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Mia Jese Jade O.

Sy Fernadez Grade 12 – GAS IT 02

Claire Claudette Nob
Rhetorical Strategy: Historical

“Gadgets: A want in the past, a need in the present”

Technology and science have developed a lot over the years. They made a great leap
forward in terms of everything because of this, technology has made the electronic devices
comfortable to use, portable and compact compared to earlier versions. One of the products of
technology is the gadgets, a tool such as machine that has a particular function, but is often
thought of as a novelty. Today, carrying of gadgets in our pockets is one of the common things,
it surrounds us in our day-to-day lives and maybe only a few people can live without them.
Gadgets help people life to be easier in many things that it became a need but before potable
gadgets came, it is not that people really needs then, gadgets is just what they want and is not
that necessary for them to have.

Gadgets transformed our lives in several ways and it brought a shift in our dependence on
technology to perform key tasks in our everyday routine. Gadgets somehow helps us in our daily
living like enormous amount of information at our fingertips because you can use Google Maps
to get directions, watch YouTube videos to learn to cook. Health monitoring apps on the smart
phone that wound remind people to exercise. Capability to share daily or special events instantly
with thousands of people and see reaction in a matter of minutes. Expedited research with access
to information galore that help your research easier while then people needs to visit library to
research. Ability to watch videos on demand anywhere you want. Ability to read e-books online
that no more visits to library is needed. Use of mobile phones as pacifiers for kids to stay at
home. Improved speed of communication by orders of magnitude leading to faster decision-
making. Existence of mobile apps for entertainment, social interaction through digital media,
paying bills is easy, accessing bank accounts and etc.

But before gadgets became comfortable to use until 1980’s, the personal computer,
Apple, already existed but it doesn’t look like as it is today and was massively expensive thing.
The first hand-held phone device is the Motorola but the feature of the phone is only for
communication unlike today, phones can entertain and help people in many ways. A life without
gadget in kind of fun because the person’s attention will not only for the gadgets like then
children played together outdoor and they had a lot of physical activity unlike now children are
just staying at home facing their gadgets they lack of physical activities. Before people talked to
each other more often, and verbal communication face-to-face was its peak but now people
prefer talking or chatting online and online communication is not that reliable when it comes to
know peoples feeling towards each other. People knew their spellings well as they read more
books not like today people almost misspelled everything and chat jargons also existed. Then,
people enjoyed spending more time outdoors with family and friends but now people enjoyed
spending their time indoor to surf online than to bond with family. It was commonplace to get
the news from newspaper or radio but when the information age came the commonplace for
news and updates is in the internet or in the social media and some of the news are not even true.
Entertainment came from playing board games, going to the cinema to watch movies but now
people plays on their phones and if their is a movie that you wanted to watch just watch on
Netflix and any other websites or just download it on your phone and you can now watch it
anywhere without going to the cinemas. Writer’s life without gadgets often used type-writer but
nowadays writers commonly use computers or laptop and just print it. Computers before were
expensive and bulky but now it is affordable and some are so thin and it’s not so heavy so you
can carry it anywhere without complaining. Doing research was hard; frequent visits to the
library or scouring through papers and books were necessary while now research is so easy just
turn on the data or connect to the internet your phone and you can start your research but some of
the sources are not that reliable. Communication was slow because people don’t phone or
personal gadget unlike now just a click on your phone and you can already communicate with
your family and friends.

People enjoyed their lives to the fullest, they life may not be that easy but they still have
ways to enjoy it but technology keeps us connected and have done great good for our lives it
helps our lives to be easier. Gadgets is trend to people nowadays that it became a part of human
necessity but before gadgets is just a want for people it is not necessary to have it, they can live
without it unlike today maybe few people can live without it. Writing a paper about how
people’s live before gadgets became more comfortable to use is an interesting thing because it so
trendy and common nowadays that we also need to take a peek on the life were gadgets is just a
thing that people wants to buy, were people’s lifestyle then is not like people nowadays that they
were just happy with simple things and families usually bond together unlike today. Were
gadgets is just a want in the past and became a needs in the present and in the coming future.

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