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What is the meaning of the status letter “R” on PPPoE client interface in RouterOS Interfaces
menu? Running
2. When sending out an ARP request, an IP host is expecting what kind of address for an answer? MAC
3. Mark all packages required for PPPoE server on MikroTik RouterOS? ppp, system
4. What is the minimal required wireless configuration to create an access point? mode
5. How many wireless client can connect, when wireless card is configured to mode=bridge? 1
6. Router has wireless and ethernet client interfaces, all client interfaces are bridged. To create a
DHCP service for all clients, I be configured on : Only on the bridge interface
7. Firewall configuration is the following :
1) /ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp action=jump jump-target=ICMP
2) /ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp action=log log-prefix=ICMP
3) /ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp action=drop
4) /ip firewall filter add chain=input protocol=icmp action=drop log=yes log-prefix=JUMP-ICMP-

Client sends “ping” to router. What will the router do?

Router will log it with prefix: JUMP-ICMP-DENY
Router will drop the packet at ICMP (jump) chain drop rule (4th rule)

8. Mark correct answer for action=dstnat in chain=dst-nat

Change destination address and host
9. Which of the following Routes statuses are possible?
A = Active
S = Static
C = Connected
10. In the Route List, the identification DAb for a route stands for? Dynamic - active - bgp
11. To block communications between wireless clients connected to the same access point interface,
you should set : ‘default-forwarding=no’
12. What will happen if “Default forward” is disabled in wireless menu on a RouterOS AP?
Clients will not be able to communicate with each other
13. A RouterBOARD clock is configured in ‘/system clock’. The clock resets to default after each reboot.
Select the best solution for the problem
Configure ‘/system ntp client’ and set a valid and reachable NTP server address
14. What can be used as “Target” in the simple queue?
Client IP Address
Server IP Address
15. What is necessary for PPPoE client configuration?
Interface (on which PPPoE client is going to work)
16. Which port does PPTP use by default? TCP 1723
17. It is required to make a web server residing on a private subnet in a LAN visible on the public visible
to the public. Which of the following configuration steps must be met (select all that apply):
A route between the NAT Router and the web server must exist
Connection tracking must be enabled on the NAT router
In IP Firewall NAT there should be a dst-nat between the public IP address of the router and the
private IP of the web server
Public IP address of the web server must be installed on the NAT router
18. PPP secrets are used for
PPP clients
PPTP clients
L2TP clients
PPPoE clients
19. /ip route configuration on router,
/ip route add gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=
/ip route add dst-address= gateway=
Router needs to send packets to Which gateway will be used?
20. Mark correct answer for action=dstnat in chain=dst-nat
Change destination address and port
21. Which route will be used to reach host
/ip route
add disabled=no distance=1 dst-address= gateway=
add disabled=no distance=1 dst-address= gateway=
add disabled=no distance=1 dst-address= gateway=
Route via gateway
22. You want to transfer existing ‘/ip firewall filter’ configuration from one router to a new system.
Choose the best possible way to do: Export only ‘/ip firewall filter’
23. How long is level 1 (free) license valid? Inifinite time
24. DHCP server can serve clients without using IP address pool : True
25. What protocol is used for Ping and Trace route (not MTR)? ICMP
26. For static routing functionality, additionally to the RouterOS ‘system’ package, you will also need
the following software package: No extra package required
27. A wireless interface ‘wlan1’ is added to a bridge interface ‘br-lan’. To enable dhcp-server for
wireless interface ‘wlan1’, on which interface should dhcp-server be configured? On ‘br-lan’
28. Which of the following is true for connection tracking
Connection tracking must be enabled for NAT’ed network
Connection tracking must be enabled to be able to use all firewall features
29. Choose the correct PCQ argument values to allow 256kbps maximum download and upload for
each client:
kind=pcq pcq-rate=256000 pcq-classifier=dst-address
kind=pcq pcq-rate=256000 pcq-classifier=src-address
30. Evaluate the following information :
Access Point configuration :
-- wlan1 is in ‘AP-Bridge’ mode
-- Bridge1 has wlan1 and ether1 as ports
CPE configuration :
-- wlan1 is in ‘Station-Bridge’ mode
-- Bridge1 has wlan1 and ether1 as ports
Select protocols that will pass from ether1 on the CPE to ether1 on the Access Point
31. Which configuration menu should you use to change router’s Winbox default port? /ip service
32. Is it possible to limit how many clients are able to connect to an access point? Yes
33. In RouterOS queue configuration the word “total” usually represents : Upload + Download
34. Simple Queue number 0 defines 2M for upload and download for target IP Simple
Queue number 1 defines 4M for upload and download for target IP
The maximum bandwidth that the client is be able to obtain is: 2M upload/download
35. PPPoE server only works within one Ethernet broadcast domain that it is connected to. If there is a
router between server and end-user host, it will not be able to create PPPoE tunnel to that PPPoE
server : True
36. What is the correct action for NAT rule on a router that should intercept SMTP traffic and send it
over to a specified mail server? dst-nat
37. Netinstall can be used to
Reinstall software without losing licence
Install different software version (upgrade or downgrade)
38. RouterOS log messages are stored on disk by default : False
39. Which of the following is used in standard 802.11 wireless networks? CSMA/CA
40. The highest queue priorities is : 1
41. Why is it useful to set a Radio Name on the radio interface?
To identify a station in a list of connected clients
42. Domain Name System (DNS) requests can be use protocol/port:
UDP 53
UDP 80
43. You have to connect to a RouterBOARD without any previous configuration. Select all possibilities
to connect and do some basic
Serial Connection
Attach monitor/keyboard
44. To masquerade, you need to specify : action=masquerade, out-interface, chain=src-nat
45. To apply bandwidth restrictions using Simple queue on traffic that travels from one bridge port to
another bridge port within the same bridge interface, following must be done:
Enable use IP Firewall in bridge settings
46. Destination NAT (chain dstnat, action dst-nat) can be used to:
Change destination port
Direct users from the internet to a server within your local network
47. There are two routes in the routing table :
0 dst-addr= gateway=
1 dst-addr= gateway=
Which gateway will be used to get to the IP address
48. Which firewall chain would be used to block a client’s MSN traffic on a router? Forward
49. If ARP=reply-only is configured on an interface, this interface will :
Accept IP and MAC Address combination listed in ‘/ip arp’ list
50. Assuming DHCP relay is not being used, how many DHCP servers can be configured per interface on
RouterOS? 1
51. Which features are removed when advanced-tools package is uninstalled?
netwatch, bandwich-test
52. When frequency mode is set ‘regulatory domain’ in wireless interface configuration :
It restricts operation to only the permitted channels and transmit powers according to the value
of the country selected
53. Which of the protocols below is used by Netinstall? bootp

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