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Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

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Transformations, transitions, or tall tales? A global review of the uptake and T

impact of NoSQL, blockchain, and big data analytics on the land
administration sector

Rohan Mark Bennetta,b, , M. Pickeringa, J. Sargenta
Swinburne Business School, Swinburne University, Hawthorn, Australia
Kadaster International, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands


Keywords: Unstructured data, non-relational databases, distributed databases, and big data analytics potentially change the
Unstructured data landscape for digital land data creation, use, management, and dissemination. The way land data is governed
Distributed databases and the resultant impact on land tenure security delivery is open to substantial re-thinking. Drawing from
Land administration international cases, this paper provides a state-of-the-art examination of prototypes and demonstrators from the
Land Registration
global land sector. The aim is to deliver an insight into the opportunities, challenges, impacts, and future sce-
narios regarding the application of the emerging technologies. The paper finds that whilst uptake of non-rela-
tional and distributed databases is occurring, it remains largely at the level of proof-of-concept, demonstrator or
pilot. Scaled uptake is occurring slower than anticipated, and to a lesser degree than in other sectors. However,
the broader and longer-term impacts on the land sector remain difficult to judge. Meanwhile, emerging dis-
tributed analytical databases appear to be under-exploited or at least underexplored within the land sector.
Overall, the examined technologies are seen to enable new operational approaches for conventional land sector
transactions, and also entirely new land related services, digital products, and actors: the ways and means of
holding, transferring, and securing land may become more nuanced, fractionalized, and/or automated. Whether
these observed embryonic developments lead to sector transformation or orderly transition, is seen to be heavily
reliant on the prevailing political, socio-cultural and institutional settings within a jurisdiction.

1. Introduction includes everything from minor transitions in existing operational

procedures, to more radical suggestions of industry transformation, and
Unstructured data, non-relational databases, distributed databases, counter claims of hype over substance (c.f. Anand et al., 2016).
and big data analytics are relative newcomers to the domains of This paper aims to deliver a contemporary and balanced state-of-
Information Systems and Computer Science, and the sub-branch in- play view into the opportunities, challenges, and lessons regarding
creasingly known as Data Science (Dhar, 2013). The concepts and re- these emerging data governance approaches, and how they may impact
lated tools are argued to influence data creation, management, and on broader delivery of land tenure security. A comprehensive research
dissemination approaches across many sectors – including those dealing synthesis of this nature is absent within the land data governance lit-
with the relationship between people and the natural and build en- erature, particularly from a global perspective. The work is exploratory
vironments (c.f. Guo et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2017; Brovelli et al., and the applied methodology is that of a systematic research synthesis –
2017). In this vein, an array of demonstrators, prototypes and pilots is combining a broad literature synthesis with several revealing and novel
increasingly apparent in the global land sector. case studies. The qualitative review critically examines published
These initial forays invite conjecture on the future of land data works, reports, grey literature, and author experiences. The synthesized
governance in terms of likely operational scenarios for land agencies, content goes beyond mere chronicling to distill a realistic and nuanced
and the impacts these changes would have on the delivery of land te- contemporary view of emerging land data governance tools, applica-
nure security more broadly. Like other technology-driven disruptions, tions, and forecasted impacts.
the spectrum of hypothesized impacts for the global land sector Regarding structure, a contextual overview of the major technology

Corresponding author at: PO Box 218 Hawthorn VIC 3122, Australia.
E-mail address: (R.M. Bennett).
Received 24 June 2018; Received in revised form 19 December 2018; Accepted 12 February 2019
Available online 26 February 2019
0264-8377/ Crown Copyright © 2019 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

influences on land data governance over the proceeding decades is first 2010). The 2nd generation, the pro-poor approaches largely driven by
provided (Section 2). Subsequently, the research methodology is out- the Global Land Tool Network (GLTN), sought to respond to the chal-
lined, consisting of a research synthesis that enablestechnical analysis lenge of recording the 70% (∼4 billion) unrecorded land interests
of the abovementioned framework in contemporary settings (Section worldwide (UN Habitat, 2008; 2012a; 2012b). These focused on
3). Results are then presented (Section 4) detailing applications of un- creating tools that were more rapid and cheaper to apply, broadening
structured data, distributed databases, distributed database manage- the constellation of definable land interests, and utilizing alternative
ment, and analytics tools, in the context of the global land sector. Each technologies (e.g. satellite imagery, mobile devices, open source tech-
section unpacks the early applications, demonstrations, and prototypes nologies). The 3rd LIS generation is argued to be driven by scalability
from within the sector. The state-of-play assessment reveals scaled and responsible industry innovation. These entrepreneurial approaches
utilization is still emergent. The resulting final synthesis (Section 5) – seek to transcend conventional institutions, technologies, and methods
supported by several analytical frameworks – hypotheses on future (de Vries et al., 2015; Bennett et al., 2017) by utilizing for example,
implementation scenarios, policy implications, and the potential cloud technologies, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), automatic fea-
broader impact on the delivery of land tenure security. The conclusion ture extraction, and/or seeking to combine 2D/3D data modelling and
(Section 6) summarizes the entirety of the work and indicates future visualization. In particular, the challenge of 2D/3D data integration is
research directions. the focus of extensive international experimentation (c.f. van Oosterom,
2013; van Oosterom et al., 20162).
2. Background As mentioned, digital data lies at the heart of each LIS generation.
Contemporary thinking makes several ‘societal pull’ pleas regarding
2.1. Unpacking the nexus this data. First, it is ideally created in a collaborative and participatory
fashion – with technical experts working alongside landholders and
Land governance is generally considered to concern: “the rules, communities (Enemark et al., 2014). Second, data is flexible and in-
processes and structures through which decisions are made about ac- clusive in type and nature respectively, representing the continuum of
cess to land and its use, the manner in which the decisions are im- possible land tenure types that exist on the ground in any given context
plemented and enforced, and the way that competing interests in land (Enemark et al., 2014). Third, the data is collected in a way that is
are managed.” (Palmer et al., 2009, p9). Similarly, land data governance affordable, reliable, attainable (at scale), and upgradable (Enemark
can be understood as the structures and processes for determining and et al., 2014). Scaled projects from Rwanda and Ethiopia, along with the
enforcing how underlying land data is created, used, and managed. In developed Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) software from GLTN,
this guise, it can be considered a technical subset of broader land demonstrate that the above demands can be achieved by utilizing and
governance. aligning ‘technology push’ drivers with ‘societal pull’ drivers.
Land governance and land data governance are studied due to the
inherit complexities and challenges in delivering land tenure security at
2.3. Identifying the gaps
a global scale. Land tenure security is sought after, studied, and mea-
sured in different ways by different disciplinary domains and industry
The more recent LIS generations demonstrate much progress to-
sectors (Simbizi et al., 2014). Repeated failures to deliver it at national
wards supporting more inclusive approaches to delivering land tenure
scales, coupled with its recognized importance in supporting sustain-
security in the form of novel data collection technologies and ap-
able development, means it is an ongoing area of focus and investment
proaches. This is apparent in relation to the development of pro-poor
for international agencies, donors, governments, private sector, and
approaches (Lemmen et al., 2015; Antonio et al., 2015) and especially
academia alike (Zevenbergen et al., 2013). Ingredients for land tenure
3D cadastres (van Oosterom and Dimopoulou, 2018; Janečka et al.,
security include stable political environments, sound institutional ar-
2018), where examination of array and column-based database man-
rangements, leadership, funding mechanisms, societal backing, legal
agement systems (DBMS) is underway. However, interestingly several
frameworks, administrative and technical capacities, supportive land
key developments in data technologies appear underutilized, if not
information systems (LIS) – in the form of land registries or cadastres
under explored. Meunier (2016) provides a useful framework for holi-
(Williamson et al., 2010), and at the heart of the nexus (at least for this
stically understanding developments in data technologies including
work), the land data that populates those registries.
concepts of relational databases3, non-relational databases, distributed
Those last elements, the land data and the information systems they
databases, and analytical databases – and the intersections thereof -
feed, are the focus of much inquiry and development work over pre-
including NoSQL, NewSQL, distributed databases (including ledgers),
ceding decades. Land data supports land tenure security by enabling the
and data analytics tools. The latter almost exclusively emerged from the
creation and maintenance of accurate, authoritative, accessible, avail-
mid-2000s onwards, with the scale of supporting technology infra-
able and unambiguous information about people, land, and the rights
structure usually increasing in each case. It is envisaged that the tech-
that bind them (Williamson et al., 2012; Bennett, 2012). Using Bennett
nologies could impact on the land sector and land tenure security
et al (2017) as a framework, three generations of LIS developments are
provision in two distinct ways: i) more efficient techniques for land data
argued to exist globally. Each LIS generation builds on the previous,
capture, storage, and dissemination; and ii) new innovative land related
responding to the limitations and opportunities identified in past
products and services (e.g. unbundled and marketable land rights, or
iterations1 .
services related to land sector analytics and property market analysis).
We use an adapted version of the framework to guide subsequent
2.2. Defining the generations analyses (Fig. 1).
Whilst it is an overstatement to suggest no example applications or
The 1st LIS generation, the conventional pre-2000s approaches, implementations are evident, implementations and exploitation of the
utilized standard data collection tools (e.g. total stations, conventional technologies have perhaps been slower than observed in other sectors.
aerial imagery), commercial and proprietory GIS vendor platforms, and
relational databases (Dale and McLaughlin, 2000; Williamson et al.,
The 3D-related research receives attention in this review, where its re-
levance to transactions and storages is apparent.
Note: In the work at hand, the authors introduce ‘Generation 0’ – to en- 3
Note, for this study, object-relational database management systems
compass all those LIS where IT plays primarily only a limited supportive role to (ORDBMS) – as found in PostgreSQL – can be considered under the RDBMS
traditional paper based systems (See Section 6.4) category

