TCS Mockvita2 2019

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Paper Generation

Problem Description
Ravi needs to set Question papers fairly for his students for an exam. He has three categories of Questions i.e.
Simple, Medium, Complex. Each Question paper has one or more simple, medium, complex questions.

For each paper, he needs to choose precisely s out of a set of x simple, precisely m out of a set of y medium
and precisely c out of a set of z complex questions.

These questions are labelled A, B, C and so on, with the first x being simple, the next y being medium and the
last z being hard.

Write a program that prints the number of possible combination of Question papers

Ravi decides to impose following constraints while selecting the question papers:

Two given questions can't come together in any Question paper

One of the given Question can come in only one Question paper

Remaining Questions can come any number of Question papers

Find how many Question papers can be generated after imposing the constraints.

s,m,c > = 1

x > = s, y > = m, z > = c

1 < (s + m + c) < =26

Input Format
The First line contains x, the number of simple questions.

The Second line contains s, the number of simple questions to choose from x.

The Third line contains y, the number of medium questions.

The Fourth line contains m, the number of medium questions to choose from y.

The Fifth line contains z, the number of complex questions.

The Sixth line contains c, the number of complex questions to choose from z.

The Seventh line contains the question pair that cannot be the part of the same Question paper, delimited by
single space.

The Eighth line contains the Question that should be asked only in one of the Question Papers.
The First line contains total number of Question papers possible without any constraints.

The Second line contains total number of Question papers after imposing all the constraints.

Test Case

Example 1






From the input we know that there are 3 simple, 4 medium and 3 complex questions.

First x as per the alphabetical order are simple questions, next y are medium questions and remaining z are
complex questions. The total number of Question papers that can be generated without imposing constraints is

As Questions A and D cannot be cannot be in the same Question Paper and Question G can exist only in one of
the Question paper, the maximum number of Question papers that can be generated after imposing constraints
is 4.

And one of the possible set of 4 question papers is:




Example 2





Explanation: From the input we know that there are 3 simple, 3 medium and 3 complex questions.

First x as per the alphabetical order are simple Questions,next y are medium Questions and remaining z are
complex Questions. The total number of Question papers that can be generated without imposing constraints is

As Questions A and C cannot be cannot be in the same Question Paper and Question D can exist only in one of
the Question paper, the maximum number of Question papers that can be generated after imposing constraints
is 7.

And one of the possible sets of 7 question papers is:







Bank Statement
Problem Description
ABC Bank's customer Aaron downloads his Savings account's transaction ledger for R days which has R rows
in the following format:

<TxnID> <amount> <credit / debit> <balance>

The transaction id is a sequential number From 1 to R, and the initial balance (before the first day) in Aaron’s
account is zero

The ledger is sorted by date and spans over a period of R days. The last date in the ledger provides Aaron with
the total savings account interest accrued over the year, at the daily rate of A% per annum (taken to be 365
days). This also shows in the remark field as "Interest for R days". Interest is calculated on a daily basis and is
not credited back to the balance.

Aaron notices that two consecutive rows in the ledger are fully corrupted and despite repeated downloads he
cannot get proper data for these two rows. These are two rows outside of the last row which is labeled “Interest
for R days”. The two corrupted rows are represented by gaps in the id numbers.

Write a program to help Aaron to find the value of the two corrupted rows i.e. <TxnID> <amount> <credit /
debit> <balance>

0 < amount < 1000

5 < R < 365

Input Format
The first line contains a decimal A which denotes the rate of interest per annum (expressed as a percentage). A
year is taken as 365 days.

The second line contains an integer R that denotes the total number of rows that should have been there in the
Account Statement.

The next (R-2) lines contain the transaction details of the format <TxnID> <amount> <credit / debit>
<balance> delimited by a single space character where

1. <TxnID> - An integer that represents the transaction id

2. <amount> - An integer that represents the amount transacted

3. <credit / debit> - Represents the type of transactions i.e. either credit or debit

4. <balance> - An integer that represents balance in account after the transaction has completed

The last line contains a high precision decimal number that denotes the total sum of interest earned at the end
of the last day of transaction.
2 lines containing the corrupted transaction details in the format:

<TxnID> <amount> <credit / debit> <balance>

Where Amount and Balance are numbers rounded to the nearest integer.

Test Case

Example 1




1 355 credit 355

2 202 debit 153

3 59 debit 94

4 31 debit 63

7 355 debit 261

8 253 credit 514

9 308 debit 206

10 69 debit 137



5 314 credit 377

6 239 credit 616


A=8 (the interest rate is 8% per annum)

R is 10 (10 days)

The rate of Interest is 8% per annum. In 10 days Aaron generated interest of 0.6084383561643835.
Since, rows 5 and 6 do not appear in the input, consider them as corrupted. Upon calculation the corrupted
rows are as shown in the output.

