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1) Volume of semen in boar - 250 ml

2) Drug of choice for theileriosis – Buparvaquone
3) Most effective drug for cestodiasis – Praziquntal
4) Lambert suture not applied in which of the following organ a)
rumen b) uterus c) stomach d) esophagus(answer)
5) Anti nutritional factor present in cotton seed – Gossypol
6) Drug which prevent platelet aggregation – Aspirin
7) Range of rumen ph – 5-7
8) Number of lumbar vertebrae in dog – 7
9) Longest muscle in the body – Longissmus dorsi
10) Organism which causes aflatoxicosis -Penicillium leberi
( aspergillus flavus not found in the answer choices)
11) Organism causing brooder pneumonia - Aspergillus fumigatus
12) Gnrh secreted from – Hypothalamus
13) Hormone that is released in high amount in 2 nd stage of labour
– Oxytocin
14) Dilated pupil and fish eye appearance seen in which stage of
anesthesia – Stage iv
15) Heart of bovine is attached to – Pericardio sternal ligament
16) Largest antibody type - Ig M
17) Antibody which is lining in the mucosal surface – Ig A
18) Viral genome contain a) RNA b) DNA c) Either RNA or DNA
( answer)
19) Virus which contain reverse trascriptase enzyme – Retroviridae
20) For closing of uterine incision sutures should be started from a)
cervical end b) ovarian end (answer)
21) Catgut obtained from sub-mucosa of – Sheep
22) Horse is which type of animal – Seasonally polyestrous
23) Purkinje cells present a) myocardium b)cerebrum c) cerebellum
24) Drug inhibiting cell wall synthesis – Penicillin
25) Organism devoid of cell wall – Mycoplasma
26) Microscopic lesion in bse - Vacuolation of neurons
27) Cyclozoonosis related to – Ecchinococcosis
28) Long acting local anesthetic – Bupivaquone

ICAR 2008 – Veterinary Science


29) Which dose is related to highly toxic drugs – 1-50 mg / kg body

30) Accepted fluoride content in water – 1mg / lit water
31) Vector for leishmaniasis – Phlebotomus
32) Stomach fluke of bovine – Paramphistomiasis
33) Pipe stem liver is caused by - Fasciola hepatica
34) Organism not having filaments – Mycobacterium
35) Irritable non ionic drug should be administered in which route –
36) Example of brachiocephalic breed – Pug
37) Acute gangrenos myositis associated with – Black quarter
38) Organism causing interstitial nephritis – Leptospira
39) Most abundant leukocytes type in bovines – Lymphocyte
40) Blood cells containing granules toxic to parasite – Eosinophils
41) Nucleated thrombocytes seen in – Fowl
42) Camel is which type of animal – Induced ovulator
43) Diffused pus in the connective tissue is known – Phlegmon
44) Bilateral tubular inpatency causes a) anestrous b) Repeat
breeding(answer) c) early embryonic mortality
45) Reference test for rabies – FAT
46) Rabies is which type of virus – Neurotrophic
47) Gasping observed in which disease – Infectous laryngeo
48) Immuno deficiency in IBD is due to destruction of - B-
49) T-cell maturation occurs in – Thymus
50) Infective stage of schistosoma – Cercaria
51) Cuboni test for pregnancy diagnosis done in which animal –
52) Duration of spermatogenesis in buffalo – 64 days
53) Drainage of middle ear provided through – Zepps operation
54) Feline distemper is known as – Feline panleukopenia
55) Ketone bodies in the urine is due to – Hypoglycemia
56) Smallest virus – FMD virus

ICAR 2008 – Veterinary Science


57) Which one of the following is a live vaccine –Brucella s-19

58) Breech presentation is also known as – Posterior longitudinal
59) Diagnosis of camphylobactor is done by – Vaginal mucous
agglutination test
60) Dolphins and whales breath through a) gills b) Lungs(answer)
61) Agar contains - a) protein b) lipid c) Carbohydrates d) all the
62) Raw egg feeding in dogs causes deficiency of – Biotin
63) Paralysis of hind quarters is known as – Paraplegia
64) Garlic odour of food content is seen in -Phosphorus poisonining
65) Antidote for lead poisoning – Ca-Na EDTA
66) Bronze coloured liver is seen in a)Fowl typhoid b) pullorum
disease c)fowl cholera
67) Ulcers in abomasum is seen in –Theileriosis
68) Caecal coccidiosis is caused by – Eimeria tenella
69) Sugar needed for multiplication of brucella – Erythrital
70) Brucella ovis in sheep causes – a) orchitis b) prosthitis
71) Ovulation occurs after end of estrous in which species of animal
– bovine
72) Largest deer species in india a) sambar b) spotted deer c)
73) Route of infection in anchylostoma species – Skin penetration
74) Vagus nerve is a a)sensory b)motor c) mixed
75) Pearls is seen in a) Squamous cell carcinoma b) basal cell
76) Ingestion of lantana plant associated with – Photosensitivity
77) Motility of bacteria is due to a) plasmid b) pili c) Fimbriae
78) Which one of the following is an extracellular organism a)
babesia b)anaplasma c) Trypanasoma
79) Diabetes insipidus is due to deficiency of – Antidiuretic
80) Recent out break in avian influenza is due to – H5N1

