to meet I at my village. He came to meet me at my village. √
215. He brought a book for they. He brought a book for them. √
216. The matter was between he & I. The matter was between him & me. √
217. Let we play the game. Let us play the game. √
218. Let I speak the truth. Let me speak the truth. √
BOTH or ALL-comes after THAN
219. Sheis wiser than they all. She is wiser than them all. √
220. Ahmed was better than we both. Ahmed was better than us both. √
221. I, you & he distribute the gifts. You, he & I distribute the gifts. √
222. He, I & you are friends. You, he & I are friends. √
223. You, he & I are suspects in this foul deed.
I, he & you are suspects in this foul deed. √
224. He, I & you are enemies. I, he & you are enemies. √
225. Ahmed & Ali were walking along the road he saw an accident.
Ahmed & Ali were walking along the road Ali saw an accident. √
226. Ahmed & Ali were walking along the road he saw an accident.
Ahmed & Ali were walking along the road the latter saw an accident. √
GENERAL RULES (for possession-no Apostrophe, except one’s)
227. Each cow, buffalo & horse has lost it’s life.
Each cow, buffalo & horse has lost its life. √
228. Take her’s & do the same. Take hers & do the same. √
229. The money is our’s not mine. The money is ours not mine. √
230. One should do ones duty. One should do one’s duty. √
231. He dislikes me going there. He dislikes my going there. √
232. They likes we talking way. The like our talking way. √
(Each, every, many a, none, neither, either, anyone-singular pronoun-start)
233. Each of these two boys are doing their duty.
Each of these two boys is doing his duty. √
(Who, whom, whose, which) – Change to – AS/THAT –after SUCH/THAT
234. He is such a man who is liked by everyone.
He is such a man as is liked by everyone. √
235. He is the same man whom I helped yesterday.
He is the same man that I helped I helped yesterday. √
236. I have bought the book. I have bought a book. √
237. This is the jug. This is a jug. √
238. There is an car. There is a car. √
239. The book is to read. A book is to read. √
240. Handover a book to me. Handover the book to me. √
241. You are sitting on a chair. You are sitting on the chair. √
242. A fan is not working today. The fan is not working today. √
243. I am going to an station. I am going to the station. √
244. This is an university. This is a university. √
245. Majid met me an year ago. Majid met me a year ago. √
246. He is a MA in English. He is an MA in English. √
247. He is a SHO. He is an SHO. √
248. He is a honest person. He is an honest person. √
249. Ahmed has book. Ahmed has a book. √
250. Ahmed has a many books. Ahmed has many books. √
251. Sugar is a made up of glucose. Sugar is made up of glucose. √
252. We took a breakfast at 7pm. We took breakfast at 7pm. √
253. A plastic is used to make foils. Plastic is used to make foils. √
254. A honesty is the best policy. Honesty is the best policy. √
255. He is boy. He is a boy. √
256. What nice book. What a nice book. √
257. Dog & cat were running in the street. A dog & a cat were running in the street. √
258. We took delicious breakfast. We took a delicious breakfast. √
259. He is a F.sc student. He is an F.sc student. √
260. He is a MA in English. He is an MA in English. √
261. Sunday of last week. The Sunday of last week. √
262. Breakfast we had in Lahore. The breakfast we had in Lahore. √
263. May of 2018 was very hot. The May of 2018 was very hot. √
264. I like the summer season. I like summer season. √
265. Unique things.
Earth, moon, sky, sun.
266. Name of holy & famous books.
The holy Quran, The Bible, The Ramayana, The Gita, The Guru Grunth.
267. Name of historical places.
The Taj Mahal, The Badshahi Masjid, The Qutub Minar, The Red fort.
268. Name of mountain ranges.
The Karakoram, The Himaliyas.
269. Names of rivers & oceans.
The Ravi, The Chenab, The Ganga, The Jamuna, The Pacific Ocean, The Atlantic
ocean, The Arabian sea.
