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DOI: 10.1590/1413-81232018245.

04332019 1689

Engaging people with chronic kidney disease in their own care

an integrative review

Onislene Alves Evangelista de Almeida (
Walterlânia Silva Santos ( 2
Tânia Cristina Morais Santa Barbara Rehem ( 2
Marcelo Medeiros ( 3

Abstract The treatment of chronic kidney disease

(CKD) places a major burden on patients and their
families. Interventions such as nutritional mana-
gement, medication regimen, and renal replace-
ment therapies require active patient participation.
An integrative literature review was carried out to
identify articles on the engagement and participa-
tion of people with CKD in their care. The Medical
Subject Headings (MeSH) “Kidney Failure, Chro-
nic”, “Self Care”, and “Patient Participation” were
used to conduct a search on the following databases:
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Li-
terature (CINAHL), the U.S. National Library of
Medicine® (Medline/PubMed), Biblioteca Virtu-
al em Saúde (Bireme). A total of 21 articles pu-
blished between 2012 and 2016 were selected. The
most commonly used data collection and analysis
techniques were semi-structured interviews and
phenomenological thematic analysis, respectively.
The articles were categorized into the following the-
Hospital Universitário de matic groups: illness management and treatment;
Brasília, Universidade de
Brasília. Av. L2 Norte SGAN involvement in the decision-making process; ad-
605, Asa Norte. 70910- vanced care plan; and home peritoneal dialysis. We
900 Brasília DF Brasil. found that there is a lack of qualitative research in
Programa de Pós- certain areas, namely kidney transplant recipients
Graduação em Enfermagem, and people with initial stages of CKD. People with
Faculdade de Ceilândia, CKD should be encouraged to actively engage in
Universidade de Brasília.
Ceilândia DF Brasil. their own care, which in turn requires the knowled-
Programa de Pós- ge, motivation and support of health professionals.
Graduação em Enfermagem, Key words Chronic renal disease, Self-care, Pa-
Universidade de Goiás.
Goiânia GO Brasil. tient participation
Almeida OAE et al.

Introduction Methods

Complex chronic diseases such as chronic kidney A integrative literature review was conducted
disease (CKD) are a global public health prob- consisting of the following stages: formulation of
lem1,2. Health system responses to this problem the guiding question; definition of inclusion and
are based on care models that emphasize behav- exclusion criteria for the literature search; defini-
ioral change, the adoption of healthy lifestyles, tion of the information to be extracted from the
and adherence to treatment regimens3-4. Over- selected studies; analysis of the selected studies;
loading patients and carers with guidelines per- interpretation of results, and presentation of the
taining to the disease is a concern that has driven review11.
considerable research in this area5. The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) “Kid-
CKD requires dietary restrictions, polyphar- ney Failure, Chronic”, “Self Care”, and “Patient
macy, and specialized care during both the initial Participation” were used to conduct a search on
stages and renal replacement therapy (hemodi- the following databases in February 2017: Cu-
alysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplan- mulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Lit-
tation)4. As the disease develops, patients expe- erature (CINAHL), the U.S. National Library of
rience a decline in their overall health status, Medicine® (MEDLINE/PubMed), Biblioteca Vir-
including their physical and psychosocial func- tual em Saúde (BIREME). A total of 2,647 refer-
tions6. ences were found, of which 28 met the inclusion
Individual behavior has a major influence on criteria after reading the titles and abstracts.
the success of therapy and achieving care plan The following inclusion criteria were used for
goals. Various factors influence adherence to the selection of articles for the final sample: pri-
treatment, including motivation, information, mary studies using a qualitative research design
and social and family support. In this respect, published between January 2012 and December
the support provided by health professionals and 2016 involving participants with CKD in any one
healthcare services plays a critical role in improv- of its stages; full version of the article available
ing knowledge, the adoption of adaptive coping electronically in English, Portuguese, or Spanish;
strategies, and building self-confidence6-7. articles addressing aspects directly related to the
Psychometric instruments designed to mea- engagement and participation of patients in their
sure, among other things, self-efficacy, engage- care.
ment, motivation, adherence, knowledge, and In addition to articles that did not meet the
patient activation8-9 can further our understand- above criteria, experience reports, letters to the
ing of the interconnections between the above editor, reviews, descriptions of programs, and
factors and how they influence the provision of mixed method studies with the predominance
adequate treatment. of quantitative methods were also excluded. Sev-
Qualitative research approaches allow re- en studies were shown not to meet the inclusion
searchers to gain valuable insight into the per- criteria after reading the selected articles in their
ceptions of people living with kidney disease to entirety, resulting in a final sample of 21 articles.
support strategies to increase patient activation. The study was restricted to qualitative stud-
In view of the above, the guiding question of ies because qualitative research has the capacity
this study was: what are the most common fea- to unravel the perceptions, feelings, and expe-
tures of qualitative studies on the engagement riences of people with CKD in relation to their
and participation of patients with CKD in their engagement and participation in their own care.
own care? According to Minayo12, through systematic anal-
Given the importance of patient-centered ysis, qualitative research enables the objectifica-
care10, where the effective participation of pa- tion of a type of knowledge whose raw material
tients in decision-making about their care is a are opinions, beliefs, values, representations, re-
key element of high-quality care, we conducted a lations, and human and social actions from the
literature study of qualitative research addressing intersubjective perspective of actors.
the engagement and participation of people with A template elaborated by the authors was
CKD in their treatment. used to present the selected studies including
the following information: article title, year and
journal, method used for data analysis, proposed
objective, number and sex of the participants,
data collection method, and main results. A par-

