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JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C.

Engineering and Instrumentation

Vol. 67C, No.3, July- September 1963

Determination of Residual Thiosulfate In Processed Film

Chester I. Pope
(May 1, 1963)

The Crabtr ee-Ross procedu re, employing t he reaction of thios ulfate with mercuric
chloride to form a t urbid solution is the usual test for r esidual t hi osulfate in processed film .
Quali tative test s sho\\"ed that in th is procedure part of the prec ipitate remains in t he gelat i n
layer of the fi lm, caus ing the re porte d concentration of th iosulfate to be too low. When
residu a l th iosulfate \ms measu red in the presence of image silver , th e image silver con-
t ributed an add itional compon ent to the turbidity. A new test procedure \vas de veloped
whi ch a lso e mploys m ercu ri c ch lo rid e as th e precip itant but which reveals 2 to 3 times as
much r esidual thiosulfate a s does the Crabtree-Ross procedure. R es idual silve r ca uses the
format ion of addit ional t urbidity which is determin ed a s residual thiosulfate. A t race of
ge latin is di ssolved from thc fi lm durin g the t hiosu lfate tes t, the a moun t dep endin g on fi lm
ty pe. The t r ace of ge lat in had a pronounced e ffect o n t he a mount of t urbidity. The a d-
dit ion of a knO\l"ll amount of ge latin to t he t es t solu tion masked t he e ffect of d issolve d
ge latin , makin g it possible to prepa re one calibration cur ve for a ll types of film. A new
met hod of measurin g the res idual silver in pr oce~sed film was deve loped. A photoelectri c
ne phe lometer \ms use d to mea sure the t urbidity.

