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1 Blockchain Worx is building a rich portfolio of strategic Blockchain-based platforms and

ventures across three key segments - Capital Markets, Payments & RegTech
These include an STO exchange solution, a crypto-asset investment management platform, a crypto payment gateway and two AML systems
Key Partners
Type: Internal project
About: A digital Center of
Excellence to explore
Blockchain possibilities, forge alliances
Innovation Center and accelerate innovation.

Type: Holding
Type: Joint Venture Type: Internal project Type: Internal project Type: Internal project Type: Internal project
Reg: London, UK
Ownership: 49% Reg: T.B.D Reg: T.B.D Reg: T.B.D Reg: T.B.D
About: Tokenomatic is a
Reg: Singapore About: TokenPayNet is an About: CryptoAML is a About: AMLCentral is a About: STO HQ is a
decentralized digital asset
About: STOGlobal-X is an enterprise grade multi- comprehensive token next-gen platform for platform to extend
investment management
integrated platform to crypto payment platform surveillance and crypto decentralized Anti-Money awareness, share insights
platform aimed at helping
issue, manage and trade designed to power the transaction monitoring Laundering - Transaction and offer tools related to
crypto-asset investing go
Tokenized Securities in a crypto-commerce platform Monitoring; powered by the emerging world of
secure and compliant revolution Blockchain technology. tokenized securities
Partners: WandX,
manner Partners: None Partners: Tech only. Partners: RegPac, Sofocle Partners: (PwC)
JV Partner: CoinStreet Seeking JV partners Seeking JV partners Seeking JV partners Seeking JV partners
Status: PoC complete.
Partners, Hong Kong Status: PoC complete. Status: PoC complete. Status: PoC complete. Status: Set up complete.
Seeking strategic partners
Status: Build complete. Build underway internally Build underway internally Build underway internally Content addition underway
for build out
Being delivered to clients

Working closely with and co-creating alongside strategic partners, Blockchain Worx builds, launches and then scales each platform as an independent venture

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