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Baba Loknath Institute Of Pharmacy Science

And Research Center Sagar M.P.


This is to certify that the dissertation entitled CANCER


University Of Technology Madhya Pradesh at Baba Loknath Institute Of

Pharmacy Science And Research Center Sagar , is a bonefide work carried

out by Mr. RAM KRISHNA MISHRA (VII sem) Roll No. 0615PY141031 Under

the guidance of Mrs. NEETU SAHU Asst. Prof. BLIPSRC, Sagar during the

academic year 2017-18

Supervisor External Principal


I Declare that this Project is my own work conducted under Supervision

of Mrs. NEETU SAHU Asst. Prof. in Baba Loknath Institute Of Pharmacy

Science And Research Center Sagar.

I Further declare to my best Knowledge that the project does not contain

any part of the, Which has been Submitted for the award of any degree either in this or

any Institute.


Roll No. 0615PY141031


If you are thinking this is just my work. It is never one person’s work alone, and in
my case, so many people supported me in particular I would like to thanks:

First and foremost I would like to express my deepest sense of gratitude to Almighty
God, My Father and Mother whose abundance grace and mercy has enabled me to
complete this project successfully and giving me support to overcome all the problems.
My for most thanks go to my guide Mrs. NEETU SAHU, Asst. Prof. it was only
because of his generous attitude.

I express my gratitude and respectful regards to Mr. Sumit Bhattacharya, M Pharma

Director of Baba Loknath institute of pharmacy science and Research Center, Sagar,
for his valuable contribution and facilities provided regarding my dissertation work..
I am strongly thankfull to Miss. Swati Tiwari, Mr. Nishant Bardiya, Miss. Vinita
Chourasiya Miss. Arti Chourasiya Miss. Farha Naz Miss Shraddha Shrivastava
Asst. Prof.Baba Loknath Institute Of Pharmacy for her support, unremitting
encouragement and (Science and Resurch center guidence thought my project works.

I Would also like to thank my close friend Mr. Tikaram Chadar, Mr. Prem
Chandra Raj, Mr. Devraj Kushwaha.
The chain of the gratitude would be definitely incomplete if I would forget to thank the
first cause of this chain using Aristotle’s words.

Thanking you RAM KRISHNA

MISHRA Roll no. 0615PY141031
Baba Loknath Institute Of Pharmacy Science
And Research Center Sagar M.P.

(Approved by AICTE, PCI New Delhi )

(Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Prodyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal)


This is to Cetify that Mr. RAM KRISHNA MISHRA has Completed his Project

entitled “CANCER “ Under the Supervision & Guidance of Mrs. NEETU SAHU

(Asst. Prof. BLIPSRC Sagar) in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the degree

of Bachelor of Pharmacy. This is Project report is forwarded to the examiner for



Prof. Sumit Bhattacharya


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