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(5):1689-1698, 2019

tial version of the completed template was pre- effects require patients to develop individual ad-
sented at an international event13. aptation and coping strategies.

Results Discussion

The years with the largest number articles were In the illness management and treatment group
2014 and 2016, each with six publications. The we included articles addressing aspects directly
articles reported research conducted in four con- related to disease management and dialysis, such
tinents: Europe, America, Oceania, and Asia. The as symptoms, medication, renal replacement
country with the largest number of studies was therapy (RRT), physical exercise, and adherence.
the United States, followed by Canada. There The research shows that thirst and hunger man-
was a predominance of journals specializing in agement is an inherent burden that generates dif-
nephrology, with the Journal of Clinical Nursing ferent emotional responses in different patients.
accounting for the largest number of articles with Self-management of these symptoms consists of
four publications. a combination of behavioral and cognitive ele-
Nursing was the area that most addressed pa- ments14.
tient engagement and participation in their care. Uncomfortable symptoms reported by peo-
The main research settings were dialysis clinics/ ple undergoing chronic hemodialysis include
centers and out-patient clinics that specialize in fatigue, cramps, pruritus, and depression, while
care and treatment for kidney disorders. key coping mechanisms include health team sup-
Qualitative data collection methods included port and individual self-control15.
semi-structured interviews, used by 81% of the One of the studies16 explored self-manage-
studies, focus groups, nonparticipant observa- ment of medication from the perspective of pa-
tion, and motivational interviewing. The most tients on dialysis. The findings show that the use
commonly used data analysis method was phe- of multiple medications and the weekly routine
nomenological thematic analysis. of three dialysis sessions are barriers to adherence
The use of software for data organization/ to prescribed medication and carers and family
qualitative analysis, particularly NVivo®, was re- members play an important role in adherence to
ported by eight studies, illustrating that the use medication regimens.
of these technology resources in qualitative re- According to patients, exercising while on di-
search is widespread. alysis is considered less important than dialysis
The studies explored a diverse range of top- itself and requires encouragement and support
ics, which were categorized into the following from the health team and dialysis service. This
thematic groups related to the engagement and perception was shown to be a barrier to intradi-
participation patients in their own care: illness alytic exercise16.
management and treatment; involvement in the Only one article addressed treatment ad-
decision-making process; advanced care plan herence among patients on hemodialysis17. The
(ACP); and home peritoneal dialysis (HPD). findings show that the support of the family and
Themes explored by the research includ- other patients, perception of risk, and routine
ed key elements of the life of people with CKD, nature of treatment are facilitators of adherence,
especially those undergoing dialysis, including while barriers include forgetfulness, time spent
thirst and weight management and management on treatment, limited understanding of dietary
of symptoms and medication regimen, including control and medication, and lack of communica-
patient participation in choosing the type of vas- tion. These findings reinforce some key concepts
cular access used for dialysis. that should be incorporated into care programs
Chart 1 shows the main features of the select- for people on hemodialysis: the involvement de
ed articles highlighting the main findings of each family members and carers, effective communi-
study. cation, and confidence in the support provided
The main findings show the complexity of by health professionals.
CKD and the effects of the disease on different A study35 of self-care in people with chronic
aspects of patients’ lives, including eating habits, conditions also highlighted the influence of fam-
medication use, decline in physical functions and ily, health services, and healthcare professionals
capacity, the emergence of specific symptoms on chronic illness management. The findings
such as pain, and psychosocial limitations. These also show the need to develop interpersonal re-
Almeida OAE et al.

