Day One (1) : Discussant Topic

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Semestral break had officially begun and while the pupils are enjoying the comfort of their

homes, the teachers of Mangino Elementary School were present for an INSET. The term ‘INSET’ is

associated with trainings being done mostly in school that aims to provide new teaching strategies and

techniques that teachers, particularly the beginning teachers could use in the future.

The In-Service Training of the teachers covered the time of the semestral break as it lasted for

a week. It contained topics that centered on improvement of the work ethics of teachers towards their

pupils and profession.

Each day, the program was assigned to the different grade level teachers including the singing

of the national anthem, prayer, the different marches of Gapan City and an energizer, if there is any.

The opening/welcoming remarks is usually given by the principal, if she is not present at the INSET, the


Discussant: Marceliana De Ocampo / Master Teacher II, SBFP Chairman

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