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HSGQ OLT WebGUI User Manual

Software version: epon_firmware_I_V1.3.5_Rel

Version Date Description

V1.0 2018.06.05 First Version For WebGUI/Stephen.liu

V1.1 20180808 Add some functions

1 System Description.................................................................................................................. 4

1.1 Description.................................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Login..................................................................................................................................4

1.3 Running status.................................................................................................................. 5

2 OLT Configurations.................................................................................................................. 6

2.1 System management........................................................................................................ 6

2.1.1 Device management..................................................................................................6

2.1.2 Diagnose.................................................................................................................... 7

2.1.3 Remote control.......................................................................................................... 7

2.1.4 Upgrade software...................................................................................................... 9

2.1.5 Time setting............................................................................................................... 9

2.1.6 Service(SSH/SNMP)....................................................................................................9

2.1.7 Alarm History........................................................................................................... 12

2.1.8 User Management................................................................................................... 12

2.2 PON Port configurations................................................................................................. 15

2.2.1 ONU Allow List......................................................................................................... 15

2.2.2 ONU Deny list...........................................................................................................17

2.2.3 Setting upstream bandwith..................................................................................... 17

2.2.4 PON port authorize setting......................................................................................17

2.2.5 ONU Batch Upgrade.................................................................................................18

2.3 ONU Device Management.............................................................................................. 21

2.3.1 ONU Device Information......................................................................................... 21

2.3.2 ONU Port Configurations......................................................................................... 22

2.3.3 ONU Multicast......................................................................................................... 24

2.4 Switch port configurations............................................................................................. 26

2.4.1 Port information list.................................................................................................26

2.4.2 Performance of port................................................................................................ 27

2.4.3 Port config................................................................................................................27

2.4.4 Port VLAN Configuration......................................................................................... 28

2.5 Layer2 config...................................................................................................................30

2.5.1 VLAN configurations................................................................................................ 30

2.5.2 MAC Address table.................................................................................................. 31

2.6 Protocal Management.................................................................................................... 34

2.6.1 RSTP configurations................................................................................................. 34

2.6.2 IGMP configuration..................................................................................................36

1 System Description

1.1 Description
Connect the OLT NMS port to IP network. The OLT default management IP is ,Please set your PC IP to 192.168.100.XXX (e.g.

1.2 Login
Please open the brower (now support firefox/chrome/IE 9 and up)

Input the OLT’s IP address IP ,or Inbound IP address)

Enter your user name and password, as below show:


1. The default username ‘root’ and password admin ,the same with cli;
2. The super username of ‘root’, only login once in WebGUI or CLI, means that: if
you login to CLI by username root, you can not use root to login WebGUI before
you logout;
3. The login timeout is 5mins, There’s no some operations will be logout
automatically after 5mins
4. You need setting the default language in CLI by using “web-lang en”.

1.3 Running status

After you Sign in WebGUI, you can see :

When the cursor is placed on the PON port or GE port, it will show you some brief

For example, PON port will show how many onu registering, and how many online or
offline onu
2 OLT Configurations

2.1 System management

2.1.1 Device management

1. Reboot OLT

2. Backup OLT’s configurations

3. Restore OLT’s configurations

You just change some command in configurations file, you can be success to restore.
Other file will not. Please check it.

4. You can default the OLT configurations

5. Save configurations

6. View current configurations

2.1.2 Diagnose
Now support ping functions, you can specify some parameters

2.1.3 Remote control

The default remote interface only include the outbound (NMS port)

You can setting or add other inbound interface.

Setting outbound interface IP address

Add inbound interface:

Notice: Before you add it, you need create vlan 100 or other vlan id
2.1.4 Upgrade software
You can upgrade the firmware image and system image

2.1.5 Time setting

1. Change the timezone
2. Config the OLT’s Time

2.1.6 Service(SSH/SNMP)
Now, if you want the connections security, it support ssh access our CLI.
1. SNMP configuration
It support to config trap server & community
2. SSH Access.
First, you need to add a public key to server.

Notice: you need create a OPENSSH format public key, its type need by legacy,key type

SecureCRT like this:

3. Now , you need add the publickey to OLT

4. After done
Then you can login

And, just enter the username and password, it will be done.

