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Name:______________________ Date :_________________ Score:___________ Computational Analysis

G10-___________________ Science Teacher:________________________

Read and analyze the following
problems carefully. Write the given,
Unit 4 Module 1 Activity 2 required and box the final answer.
Boyle’s Law The first one is done for YOU.
Learning Competency:
S10MT-Iva-b-21 1.1 Investigate the relationship between volume and pressure at constant According to Boyle’s Law,
PV = k therefore:
temperature of gas.
V1 P1 = V2 P2
Where: V1 = initial volume
Objective/s: At the end of the activity, the students should be able to investigate the V2 = final volume
relationship between the volume and pressure of gases at constant temperature. P1 = initial pressure applied
P2 = final pressure applied
Procedure: as directed Sample:
If a gas at 25.0 °C occupies 3.60
Data and Observation: liters at a pressure of 1.00 atm,
Table 1. Observation on Volume Changes what will be its volume at a
Trial Volume (cm³) Mass Pressure(N/m²) pressure of 2.50 atm?
Initial Reading g kg
1 Given: V1 = 3.60 L Find: V2 =?
2 P1 = 1.00 atm
P2 = 2.50 atm
Solution: V1 P1 = V2 P2
V1P1 = V2P2 V2=(3.6L)(1.00atm)
5 P2 P2 2.50 atm
V1P1 = V2
Note: Pressure (P)= Force (F) / Area (A) ᴫr2 = Surface area of syringe P2
Answer: V2 = 1.44 atm
Force: mass (kg) x acceleration due to gravity (9.80 m/s²)

Q1.What happens to the volume of the syringe as the set of weight is added on top of it? Problem
1. A gas occupies 1.56 L at 1.00
Ans.The volume of the gas inside the syringe (increases, decreases, remains the same)
atm. What will be the volume of this
gas if the pressure becomes 3.00
Q2. What happens to the pressure on the syringe when set of weights is added?
Ans. The pressure on the syringe (increases, decreases, remains the same)
Given: Find:
Volume (x-axis) vs Pressure (y-axis) Graph


s 2. A gas occupies 11.2 L at .860
s atm. What is the pressure if the
volume becomes 15.0L?
Given: Find:
Volume (V)

Q3. Describe the graph

Ans. The recorded volume (increases, decreases) as the recorded pressure (increases, Answer:
decreases). The graph shows a (straight, curved) line.
3. A gas occupies 4.31 liters at a
Q4. What is the relationship between volume and pressure of gases at constant temperature? pressure of 0.755 atm. Determine the
Ans. The relationship between volume and pressure of gases at constant temperature is a volume if the pressure is increased to
1.25 atm.
(directly proportional, inversely proportional).
Given: Find:
Conclusion: I therefore conclude that ___________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________ Solution:


Key Concepts

The relationship between the volume and pressure of gases at constant temperature was first stated by (Robert Boyle,
Jacques Charles, Joseph Gay-Lussac) during the (16th , 17th, 18th ) century. He performed an experiment wherein he trapped a
fixed amount of air in the (J,U,S) tube, he changed the pressure and controlled the temperature and then, he observed its effect to
the volume of the air inside the tube. He found out that as the pressure is increased, the volume (increases, decreases). He finally
concluded that the volume of a fixed amount of gas is inversely proportional to its pressure at constant temperature. Today, this
relationship is known as (Boyle’s Law, Charle’s Law, Gay-Lussac’s Law).

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