270. Names of nations & communities.
The muslims, The Hindus, The Christians, The Jews.
271. Superlative degree.
The tallest, the best, the biggest, the highest, the largest, the deepest.
272. Name of musical instrument.
The flute, the violin, the guitar.
273. Names of the newspapers.
The NewYork times, the times of India.
274. Names of languages.
English, Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi
275. Names of relations.
Mother, father, brother, sister
276. Names of games.
Cricket, hockey, tennis, football.
277. Names of meals.
Breakfast, Lunch, dinner.
278. Names of days & months.
Sunday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, June, july, august, may
279. Names of seasons.
Summer, winter, autumn, spring.
280. Names of diseases.
Cancer, hepatitis, Anemia, TB.
GENERAL RULES (parallel increase), (the + II, + the + II)
281. The higher you go, the cool it is. The higher you go, the cooler it is. √
282. The more you eat, the speed you grow.
The more you eat, the speeder you grow. √
283. The more you learn, the more you earn. √
284. Dog is a faithful animals. The dog is a faithful animals. √
285. Nothing but some pens were distributed in the class.
Nothing but some pens was distributed in the class. √
286. Nothing but some birds and a few insects were to be seen.
Nothing but some birds and a few insects was to be seen. √
287. More than one questions were wrong in the last paper.
More than one question was wrong in the last paper. √
288. More than two boys was absent. More than two boys were absent. √
289. More students than one was present in the class.
More students than one were present in the class. √
290. A number of students was present. A number of students were present. √
291. The number of boys are forty. The number of boys is forty. √
292. This is the only pen which I bought yesterday.
This is the only pen that I bought yesterday. √
293. He has read the few books which I gave him.
He has read the few books that I gave him. √
294. My father has given me everything which he had.
My father has given me everything that he had. √
295. He informed me that he had gone to one of the minister’s residences and stayed
there all night.
He informed me that he had gone to the residence of one of the ministers and
stayed there last night. √
296. My wife has spent the little money which I gave her.
My wife has spent the little money that I gave her. √
297. More than one students have qualified the examination.
More than one student has qualified the examination. √
298. A number of girl have attended my birthday party.
A number of girls have attended my birthday party. √
299. Nothing but some boys and girls were found guilty.
Nothing but some boys and girls was found guilty. √
300. That was the best place which I had ever visited.
That was the best place that I had ever visited. √
301. Today morning I woke up late. This morning I woke up late. √
302. What’s the different? What’s the difference? √
303. I met John two years before. I met John two years ago. √
304. This is a six-months course. This is a six-month course. √
305. Thankyou. I really enjoyed. Thankyou. I really enjoyed myself. √
306. Did you loose your cellphone? Did you lose your cellphone? √
307. Yes, I have a free time. Yes, I have free time. √
CORRECTION OF SENTENCES (paper of English precis & comp CE-2019)
309. He enjoyed during the holidays. He enjoyed himself during the holidays. √
310. None of the boys had learnt their lesson. None of the boys had learnt his lesson. √
311. He abusing the money of his father. He is wasting the money of his father. √
312. I regret at the delay. I regret the delay. √
313. I couldn’t help but laugh. I could not help laughing. √
314. I always have and always shall be your friend.
I have been and shall be your friend. √
315. I was out walking when I saw the new moon in the garden.
When I saw the new moon I was walking out in the garden. √
316. He cried as if he was mad. He cried as if he were mad. √
317. What time do we arrive …………..…. Our destination? ( )
318. It is warming up; ……….……….. Noon we should be able to go swimming. ( )
319. We are flying …….………… some rough weather; please fasten your seat belt. ( )
320. My parents are not responsible ……….………. My actions. ( )
321. This pen is ………….…... Cooking omelets. ( )
322. ………..…. Poor attendance, this course is being cancelled. ( )
323. The police took the men in ………….……. Questioning. ( )
324. The woman you gave the book …….…….…. Is my aunt. ( )


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