2.1.7 Alarm History

2.1.8 User Management

In user management menu, You can Add/Delete and modify user password

Add user

The supper user you cannot delete it

Make a choice to delete user

Modify user password, only can change your own password

2.2 PON Port configurations

2.2.1 ONU Allow List

1. change pon port to get the every pon’s ONU list

2. Color deep table items shows offline onu

3. Refress onu list by press

5. Change the display mode

6. Add a white list onu, You can specify the ONU ID or onu id is 0 will automatically
distribution the ONU ID
7. Press bandwith button will go to bandwith page

8. You can batch process onu , support operations are delete and reject to deny
As you press this ONU Batch management:

You can make a choice to get more than one onu to process
2.2.2 ONU Deny list

Add blacklist onu

2.2.3 Setting upstream bandwith

2.2.4 PON port authorize setting

In this menu, you can setting the PON authorize mode and type

Below shows all of PON port’s mode and type

Setting type to manual

Now, this version only support authorize mode to mac

2.2.5 ONU Batch Upgrade

In this section, if you want to upgrade onu’s firmware, please add upgrade type first

Next, you need bind onu to this upgrade type

Now, make a choice to bind onu

IF you bind some onu to this upgrade type, you can check it

Next ,select a file upgrade file and other select upgrade type, select which pon port you
want to upgrade

Press apply, OLT will start to batch upgrade some ONU.

2.3 ONU Device Management

2.3.1 ONU Device Information

As it is shows, you can do:

1. Setting onu basic informations, ONU NAME and descriptions(After input information,
just apply)

2. Reboot ONU
3. Deregister ONU
4. Change fec mode
5. Refresh the ONU optical diagnose
6. Upgrade this ONU firmware
Select a file and apply
2.3.2 ONU Port Configurations

1. You can change the PON ID and ONU to specify the ONU
2. You can config the ONU Basic functions
3. Config port vlan

After you select the translate or trunk mode, add the vlan by press add button and
2.3.3 ONU Multicast
1.Configure multicast mode.

2.Configure multicast fast leave state.

3.Configure multicast max group: Only if the ONU multicast mode is configurable as
igmp-snooping, the configuration will revert to the default value when the ONU multicast
mode switches from igmp-snooping to another mode.The default is 64.

Check multicast mode igmp-snooping first.

And then configure multicast max group.

4.Configure multicast VLAN mode, this configuration determines whether the multicast
streams forwarded by the ONU port has a VLAN tag. Untag is for stripping the tag, tag is for
not stripping the tag, and translate is for converting the VLAN tag.

Configure multicast VLAN mode tag or untag.

Configure multicast VLAN mode translate ,up to 8 group translation can be configured.

5.Configure multicast VLAN. Only if the ONU multicast mode is configurable as

igmp-snooping,when the ONU multicast mode switches from igmp-snooping to another
mode, the multicast VLAN will be cleared.Each port can be configured with up to 8 multicast

2.4 Switch port configurations

2.4.1 Port information list

2.4.2 Performance of port

2.4.3 Port config

1. You can change the Port to get details

2. Config the port basic informations, eg: MTU or Default vlan(PVID)
3. Change the storm control of one port, only use pps unit, it can be config
broadcast ,multicast unicast storm control
4. Mirror functions
2.4.4 Port VLAN Configuration

1. Setting port vlan type

Here, you can change port vlan type to hybrid/access/trunk. And then, you can config
the port default

2. Add some vlan to this port, and change these vlans tag mode
Also , You can delete vlan now

3. Add port translate vlan

4. Add port QinQ vlan

Or, you can config the CVlan range

2.5 Layer2 config

2.5.1 VLAN configurations

Below figure shows the VLAN list and belongs ports, tagged,untagged or as default VLAN

Create a vlan

Input the vlan id , select the tagged port or untagged port

If you only create one vlan, input the same vlan; or create multi-vlan, please input range
Also, you can delete one vlan or delete a range

2.5.2 MAC Address table

1. Change the age time , just press setting button

2. Add mac(Here you can select the static mac or blackhole mac)

3. Flush mac(select the flush method)

if select the PORT ID

You also need select the mac address type

After setting port, you can apply it for take it effect

4. Query mac address

Query by vlan id:

Query by mac address:

2.6 Protocal Management

2.6.1 RSTP configurations

Setting rstp bridge

If setting ok: you will get some result ,it shows below:

Setting port
2.6.2 IGMP configuration
1.IGMP information,default IGMP mode is disable.

2.Configure IGMP snooping parameters.

3.Configure IGMP proxy parameters.
4.Configure multicast VLAN 100.
5.configure multicast VLAN 100 description.

6.Configure IGMP router port.

7.Configure multicast unknown policy.

8.Configure IGMP program.

9.Configure IGMP static table.

10.Display multicast table,there are static multicast table items and dynamic multicast
table,static multicast table do not aging.
Thank you!

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