R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

Fig. 1. Overview of Contemporary Database Technologies (Adapted from Meunier, 2016).

Hypotheses on the reasons for the lag are varied, but, ultimately un- to 2018 inclusive. Primary and concatenated search strings included
tested. Is it truly the inherent conservatism within the sector? Perhaps combinations of ‘land administration’, ‘cadastre’, ‘land registry’, ‘land
an issue on financing? Or, is it a general lack of awareness of the tenure’, ‘land tenure security’, ‘spatial data’, ‘spatial data management’,
technologies within the sector? Perhaps it relates more to the significant ‘geospatial data’, ‘RRRs’, ‘3D Cadastres’, ‘LADM’, and ‘STDM’, coupled
challenges associated with implementing technical changes within such with ‘NoSQL’, ‘Big Data’, Structured Data’, ‘Unstructured Data’, ‘Semi-
a complex sector? Or, do the nature of land data and land transactions Structured Data’,’ New SQL’, ‘Non relational data(bases)’, ‘Relational
not easily lend themselves to experiencing the benefits associated with Databases’, ‘Blockchain’, ‘Distributed Ledger Technology’, ‘Distributed
the new technologies? Further still, perhaps there are more pressing Databases’, ‘Hadoop’, ‘Transactional Databases’, and ‘Hadoop’. The
legal, institutional, and social challenges that need addressing first? abovementioned procedure produced a pool of approximately 110
Seeking answers to all these questions provides impetus for this paper: scholarly articles, all of which were considered in the subsequent
an attempt is made by exploring the tools, the state-of-play of their synthesis.
implementation in the land sector, challenges faced, and any broader Further supplementing the literature synthesis, specifically in rela-
impacts being experienced. tion to DLTs, two previously unpublished case studies were undertaken.
Justification for these case inclusions alongside the research synthesis,
‘Land Layby’ and ‘Brickx’, stems from them being previously un-
3. Methodology and materials
explored in academic literature, and the novelty they provide in terms
of new land service offerings. The case study analyses consisted of
To ascertain the state-of-play regarding applications of emerging
document analysis of publically available and procured online and
data technologies in the global land sector, a systematic research
hardcopy sources. The cases, ‘Land Layby’ and ‘Brickx’ were treated in a
synthesis was undertaken. The approach utilized the methodologies
similar fashion to the other scholarly articles reviewed within the
applied in other land sector works, leaning heavily on the procedures of
synthesis, although they are ultimately given more coverage in the final
Simbizi et al (2014) and Rockson et al (2013). Specifically, database
write – but, not more credence in the final conclusions.
interrogations of Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar were
Thematic analysis of the scholarly articles and case studies was
undertaken. In addition, audits of recent and relevant International
undertaken using the contextual framework outlined in Section 2
Federation of Surveyors Conferences (FIG), and the Annual World Bank
(Fig. 1) and are presented in the subsequent sections.
Conference on Land and Poverty, were undertaken and relevant articles
included. Finally, contemporary non-academic grey literature was also
included using desktop searching, with the inclusion criteria generally 4. Results
being limited to those authors already found within the academic lit-
erature. The inclusion of the grey literature was justified by the aim to 4.1. Rise of unstructured data and non-relational databases
make the review as contemporary as possible, with academic journal
papers sometimes requiring a lead time of 1–2 years prior to publica- 4.1.1. Rethinking land data structures
tion. In general, grey-literature was given less weighting during the One contemporary ‘push’ technology already challenging conven-
thematic analysis, with academic literature being given pre-eminence tional land data thinking is ‘unstructured data’. Contemporary database
in any cases of disputes within the literature. specialists refer to three major kinds of data: structured data, semi-
For the academic databases, a constrained search period from structured data, and unstructured data (Molero et al., 2010). Structured
January 2000 to January 2018 was considered generously inclusive, data is that which is highly organized, usually by means of rows, col-
whilst for the conference series the search period was limited from 2008 umns, and related tables. Data types are set and input values are