1. Introduction developed in which the residu al thiosulfate is ex-

tracted from the film by treating the sample in a
The r eaction of thiosulfate with mercuric chloride solution of potassium bromid e. The mercuric chlo-
to form a preeipitate is the basis for a turbidity test ride is fLdded after removal of the film sample. In
which has been used for the past 30 years to deter- the n ew· procedure, any r esidual silver in the form
mine the residual thiosulfate in processed film . The of a silver thiosulffLte complex is r emoved by the
test is known in the li terature as the Crabtree-Ross potassium bromide. The silver then reacts with the
hypo test [1].1 In the test a sample of film is im- halide present in the test solution to form a precipi-
mersed in a solution of mercuric chloride and potas- Late which adds to the turbidity formed by the thio-
sium bromide and the turbidity is compared visually sulfate. The effe ct of gelatin on the turbidity in the
or by a photoelectric instrument with that produced thiosulfate test procedure was determined.
in standard solutions containing known amounts of Qualitative tests wore made to show that par t of
thiosulfate. th e precipitate remain s in the gelatin layer when the
( 'rabtree-Ross test procedure is used . The effect
Analytical results have been reported [3, 4] to in- or the image silver on the turbidity in the Crabtree-
dicate that the Crabtree-Ross test measures all of Ross test procedure was also investigated. A new
the residual thiosulfate in processed film. However, test method was develop ed for determinin g the resid-
the analysis of such small quantities of thiosulfate by ual silver in processed film by measuring the trans-
chemical methods is sub ject to considerable error. mission den sity of a silver im age developed from the
It has been suspected that some of the precipitate silver in the residual silver thiosulfate complex.
formed in the reaction of thiosulfate with mercuric
chloride remains in the gelatin layer, giving low
values for the thiosulfate content. Also the com- 2. Test Methods
parison or standard solutions in the Crabtree-Ross The solutions and experimental procedures used
test are not always reproducible and sometimes vary in this investigation for determinin g the residual
as much as 50 percent for the 5 Ilg standard, de- thiosulfate in processed film are given b elow. The
pending on how rapidly the thiosulfate was mixed films were 35 mm. The area of the film test sample
in the preparation of the solutions. was 1 in.2 Round samples were punched from un-
It has been shown that potassium bromide can perforated film with a special punch and rectangular
eliminate all of the thiosulfate from film after fixa- samples were cut from perforated film usin g a metal
tion [5]. A new thiosulfate test procedure has been stencil. Two or more specimens wer e tested for each
determination of residual thiosulfate content. Two
I Figures in brackets indicate the li terature references at the end of this pa per. or more standard solutions were made in each run
to determine the turbidity for each thiosuHate con- Standard solutions were prepared by adding known
centration and prepare a calibration curve. The amounts of sodium thiosulfate to 5 ml of solution
tests were made at room temperature (23 to 27 °C). Ao or A, thoroughly mixing, adding 5 ml of solu tion
The processing solutions used in preparing the film B , and proceeding as described above in testing film.
samples were the same as those described in a previ- The standard solution s containing known amoun ts of
ous publication [5]. Samples of 35 mm film 10 in. thiosulfate were prepared as describ ed in t he Ameri-
in length were developed 5 min , treated in a stop b ath can Standards Association method [2] for determining
30 sec, fixed in a fresh acid hardening bath or one thiosulfate in processed film . No correction was
containing 8 g of silver per liter, and washed in run- made for the increase in volume of the test solution
ning tap water for selected times at different water with the addition of the thiosulfate solution, since
temperatures to obtain a range of resid ual thiosulfate the error introduced is negligible.
concentrations in the processed film . The t hiosul-
fate-free film samples used in the tests were obtained 2.2. Crabtree-Ross Thiosulfate Test Procedure
by fixing in a fresh b ath and removing t he residual
thiosulfate in the washing process- no thiosulfate The following solution was made up with distilled
eliminators were used. The thiosulfate concentra- water and filtered through highly purified filter
tions are expressed in terms of anhydrous sodium paper:
thiosulfate (N a2S203) in micrograms per square Potassium bromide __ ____ ______ ___ __ 25.00 g.
inch (J.lgjin. 2). Mercuric chloride ____ ________ ______ _ 25.00 g.
'iVater to make ________ ____ ____ ___ __ 1 liter.
2 .1. New Thiosulfate Test Procedure
The potassium bromide and mercuic chloride were of
Solution Ao the same reagent quality as used above.
Potassium bromide __________________ 50.00 g. From a buret or pipet 10 ml of the above solution
Water to make ______ ____ ____________ 1 liter. was added to a cuvette. The film sample was folded
with the gelatin side in and immersed in the test
Solution A solution for 15 min without agitation. Then the
Potassium bromide __ ___ _______ ___ ___ 50.00 g. sample was removed, the solut ion was stirred with a
'iVater to make ______ __ ______________ 980 ml. glass rod, and the cuvette was allowed to stand 15
Filter and add 0.10 % gelatin solution __ 20 ml. min before the turbidity was measured. The
standard solutions containing known amounts of
Solution B sodium thiosulfate were prepared and added as de-
Mercuric chloride ____ _______________ _ 50.00 g. scribed in the American Standards Association method
'iVater to make ____________________ __ 1 liter. [2] referred to in section 2.1.
2.3. Turbidity Measurement
Solution A should be stored in a refrigerator and
brought to room temperature before use. The t urbidities of the test solutions were measured
The solutions were made up with distilled water with a Coleman No. 9 nephelometer. In this
and filtered through highly purified filter paper. instrument, a collilnated beam of light from a tung-
The mercuric chloride was dissolved at room temper- sten lamp passes into the test solution, the light
ature. The potassium bromide, m ercuric chloride, scattered at right angles to the exciting beam is
and the sodium thiosulfate (N a2S20 3'5H 20 ) used in detected by two photocells, and the output of the
the thiosulfate standard solutions were of reagent photocells is indicated on a meter. The nephelom-
quality, meeting ACS specifications. The gelatin eter was calibrated by a Coleman turbidity standard
was photographic grade. of 74 units b efore each measurement. This standard
The solutions were delivered from burets to 19 did not change within a period of a year relative to
mm by 105 mm round cuvettes. The tip of the other Coleman standards of 10, 18,33 , and 74 units.
buret containing solution B was widened to permit For readings above 130 units, the nephelometer was
delivery of 5 ml in about 5 or 6 sec. From the buret, adjusted to make the standard of 74 units read 10
5 ml of solution Ao or A was added to the cuvette. or 5 on the scale, making each unit on the scale equal
The test sample of film was folded twice with the to 7.4 or 14.8 units, respectively. The cuvettes
emulsion side facing in and placed in solution Ao were matched Coleman A grade. For the measure-
or A for 15 min. The cuvette was agitated frequently ment, the cuvette was placed in a well containing
during the immersion period. The sample was re- sufficient distilled water to cover its three windows.
moved with a glass rod having a toe on the bottom
end. The surface liquid was squeezed off as much as 3. Results and Discussion
possible during removal. Then 5 ml of solution B
was added from the buret and the cuvette was 3.1. Effect of Time and Temperature on the Extrac-
swirled immediately to insure rapid mixing of the tion of Thiosulfate From Processed Film
solutions. The mixture was also stirred with the
glass rod for a few seconds. The cu vette was wetted The treatment of processed microfilm and motion
on the outside, wiped dry with soft tissue, and allowed picture film for 15 min in solution Ao at room temper-
to stand 30 min before the turbidity was measured. ature (23 to 27°C) was found to be sufficient to

