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A to Z of Being Environmentally Friendly

Are you eager to do your bit to help protect the planet but not sure how you
can help? Every act counts – no matter how big or small – and we’re here to
inspire you with this cool A to Z enviro guide fi lled with plenty of helpful tips!

Avoid pouring chemicals down the sink

Not only does pouring chemicals, oil, paint and other materials down the drain
corrode the pipes and cause clogs, but it can also cause water pollution. Yikes!

Bike or walk to places

By riding your bike or walking to places nearby instead of using a car means that
there is less fuel being burned into the air. Hooray for cleaner air!

Cool compost

If you don’t already have a compost bin or compost pile in your garden, they’re
super easy to start! You just mix your fruit and vegetable scraps with soil and other
organic material and it’ll create a natural fertiliser to help plants grow. Amazing!

Donate outgrown clothes and toys

Do you have school uniforms or other clothes that you don’t wear anymore? Why
not donate them to your school or to charity so that someone can give it more love.
You can do the same with toys that are still in good condition instead of letting
them go to waste!

Electronic style

Save paper and ask your parents to switch the bills, newsletters and even
catalogues that they receive in the mail to online.

Fresh food

If you enjoy gardening, why not try growing your own fruit or vegetables? Not
only is it exciting watching them grow, but you also don’t have to worry about
whether the food that you are eating has been sprayed by unknown chemicals!

Great garage sales

Whether you’re hosting your own to get rid of items you don’t want or scouting
sales for cool treasures, garage sales are a great way to reduce landfi ll and also a
cheaper alternative to going to the shops!

Hanging out

Need to wash your clothes on a lovely sunny day? Save electricity and hang them
out to dry on the clothesline instead of putting them in the dryer!

Intelligent impact

Think about ways that you can help save the environment and make the world a
better place. Every single thing you do can make a difference and it can be
something as simple as picking up rubbish!

Jamming with jars

It may sound weird but we love jars! You can find them around the house and
there are SO many things that you can do with them – use them for storage,
decoration, or turn them into a cool recycled craft and give someone an awesome
hand-made gift. (Turn to p.22 for a great idea!)

Keep the door closed

When you have the air conditioner or heater on, make sure you keep the door
closed so that the air doesn’t escape. It’ll save you from using up more power!

Layer up

Before you turn on the heater this winter, see if you can save electricity and wear
an extra layer to keep warm.

Magnificent markets

Instead of going to the shops, why not visit a market nearby on the weekend and
buy local or organic produce and support local farmers. Some markets also have
stalls with unique gifts or cool second hand items where you can help support local
up and coming designers!

Natural alternatives
Did you know there are more natural alternatives that you can use instead of
chemical cleaners? For example, you can use bi-carb soda to help get rid of that
stinky smell in your shoes, or mix it with vinegar to clean icky surfaces in the
kitchen and bathroom. Wow!

Open the windows and curtains

Ease off from using electricity by opening the windows and curtains to let in
natural air and light. If you’re in the car, wind down your window for a breeze
instead of using the car’s air con!

Plastic free

Try avoid using cling wrap for school lunches. Also, next time you go to the shops,
remind your parents to bring a bag from home or invest in a reusable material bag.
Plastic bags take hundreds of years to decompose so the less bags that end up in
landfill, the better!

Quick showers

Water is a precious resource and you can do your bit to help save it by taking
quicker showers and using up less water.


Work those leg muscles and get a bit of extra exercise by taking the stairs instead
of the lifts or escalators!

Reduce, reuse, recycle!

Recycling is super duper easy and so many different things like paper, cardboard,
cans and glass can be sorted into the special recycling bins. You can also reuse
items too – like using both sides of a piece of paper or getting creative and making
decorations or other craft out of recyclable items!

Turn off the taps

Every drop counts, so if you see a leaking tap turn it off or ask an adult to fi x it.
Also, don’t keep the water running while you’re brushing your teeth or use a cup!
Video games wind down

Do you ever wonder why your console feels warm after you’ve finished using it?
Video gamesuse up heaps of energy; so while they are fun to play, try to spend less
time playing them.

Use energy efficient light bulbs

Many energy efficient light bulbs use less electricity than regular light bulbs and
they last even longer, so that’s an added bonus in doing your bit to help save the
planet, right?

Water-saving wonders

There are heaps of cool tricks to save water – like washing the car on the grass
instead of the driveway, rerouting the washing machine hose to water your garden
while you’re washing your clothes, or collecting the water as you wash vegetables
or fruit in a basin and then using it to water your plants!

Xtra smart shopping

Before you go shopping with your parents, make a list of everything you need so
that you’re not tempted to buy items that you don’t need and will go to waste.
Don’t forget your reusable bags too!


Saving the planet starts with you! Why not share your helpful tips with your
friends and family and encourage them to be environmentally friendly too?

Zap it off

Turn off the lights, TV, computer or any other electronics when you’re not using
them and save electricity!

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