R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

constrained. Its highly structured nature makes it easy to search and languages makes it highly suitable data as a data exchange format.
store – usually in relational database management systems (RDBMS). More recently, efforts to make LADM interoperable with other inter-
Unstructured data has no such rules for formatting and organization. It national standards commenced, most prominently via ISO TC211 and
offers much more freedom in terms of data creation techniques (i.e. not the Open Geospatial Consortium’s (OGC) Land Administration Domain
just simple data entry forms), but, is more challenging to search and Working Group5 (Lemmen et al., 2017a,2017b). The so-called LADM II
store coherently. Somewhere in between sits semi-structured data: the will, amongst other aims, seek to further link LADM to other developing
data is not formally organized in a way that RDBMS can handle, but, spatial standards (e.g. BIM, CityGML, LandInfra), putting particular
elements might be tagged to provide structure to the document, and emphasis on 2D/3D data integration. Initial technical forays are already
make it more searchable. evident (Atazadeh et al., 2017a,2017b; Oldfield et al., 2017).
The 1st generation of LIS were, generally speaking, built with the The popularity of semi-structured data relates to its simplicity in
structured mindset (i.e. centralized relational databases) – notwith- terms of data storage and exchange. Realizing these interoperability
standing the large amount of scanned deeds, titles, and/or plan docu- benefits does however require large amounts of transformation on ex-
ments linked to the systems, either manually or automatically. The isting datasets. On this, the proliferation and uptake of semi-structured
structured approach fitted with pre-existing tabular paper-based sys- standards spawned a new sub-industry focused on data re-design, data
tems used within registers from which the underlying data was trans- transformation, and increasingly important middleware (Crompvoets
ferred, and equally, at the time of LIS development, RDBMS were the et al., 2009)6. The European Commission’s INSPIRE directive – initially
mainstay, if only reliable database option available. The RDBMS ar- focused on the creation and harmonization of fundamental geospatial
ranged data about land into tables (i.e. a table for people, a table for datasets across European countries – illustrates the significant workload
rights, etc.) that generally mimicked, in a digital fashion, the existing requirements associated with transforming legacy datasets into formats
paper-based registries of cadastral and mapping agencies. The SQL that enable national and international interoperability.
query language could be used to create, query, and update the tables.
Implementations of RDBMs were usually centralized with all storage
and maintenance occurring in a single location. Even with all the hype 4.1.3. Experimenting with the great unstructured
surrounding unstructured and semi-structured databases, these systems As developments relating to structured and semi-structured land
are suggested to still represent 90% of the database market in terms of data continue to roll out, the area of unstructured land data appears to
revenue (Meunier, 2016). Widely recognized vendors and offerings have the most potential for exploitation and growth. According to
include MySQL, Oracle, IBM DB2, and PostgreSQL. By way of example, sources in Guo et al (2017), global data volume is doubling every two
coupled with the open-source PostGIS, the latter represents the primary years. In a similar vein, Harris (2016) and others7 suggest more data
storage tool for Open Street Map (OSM)4 . was created across 2016–2017 than the previous 5000 years of human
In this vein, RDBMS serve conventional land administration well: civilisation. The majority of this data is unstructured – in the form of
the RDBMS requirement for highly structured data aligns well with the video, audio, free form text, and/or IoT sensor created content. As per
highly controlled data inputs, strict management procedures (i.e. cen- Molero et al; (2010), whilst this data is indeed highly structured, in the
tralized land agencies), and transactional focus of conventional land context of data storage and searching tools, it is considered un-
administration systems. Many national land agencies continue to use structured. Further adding to the plot are claims that only 0.5% of the
the relational data model for organizing and managing their land rights data actually feeds into operational decision-making. These suggestions
data. The STDM software and versions of the Food and Agriculture are open to question, however, even if only the order of magnitudes are
Organization’s (FAO) Solutions for Open Land Administration (SOLA) considered reasonably accurate – an exploration appears warranted on
(i.e. Registry, Community Server) also make allowance for structured how the data could be exploited to support land tenure security ap-
data (using PostgreSQL), although, semi-structured data types also play plications. Such an exploration gains traction in the context of claims
a role (Molero et al., 2010). Whilst these RDBMS-based solutions con- that 70% or ∼4 billion land interests remain unrecorded or un-
tinue to be the mainstay for underlying land administration data recognized, by government or any other formal registration body
management, the landscape is changing and systems utilizing non-re- (Zevenbergen et al., 2013).
lational, semi-structured and unstructured approaches are emerging. Unstructured data already receives some consideration in existing
LIS: many conventional LIS, if not most, have some provision for re-
cording and storing various forms of unstructured data – consider the
4.1.2. Leveraging off the semi-structured trend
mass scanning/digitization of historical records (titles, deeds, plans) for
Since the 2000s, like other sectors, semi-structured data organiza-
example. Likewise, more recent developments including LADM and
tion techniques have permeated the domain of land administration –
STDM data models provide for the inclusion of – or linkage to – un-
most prominently via GML (van Oosterom et al., 2009) (derived from
structured data types (Lemmen et al., 2015). In these cases, the un-
XML, Bray et al., 2008), LandXML (Karki et al., 2011; Aien et al., 2011;
structured data supports the structured content – in order that a legit-
Karki et al., 2013; van Oosterom and Lemmen, 2015), and RDF (and
imate and/or legal land interest might be established.
RDF/XML) (Beckett and McBride, 2004; and Çağdaş and Stubkjær,
Meanwhile, in the same period, two more radical experimental
2015). On this, a suite of demonstrators, proof(s)-of-concept, and pilots
developments – namely the ‘Talking Titler’ methodology and the ‘Open
utilizing semi-structured concepts and tools emerged – driven largely
Source Cadastre and Registry’ (OSCAR) projects – sought to incorporate
by two international trends: i) efforts aimed at the creation of inter-
unstructured (and semi-structured) at a more fundamental level. Both
national recognized standards of data models in the land administration
methods build from the premise that in many contexts, land tenure
domain (Lemmen et al., 2015; van Oosterom et al., 2006); and ii) de-
arrangements are extremely dynamic, if not conflict laden, and that any
velopments in realizing 3D cadastres (Shojaei et al., 2015). For the
former, the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) or ISO 19,152
provides the prime example. Whilst LADM is largely a conceptual data 5
OGC Land Administration Domain Working Group: http://www.
model, semi-structured data formats (i.e. GML) are/were at the fore-
front of initiatives to realize a scalable and transferable implementa- See WeTransform and Hale Studio as an examples of organization/tool
tion: the simplicity and flexibility of the semi-structured markup working in the data transformation domain:
IBM on data volumes and creation:
More on data storage in OSM available at on-business/consumer-products/2-5-quintillion-bytes-of-data-created-every-
wiki/Database. For data exchange, XML is used. day-how-does-cpg-retail-manage-it/