------ --- ..- -- - --

extract the r esid ual t hi osulfa te and residual silver r emoved b efor e the addition of the thiosulfate and
from the film sample. Clear (image-free) samples solution B . The turbidi ties are sh own in table 1
fixed in a fresh bath and in a b a th containing 8 g of for differ en t typ es of film and the a b ove thiosulfa t e
silver p er li t er wer e t es t ed . Some of the samples con cen tra tions. F or solu tions con taining more than
wer e tr eated a second time in solution Aoto determine 5 f..Lg or thiosulrate, th e turbidity of t h e solutions
if any m easurable amount of thiosulfate remained. treated wi th film wer e much hi gher than t h e con -
N o thiosulfate was found in samples having a low tr ols. The turbidi ties for micr ofilm sp ecim ens
r esidual thiosulfa t e concentration b u t 1 to 2 f. L g per differed fro m t hose for motion picture film . The
in.2 was found in microfilm and 1 to 5 f. L g per in .2 res ults suggested Lltat th e turbidity migh t be in-
was foun d in motion picture film h aving a residual creased by an agen t extmcted fr om t h e fi lm such as
thiosulfa te concentration of 30 to 100 f. L g per in. 2 gela tin , causing a m or e hi ghly disp ersed precipitate.
M os t of the thiosulfat e was removed d uring a Turbid t es t solu tions Lreated with film appear ed
5-min treatment in solution Ao. Extendin g the tinle bluer than those n ot tr eated . The turbidities in
to 30 min did not yield more thiosulf ate than a table 1 wer e reproducible to within 5 p er cent for
15-min treat ment. As an example or the rapidity each t yp e of film . It appear ed at first t h at a
of the removal of the thiosulfa te from th e film , on e calibra tion curve would h ave to b e prep ar ed for
sample of microfilm , containing 29 f. L g of thiosulfa t e each type of film , but this would h ave m ad e the
per in. 2 afteT fixation in a b a th containin g 8 g of test pro cedure impractical.
silver p er liter , tested 20 J..L g p er in. 2 after tr eatmen t T es ts w er e th en m ad e to determine th e effec t of
for 1 min in solution Ao. Any turbidity resulting gela tin on t h e turbidi ty of the test solutions. Sm all
from the r esidual silver adds t o that formed by the con centrations or gelatin w er e added to solu t ion A o
r esid ual thiosulfate and is determin ed in th e n ew con t ainin g known con centra tions of so dium thio-
tes t proced Ul'(' as thiosulfate. sulfate af ter which th e r equired amount of solution
T ests wer e m ade to determine th e amoun t of B Wfl,S added. It was foun d t h a t t r aces of gelatin
r esidual thiosuHate extrac ted from film by distilled significantly incr eased t he turbidi ty in t h e thio-
wa t er. Clear (image-free) samples were tr ea ted in sulf ate test solution. As li ttle as 3 p ar ts of gelatin
5 ml of dis lill ed wa ter , r emoved , and 0.25 g of in a billion caused a detectable ch an ge or the
po tassium bromide added to give a 5-percen t solu- Lurbid i ty in th e thi osuHate tes t solution!
t ion or potfl,ssium bromide b efor e the addition of
t he 5 ml of solution B . About 30 per cen t or th e T A 13LB I. Ei)"ec l oj di.D"erent Jilms on the tu1"/liriity in the
Tesidual thiosulfate Wfl,S extracted from samples or thiosuUa le test when solution A 0 was tr eeded with 1 sq!wre
microfilm contfl,ining 8, 14, 17, 34, 54, and 59 f. L g of inch of illlage-free thiowlfate-jl-ee film
t hiosulf a t e p er in .2 fl, rter fixation in a fresh bath.
Only 1 to 3 f. L g or thi osulf ate was extracted from T'urbidimctric units
samples of micr ofilm con taining 14, 25, 31, 34, 44, No film
'rhiosu l fate treatment .
and 46 f..Lg of thiosulfate p er in.2 af ter fixa tion in a added afLc r D ata taken Microfilm .1\ 1otion pict u re
rcmontl of from calibra· fillll
b a th containing 8 g or silver p er li ter . The bromide film tion curve
ion in solution Ao decomposed th e r esidual silver A n c A B
thiosulfate complex m aking t h e thiosulfate and ------1-----1---- --- --- --- ---
silver soluble. r:. .1\ fi efoora ms
The effect o f temp erature on t he extr action or t h e ,) - - - - - - - - - ----.----
10 . __ _____ . ________ _
11 14
residual thiosuHate by solution Ao was investigated . 20 ____ ____ . _______ _
40 ____ __________ . __ _
14G J33 J25 29(i 245 2(;3
339 632 010 614 488 .502
T ests wer e lnade at room tem perature and a lower
temperature o n t he same strip or film at t he same
t ime. After extraction , th e specimens at t h e lower
temperature were brought to room tem per ature be- In ord er to evaluate the cITed or gelaL in co ncen-
fore th e addition of solution B . One sample of tration on turb idiLy, a O.lO-percent gelaLin sol ution
microfilm extracted at 7 to 9 °C tested 14 f. L g of was m ade u p as follows : Ab out 10 g of photographic
thiosulfate per in. 2 and at 26°, 1n6 f. L g/in .2; and a 0Tad e oelati n were h eated ill 600 ml of distilled
second sample at 13°C tested 13 f..Lg/in.2 of thio- ~vater ;t 50 to 60 °C for 1 hr wil lt frequent stirring.
sulfate and at 26 °e, 15 f. L g/ in.2 B oth samples h ad Abou t 200 ml or the warm solution were filLered
been fixed in a b ath containing 8 g of silver p er liter . thr ough 2 layers of highly purified iiI LeI' pap~r. T he
From t he above data it may be in ferred t h at a solid con tent or t he fil traLe was delerl lll ned by
change of 3 °C in solution Ao would cause an error pipeti ng 10 ml into a tared 20 ml beaker, . h e,~t i ng in
of ab ou t J6 f..Lg of thiosulfate per in. 2 an oven at 100 ± 2 °C for 24 br, and wClghmg Lhe
3.2. Effect of G ela tin on the Turbidity in the b eak ers a nd residue. Fro m t he weigh t of t he soli d
Thiosulfate Test res idue in Lile 10 ml a,liq uot th e volu me of the fillrate
co n tainin o· 1 0· or gelaLin WI,S calculated a nd t hi s
Solution B was added to solutio ns of Ao conLaining volum e oFfiltr~te w"as dilu ted to 1 li ter wilit distill ed
5, 10, 20, a nd 40 f. L g, resp ectiv ely, or sodium thio- wfl,ter to ob tain the O.lO-per cen t gela tin solutio n.
sulf ate. T hen the tests w er e r epeated , except t h at A cOLTlmercial fo od gela tin gave the same r esul ts as
1-in. 2 samples of clear (image-free) t hiosulfat e-free t he abo ve photographic g el~ tin , but it .develo p ~d a
film wer e im m ersed in solution Ao for 15 min and f un o·us b0Towth a fter storaob·elor 8 week s ll1 a r e[nger-

