Survey of Uncontrolled Crimes in Pakistan: Submitted To

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Syed Muhammad Waqas Shah
(Lecturer IT-NUML Multan)

➤ Areesha Malik
➤ Uswah Hameed
➤ Soha Tariq
➤ Amna Asad
➤ Ismail Afzal
➤ Imran Hassan
➤ Muhammad Asif

Serial Subject Page



2.1 Crimes against person 4

2.2 Crimes against property 4

2.3 Organized Crimes 4

2.4 White Collar Crimes 4

2.5 Victimless Crimes 4



4.1 Unemployment/Poverty 6

4.2 Illiteracy 6

4.3 Inflation 6

4.4 Urbanization 6

4.5 Poor Police department 6

4.6 Family Conditions 6

4.7 Peer Presence 6


5.1 Robbery 7

5.2 Rape 7

5.3 Drug Dealing 7

5.4 Kidnapping 7

5.5 Cyber Crime 8

5.6 Murder 8

5.7 Corruption 8




Crime is described as “The exertion or occurrence of negligence that in result causes harm for
the people’s well-being or to their ethics or to the state’s interests that is illicit”. In accordance
with the definition of the sociological department, crime means the breaking of rules and
regulations of which, punishment may be directed finally by the administrative authority. The
word crime is derived from the Latin word Crimen.

Crime is not just limited to few countries; it is everywhere across the world. It is described
disparately by different countries according to their own criminal codes. There is no such
country where there is no crime. According to the United Nations surveys, statistics regarding
usual crimes (murder, robbery, rape, theft, fraud, assault and burglary) are being reported by a
growing numbers of countries. Crime rate that is evaluated by surveys is globally higher as
compared to those official records of crimes. Crimes are of numerous kinds such as; Crimes
against Person, Crimes against Property, White Collar Crimes and Victimless Crimes etc.

Types of crimes:
 Crimes against person:
Crimes against person are those crimes which directly affect people like murder, attempt to
murder, kidnapping, rape or sexual assault etc.

 Crimes against property:

Crimes against property are those ones which cause harms to the property of people like bank
dacoit, highway dacoit, bank robbery, Petrol pump robbery, burglary, cattle theft etc.

 Organized crimes:
Organized crimes are those crimes which are done according to a definite plan like drug
trafficking, Cyber-crimes, terrorism etc.

 White collar crimes:

White collar crimes are those crimes which are committed by a person having high social status
in the course of his occupation. For example corruption, insider trading, tax evasion, theft etc.

 Victimless crimes:
Victimless crimes include drug addiction, prostitute, suicide etc.

Crime rates 2016-17 in Pakistan:
According to Pakistan Bureau of Statistics, in 2016 and 2017 the rate of crimes against persons and
crimes against property is high as compared to other crimes. These crimes are mostly observed in
Punjab and KPK. Such crimes include murder, robbery, theft, abduction etc.

Crime rate in Pakistan, 2016

Offence Punjab KPK Sindh Baluchistan Pakistan

Murder 3995 2481 1445 382 8516

Attempt to murder 4647 2900 1955 340 10279

Kidnapping/Abduction 13349 1214 2891 215 18057

Dacoit crimes 825 58 707 30 1636

Robbery 10078 206 2409 160 13088

Burglary 11586 840 1472 154 14572

Cattle theft 5384 122 419 67 6068

Other theft 29674 1093 2455 249 34320

Other 328610 163403 58794 7051 571018

Total recorded crimes 408148 172317 72547 8648 677554

Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

A very little difference in the crime rate has been observed from 2016 to 2017.

Crime rate in Pakistan, 2017

Offence Punjab KPK Sindh Baluchistan Pakistan

Murder 3914 2361 1409 325 8235

Attempt to murder 4440 2641 1644 333 9499

Kidnapping/Abduction 13558 1197 2927 248 18363

Dacoit crimes 602 45 572 38 1280

Robbery 9385 276 2364 185 12458

Burglary 11023 798 1344 135 13833

Cattle theft 4721 126 383 39 5342

Other theft 33053 882 2221 272 37304

Other 325149 172504 57409 7917 577611

Total recorded crimes 405845 180830 70273 9492 683925

Source: Pakistan Bureau of Statistics

Reasons behind crimes:

Many reasons are involved in the increasing rate of crimes in Pakistan. Some of these reasons are
as follows:

➤ Unemployment/Poverty:
The major cause of crimes in Pakistan is unemployment and poverty. When
unemployment rate increase, the opportunities of earning income decrease. As a result
people commit more crimes.