R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

supportive data recordation tool must be inherently flexible and cap- database transactions – namely atomicity, consistency, isolation, and
able of dynamism with regards to data types and schemas. The ‘Talking durability (ACID) – often key for land transactions, are compromised
Titler’ approach stemmed from the challenges in land reform projects in for scalability and speed. Limitations aside, applications of NoSQL are
post-apartheid South Africa (Barry and Fourie, 2002) – with the con- predicated to increase in areas relating to digital earth (Ehlers et al.,
cepts and related tools being iteratively developed since the early 2000s 2014), including the land sector.
– as new technologies emerged. Latterly, it is being combined with At the level of R&D, Molero et al (2010) already mentions the po-
Social Network Analysis (SNA), in seeking to visualize land tenure re- tential of CouchDB, an open source NoSQL platform, in the context of
lationships, if not define and verify them (Barry and Fourie, 2002; Barry establishing flexible database structures for land administration appli-
et al., 2013; Barry and Asiedu, 2017). With the same driver, the OSCAR cations. Likewise, Hay (2013) explores NoSQL databases in the context
project sought to utilize open source software and semantic web tech- of gracefully evolving database schemas and model elasticity – in the
nologies – including XML and the Resource Description Framework pursuit of an instrument centered land administration system. Re-
(RDF) – to enable the creation of an adaptive land administration ference is made to platforms such as BigTable and Cassandra and the
system (Hay, 2013; Hay and Hall, 2009). data models of multidimensional maps of keys/pairs that underpin
In the context of land data governance, the two initiatives challenge them. Hay (2013) cautions that unlike the NoSQL realm, in the context
convention and represent true innovation – although, transfer of either of land administration, data is typically not homogeneous in form and
beyond R&D into a scaled production level environment remains elu- structure, suggesting they are perhaps not relevant. Meanwhile,
sive. On this, the nature of the data capture techniques (face-2-face building off Barry et al (2013), both Egbulefu et al. (2015) and Dabboor
interviews) coupled with the limited scale of data consumed and ana- (2017) examine the connotations for NoSQL approaches in design work
lyzed in the experiments8 means the opportunities inherent in the ex- on an evolutionary and self-adapting land tenure information systems.
ploitation of larger unstructured data repositories (e.g. social media In the case of Barry et al (2013), the NoSQL XML database known as
repositories, stored outputs from smart sensors, and captured mobile eXist was utilized, although challenges were experienced with
device data), remain unexplored to a large extent. The challenge of achieving true system self-adaptation. Dabboor (2017) demonstrates a
determining whether emergent machine learning and data mining ap- potential application for adaptable land tenure information systems
proaches that decipher meaning from multiple massive-scale data input (LTIS) in the contexts of conflict and post-conflict scenarios. More re-
sources, and assessing whether a form of land tenure verification (or cently, Višnjevac et al. (2017) apply the concept to the domain of 3D
personal or community land tenure audit trail) can be constructed in an cadastres. The increasing number of pilots and demonstrators suggest
automated fashion – from largely unstructured data sources (e.g. You- scaled uptake in the land administration domain may be on the horizon.
Tube uploads, Facebook posts, Mobile GPS records, search strings, At a scaled or scalabel production level, recognized platforms in-
Online bill payments) – remains open. Likewise, the potential impacts, clude MarkLogic, MongoDB, Apache Cassandra, Datastax, Redis, Riak,
both positive and negative, and accompanying ethical issues also re- Google BigTable, CouchBase, and CouchDB. All are capable of handling
main open to further exploration. large workloads at low latency with high throughput9. However, de-
spite predictions of grand uptake and impact generally (Hagan, 2014),
4.2. Rapid evolutions and expansions of distributed databases examples of these tools applied to the land administration domain, at
scale, remain scarce – at least in terms of public accounts. Esri, the
4.2.1. Dispersing land data and storage market leader in commercial GIS software, announced integration with
Distributed database (DDBMS) offerings have matured, mutated, ArcGIS and MarkLogic’s enterprise NoSQL DB as early as 201310, al-
and morphed rapidly since the early 2000s (Mannino, 2012). In more though, primarily only to support defense and intelligence commu-
developed contexts, rapid improvements to internet connectivity and nities, not land administration. Whilst not specific to land sector ap-
speeds have driven the innovations – as have the rise of business models plications, McCarthy (2014) compares MongoDB (NoSQL) against
based upon intelligence and analytics. Distributed databases differ from PostgreSQL (RDBMS), in terms of storage and querying capabilities,
centralized RDBMs in that storage devices are dispersed across a net- using OSM data at global to local scales: MongoDB spatial capabilities
work – and not directly attached to a central CPU (Meunier, 2016). are found to be lacking in comparison, however, it delivers high per-
These systems, in their various guises, create several opportunities for formance on large datasets. The final point is of particular interest in
databases aimed at delivering land tenure security. the context of the earlier point on large amounts of unstructured data
Distributed database offerings can be clustered into various fla- that could potentially support land tenure security applications.
vours. Those of immediate interest to LIS – in terms of transaction or- There are likely numerous reasons for the lack of uptake of true
ientations – are NoSQL databases (Strauch et al., 2011; Nayak et al., NoSQL databases in the land administration sector. McCarthy (2014)
2013) and so-called NewSQL databases (Aslett, 2011). Another broad sheds some light here and perhaps the most influential reason is to do
group of distributed database offerings relate to those specifically de- with the nature of the domain itself. NoSQL databases developed out of
signed for analytical purposes: those are dealt with subsequently – as the need to cater for large transactional workloads, where low latency
are those with distributed management systems (i.e. blockchain / dis- and high throughput are essential. These characteristics tend not to be
tributed ledger technology (DLTs)). core concerns of conventional land administration systems, and the
underlying transactions, where transaction numbers (at least relating to
ownership) are relatively small with respect to database capacity, and it
4.2.2. Exploring land applications of NoSQL
remains accepted that transactions times are long in nature – being
NoSQL databases are non-relational: storage and retrieval is not
completed over days, weeks, and potentially months (at least for now).
based upon access to tables, data is stored in documents, and schemas
This is not to say these generally accepted norms will hold into the
are dynamic. The benefit is that frequent changes can be made to the
future. Several trends suggest the relevance of NoSQL database tech-
database and the types of data added to the system, the systems tend to
nologies in the land administration sector is only likely to increase.
scale more easily, and they work well in distributed environments.
First, a global trend in reduced times to transact and register land can
However, the drawback is that installation and management is still
be observed according to World Bank studies11. The strengths of NoSQL
maturing and that in some cases, characteristics of conventional

8 9
Data was used from various village-scale research projects across Ghana, Google’s NOSQL platform:
Nigeria, Somaliland and South Africa for Talking Titler, and sample data from Esri partners with MarkLogic:
Samoa in the case of the OSCAR implementation 13-4qtr/esri-teams-with-marklogic-for-big-data-analysis-and-management

