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Name: Date:

I.- Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous of the
verbs in brackets.

A: What 1are you doing (do)?

B: I 2_______ (watch) this film. It´s a musical.
A: But you 3__________ (not like) musicals!
B: I know, I usually 4_______ (hate) them. But this one is really good. 5________ you
________ (want) to watch it?
A: Not right now, Susie´s here and we 6__________ (study) for our English test.
B: A test?
A: Yes, we 7__________ (have) a test every Friday.

A: 8_______ you _______ (use) this computer now?

B: No, the boss 9 _______ (wait) for me in the other office. Why?
A: Because I 10_______ (need) to use it.
B: What´s wrong with your computer?
A: It 11 _________ (not work) at the moment and I 12_________ (want) to send an e-
B: OK.

A: How´s your son?

B: He´s fine. He´s at university now.
A: Really? What 13______he ______ (study)?
B: Medicine. He´s going to be a doctor. He 14__________ (do) his final exams at the
moment. How´s your daughter?
A: She´s fine too. She 15 _________ (work) in a shop at the moment. She 16_____
(want) to go travelling this summer so she 17_________ (need) to earn some money.

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