ator, while the photographic grade h as rem ained
stable for 8 months in a refrigerator.
The effect of gelatin concen tration on the turbidity
in the t hiosulfate test was determined for 10, 20,
a nd 40 J..L g of sodium thiosulfate by adding different
amounts of gelatin to solution Ao. Solution Ao was 5 00
made up to 1000 ml less the volume of gelatin solu-
tion to b e added, filtered, and t he gelatin solution
add ed. The gelatin solution was added after filtra- ' 00
tion to avoid any effect of the fil ter paper on the
concentration of the gelatin . In th e tests, the thio-
sulfate was added to solution Ao containing gelatin, ~
followed by solution B . In figure 1 the gelatin ~
concen tr ations are plotted against turbidimetric ~
uni ts for the 3 t hiosulfate concentrations. These 200
curves show that very low concentrations of gelatin
in th e test solution (1 to 10 J..L g per 10 ml of test IO flQ
solution) h ave a large effect on measured turbidi ty o
in the thiosulfate test. B etween 50 and 200 J..L g per
10 m l of test solu tion, however, the change in
measured turbidity is very sligh t. The data in o I 1 1 !




50 100

5 10 200
figure 1 suggest t hat the effects of different amounts GEL ATI N CONCEN TR ATION, j-L Q/lo m l T EST SOLUTION

of gelatin dissolved from different types of film might

be elim inated by increasing the gelatin concentration
in the test solu tion. FIG U RE 1. Eflect oj gelatin concentration on the turbidity
A concentration of 100 J..L g of gelatin in 5 ml of the fo rmed by the reaction of mercuric chloride '!.Cith thi osulfate
extracting solution Ao was selected for the new th io- ajteT the addi tion of 5 ml oj solu tion B to 5 m l of solution Ao
fOT 3 thi ow lfa te concentmtions.
sulfate test procedure and is hereafter designated
'rhc con cen t ration of sodium thiosuHate is shown on the curves.
solution A. Tests were then made to determine i[
tr eatment of different types of clear (image-free)
thiosulfate··free film in solu tion A would give the
same turbidity fora given thiosulfate concen tration.
Samples of 1 in. 2 of film were immersed in solu tion A
for 15 min and then removed before the addition of
thiosulfate and solu tion B. Samples of three differ- 1100 r - r - - , - - , - - , - - , - - , - - , - - , - - , - - , ----O
ent microfilms and two motion picture fi lms were
tested at 5 thiosulfate concentrations (5 , 10, 20, 40 , 1000
and 80 J..L g per 10 ml of test solution) . The measured
turbidities for each concentration agr eed within 900
experimen tal error with th e corresponding turbidities
obtained for each of the above thiosulfate concentra- Z
tions when solution A was not treated with a film. ;:;;

These resul ts demonstrated conclusively that th e '"o..J 700

effect on measured turbidity o( gelatin dissolved from U

the film had been eliminated. ~ 600

The nephelometer calibration curve shown in 3
fi gure 2 was prepared by plotting measured turbidi- ~ 500
ties as a function of thiosulfate concentration. The g:
plotted values were an average of five or more '"~
determinations. In this new test procedure the rapid g'
mixing of solutions, A and B, and the added gelatin ;= 300
formed a r eproducible turbidity. The curve in
figure 2 shows a sharp change between 6 and 8 J..Lg 200
of thiosulfate, but is linear from 9 to 100 J..Lg. Figure
3 is an enlarged scale of a portion of figure 2 showing 100
more clearly the sharp change in the calibration
curve for the lower thiosulfate concentrations, those 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
of chief concern in microfilm practice. In the Cr ab- THIOSULFATE CONCENTRAT ION, f.L9/ 10 m I TEST SOLUT ION
tree-Ross t est procedure the turbidity readings for
the s tandard solutions were not always reproducible
and sometimes varied as much as 50 percent for the
5 J..L g s tand ard. The rate of mixing of the thiosulfate FIG U RE 2. Ne p helomeleT calibration cW've sho'!.Ci ng the tUl' bidi ty
in th e tes t solu tion appears to affect the particle size f ormed by the Te acti on of meTc1!ric chloride '!.Ci t.h thi osulfate
of th e precipita te. after the addition of 5 m l of solution B to 5 m l of soluti on A.

---~~- ------
110 was m ade by the two procedures a t tbe same time
on the sam e strip of film in each run . A calibration
100 curve was prepared for th e Crabtree-Ross test pro-
cedure and calibration curves for the n ew procedure
90 are shown in flgures 2 and 3. Sam ples of 1 in. 2 of
film were cut or punched from the strip , alternate
80 samples 1 !tl1d 3 being used in one procedure and 2
and 4 in the other. Th e dupli cate in both procedures
-' 70 ge ner ally gave t he same r esidu al thiosulfaLe content,
occasionally difi'ering by }~ to 1 Mg in the low thio-

60 sulfate co ncen tr atio ns a nd 1 to 2 in the hi gh. Th e
z average r esidu al thiosulfate co n cen trations of the
u 50 dupli cate samples for the two procedures ar e given
a:: in table 2 for mi crofilm a nd mo tion picture film after
'"~ 40 fixation in a fresh bath and a b ath CO il taining 8 g of
ii5 silver per liter. Th e thiosulfate co ncen trations for
'" 30
the new procedure were no t corrected for the 1 Mg
of thiosulfate per in .2 whi ch is norm ally absorbed by
the film . As shown in table 2, t he new test pro cedure
measured 2 to 3 tim es as much residual thiosulfate
in processed film as the Cr abtree-Ross test procedure.
T AB L E 2. Comparison oj' residual thiosulfa/.e concentrations
obtained from the new thiosulfat e test and the Crabtree-Ross
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
thiosulfate test for the same sample of image-free fi lm

rl'hiosulfatc, microgram s per square inc h

FIG U R E 3. An enlarged scale of the calib?'alion curve in jigme 2
for the low sodium thiosulfate concentrations.
Microfilm 1\1otion pi ct ure fillll