R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

databases, particularly as the platforms mature and spatial capabilities overview of potential application in the development sector, in-
are enhanced, may be supportive in this regard. Second, the globali- corporating a specific focus on securing property rights. Also from a
zation of property markets and the requisite supporting administrative global perspective, Velpuri (2017) and Velpuri et al (2017) couches
regimes also provides further relevance to NoSQL databases land-related DLT opportunities in the broader context of unregistered
(McDougall et al., 2013): transaction workloads for LIS could be mas- lands and Fintech. Kshetri et al. (2017) highlights the opportunity to
sively increased if administrative frameworks were to be aggregated at combat corruption in developing contexts. At a more refined analytical
regional or global levels. Third, the unbundling of the land ownership level, Anand et al (2016); Vos et al (2017); Lemieux, (2016); Veuger
rights into derivative land interests (including 3D/4D rights) and (2017), and Snäll (2017) explore DLT applications specifically for the
complex commodities deemed marketable in nature (Wallace and land and real estate sectors, analyzing the implications, disruptions and
Williamson, 2006; Bennett et al., 2008) – for example carbon rights, consequences in a more circumspect fashion.
water rights, use rights, solar rights, biota rights, and so on – also po- Meanwhile, Ølnes et al (2017) whilst appreciating the potential
tentially greatly increases the number of database transactions relating benefits of DLT land registry applications, suggest uptake must be needs
to land. Fourth, the underlying driver for Barry et al’s (2013) Talking driven – rather than technology driven – and that requisite institutional
Titler prototype remains: the need for a flexible and self-adaptive land transformations are not yet well understood. Barbieri et al (2017) is
transaction database – scaled for national use – is arguably only made more critical, suggesting DLT land registries may actually represent a
possible via distributed NoSQL database and related technologies. retrograde step towards deeds style registration, and that distributed
trust could eventually revert to unintended monopolization. Likewise,
4.2.3. Skirting the frontier of NewSQL Arrunada (2017) also outlines several unresolved difficulties relating to
Due to the limitations in earlier NoSQL databases to maintain ACID contract completion and enforcement14. Griggs et al (2017), using the
transactional characteristics, an alternate modernized form of relational Australian context, reveals that whilst DLTs may assist in preventing
database management system emerged from the mid-2000s (Aslett, some common forms of fraud, the technology would still not mitigate
2011). NewSQL databases are considered RDBMS that match the scaled others. In response to such arguments, Graglia (2017a) seek to dispel
performance of NoSQL databases, whilst supporting the relational data several myths surrounding DLT security, uptake, and control, whilst
model and use of SQL. NewSQL is essentially a label for a highly varied Graglia and Mellon (2017) go on to suggest that any successful im-
set of database offerings filling the gap between conventional RDBMS plementation require several prerequisites to be in place – for example
and NoSQL databases. Intended application areas for NewSQL data- preliminary record digitization and established salutation for identity.
bases are those involving large numbers of short-lived, repetitive, Various initiatives at country-level (if not regional) are evident –
transactions – each only including a small subset of data (Stonebraker and in several cases well documented. The projects range from proofs-
et al., 2007). Response times are increased by removing complex joins of-concept, demonstrators, pilots, and in some cases there are argue-
between tables, and full table scans. More well-known NewSQL plat- ments of quasi-production level environments. Prominent examples
forms at the time of writing, variously consisting of entirely new ar- include Sweden/Chromaway (Snäll, 2017; Hjelte, 2017), Georgia/
chitectures and utilization of sharding12, include Google Spanner, Bitfury (Ugrekhelidze and Grigoli, 2017), Ukraine/Bitfury (Graglia,
Clustrix, VoltDB, MemSQL, Pivotal’s GemFire XD, NuoDB and Trafo- 2017a, 2017b); Dubai/ERES (Alsuwaidi, 2018); Brazil/Ubitquity
dion (Meunier, 2016). Whilst the majority of these are equipped to deal (Anand et al., 2016; Worldbank 2017; Lemieux et al., 2018), Ghana/
with spatial data types and related queries, there is little, or no pub- Bitland (Oberdorf, 2017; Kewell et al., 2017), Global/Propy15 – and the
lished evidence of application in the domain of land administration. stalled Honduras/Factom case16 (Anand et al., 2016; Drucker, 2016),
amongst others.
Meanwhile, other cases are more aspirational, experimental, or
4.3. Hype, hope and happenings with decentralized management hypothetical. In this regard, the analyses of Bal (2017); Spielman
(2016); Kombe et al., (2017); van Bochove et al. (2016), and Savu et al
4.3.1. Decentralizing land data with blockchain (2017) focus respectively on potential DLT applications in India,
An even more recent development in distributed database offerings Nashville (Tennessee, USA), Tanzania, the concept of ‘bitsquares’, and
– also focused on transactions – are DLTs under which most blockchain decentralizing property development quality assurance in the context of
discussions can be classified13 (Meunier, 2016). Unlike NoSQL and smart cities17. The abovementioned examples and case studies suggest
NewSQL (and RDBMs), that maintain a logically centralized manage- an increasing number and flavours of documented DLT initiatives. In
ment system, DLTs systems use decentralized management. The setup is many cases it is simply too early to make claims about impacts: ongoing
generally based upon a peer-to-peer network of node computers. Users monitoring will reveal the relative costs and benefits. We now focus
lodge transactions into the network – the node computers validate the upon two less exposed cases to further enrich the discussion.
transaction and the user’s status using algorithms – and once validated
a new ‘block’ is created and added to the existing blockchain (Morrison
and Sinha, 2016). This distributed setup, the driving force behind Bit- 4.3.2. Exploring ‘Land Layby’ in Kenya
coin and other cryptocurrencies, is now being piloted and implemented Rather than working with the Kenyan government to transform the
across many domains (Nofer et al., 2017; Scott et al., 2017) – including country’s land registries, Land Layby is attempting to gain a critical
in the land sector – and will continue to be examined and applied, mass of citizens using their planned DLT system to register and transfer
beyond the current hype period. The technology has the potential to land ownership ultimately resulting in Ministry of Lands adoption
change the nature of land administration processes, institutions, and (Land Layby, 2017). Land Layby is a Kenyan parent company with of-
how land tenure security is delivered (Miscione et al., 2017). fices in Melbourne, London and the New York (Land Layby, 2018). Over
WorldBank (2017) covers the potential applications for DLTs in the
financial sectors generally, identifying land and ownership registries as
opportunity spaces. Similarly, Pisa and Juden (2017) provide an Other critical assessment are available in the European Property Law
Journal’s (Vol 6, No 3) special issue on blockchain applications in the property
World Banks’ ‘Doing Business’ data on property registration: http://www. 15
See more:
16 Factom explanation of stall:
Explanation on database sharding: update-on-the-honduras-title-project
sharding/ It should be noted that the listed developments do not take into account
DLTs and blockchain are considered synonymous hereon in. initiatives occurring in non-English contexts (e.g French, Spanish, etc.)

R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

recent years Land Layby’s primary business model has been selling land digitizing the current registers (Muhindi, 2017). Authenticating current
through the use of land options. The company acquires large parcels of land ownership and transactions is likely to require support from in-
pre-developed land outside of major cities in Kenya and then sells op- termediaries, the people that Land Layby are seeking to remove from
tions to customers to buy 1/8th of an acre blocks at an agreed price in the process. Potential funding and business model challenges include
the future, typically two years. The customer pays for the options in ten the potential costs of development, data population of the DLT and
monthly instalments and settles prior to the option lapsing if they wish authentication of transactions, which are likely to require substantial
to proceed. In the meantime, Land Layby goes through the regulatory investment. The ICO of the Harambee Tokens is planned to raise capital
processes to subdivide the land. The offices in Melbourne, the UK and for development and population of the DLT registry. The tokens are also
US enable the Kenyan Diaspora to purchase land back in Kenya. More planned to be used to incentivise participation in the platform and
recently, the company has commenced operations in Ghana. transaction authorisation. Funding of the project may be problematic if
Land Layby has announced plans to develop and introduce Land the ICO is unsuccessful, either due to a general drop of investor interest
Layby DLT Land Registries in Kenya (Land Layby, 2018). The DLT in ICOs, or if the Land Layby Business model is not seen as attractive.
registry is being developed in Etherium and is planned to include smart The economics of the proposed registry are underpinned by participants
contracts to automate some components of land transactions. The seeing value in the tokens and performing authentication in order to
company indicates that the DLT registry will mirror the records at the earn additional tokens.
Ministry of Lands registry, although, how that will be achieved is Land Layby’s attempts to establish an alternative DLT land registry
somewhat unclear. The ledger is to be public but with multiple levels of will be interesting for scholars as another emerging case to explore the
permission to enable some aspects of the transaction, such as sales use of DLT in land registries, but also to examine the dynamics of a
price, to be kept private. Intermediaries are to be incentivized to par- private provider endeavoring to set up a land registry without gov-
ticipate in the DLT registry and to authenticate transactions through the ernment support.
issuance of Harambee Tokens. The company was planning to deploy a
minimum viable product of the registry in early 2018, perform an In- 4.3.3. Profiling ‘fractional property investment’ in Australia
itial Coin Offering (ICO) for the Harambee Tokens in mid-2018 and Fractional Property Investment represents another land related area
launch a Beta version with advanced features to the community in June where DLT may find application. The concept seeks to break con-
2019 (Land Layby, 2017). ventionally registered land parcels into conceptual shares – potentially
Placing the above into context, a recent World Bank report noted numbering in the hundreds or thousands. Investors then buy and sell
problems with land governance and land information in Kenya those shares in a managed marketplace. The shareholders receive a
(Kameri-Mbote, 2016). The report concluded that while there is a legal portion of the regular rent payments in the event that the property is
framework for the recognition and protection of land rights, these are leased and are entitled to a share of the sale value if the property is
not effectively implemented or enforced. Most land, particularly that in sold18. The approach is intended to reduce the high entry barriers in
rural areas, is not registered, land information is largely manual, re- land markets where start-up costs are prohibitively expensive. Some
ducing its effectiveness and “the need to re-organize, update, authen- schemes seek to support both passive market investment, others enable
ticate and digitise land information for ease of access and facilitation of investors to lead syndicates and ultimately live in the purchased house.
the recognition and protection of rights” (p. 7). The Kenyan govern- The concept sits at the intersection of the land sector and Fintech:
ment has commenced the process of digitizing land records, launching solution providers build upon established land administration infra-
an on-line search registry in Nairobi in January 2016 to be rolled out in structures (although, may work quite separately from them) and utilize
47 other registers (MyGov, 2016). In November 2017, the Lands CS emerging technologies (in this case online crowdsourcing tools and
indicated that his Ministry was seeking Sh17 billion from cabinet for a potentially DLTs) to conceptualize, create and sell derivative land re-
five year programme to complete digitizing the entire Kenyan land lated value propositions. In this regard, fractional property shares
registration system with the objective of reducing corruption and in- merely represent another financial derivative underpinned by the
creasing efficiency. formal land sector (Wallace and Williamson, 2006).
Land Layby have indicated that they expect their planned registry to The model recently gained traction in Australia: property markets in
go beyond improving land information to substantially changing how the major capital cities are relatively expensive in global terms, fol-
land transactions are performed (Land Layby, 2018). The company lowing almost three decades of non-negative growth with only a slight
claims that using a DLT approach will increase the speed of transactions hiatus following the 2008 global financial crisis. Solution providers
by having an agreed source of land information and reducing the need emerge to service portions of the market that are unable to gain a
for intermediaries; will increase investment value by reducing trans- foothold, primarily so-called millennials: Brickx19, DomaCom20, and
action costs through the use of smart contracts; the immutable nature of CoVesta21 represent the prominent examples. BricVest22 provides a si-
information in the DLT will curb rampant fraud in the Kenyan land milar example – based out of the United Kingdom. All are relatively
sector; including transaction data and history in the DLT will increase new players with the number of properties falling under the schemes
transparency (Land Layby, 2018). still being relatively small (e.g. Brickx holds 14 properties at the time of
The Land Layby Land Registries are in development and at the time writing, whilst DomaCom held 43 as of June 201723).
of writing, yet to be rolled out. The relative success or failure will Brickx is a fully online platform, with investment opportunities
emerge over time. The authors have identified a number of potential available for under $100. It divides each of its properties into 10,000
technical, political and financial challenges that will need to be over- ‘bricks’24. Users create a digital wallet and must have a minimum de-
come. Potential technical challenges include developing smart contracts posit of $75 in the wallet upon start-up. As of February 2018, it had
which incorporate legal and regulatory land transaction requirements
and authorities, and authenticating whether terms have been met; po- 18
pulating the DLT with authenticated land ownership data where much More on fractional property investment:
existing data is manual or contested; and dealing with conflicts between 19
More on Brickx:
the DLT registry and the Ministry registry, if the DLT registry is to be 20
More on DomaCom:
immutable but not all transactions are processed on the DLT registry. 21
More on CoVesta:
Potential political challenges include attempting the project without the 22
More on Bricvest:
support of the Kenyan government with land governance highly poli- 23
Annual Report for DomaCom:
tical and control of the land registry a ‘critical factor in corrupt land relations/financial-reports/
dealings’ (Basset, 2017) and the government currently focused on Brickx’ name for a fractional property share

