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Names of Students:

1. Cess Dianne P. Lorenzo

2. Marielle Jole A. Pineda
3. Rochelle L. Rebucas
4. Roger Malachi G. Rebeniol

Title: Mothers in Children’s Books: A Feminist Analysis on the Performativity of Gender Roles in
Kuwentong Nanay Series


This study on the performance of the gender roles of mothers in the eleven (11) published
books presented in Kuwentong Nanay series. Aimed to determine how women perform gender
roles on family setting and examined the occupations and the illustrations of the mothers to
further analyze how the portrayal of the mothers in the stories contribute to the opression of

It was concluded that most of the gender roles of the mother are on traditional role. The
representation of mothers in the stories may give idea to children how a good mother should

Names of Students:

1. Jasper Mike DR. Hintay

2. Nathaniel Zata Ptindol
3. Mickovien A. Saberon

Title: Sports Announcer Talk of the 4th Quarter Final Game of the Philippine Basketball
Association Commissioner’s Cup 2018: A Basis for Development of SAT Handbook


Filipinos loves basketball – Every game is sure action-packed and full of tension and behind it
are the colourful and loud voices of sport announcers. Although they may not be noticed, their
impact to the games is actually huge as they bring more color to the overall quality of the game.
This research focused on the characteristics of the Sports Announcer Talk (SAT), its linguistic
and non-linguistic aspects. The researchers were able to determine the SAT is divided into
major types which are the Ply-by-Play (PP) and Colour Commentary (CC). the two are distinct
from each other. PP Commentary functions to discuss the in-game actuality of the game while
CC deals with the statistics, opinions, etcetera. With respect to quantity of minor sentences, PP
Commentary contains more which is considered acceptable since the game is the phase where
the game becomes crucial as it nears its end. As for the paralinguistic nature of SAT, PP differs
from CC in tone. The former is spoken with variance of low and high pitch tone along with
frequent pause and stoppable. The latter, on the other hand, is spoken through a long and
continuous medium-pitched spoken manner.

Names of Students:

1. Armando Gio G. Adriano

2. Jezca Isabel Felarca
3. Juramei P. Lee
4. Dysha Chelsey S. Solares

Title: A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Portrayal of Filipinas of the Cosmopolitan Magazine
in the year 2017


This research is focused on how the Filipinas were portrayed in the issues of Cosmopolitan PH
magazine in the year 2017 with the use of Fairclough’s three-dimensional approach in Critical
Discourse Analysis. This approach consists of three elements of discourse conceptions:
Description (generation of text types, genres or categories), Interpretation (seeking meanings of
the description), and explanation (implications of the meaning in social context). The
researchers also used Paul Grice’s Theory of Conversational Implicature to interpret the
meanings that are not evident in the text.

This research is conducted using qualitative method of analysis. The data are collected by
getting copies of the cosmopolitan Magazine, reading, note-taking, and then gathering the
adjectives used to describe the Filipinas in the featured articles.

The results of this research showed that the adjectives given to the celebrities were empowering
– not just to the celebrities but to all the Filipina readers of the magazine. However, the
empowerment the magazine offers is selective – only empowering those people who can afford
it. Therefore, revealing that what they are offering is commodified feminism.

This research suggested for the future researchers who are interested in conducting the
research in the same field to investigate the implications being made regarding women in other
literary pieces and discourses to raise awareness.

Names of Students:

1. Alexandra Mae G. Cabrera

2. Charlene Mae Manalo
3. Daniella Nicole L. Paulino

Title: A Critical Discourse Analysis on the Profanities Used by President Rodrigo Duterte in his
Selected Speeches
Abstract: The study was about the analysis of the functions of the profanities in President
Rodrigo Duterte’s speeches. It aimed to determine the function of the profanities uttered by
President Duterte in five of his public speeches of 2018 using the Typologies of Swearing by
Magnus Ljung and Neuro-Psycho Social Theory by Timothy Jay. This study also classifies the
profanities in the speeches based on the themes. The speeches were both presented in the
English and the Filipino Language

Names of Students:

1. Ella Marie Jeunese Abelido

2. Franz Josef G. Cordero
3. Maria Katrina D. Mentes
4. Deanne A. Trinidad

Title: F. Sionil Jose’s Mass: An Analysis of Pragmatic Functions of the Idiomatic Expressions on

Abstract: Understanding, interpreting, and translating idiomatic expressions have been one of
the problems encountered by many people who are examining various contexts. Idiomatic
expressions are multiword expressions that cannot be understood through its lexical unit/s. In
order to solve this, scholars identified, gathered, and assessed idiomatic expressions to create
studies that would help people in understanding and using these expressions. Identifying the
idiomatic expressions has been the mainstream of the studies; however, Strassler (1982)
opened the idea that idiomatic expressions have its pragmatic functions. Therefore, the
researchers of the study have given their attention towards the pragmatic functions of the
idiomatic expressions. The Study elaborated the usage of the idiomatic expressions in the
context in order for the readers, researchers, academe, etc. be able to use these expressions
properly. The researchers also incorporated the Speech Act Theory to find the mood and
understand the situation of the discourse. As an initial, the researchers identified the idiomatic
expressions based on the Longman Dictionary and found out that there are 58 idiomatic
expressions in the novel Mass. Furthermore, the illocutionary act of the Speech Act theory has
been incorporated where Declaratives cater a lot of idiomatic expressions; on the other hand,
Commissives contain less of the idiomatic expressions. Subsequently, the researchers found
out that idiomatic expressions function differently inside the text.

Names of Students:

1. Hannah May D. Bolocon

2. Kristine Angela L. Magtibay
3. Rachel S. Mamaril
4. Lyka M. Mingi
5. Rafael Michael O. Paz

Title: A Discourse Analysis of Linguistic Taboos in Selected Speeches of President Rodrigo R.

Abstract: This thesis examines the linguistic taboos in selected speeches of President Rodrigo
Duterte. The ‘forbidden’ taboo words provide strength necessary in swearing according to
Magnus Ljung through the Typologies of Swearing presented by Ljung, the functions of
swearing in the linguistic construction or context is analyzed which is useful in understanding
the discourse of President Duterte. The researchers argue that the president’s controversial
‘emotive language’ is not just a form of catharsis but also adds intensity to his ability to
persuade that non-taboo words cannot attain.

Dr. Evangelina S. Seril

Main Author

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