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Chapter 1

Wind whipped her face as she set out into the starry night, inhabiting a field near the large

forest. Her ears stung as she ran away from her only home known to her. Burning down in
the chaotic mess of fire and ice, mother calls her name. Loventrice could hear many guards

thundering all about the engulfed castle as her heart pounded hard against her ribs. Run my
child! Her mother had said before the assassin wrestled her to the ground.

“Mom!” Loventrice cried and sobbed as she saw and witnessed the final blow to her
mom’s head as a massive fist collided to the side of her head. Blood spilled everywhere and

the queen of Lathenstar was struck deadly to the ground. She watched in horror as the
assassins ripped Lynda, the queen but also mom of her own, bleeding to death, fighting with

all but her own dagger. Kluseen, death of all weapons they had called it. My mom must have
known it was useless and so she cast the blade as far as she could to the fields where she told

Loventrice to retrieve it and flee.

Loventrice jolted awake, hardly able to move, or think. She was soaked in her own sweat

down to the very bone. Whatever had caused that horrid memory to arouse in her dreams
sure knew how to get her attention. She slowly got out of bed and trudged over to the

bathing room. Grasping onto the sink counter, she stole a quick glance at her own reflection.

She looked like a whole new character, ready to be added to The Walking Dead.
Disgusted by herself, she quickly chucked off her clothes and took a nice long bath.

All the duty and everything that comes along with being a princess in waiting to be queen
had been tragedy back then. That is why she kept her identity a secret.

Every day after the incident, every day the castle was vacated, she would run back and

take away as many riches she could possibly carry with her magically amplified strength to
her little cottage her wood nymph friends had had built in a forest around a mile away from

a small village. Loventrice had fled from the castle which now lay in ruins well over 50 miles
away. The forest creatures had taken care of her every day since. Come to think about it, she

had been in this forest for 11 months. Still, the nymphs knew that she was Loventrice
Lathenstar, heir to the queen’s throne while possessing extreme powers beyond any life in all

the Angelester generations.

Angelester, the half human and half angel creature that dwell in the forest of
Umbrehae and beyond. This forest is the border between the mortal world and the immortal

world. Loventrice’s parents had been King and Queen of all Euthynius, the land of Angelester.
Many rebel assassins always tried their best at taking over the family. 11 months ago, they had

almost succeeded but didn’t realize that they left one member of the royal blood line, one

member who might have just been 18 years old but still as tough as a lion.

This member was Loventrice.

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