R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

over 9000 members with more than 17,000 transactions being com- required (c.f. Guo et al., 2017; Yang et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2015). Al-
pleted in the previous 90 days. The median sale time for each ‘brick’ is ready experimentation relating to digital earth applications is apparent.
around 16 hrs – and brick buyers are able to enter and leave the market Huang et al. (2017) seek to extend existing distributed/non-relational
at any time. The Brickx business model is based around the payment of analytical databases (e.g. the Hadoop ecology) to support improved
fees for each ‘brick’ transaction (1.75%), property management fees, spatial querying via the development and testing of GeoSpark SQL,
and an annual audit fee. Legally, Brickx uses a unit trust arrangement whilst also utilizing the Hadoop infrastructure, Gao et al (2017) attempt
for each property – the approach anchoring each property to the formal to createing gazetteers from volunteered big geo-data.
land administration system. CoVesta uses a similar model to Brickx, The domain of land administration systems has been typically slow
albeit offering the investor more insights and control over which to utilize data warehousing and big data analytics: the historical focus
properties are purchased. Typically after five years, a ‘vote to sale’ is has been on delivering transactional efficiency, with less interest in
held amongst all shareholders. Share sizes are also different. DomaCom extracting business or social insights from the data. That said, a body of
uses a different approach being regulated as a managed investment discourse suggests increasing interest in big data analytics across the
scheme (MIS). It provides flexibility in that investors can lead syndi- land sector.
cates and control the selection of properties. Kwanya’s (2014) highly speculative analysis suggests high levels of
As outlined above, the motivation and benefits for Fractional viability and fitness with regards to utilizing big data technologies
Property Investment are apparent, however, the approach raises several within Kenya’s land sector, at least based on the perceptions of land
questions about rates of return on investment, and whether the ap- sector actors, however the specifics of the so-called ‘big data’ im-
proach actually increases levels of property ownership and underlying plementation, in terms of capture and analysis digital data sources, are
tenure security. These issues are important in the context of developing not really touched upon at all. Also from a speculative perspective,
countries where the model could be potentially applied in low-income Zoomers et al (2016) explores the potential role of big data in the global
or poverty stricken areas to support gaining footholds in the formal land rush discourse in rural areas: big data can enable new networked
property market: the private sector, civil society, or even government and visual analyses of the global land grab. However, these opportu-
corporations could fill the gap between costly government land ad- nities are balanced against the need to negate against purely quanti-
ministration systems and the low-income landless. tative analysis and poor cartographic expression. Similar to rural areas,
The Australian technical platforms enabling Fractional Property urban areas also receive big (land) data attention with regards to claims
Investment are not necessarily utilizing DLTs – although, Graglia and about the potential for analytics and visualization in the contexts of
Mellon (2018) reveal the ongoing development of a Brickx-style DLT smart cities and 3D cadastres (et al Sabri et al., 2015; Jazayeri et al.,
development known as pangio.io25. Looking ahead, according to head 2014; Pouliot et al., 2016).
of blockchain at one of Australia’s most prominent banks26, fractiona- Possibly the greatest untapped opportunity in the big data space for
lization of large ‘lumpy’ assets into smaller tradeable shares is a key land administration is in land tenure security provision – particularly in
growth area. If true, there are significant implications for the land developing contexts (Barry, 2013). As discussed under the pretexts of
sector: the unbundling of land and resource rights into smaller com- unstructured data and NoSQL, by bringing together both structured and
modities – a decades long trend often impeded by administrative and unstructured data – from a myriad of official and less official sources –
technical complexity (Bennett et al., 2008) – may find renewed traction there lies the potential to apply descriptive machine learning techni-
and impetus. Drawing on an example from the Australian commercial ques in order to reverse-engineer ‘land tenures’ allocation through the
lease sector27, Mike Craglia28 formally of the New America Foundation identification of patterns in social and spatial data. As mentioned ear-
hypothesized that it is these less administratively complex and less high lier, whilst a land user in a given context may not have access to a ‘legal
valued land-related rights where DLTs may find scaled application in- title’ over a land holding, records from social media, phone records,
itially. In particular, the ability to code or ‘build-in’ temporal, spatial, utility payments, could be combined using distributed data ware-
and other constraints via smart contracts, and the colored coin concept housing tools and thus demonstrate the user has a ‘legitimate’ holding –
are particularly attractive (c.f. Anand et al., 2016). As always, this all based on history of occupation and servicing of the land. Barry and
relies upon the underlying base resource (i.e. the land) carrying both Asiedu (2017) already demonstrate the potential for the approach in
high enough value and high administrative and legal certainty. further work combining the Talking Titler methodology, data mining
and social network analysis. The highly innovative cross-disciplinary
work invites a radical rethinking of how land rights are established and
4.4. The slow burn of big data analytics for land tenure land tenure is secured. It also represents a sought after example of
balanced technology-push and societal-pull forces. However, like most
4.4.1. Looking for land-related hadoop applications big data innovations for the land sector, the concept remains to be
The other key development in the distributed database space is so- scaled to production level. Additionally, the examples provided above
called ‘Big Data’. These are distributed databases that have a specific only deal with descriptive machine learning: the potential for predictive
focus on data analysis and analytics – as opposed to transactions. These or prescriptive (i.e. recommendations) analytics tools in the land sector
are distributed versions of earlier data warehousing technologies. The remains untapped29.
offerings can be relational (i.e. distributed SQL data warehouses e.g.
Oracle Spatial) or non-relational (i.e. Hadoop, Open Source) (Hay,
2016). Either way, the focus is on delivering fast response times for 5. Discussion
queries on extremely large data sets – something centralized relational
databases have tended to struggle with. The challenge applies to spatial Condensing the abovementioned technology developments, appli-
applications, where large-scale spatial query processing is increasingly cation areas, and case examples, a synthesis of key findings is pre-
sented. A specific focus is placed on gauging: i) trends in uptake using a
global lens; ii) the apparent gap regarding big data analytics; iii) ex-
25 pectation management within the land sector; iv) whether the new
More from Sophie Gilder: technologies are impacting on operations, strategy, or both in land
More on the Australian commercial lease example:
com/content/dam/bluenotes/documents/whitepaper%20_bank_- For more on descriptive, predictive and prescriptive machine learning see:
Personal communication on 18 January 2018 via Skype insights/an-executives-guide-to-ai