A trace of thiosulfate is held by tbe film in the Fillll

I C ra btree- I New I Crabtree-
thiosulfate test. It was found t hat the 1-in .2 micro- F ilm brand
procedure Ross brand pracedu re Itoss
film samples r emoved 0.03 to 0 .05 ml of solu tion A. proccd ure I proced ure

This loss was determined by weighing, in a tar ed

Fixed in a fresh bath
glass stopper ed bo ttle, three 1-in .2 samples, b efor e
and after treatm ent in solution A. The loss of this A ____________ _ 2
o A __________ _ 28 11
amoun t of solu tion do es not introduce any significant A ____________ _
7 4Ys? A __________ _ 87 28
A __________ _ 19 () !2 A _______ ___ _ 110 32
error, especially for the low residual thiosulfate con- A ____________ _
A ___________ _
12 13 __ ________ _ Iv 7
27 fl . ___ ._. ___ _ ]8
ce ntrations. Tests were made by treating solutions R ____________ _ 55
2 13 __________ _
78 2R
B ______ ___ _
of A con tai ning 10 to 70 Mg of th iosulfate with clear B ___________ _ 772 4
19 JOYs?
(image-free) thiosulfate-free mi crofilm to determine 13 ____________ _ 43 19
13 ____________ _
the errol' caused by removing the film sample fr om 90 42

solu tion A. There was a loss of about 1Mg of thio-

Fixed ill a bnth+8 g of silver per lite r
sulfate per in. 2 regardless of the thiosulfate concen-
tration . If the film sample was not removed before A ____________ _ 9.11 3 A ___________ I 64 18
the addi tion of solution B, t he sample som etimes A ____________ _
A ____________ _
25 7 A __________ _ 88 23
38 ]2 B u.Y2 4Ys?
in terfered with the formation of the precipi tate giving A ____________ _ 62 18 n:::::::::::/ 52 19
B ____________ _ 2Ys? lL _______ _
low t urbidity values. E vidently the film absorb ed B ____________ _ 8
78 28
the thiosulfate in the emulsion or on th e film base. B ____________ _ 70 18
A correction of 1 Mg might b e applied. This correc-
tion is not significant for high thiosulfate con-
centrations, but it m ay be desirable to add it at The lower residual thiosuH ate COll cen trations
concentrations below 20 Mg p er in.2 for accurate measured by the Cr ab tree-Ross procedure may be
determination of residual t hiosulfate. a,ttribu ted to the precipitation of S0 111e of the
r eaction product from th e th iosull'ate and mercuri c
3.3. Comparison of the New Test Procedure With chloride within the gelatin laycr or t he film. Thus,
the C rabtree-Ross Test Procedure only a part of the thiosull'ate is extracted to form
a precipitate in the test solution . T h e presence of a
Unexposed strips of 35-mm film , cu t 10 in. in precipi tate in the gelatin layer a fter treatmen t in
length, were developed, treated in a stop bath, fixed, the Crabtree-Ross test solu tion was determined
and washed at different water temperatures and for qualita tively by di ssolvin g the gela tin ancl observing
different times to obtain inmge-free sa mples with a the turbidity or the solu tion. One-il1. 2 samples from
range of residual thiosulfate concentrations. The clear (image-free) micl'ofLlm con taining 0 and 50 to
film strips were stored abou t 2 to 3 weeks befor e 70 Mg of residual thiosulfate were treated in the
testing. Analysis of tb e residu al thiosulfate content Crabtree-Ross test solution for l S.:min, washed~ lO
24 1
min, and treated in 10 ml of a ~6-percent solu tion of cedure in the silver image of processed film did not
pancreatic enzyme at about 55°C for 30 min to show the same difference as those determined for
dissolve most o[ the gelatin. On visual inspection, clear (im age-free) film. Flash-exposed strips of 35-
there was consider ably more turbidity in the enzyme mm film , cut 10 in. in length, were developed, treated
solu tion for films containing r esidual thiosulfate than in a stop bath, fix ed, and washed for different times
the one containing none. The precipitate in the to obtain samples with a range of residual thiosulfate
cnzyme solutions for films containing thiosulfate conccntrations. The thiosulfate tests were made
appeared bluish, but the blank was brownish gray. within 4 hI' after processing. rrhe samples were
In other tests on microfilm having a high residual tested by the two test procedures as described in
thiosulfate concentration, the turbidity remaining section 3.3. The comparative results for a micro-
after solu tion of the gelatin roughly corresponded film fixed in a fresh bath and a bath containing 8 g
to the difference of residual thiosulfate content of silver per liter are given in table 3 for an image
measured by the new test procedure and the Crab- density of 5. The residual thiosulfate contents from
tree-Ross test procedure. In another test, I-in. the two test procedures were about the same for
samples of clear (im age-free) microfilm containing thiosulfate concentrations of 20 Mg per in. 2 and higher,
17, 39, and 51 Mg of thiosulfate were treated in 10 ml but the Crabtree-Ross test procedure gave higher
of the Crabtree-Ross test solution for 15 min, thiosulfate contents in the range of 10 Mg of thio-
washed 10 min, and heated in 10 ml of a 5-percent sulfate per in. 2 Other tests on microfilm for image
solution of citric acid at 70 to 80°C for about 1 hI' densities of 0.02, 0.72, 1.62, and 2.48 showed that
to dissolve the emulsion. There was considerably the thiosulfate contents from the Crabtree-Ross
more turbidity in the solu tions for films containin g procedure were about one-half the value obtained
residual thiosulfate t hfm [or the one containing none. from the new procedure at a density of 0.02, but
The degree of turbidity was in the same order as approached those from the new procedure as the
the residual thiosulfate concentrations of the films image density increased. Thiosulfate contents indi-
whether es timated visually or measured with the cated by both procedures became about equal at
nephelometer. Again the precipitate in the solutions image densities of 4 to 5. The above results show
for the films containing residual thiosulfate was that the Crabtree-Ross test procedure gives higher
bluish, bu t the blank was brownish to gray. When residual thiosulfate contents in the presence of image
the above solutions were made alkaline with concen- silver than in clear (image-free) film and this differ-
trated ammonium hydroxide, most of the turbidity ence may result from the addition of silver to the
in the sample containing no thiosulfate was elimi- test solu tion forming a t urbidity of silver halide.
nated while the solutions for films containing thio- In the Crabtree-Ross test procedure the silv er in the
sulfate became quite bluish and the turbidities were image is bleached by the mercuric chloride, forming
in th e same order as the residual thiosulfate contents silver halide in the film. Any residual thiosulfate
when estimated visually or measured with nephe- present could form a soluble silver thiosulfate com-
lometer. plex which migrates into the test solu tion where it
The presence of a precipitate in the gelatin layer decomposes to form an additional turbidity of silver
was also shown by measuring the transmission halide and is measured along with that formed by
density of the film sample after treatment in the the reaction of thiosulfate with mercuric chloride.
Crabtree-Ross test solution. Clear (image-free)
microfilm samples containing 0, 60, 70, 103, and TABLE 3. Comparison of residual thiosulfate concentrations
obtai ned f)"om the n ew thi osulfate test and the Cmbt.ree-Ross
150 Mg, of residual thiosulfate per in. 2 were treated thiosulfa te test for microfim having a density of !i.
for 15 min in the Crabtree-Ross test solution ,
washed 15 min, dried, and the transmission density Fixed in a fresh bath Fixed in a bath +8 g of sil ve r per liter
of the samples measured. The untreated microfilm
had a density of 0.07. The control sample h aving New procedure ~ew
I Crabtree· R oss
o Mg or thiosulfate per in. 2 had a density of 0.08; 50 I C raprocedure
b tree-Ross procednre
procedu re