ICAR 2008 – Veterinary Science


81) Thawing temperature of semen- 37C for 30 sec

82) Hjarres disease is caused by – E coli
83) Chemical used for control of snail population – Copper sulphate
84) Agent for blister - Bin iodine of mercury
85) Dry matter feeding of cattle a) 3% of body weight b) 3% of
metabolic body weight
86) In right side torsion animal should be casted on a) right side b)
left side
87) Nerve block done for examination of penis and prepuce –
Pudental block
88) Destruction of free radicals associated with which vitamin –
89) Example for angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor –
90) For horn surgery in goat nerve to be blocked a) cornual nerve b)
infratrochlear nerve c) cornual nerve &infratrochlear nerve
91) For preventing radiation hazard wear a apron made of – Lead
92) Spermatid is basically – Haploid
93) Epsilon toxin is associated with – Enterotoxaemia
94) Which ligament should be cut in CLP – Median patellar
95) Navicular bone is the name of – Distal sesamoid bone
96) Vitamin administered in dicoumarol poisoning – Vitamin-K
97) ‘Bioterrorism’ associated with which disease – Anthrax
98) Visceral larva migrants is caused by – Toxocara canis
99) Organism present in pulmonary artery – Dirofilaria immitis
100) Programmed cell death is known as – Apoptosis
101) Gestation period of horse – 11months 11days
102) Organ to be examined in post mortem examination of trichinella
spiralis a) lung b) liver c) intestine d) Diaphragm
103) Glial cells present in - Brain
104) Calcitonin secreted from - a) Thyroid gland b) parathyroid gland
105) Which one is not related to mycoplasma – a)CCPP b) CBPP c)
106) Liver develops from – a) ectoderm b) Endoderm c) mesoderm

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107) Which one of the following is called as endogenous antigen a)

108) Inflammation of hoof is known as – a) bursitis b) synovitis c)
109) Lung is distinctly lobulated in a) cattle b)fowl
110) Which type of lens is used in electron microscope a) glass b)
quartz c) electrostatic d) none of the above
111) Number of nucleic acid base in bovine a) million b) billion c)
112) Teat surgery successful during a) lactation stage b) dry period
c) after puberty
113) Which are the organs palpable through rectal examination
before 30 days of pregnancy – a) corpus luteum in ovary b)
asymmetrical uterine horn c) membrane slip d) all the above
114) Domestic sewage contain a) highly toxic metals b)organic
waste c)all of the above
115) Sporadic infection is caused by a) influenza b) FMD c)
tetanus d) HS
116) Animal species which is not affected by FMD a)elephant
b)rhinoceros c)gaur d)wild boar
117) Bitterness of milk is due to - a) proteolysis b) lipolysis c)
autolysis d) all of the above
118) In paraffin block test lipids diluted in - a) paraffin b)xylol
119) Biofuel ( ethanol) obtained from – a) sugarcane b) oats c)
120) Soil erosion is due to a)deforestation b)soil conservation
121) Death in rabies is due to a) neuritis b) paralysis c) asphyxia
122) Which disease is not transmitted through egg a)lymphoid
leucosis b)salmonella c)Newcastle disease
123) Surgery for removal of urinary calculi a)nephrotomy b)
nephrectomy c)cystotomy
124) Atropine is used as pre anesthetic because it causes
a)reduction in bronchial &salivary secretion b) decreased
intestinal motility

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125) Othematoma is the hematoma of a)ear b) eye c)ear & eye d)

none of the above
126) Inventor of electron microscope-
127) Most common disease of snake-
128) National bird of Gujarat –
129) World environmental day is –
130) Level of chloroform in blood considered to toxic in animals-
131) Estrogen antagonist for treatment of mammary cancer in
132) Drug not having dose dependent bacterial activity-
133) Drug which causing nephrotoxicity-
134) Reserpine is obtained from which plant-
135) Subacute glomerular nephritis is also known as -
136) Organ which is most affected during shock in dog-

ICAR 2008 – Veterinary Science

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