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Week 2: Module 2


Minds on

Assignment 2: Digital Poster/

Commercial Creation
Minds On Activity:
Watch the following Dove Evolution commercial and consider the following questions:

To whom do you think this advertisement was targeted towards? Why do you
think so?
What did you notice in the process of making the advertisement that
contributed to the idea or message that they were trying to convey?
After watching this video reflect upon what elements or techniques they
used to sell this product?
What else did you take away from this commercial?

Dove Evolution:

Post your response in the week 2 whole group discord channel.

Assignment 2: Digital Poster/
Commercial Creation
For this assignment you may work individually, in pairs or groups of 3.

You will create a poster or commercial advertisement using various digital tools.
● Posters must be submitted as a PDF file
● Videos must be submitted by sharing the YouTube link
● Submission by one group member
● Please ensure that all names are included in the submission

Also, please complete a peer assessment rubric of contribution of group members

This can be found in week 2 content.
Assignment 2: Digital Tools
Poster media tools:
● Postermywall

Commercial video tools:

● Moviemaker
● Camtasia.

This assignment is due on Monday, July 29th, 2019.

Submit into the “Week 2 Assignment 2 Digital Poster/ Commercial Creation” Channel Dropbox.

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