Mg, 0.09; 70 Mg, 0.10; 103 Mg, 0.11; and 150 Mg 0.13.
The above data showed that a precipitate was present
in the gelatin layer and its density increased [rom 14 1L __________________ _ 16
111 20 __ __________________ _
0.01 to 0.05 above that of the control. 21 3L _______ ______ ____ __ _
The above results explain why the Crabtree-Ross 23 57 ____________________ _ 43
test procedure gave low values for the residual thio-
sulfate co ntent in processed film. The gelatin effect Different amounts of silver as silver nitrate were
on the turbidity was not investigated for the Crabtree- added to the Crabtree-Ross test solution and the
Ross test procedure, but it is probably small since turbidities measured. The standard silver solutions
the test solution is acid. were made up and added by the same method used
for the standard thiosulfate solutions. Figure 4
3.4. Effect of the Image Silver on the Crabtree-Ross shows the calibration curve obtained by plotting the
Test Procedure turbidimetric units against the silver concentration
in the Crabtree-Ross test solution. The calibration
Residual thiosulfate contents determined by the curve showed that the turbidity of the silver halide
new test procedure and the Crabtree-Ross test pro- varied linearly with the silver concentration and also

-- _._----
1000 film and 19 Mg in the exposed film. The results
show that the exposed film tested higher Ul residual
900 thiosulfate than the clear film , indicatin g that some
of the silver in the bleached image had migrated into
Z 800 the test solution. The amount of thiosulJate found
by the Crabtree-Ross test procedure in the clear
700 flim was less than was f oun d by the new tes t pro-
~ cedure, due to the retention of some of the precipitate

t:: 600 in the gelatin layer, as shown in section 3. 3.