R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

Fig. 2. Data Governance Technologies and LIS Uptake (Adapted from Meunier, 2016).

sector agencies and delivery of land tenure security; v) the challenge of mismatch in the conventional requirements of land administration as
assessing impacts generally; and vi) potential future scenarios regarding against functionalities of these databases offerings; ii) the novelty of
uptake within the global land sector. tools meaning they have yet to be experimented with within the sector;
iii) whether cases of application are not yet published; or iv) big data
5.1. Uptake underway, transitional hybrids, but too soon for transformation analytics broadly speaking suffers from inflated hype and expectation.
The same applies to applications of NewSQL databases where examples
An illustration of the impacts of the emerging data governance of land-related applications remain non-existent. At any rate, the gap in
technologies on the land sector is provided in Fig. 2. Utilizing an analytics applications may in the future constitute a significant op-
adapted version of Meunier’s (2016) database technologies state-of-play portunity space for both provision of land tenure security (Barry, 2013),
graphic, the LIS generations framework, and the study results, a general advanced analysis of the global land sector (Zoomers et al., 2016), and
trend towards uptake can be observed. Like other sectors, whilst cen- perhaps most impressively – massive reduction in revenue leakage from
tralized/relational databases remain significant in the land sector and land tax avoidance (Cunningham et al., 2018).
1st Generation LIS, there is evidence of experimentation, demonstrators,
and some scaled uptake of combinations of distributed and non-rela- 5.3. Unpacking land sector institutional barriers
tional databases in 2nd Generation LIS. Whilst technological opportu-
nism is no doubt driving some experimentation, the joint drivers of: i) Despite significant advances in data technologies since the early
demands for more flexibility in land tenure descriptions and storage; 2000s, scaled uptake appears to lag behind expectation in the land
and ii) standardization and exchange of land data across sectors – are sector. Anecdotal uptake of the examined data technologies appears
clearly creating a societal pull for the developments. Meanwhile, 3rd slower than anticipated, particularly in terms of the scale of 2nd
Generation LIS appear to be crossing into the emerging area of decen- Generation LIS implementation. In many regards, this lag is no different
tralized database management. Most examples sit at the level of de- to other sectors – and given the inherent complexities of existing in-
monstrator or pilot, but the count and diversity in applications is stitutional arrangements coupled with historic conservatism and inertia
quickly increasing. As the technologies continue to mature, it is pre- in land agencies – such a lag might be expected, regardless of tech-
dicted that both 2nd and 3rd Generation LIS will continue to increase in nology implementation. On this point, the sentiments of Henssen
terms of scaled application, with the latter perhaps showing the most (2010) appear relevant. Writing on the relative uptake and successes of
potential for rapid proliferation and growth – particularly DLT’s deeds vs. title registration systems31, he noted ‘the abilities and co-
seeming ability to simplify transactions relating to unbundled or frac- operation between well trained notaries, surveyors, registrars, and in-
tionalised property rights. That said, like other sectors, the data tech- formation managers becomes more important than distinctions’ be-
nologies underpinning 1st generation LIS are likely to remain a main- tween the systems. That is, the required abilities and cooperation
stay, with hybrid 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation LIS co-existing within a between actors may be lacking to support such transformative changes.
particular agency or context. Chromaway’s ‘Postchain’ product30 pro- Indeed, in the era of so-called digital disruption, relationship manage-
vides a contemporary example of such an offering. ment and HR capacity only appear to be gaining in importance. Of the
six levers Allas and Hunt (2018) reference with regards to accelerating
5.2. Opportunities for analytics in the land sector technology diffusion in business practices, five heavily relate to people:
attracting top managers; cultivating risk mind-sets, encouraging ex-
Meanwhile, the application of distributed analytical databases in ternal collaboration, prioritizing training and development, and re-
the land sector appears minimal (Fig. 2): very few, if any, examples of cruiting people with skills. Henssen (2010) goes further to include other
distributed SQL data warehouses or t are apparent. As mentioned, social-technical aspects including awareness raising, finance strate-
further exploration is needed to determine whether this relates to: i) a gizing, legal renewal, private sector considerations, and data ethics/

Chomaway is a Swedish blockchain startup specializing in hybrid solutions 31
For the context of this work interchange with ‘relational vs. non-relational’ databases

R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448

Fig. 3. Operational and Strategic Impact of Data Technologies on LIS Generations (Applied from Applegate et al., 2006).

protection as equally essential elements for successful implementation. starting to influence the operations of conventional land administration
It is these elements that will likely determine the relative successes or agencies, but, also enabling innovation in terms of new products and
failures of the emerging land data technologies, not the initial technical services. Whilst the latter are largely in the embryonic stage – it is
challenges. As such, these elements demand further exploration. On possible that several will gain traction, at scale, in contexts where en-
this, the growing number of early-adopters, demonstrators, pilots, and abling political and economic climates allow it.
operational systems offer the opportunity to assess, learn, and inform
the scaled rollouts of the 2nd and 3rd LIS Generations. 5.5. Assessing land sector impacts: too soon, too hard?

