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Block Corner Interior Resection

Program for the HP 48 in User format :

This program will calculate the intersection of the street Right of Way where 2 streets come
together. Using the measured angle at the C/L intersection and the street widths, the angle &
distance to the PI or RP and the side distances along the C/L’s are computed. If the corner
has a known radius it can be entered and all results will be to the radius point. This program
maybe useful to other offset intersection problems.
An example or two:

Enter angles in degree – minute – second format.

 Key the soft key [BCIR] in the top row.
 Input the interior angle of 75 Deg.
 Input 0 for the radius.
 Input 50 for street 1 and 30 for street 2.
 Key [ENTER] or [OK] if everything is
entered correctly.

Displayed results:

Key [ON] to clear screen.

Date: May 2003
Block Corner Interior Resection
Program for the HP 48 in User format :

 Key in the angle 105; the radius of 25 ; street #1 of 30; and street #2 of 40.

Enter angles in degree – minute – second format.

Results are:

Key [ON] to clear screen.

R = 25


1) Interior angle cannot be 180 degrees or more. The program will reset.
2) Displayed accuracy is fixed at 4 decimal places for distance.
3) Due to User programming processing takes about 4 seconds. [;-)
4) The [ENTER] key can be used at the end of the data input to start processing.
5) Results are not returned to the stack and must be hand written. The results are a
graphic that can be printed if desired by pressing and holding the [ON] key,
pressing then releasing the [1] key, then releasing the [ON] key. This is done
after setting up a thermal printer in the I/O parameters for IR or wire.

Date: May 2003

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