Chart 1. Summary of the selected articles (n = 21). Brasília, 2017.

Country/ Data collection Qualitative
Title Main findings
Year technique analysis method
Illness management and Treatment
The management Singapore Semi-structured Thematic analysis Food cravings and thirst were
of food cravings 2016 interview (Braun and Clarke, common in patients undergoing
and thirst in 2006) cognitive-behavioral therapy:
hemodialysis NVivo® 9 software nonadherence, controlled intake
patients: A (QSR and substitution, self-monitoring
qualitative study14 International™) and compensation.
Symptoms among United Semi-structured NVivo® Most uncomfortable symptoms:
patients receiving in- States interview / group muscle cramps; fatigue, pruritus,
center hemodialysis: 2016 discussion and depression. Basic coping
A qualitative study15 strategies: partnership with
dialysis team and “taking control
of your own self-management”.
A Qualitative study Canada Semi-structured Coding using Three main themes emerged:
to explore patient 2016 interview a broad–based support, the role of the dialysis
and staff perceptions coding scheme nurse, and norms within the unit.
of intradialytic
Managing treatment Singapore Semi-structured Thematic analysis Two themes analyzed: facilitators
for end-stage renal 2013 interview Nvivo® and barriers to treatment
disease--a qualitative and focus group adherence.
study exploring
cultural perspectives
on facilitators and
barriers to treatment
Knowledge deficit of Australia Focus group Thematic analysis Six themes emerged: medical
patients with stage 2016 using Hyper attentiveness; learning self-
1-4 CKD: a focus RESEARCH® management; contextualizing
group study19 comorbidities; prognostic
uncertainty; motivation and
coping mechanisms; and
knowledge gaps.
Exploring Australia Motivational Thematic analysis Motivation and confidence were
motivation and 2015 interview in the health beliefs frustrated by complex prescribed
confidence in taking model medication and clinical
prescribed medicines conditions. Development of
in coexisting health risk coping strategies.
diseases: a qualitative
Dry weight from the Switzerland Semi-structured Manifest Four categories related
haemodialysis 2015 and open content analysis, to care actions: self-care
patient perspective21 interviews Krippendorff control strategies; transfer of
(2004) responsibility to hemodialysis
team; management of physical
consequences; management of
social and psychological concerns.
Clinical conditions Brazil Semi-structured Collective subject Delays in treatment and
and health care 2014 interview discourse. nonacceptance of the disease
demand behavior Software and treatment were factors that
of chronic renal Qualiquantisoft® affected disease control.
it continues

