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He spoke to them again and said, “AS the Father

has sent me, even so I am sending you." Then he

breathed on them and told them, “Receive the Holy
The gospel of the Lord

All Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.

T Homily

Celebration of the Light

T L We are going to do the celebration of the Light.

The 7 students assigned to bring candles symbolize
gifts of the Holy Spirit. They will light them from the
Paschal candle that symbolizes Christ, the true Light.

Teacher: Lord, our Father,

We thank you for having chosen us
through your Son, Jesus Christ.
You have called us to live as true Christians
and thus,
to be light of the world.

We beg you to give us the:

't of Knowledge
t of Understanding
t of Justice
t of Courage
t of ‘Wisdom
t of Love
t of Counsel

Prayer of the Faithful

P Let us pray to the Father to ask the Holy Spirit

for the graces of his abiding presence with us through
this school year.

Father of Love, hear our prayer.

For our Holy Father, Benedict XVI, all bishops, priests,

religious and people of God, that they may all be
guided by the Holy Spirit. Let us pray to the Lord.

For the leaders of our country, that they may set

examples in honesty and hard work. Let us pray to
the Lord

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