Essay 2

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“My dream trip” Agency:

Or maybe the trip of my nightmares. I’m contacting you because I thought that I had got my dream
trip planned but actually I want to put a claim for damages, and I need an explanation about the bad
experience of the trip. I’m used to buying a travel package in your agency, but I regret that I hadn’t
planned it myself. It seems that someone without experience would have organized it. You must
have told me that you didn’t have a worker who commissioned my travel plan.

First, my plane ticket had the wrong ID number, so I had to bribe with a lot of money to the airline
lady, then, when I was checking my site, I realized that it wasn’t first class, at that moment I thought
that I needed to bite the bullet, I believed that it was the worst thing that could happen. I was
intending to enjoy my trip and lived it up. Having arrived at the airport, I took my luggage but one
of them was delayed, I was waiting during one hour and my driver left, I didn’t have his cell number,
so I had to take a cabbie but he warned me that the hotel had changed its name and I should be
careful with that. When I arrived, the receptionist explained that there wasn’t a booking. I was going
to call you but, in the end, and after explaining to her the problem, I had to take a regular room, it
was disappointing not taking the room which cost me a great deal of money. In fact, I’m not used to
that kind of mistreatments. I wish I’d changed the hotel that night because the next day when I
wanted to have my breakfast, the restaurant denied me the service, they said that I had to pay extra
cash due to that my package didn’t include meals. I must have warmed you but honestly, I was
determined to enjoy my trip, I was living up to my dream, in other words, I was on a cloud nine

But the next days the situation got worse, the sightseeing started late, we didn’t go to all the
scheduled visits, the meals were not too keen on and we never had our yacht ride. Having had so
many problems I decided to call you, but you never answered, I was texting by WhatsApp and writing
an email. Truly, the travel was a pain in the neck

It's time you assumed the responsibility, indeed, in the travel there were lots of people with the
same problem and for the next trip, I’d rather not choose you again. You’d better respond to this
letter as soon as possible unless you prefer to get a sue and a big fine.

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