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(5):1689-1698, 2019

Chart 1. Summary of the selected articles (n = 21). Brasília, 2017.
Country/ Data collection Qualitative
Title Main findings
Year technique analysis method
The delicate balance United Semi-structured Thematic and Patients engaged in various
of keeping it all States interview structural analysis coping strategies, including
together: Using 2016 (Creswell J., 2009) reliance on activating social
social capital to capital and/or family social
manage multiple support, to manage their
medications for medications and health; most
patients on dialysis16 respondents thought medication
management services would be
beneficial, but not necessarily for
A qualitative United Semi-structured Interpretative Patients have a range of beliefs
study of treatment Kingdom interview phenomenological about their illness and treatment
burden among 2014 analysis consistent with the self-regulatory
haemodialysis (Osborn and model of illness: identity, cause,
recipients23 Smith, 1998) consequences, timeline and cure.
The experience and United In-depth Manifest and latent Four themes: the nature of
self-management of States interview content analysis fatigue, management of fatigue,
fatigue in patients on 2013 (Hsieh & Shannon, consequences of fatigue, and
hemodialysis24 2005) factors associated with fatigue.
Perceptions of Norway Semi-structured Critical discourse Two discourses were identified:
patient participation 2012 interview analysis the health‐care team’s power
amongst elderly (Fairclough - and dominance and the patients
patients with end- three-dimensional struggling for shared decision‐
stage renal disease in conception of making
a dialysis unit25 discourse)
The experience of Switzerland Semi-structured Inductive content Comprehensive theme: creation
empowerment in the 2012 interview analysis of trust and learning through
patient-staff (Krippendorff encounter. Sub-themes
encounter: 2004) representing empowerment/non
the patient’s empowerment
Involvement in the Decision-making Process
Development of United Focus group Thematic analysis Three themes emerged:
a decision aid to States difficulties in identifying type
inform patients’ 2012 of treatment; complexity of
and families’ renal information; and desire to
replacement therapy have clear and understandable
selection quantitative data and scientific
decisions27 studies.
Are you sure about Canada Semi-structured Content analysis Patients’ decisions regarding
your vascular access? 2016 interview (Bradley, Curry & vascular access were influenced
Exploring factors Devers, 2007) by observations, experiences, and
influencing vascular dialogue in the dialysis unit.
access decisions with
chronic hemodialysis
patients and their
Patients’ experiences Denmark Semi-structured Systematic text Three main themes: patients
of involvement in 2015 interview condensation are a significant part of the
choice of dialyses (Malterud 2012) decision; health care professionals
mode29 contribute to the experience of
being involved; patients keep
putting off the final choice.
it continues
Almeida OAE et al.

Chart 1. Summary of the selected articles (n = 21). Brasília, 2017.

Country/ Data collection Qualitative
Title Main findings
Year technique analysis method
Dialysis modality Canada Semi-structured Thematic analysis The following factors influence
decision-making for 2014 interview NVivo® dialysis modality decision-
older adults with making among older adults: older
chronic kidney adults are often in a precarious
disease30 state with limitations on modality
options, personal factors, gender
differences, and support needs.
Advanced Care Plan
Advance care United Semi-structured Thematic analysis Themes identified included a
planning: The States interview precipitating health care crisis, the
patient perspective31 2016 experience of decision-making
for others, and availability of
advance directive information.
Advance care United Semi-structured Thematic analysis Three themes emerged: prior
planning: States interview and Dedoose® experiences with ACP, factors
a qualitative study 2015 nonparticipant that may affect perspectives on
of dialysis patients observation. ACP, and recommendations for
and families32 discussing ACP.
Home Peritoneal Dialysis
Patients’ experiences Brazil Semi-structured Thematic analysis Three themes emerged: facing
of peritoneal 2012 interview Paul Ricoeur up to the world of kidney failure
dialysis Hermeneutic and dialysis; experiencing body
at home: a phenomenology changes, and sources of support.
Patient and family Kingdom Semi-structured Thematic analysis Four themes emerged: initiation,
perspectives on 2014 interview (Wolcott’s, 1994) limitation, uncertainty, and
peritoneal dialysis at and observation NVivo® freedom.
home: findings from of the home
an ethnographic dialysis process

lationships with more trust and commitment and because they believe that this type of access
between patients, family members/carers, and is easier to manage. This perception goes against
health professionals in order to promote autono- clinical recommendations for the early forma-
my and co-responsibility for care. tion of a fistula.
With respect to involvement in the deci- According to patients, empowerment is influ-
sion-making process, one article suggests that in enced by trust, participation in decision-making,
order to promote involvement in choosing the and the learning process, while lack of commu-
type of RRT it is necessary to simplify concepts nication and indifference on the part of health
and technical knowledge so that patients are professionals represent nonempowerment26.
able to make an informed decision regarding the Structural barriers to patient empowerment
treatment that best suits their needs27. Another should be identified so that finding mechanisms
study20 investigating decision-making regard- to overcome them becomes an explicit part of the
ing the type of vascular access for hemodialysis process. Attention should be paid to the struc-
showed that people with a catheter preferred tural forces that affect the conditions of health
this method because, based on their prior expe- and the individual’s self-care skills36. Supporting
riences, they were afraid of making the incision patients to make informed decisions regarding
necessary for forming an arteriovenous fistula, available care through facilitating patient engage-