➤ Illiteracy:

Illiteracy rate is high in Pakistan which is another great cause of crimes. Uneducated
people use illegal ways for earning purposes.

➤ Inflation:
Moreover inflation promotes crimes. Increased prices result in the decreased income level
of people belonging to low income group. There should be a stability maintained between
price and income level.

➤ Urbanization:
Urbanization refers to the population shift from rural areas to urban areas. The gradual
increase in the proportion of people living in urban areas causes many problems. It is a
great reason behind increasing crimes in Pakistan. Government should take steps to
reduce urbanization or should provide better facilities.

➤ Poor police department:

It has been identified constantly that Pakistan’s police forces are supervised dreadfully,
poorly trained, awfully politicized and are chronically corrupt. This is also a reason
behind increasing crime rate in Pakistan.

➤ Family Conditions:
People who are neglected by their families and do not get the love and attention that they
desire also get involved into criminal activities. Physical or emotional torture by the
families also forces children to get involved in crimes.

➤ Peer Presence:
Youth lack the strength to resist what they see from their peers and often lay their hands
in crimes.

Effects caused by reasons mentioned on previous page are as follows:

The Robbery causes fear and anxiety in criminal. The criminal may take the advantage of
money temporarily but the fright of the evidence left behind will lead to his incarceration.
Moreover it causes property loss for victims.

Rape not only affects the victim but also his relationships, which leads him to attempt
Suicide, Homicide and Aids related deaths. A wide range of reactions can impact victims.
They are emotional, psychological and physical reactions.

Drug Dealing:
Substance abuse results in several health care problems such as liver disorders from alcohol,
lung diseases from smoking and the overdose of drugs results in HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis and

The negative psychological effects of kidnapping on a person are depression and anxiety.
Kidnapping for ransom causes loss of money for the people and the victims may undergo
through physical torture.

Cyber Crimes:
Such crimes cause attacks on businesses. Hackers may attempt to take one company’s server
to steal information. They may leak secret information of a country or wide businesses. It
results to a great loss.

A murder not only affects the targeted person but also the people around him. Either it is
attempted in a higher society or a lower society both react differently based upon previous
actions. It spreads discomfort among the people and results in loss of lives.

Corruption done at higher or lower level causes problems of accountability and transparency
to the public. Corruption leads to the depletion of national wealth. Furthermore, it
discourages people to work together for the common good.

Police Response:
It has been observed over last few years that Pakistan’s police department has not remained
active against crimes. They have failed to improve and modernize their police institutions. There
are different punishments for different crimes according to their penal code in Pakistan law
system but due to poor management, these laws are not implied correctly. Government is
enforced to pay more heed for the purpose to innovate’ the police forces and to encourage their
infrastructure because of increasing crimes and militancy throughout the whole country.

There are some of the solutions which should be adopted by the Government to reduce the
increasing crime rate making the way of progress smooth for the country.

 Judiciary system should be made strong and accessible to every citizen in Pakistan.

 Sincere and honest officers should be appointed in law enforcement agencies.

 Salary of police officers should be increased.

 There should be a proper training system for police officers and Government should
keep a check on the security departments.

 Employment opportunities should be provided to youth to keep them away from crimes.

 Our foreign policy should be revised.

 More industries should be set up to increase job opportunities.

 Increase the use of DNA evidence strategy. DNA evidence has the potential to be a
powerful crime-fighting resource.

 Help ex-offenders find secure living wage employment.

 Create a community anti-violence competition. Convince young people to join it and

suggest prizes.

The main objective of the study is to identify the economic factors such as unemployment,
poverty, inflation and urbanization which are responsible for increasing crimes in Pakistan. The
following conclusions have been drawn from the study:

 A crime is a wrong-doing classified by the state or the parliament of the country

or law of the land. Each country sets out a series of crimes which are prohibited
and punishes a criminal of these acts by a fine or imprisonment or both. The
results of the data analysis reveal that unemployment is the major cause of crimes.
When earning income opportunities are not available to people they commit more
crimes. Poverty is also a great reason behind crimes but it has also been observed
that people having a high social status also commit crimes like corruption at a big
level. These increasing crimes cause fear and insecurity among people.
Government should pay attention and should take steps to reduce crime rate in
Pakistan making it a crime free country. Illiteracy rate should be reduced and job
opportunities should be increased.



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