5.4. Identifying land sector drivers: efficiencies vs. innovation Beyond the above state-of-play assessment, impact assessment of the
likely level of disruption on the land sector operations could involve
A recurring focus of socio-technical fields is understanding the ex- comparing the capabilities of the new technologies against commonly
tent to which industry drives technology development, and the extent agreed upon land sector frameworks and requirements. This might in-
to which technology development drives industry. In the context of the clude assessing developments against the 4 basic principles of land
land sector, the data technologies sector, and the studies above – both registration as espoused by Henssen (2010) including ‘booking’, ‘con-
forces are apparent. Similar to Bennett et al (2005), using Applegate sent’, ‘publicity’, and ‘speciality’ – and the add-on Torrens principles of
et al.’s (2006) theoretical frame, based upon a dual assessment of the ‘mirror’ ‘curtain’ and ‘insurance’. Already, Vos et al (2017) provide an
impact of technology on both the business operations (efficiencies) and initial examination in the context of DLTs, finding DLT may support
strategy of organizations (innovations), the different land sector tech- some elements, undermine others, dependent on the specific im-
nology applications are plotted (Fig. 3). A few points are worth making. plementation. Likewise, Larsson’s (1991) 4 levels of evidence for land
First, for more completeness in the discussion, Generation 0 is added to transactions – evolving from witnesses, through deeds, to deeds regis-
Bennett et al’s (2017) model: Generation 0 represents cases where di- tration, and finally title provision – would provide another frame.
gital systems are still in formation, piecemeal, incomplete, or sitting Zevenbergen (2017) undertakes an initial review concluding that
alongside equally incomplete or corrupted traditional paper-based emerging technologies are digitally replicating the forms of evidence,
systems. Accordingly, data technologies can only be considered to and that on the surface at least, DLT would appear a reversion to deeds
‘support’ conventional processes. Commensurate to Zevenbergen et al., registration. Other frameworks worthy of comparison might include, in
(2013) and in alignment with the observations of Meunier (2016)\, no particular order, Dale’s, (2000) property market pillars; Kaufmann
regarding the pervasiveness of relational databases across all industries, and Steudler’s (1998) Cadastre 2014 statements; Enemark et al’s (2014)
Generation 0 may still account for as much as 70% of existing LIS Fit for Purpose Land Administration principles and elements; the 4
globally. Second, the nature of 1st Generation systems, largely replica- conventional tenure types (c.f. Dalrymple, 2004); UN Habitat’s (2008)
tions of the previous paper-based systems (in the form of DCDBs and Continuum of Land Rights concept; Dale and McLaughlin’s (2000) 3
digital land registries), infers that the technologies largely impact(ed) cadastral types (fiscal, juridical, multipurpose); Bennett et al’s (2008)
on operational aspects. Fully implemented systems are in a sense rela- RRRs toolbox, Bennett et al’s (2012) categories of land data application;
tional data ‘factories’ of cadastral transactions and processes, however, and Bennett et al’s (2010) ‘cadastral future’s statements.
the fundamental business of the agency has not changed: 1st generation Meanwhile, broader impact assessment of the abovementioned data
systems are suggested to account for ∼30% of systems globally, in- technologies and case examples is a fraught exercise. At a fundamental
corporating most OECD countries. Third, 2nd and 3rd Generation LIS sit level, any implementation should seek to demonstrate enhanced se-
in the quadrants where business strategies are being influenced – either curity of ownership, credit accessibility, simplified land dealings, less
those of existing land agencies, or those of entirely new land sector litigation, and the ability for government to tax and apply land trans-
actors all together. The ‘turn-around’ agencies are the existing agencies action controls (Henssen, 2010). Within this frame, characteristics of
utilizing, for example, DLTs to dabble in new lines of business or new security, clarity, simplicity, timeliness, fairness, accessibility, cost and
ways of doing things, although, not yet at scale. Finally, those in the sustainability of data and processes should be evident (Henssen, 2010).
strategic quadrant are using the emerging digital technologies to create However, measuring these elements meaningfully, at scale, has proved
brand new land related services and products. It is important to note difficult – particularly in developing contexts. Moreover, as demon-
that these quadrants combined may represent approximately only ∼1% strated, in many cases it is simply too soon to assess influences on ap-
of LIS globally. Overall, the graphic suggests new data technologies are proaches to land data governance, let alone land tenure security

R.M. Bennett, et al. Land Use Policy 83 (2019) 435–448


Increased experimentation and application in

Larger-scale uptake in some contexts – and
hybrid applications with RDBMS in others
scenarios, transnational land markets, and
Going further, land data is part of a wider LIS including business
logic, presentation layers, all couched within an operational setting

Niche applications in complex tenure

consisting of people (system users, clients/customers, IT managers, and

Mainstay in medium to long term

unbundled land rights markets

so on), processes, and other technical and non-technical systems: a
more robust assessment would need to incorporate the flow-on effects
to these sub-systems.

developed land sectors

Prognosis (5-10 years)

No uptake foreseeable
Perhaps even more fundamentally, LIS are merely a means to end –
and it is the improvement of these ends that any land data governance
regime should be measured against. Whilst there already exists a sig-
nificant and growing body of activity in this domain, the area of Social
Impact Assessment (SIA) may provide some relevance to the land sector
and require further exploration. The emergent frameworks are holistic,
multidimensional, responsible and pragmatic (c.f. Aledo-Tur and

Domínguez-Gómez, 2017; Mahmoudi et al., 2013; McLoughlin et al.,

Full and ongoing
2009). Meanwhile, the global land sector has tended to place focus


None observed

linking land tenure security to UN SDGs32 and associated indicators,

including those relating to poverty reduction, food security, better

governance of land and resources, and improved city management.
More specific to the land sector, the World Bank’s Land Governance
Assessment Framework (LGAF) and the more recent PRIndex provide

automated flexible land tenure

Flexible land tenure recording
specific frameworks.

In summary, in most of the studied cases it is too soon to complete

Transnational land rights

(based on large datasets)

Interoperability between

Property sector big data

Rapid increases in land
meaningful impact assessments on the assessed technologies – and

Pattern recognition for

transaction volumes
moreover, selecting the appropriate framework and associated in-

agencies and SDI

Same as NoSQL
dicators requires more analysis.

Other Drivers


5.6. Forecasting potential land sector implementation scenarios

The challenges of assessing impacts aside, the uptake trends, ap-

Bypass corrupted land agencies

Flexible land tenure recording
plication gaps, and implementation challenges identified within this

unbundling of the land rights

Land Sector Uptake Drivers

study invite general postulations on future implementation scenarios

Land record security and

that support land data governance (See Table 1). Consequently, pre-

Low-cost land registry

Fractionalisation and
Yet to be observed

Yet to be observed
sented below are suggestions for how emerging data governance tech-
nologies may gain traction, be implemented and scaled – using the
Initial Driver

broad categories of ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ contexts to structure


the discussion. Here, ‘developed’ refers to those contexts maintaining

complete, or near complete LIS, and the policies, laws, and institutions
that support them – whilst ‘developing’ refers to those contexts where
Same as NoSQL, but maintain

Decentralised data integrity,

initial LIS are still in formation. The limitations and dangers of such

Faster big data analytical

scaling, and performance

extrapolations require acknowledgement, particularly given the highly

Data schema dynamism,
Digital data storage and

dynamic nature of technological development.

immutability, and

For developed contexts, 1st generation LIS were implemented to

Typical Benefits

address the challenges associated with paper based land administration


systems and opportunities of computerization, including poor accessi-



bility, availability or back-up concerns, process automation, and control


issues, amongst others. These relational-based implementations have

been highly effective in supporting core land sector tasks, including
Summary of land data technologies, drivers, and impact.

transaction completion and storage. In these statutory systems - with


standardized data and forms, high levels of trust, and comparatively



Data Types

low quantities of transaction, comparative to credit payment systems


for example - motivation to move into 2nd and 3rd generation LIS has

arguably lagged within the land sector and the status quo may remain
for the near future (e.g. 5–7 years). Emerging trends, touched upon
LIS Generation

throughout this work, that potentially expedite uptake relate to 3D LIS,


property rights fractionalization, and the privatization of public-sector

0st and 1

land registry functions. The 3D thrust inspires a rethink on data capture




and storage techniques, particularly given volumes of data are in-

creased when the 3rd dimension is added, notwithstanding that many
existing LIS are already 2.5D in nature. Property rights fractionalization
by its very nature, granulizes the bundle of rights, potentially ex-

ponentially increasing the number of interests, transactions, and data

Hadoop (or

relating to those: suddenly the advantages of NoSQL or NewSQL


Table 1


More on UN-SDGs:

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