Rationale For Domain e

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Artifacts for Domain E

Brittini Wade

National University

June 20, 2019


Rationale for choosing artifacts for Domain E

Creating a safe and effective environment is crucial to student learning. How class time is

spent along with having a positive, social environment is one of the major components of being a

teacher. Being given the task to create an effective environment for students is not always easy,

but teachers should still continuously reflect on their classroom community to make sure it is

productive and positive.

My first artifact I chose to include on my PDQP is a powerpoint project on how to

promote self-efficacy in students. I live in a rural community and there are many great things

about living in a small town, however, I find that often times my students tend to be unmotivated

and uncommitted to their education. I think many of them assume they will take one of the local

employment opportunities if they finish high school which means they do not need to get any

higher education. I created a powerpoint on how to build self-efficacy with students. Teachers

need to make sure they are providing instruction that is flexible and allows for student input.

They should provide consistent feedback and create meaningful connections to the concepts.

Promoting self-efficacy will ensure that teachers are maintaining an effective environment.

The second artifact is a picture of my students playing a math review game. This game

provides a fun, positive environment for everyone to be able to participate. Games like this are

low impact. The third artifact is a literature review on the importance of creating a safe

environment for students within the classroom. I reviewed an article that discussed the benefits

of creating math talk communities which allows for students to gain a deeper understanding

while incorporating collaboration. This is one of many instructional strategies to help students

move toward a more positive outlook on their mathematical education.


The fourth and final artifact I included into my PDQP is a set of classroom rules and

procedures that is discussed the first week of school. My students and I come to an agreement on

what rules and expectations should be included in the classroom to make it be a productive

learning environment all year long. Once they give their input, I write them on a poster to be able

to reference during the school year. These artifacts help support the teacher performance

expectation of “Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning” in my


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