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(5):1689-1698, 2019

ment and empowerment is the responsibility of ulated in nephrology research, extending its ap-
health services. plication to other contexts and groups, such as
Advanced care plans were addressed by two those in the early stages of CKD. In this respect,
articles31,32. In one study, patients were inter- we identified only one qualitative study with peo-
viewed about their experiences with ACP and ple with stage 1 to 4 CKD19, which highlighted
offered recommendations, including discussion the knowledge needs of patients and their sense
of the ACP among the health team based on of uncertainty about the future.
patients’ perceptions. The second analyzed the It is important to recognize that the complex-
experiences of three people who participated in ities of CKD stretch beyond pathophysiology and
the preparation of their own ACPs, highlighting multiprofessional treatment, involving intersub-
implementation barriers such as beliefs and lack jective dimensions such as motivation and con-
of family support. fidence, requiring health professionals to take a
Elements identified as personal barriers to partnership approach to support individuals in
the implementation of ACPs should be contex- achieving self-management.
tualized in a particular way by health teams that
promote this care approach. The uniqueness
and subjectivity of each particular situation re- Final considerations
quires a personalized approach to handling these
elements, which in turn demands specific skills The perspective of people with kidney disease is
from the health team. In this sense, understand- an important reference point for health service
ing the patients’ vision and experiences with management, developing standard operational
ACP can contribute to the improvement of this protocols, recommendations, and expert con-
emerging approach. sensus. The qualitative approach adopted in this
In this respect, discussing this matter and the study showed itself to be effective for capturing
maturation of bioethical issues involved in the the subjective meanings of individual and group
implementation of ACPs by health teams would representations of the engagement of people
appear to be an interesting first step towards de- with CKD in their care, even in the face of cul-
veloping these practices. tural barriers such as low health literacy.
Finally, two studies explored peoples’ expe- Qualitative research allows us to gain a more
riences of home peritoneal dialysis33,34, both of in-depth understanding of a given reality from a
which revealed a common theme: coping with unique angle, furthering possibilities and strate-
dependence on dialysis in the face of end-stage gies for promoting patient engagement and par-
renal disease. However, the studies show that ticipation in their care in partnership with health
home dialysis meant that patients gained knew services and professionals, thus enabling them to
knowledge and learned new practices and took assume co-responsibility for their health and that
on greater responsibility, leading to better self- of their peers.
care and self-monitoring on the one hand and Apart from outlining which qualitative re-
anguish and feeling of dependence on family search methods were used and how, this study
members and health professionals on the other. identified research gaps and highlighted the set-
By revealing patients’ perceptions of this tings in which people with kidney disease are in-
treatment, these studies help to raise the aware- volved or can be involved in their own care.
ness of health professionals regarding the need We also identified some areas that have yet
to focus on social and emotional aspects during to be explored using qualitative methods, name-
all stages of peritoneal dialysis. In addition to the ly kidney transplant recipients and people with
burden of the techniques and procedures asso- initial stages of CKD with comorbidities besides
ciated with this type of intervention, the factors diabetes or high blood pressure.
outlined above coupled with inadequate self-care Despite the complexity of CKD treatment
can ultimately lead to the failure of treatment. and the importance of engaging patients and
With regard to the research method, the qual- their families in the care process, it is evident that
itative design made it possible to turn the expe- participation is limited in practice. It is therefore
riences of people living with CKD into scientific necessary to overcome the barriers that prevent
knowledge, considering various approaches to patient engagement in their own care, which re-
the management of the disease. The use of this quires the knowledge, motivation, and support
type of methodology should therefore be stim- of healthcare professionals
Almeida OAE et al.


OAE Almeida: project conception and data anal-

ysis and interpretation. WS Santos and TMSB
Rehem: data analysis and drafting and critical
revision of this article. M Medeiros: critical revi-
sion of this article.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 24(5):1689-1698, 2019


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Article submitted 02/04/2018

Approved 22/10/2018
Final version submitted 19/02/2019

CC BY This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License

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