3.5. Test for Residual Silver in Processed Film
~ 500
>- Residual silver in processed film is pres en t as a
~ 400 silver thiosulfate complex. Appreciable amoun ts of
0 residual silver may cause fading 01' yellowin g of the
image due to the formation of sil vel' sulfide. A large
concentration of residual silver in t he film would
indicate that the fixing bath co ntain ed too much
silver for adequate removal of the silver thiosulft,te
complex during a normal washing procedure. A
fresh fixing bath leaves no measurable residual silver
in the film , but as silver accumulates in the fixing
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 bath the tendency for the silver thiosulfate complex
SILV ER CONCE NTRATI ON, j-Lg II0 mi TEST SOLUTION to remain in the fihn in cr eases. The silver thiosul-
fate complex is more difficult to remove in the wash-
FIGURE 4. Calibration curve showing the turbidi ty formed by
in g process than the thiosulf'fLte. As the fixing bath
silver added as silver nil?'ate to 10 ml of the Crab tree-Ross approaches exhaustion the residual silver in the film
thiosulfate test solution. becomes high and som e of it remains after prolon ged
The test for residual sihrer in processed film [6]
that a small amount of silver in the test solution now in use is oilly qualitative. In this test the film
would add appreciably to the turbidity in the thio- is treated with a 0.2-pe1'cen t solution of fu sed sodium
sulfate test. For example, 20 Mg of silver gave a sulfide and a yellow stain is produ ced if suffi cien t
turbidity reading of 142 as compared to 204 for 20 J.lg residual silver is present. Tests showed that at
of thiosulfate shown in figure 2. high residual silver con centratio ns a stain density
The effect of image silver on the turbidity in the of' only 0.02 was produced in microfilm and 0.04 in
Crabtree-Ross test procedure was further investi- motion pi cture film . A more sensitive and quanti-
gated by addin g a known amoun t of thiosulJate to tfLtive test was n eeded to indicate the amount of
processed microfilrn. A 0.05 ml solution containing resid ual silver prese n t in processed film. It h as
20 ILg of sodium thiosuHate was pipeted onto l-in .2 been show"n [5] that a O.l-per cent solution of potas-
samples of thiosulf'ate-free film pun ched from clear sium iodide will react with the r esidual silvf'r thio-
(image-free) strips and strips havin g an image den- sulfate complex in processed film to precipitate silver
sityof 5, evaporated to dryness in an oven at 50 °C, iodide in the film. An investiga tion was made to
and the residual thiosuHate determined at the same determine if' the silver in the silver thiosuHate C0111-
time by the two test procedures. Duplicate samples plex could be converted to silver in the film and the
were used for each test in the clear and image areas. amount of' residufLl silver indicated by measurin g the
The amount of residual thiosulfate found by the new transmission den sity of the silver.
test procedure in exposed film (image density 5) Samples of unexposed microfilm find motion pic-
was abou t the same as that found in clear film. In ture film were fixed in a bath containin g 8 g of silver
one run 19 ILg of sodium thiosulfate were measured per liter and wfished for differe nt times to obtain a
in the clear film and 17 ILg in the exposed film; in a range of residual th iosulJate concen tm t ions accom-
second run, there was 17 J.lg in the clear film and 16 panied by high residual silver con centra tion. It wa s
Mg in the exposed film. The above results showed found that the residual silver in the silver thiosulfate
that the residual thiosulfate was accurately deter- complex could be converted to a silver im age b~T
mined in the presence of image silver if allowance is treating it in a developer contltillin g 2 g of potassium
made for some loss of thiosulfate due to its tendency iodide per liter, while expos in g jt to li gh t . The opti-
to react with silver to form silver sulfide. A trace mum concentmtion of potassium iodide wa s 1H to 3
of thiosulfate may also be oxidized by exposure to g per Ii tel' of developer solution . If' there wa s less
air durul g oven drying. than 1}6 g oj' potassium iodide pOl' liter, not all of the
The amount of residual thiosulfate found by the residual silver was converted to im age silver llnd if
Crabtree-Ross procedure in exposed film (image fibove 3 g, some of the silver iodide passed into solu-
density 5) was more than that found in an un exposed tion before developm ent. For the test procedure, 2
film. In one ruo , 11 f.lg of sodium thiosulfate were g of potassium iodide per li ter of developer solution
measured in the clear flim and 17 J.lg in the exposed was used. The following developers were used in the
film. In a second run, there were 12 ILg in the clear experimental work: and gave the same results :
Developer A W

Amidol, 2,4-diaminophenol dihydro- 5.0 g. "~ 0.30

chloride w

Sodium sulfite, anhydrous ________ _ 30.0 g. ~

Potassium iodide _____ - _- _- _- _- _-_ 2.0 g. U.
o 0.20
Water to make ______________ ___ __ 1 liter. >-
D eveloper B Z
Monometbylp-aminophenol sulfate _ 3.1 g. Z 0.10
Sodium sulfite, anhydrous __ ______ _ 45.0 g. til
Hydroquinone ______________ ______ ]2.0 g. i 0.05
Sodium carbonate, anhydrous ______ 67.5 g. Z

Potassium iodide _________________ 2.0 g. "a::r 25 50 100 150 34 0

I'Vater to make ___________________ 1 liter. THIOS UL FATE CONCENTRAT ION, f-Lg / i n~
The developer should be fresh and developer A FI<lUR8 5. Density of silver image fo rmed f r om the silver i n the
silver thi osulfate com plex versus the thi osulfate concen trati on.
should be made up just before use. The film sample
was treated in the developer solution [or 20 min with density of only 0.02 was found. In a motion picture
occasional stirring while exposed to a ] OO-w tungsten film /"01' a residual thiosulfate concentration of 154
lamp located 6 in. from the surface of the solution , J..I.g per in. 2, a density of 0.27 was obtained while in the
treated 1 min in a stop bath containing 12 ml of sodi urn sulfide test a stain density of only 0.04 was
g-lacial acetic acid per liter, and washed 15 min . The found. Clearly, the new test method is much more
densities of the silver images obtained for the differ- sensi ti ve theW the sodium sulfide test.
ent thiosulfate concentrations were very reproducible Tests were made for residual silver on microfilm
and correlated well with the thiosuHate concentra- and motion picture film fixed in a fresh bath by the
tions. Silver in the image was identified quaJita- new test method and no residual silver could be
tively by c1issolving the image in nitric acid and detected in microfilm samples containing up to
obtaining a precipitate of silver chloride alter the 240 fJ.g of residual thiosulfate per square inch and
addition of sodium chloride. Film samples of the motion picture samples containing up to 500 J..I.g
silver image were immersed in water [or 5 min and, per in. 2
after removal of the surface water, they were bleached
over concentrated h.vdrochlorie acid, dried, and re- 4. Summary
developed with light in developer A. The same den-
sity could be redeveloped, indicating that the image A new test procedure was developed for the deter-
was silver. mination of residual thiosulfate in processed film.
One set each of unexposed 35 mm samples, cut 10 This procedure indicates that the residual thiosulfate
in. in length, from a microfilm and a motion picture present in clear (image-free) processed film is 2 to
film, respectively, were fixed in a bath containing 8 g 3 times that indicated by the Crabtree-Ross test
of silver per Ii tel' and washed at 25 ° C for different procedure. In the course of development of the
times to obtain a range of residual thiosulfate con- new test procedure, it was found that a trace of
centrations. Then snmples from strips having dif- gelatin dissolved from the film sample produced a
ferent residual thiosulfate concentrations were considerable change in the measured turbidity. The
developed together in Developer A, one set being run amount of gelatin dissolved depended on the type of
for microfilm and one for motion picture film. The film being tested. A separate nephelometer calibra-
transmission densities of the developed samples were tion curve might have been prepared for each type
measured and the density 01 the film base subtracted of film, but such a procedure would be impractical.
from the density re.adings. The density of the silver Instead the effect of gelatin concentration in the
image for each sample was plotted against its respec- test solution was investigated. The data showed
t ive residual thiosulfate concentration and curves [or that the addition of 100 fJ.g of gelatin to the test
the microfilm and the motion picture film are shown solu tion would eliminate the effect of gelatin dis-
in figure 5. The data in the curves show that the solved from the film, thus making it possible to
silver density developed from the residual silv er is prepare a single calibration curve for all types of
proportional to the residual thiosulfate concentration film. For accurate results at low thiosulfate con-
for the lower thiosulfate concentrations and becomes centrations a correction of 1 fJ.g per in .2 should be
nearly constant at the higher concentrations. The added to the value obtained turbidimetrically.
test method may be used to study the exhaustion of In the new procedure the thiosulfate was extracted
a fixing bath under controlled conditions, since the from 1 in. 2 of film by treatment in 5 ml of a 5-percent
appearance oJ appreciable concentrations of residual solution of potassium bromide solution containing
thiosulfate will signal difficulty in removing the silver 100 fJ.g of gelatin, and 5 ml of a 5-percent solution of
thiosulfate complex in the washing process. mercuric chloride was added after removal of the
In a microfilm with a residual thiosulfate concen- film sample. A nephelometer was used to measure
tration of 130 J..I.g per in. 2 , a density of 0.16 was ob- the turbidities. A calibration curve was prepared
tained, while in the sodium sulfide test [6] a stain at 25°C ± 2°C. The temperature of the solutions
during the thiosulfate test should be the same as 5 . References
that at which the calibration curve was prepared.
Qualitative tests showed that some of the precipi- [1] J. 1. Crabt ree ami J . F. Ros , A m ethod of testing for the
prese nce of sodium thiosulfate in motion picture film s,
tate in the Crabtree-Ross test procedure remained in J . Soc. Motion Picture Engrs. U, 419- 426 (1930) .
the film during the test, causing low values of residual [2] Amer ican Standard Method for D ete rminin g the Thio-
thiosulfate concentration to be reported. s ulfate Content of Processcd Black-and-White Photo-
When a silver image containing residual thiosulfate graphic Film and Plate, PJI4 .8- J 958 (Am er ican
Standa rd s Association, In c., JO East 40th i:lt., N ew
was tested by the Crabtree-Ross test procedure, York lu, N.Y. ) .
there was evidence that some of the image silver [:3] J. 1. Crabtree, G. T . Eaton , and L . E. Muehler , The
migrated into the test solution, adding a turbidity removal of hy po and silve r salts [rom photographic
of silver halide. materials as aff ected by th e composition of t il(' proccss-
in g solutions, J. Soc. Motion Picture a nd T elevision
The new test procedure may be used for deter- Engrs. 41, ] 4 (J 943) .
mining the residual thiosulfate in film con taining [4] E. P. Przy bylo,,·iez, C. W. Zu ehlk e', and A. E. Ballard ,
image silver. However, it has been shown [5] that An eval uation of t he Crabtree-Ross proced lire for
the test for residual thiosulfate in film should be residual hypo in processed film , Photo . Science and
Engr. 2, No. :3, ].18- 153 (1958).
made with an image-free area of film. [5] C. 1. Pope, Stab ili t~' of residual thios ulfate in processed
A new test me t hod was developed for deter minin g m icrofilm, J ournal of R esearch National Burea u of
the residual silver in processed film. The silver in Standard, Vol. 67C (Eng. and Instr. ) , No. I , 15- 24
the silver thiosuHate complex was developed to a (1963 ) .
[6] American Stan dard Method for Indi catin g the f-ltabi li ty
silver image and its trftnsmission densiLy measured. of the Imagcs of Processed Black-and-White Fi lms,
Plates, and Papers, PI::I4.12- 195'1 (Ameri ca n Standards
(Paper 67C3- 134) Association , In c., 10 East 40th St., New York JG , N.Y. ).


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