Example 2




1 221 credit 221

4 98 debit 255

5 233 debit 22

6 19 debit 3

7 2 debit 1

8 253 credit 254

9 263 credit 517

10 323 credit 840



2 348 credit 569

3 216 debit 353


A=8, R=10

The rate of Interest is 8% per annum. In 10 days Aaron generated interest of 0.6652054794520549.

Since, rows 2 and 3 do not appear in the input, consider them as corrupted. Upon calculation the corrupted
rows are as shown in the output.
Date Time
Problem Description
Arun and his sister Usha are challenging each other with some mathematical puzzles. Usha, the cleverer one,
has come up with the idea of givingArun 12 distinct digits from 0 to 9, and have him form the largest date time
in 2018 with them. Arun is a little nervous, and asks you to help him with a computer program.

Usha will give Arun 12 distinct digits. He needs to create a date time combination in the year 2018: the date in
the MM/DD form (all four digits must be present), and the time in the format HH:MM (all four digits must be
present). The date may be from 01/01 to 12/31 and the time may be from 00:00 to 23:59 (in the 24 hour
format). The digits provided may be used only once in the answer that Arun gives.

If more than one date time combination may be formed, Arun needs to give the latest valid date time possible
in the year 2018.

Single digits (any of 0-9)

Input Format
A line consisting of a sequence of 12 (not necessarily distinct) single digits (any of 0-9) separated by commas.
The sequence will be non-decreasing.

The maximum possible valid date time in the year 2018. The output must be in the format


If no date time can be constructed, the output should be 0

Test Case

Example1 :




12/30 22:59


The 12 digits to be used by Arun are given.

The maximum valid date time using only the digits given, and with each digit used at most once is

12/30 22:59

This is the output.

Example 2





As no digit less than 3 is present in the input, a valid month cannot be formed. Hence no valid Date time can
be formed with the input digits.
Bad Permutations
Problem Description
Mr. X is teaching number theory in his class. He is discussing about factors and permutations in his class. A
factor of a positive integer N is a positive integer that divides n precisely (without leaving a remainder). The
set of factors always includes 1 and N.

Mr. X likes combinatorics a lot. He asked his students find out all the factors of the number Y, and sort them in
an ascending order. He asks them to list all permutations of the factors. They then need to cross out all
permutations where two adjacent numbers are adjacent in the same order in the original list. The number of
uncrossed (valid) permutations are to be given to him.


Integer 9 has 3 factors [1,3,9].

The permutations of these factors of number 9 are [1,3,9],[1,9,3],[3,9,1],[3,1,9],[9,1,3],[9,3,1].

Of these 6 permutations, we need to cross out [1,3,9] (1 3 adjacent in same order), [3,9,1] (3 9 in same order)
and[9,1,3] (1 3 in same order)

The remaining (valid) permutations are:

[1,9,3] ,[9,3,1],[3,1,9]

Hence the number of valid permutations =3, which is the answer.

1<= N<=120000

1<=T <= 100

Input Format
The first line contains T, the number of testcases

Next T lines contain the integer N

T lines containing number of valid permutationssatisfying conditions mentioned in the problem statement for
given input.

Test Case

Example 1





T=1 (there is 1 test case)


10 has 4 factors [1,2,5,10]. There are 24 permutations of these four factors. The 11 valid permutations are
[1,5,2,10],[1,10,5,2], [2,1,10,5],[2,10,1,5], [2,10,5,1], [5,1,10,2], [5,2,1,10], [5,2,10,1], [10,1,5,2], [10,2,1,5],
[10,5,2,1]. Hence the output is 11

Example 2





T=2 (there are 2 test cases).

In the first test case, N=6. 6 has four factors [1,2,3,6]. As in the previous example, there are 11 valid
permutations for these. Hence the output for the first test case is 11. This is the first line of the output

In the second test case, N=9. As was shown in the Illustration in the problem statement, thenumber of valid
permutations is 3. Hence the output for the second test case (the second line of the output) is 3.
Hop Game
Problem Description
Dr Felix Kline, the Math teacher at Gauss School introduced the following game to teach his students problem
solving. He places a series of “hopping stones” (pieces of paper) in a line with points (a positive number)
marked on each of the stones.

Students start from one end and hop to the other end. One can step on a stone and add the number on the stone
to their cumulative score or jump over a stone and land on the next stone. In this case, they get twice the points
marked on the stone they land but do not get the points marked on the stone they jumped over.

At most once in the journey, the student is allowed (if they choose) to do a “double jump”– that is, they jump
over two consecutive stones - where they would get three times the points of the stone they land on, but not the
points of the stone they jump over.

The teacher expected his students to do some thinking and come up with a plan to get the maximum score
possible. Given the numbers on the sequence of stones, write a program to determine the maximum score

The number of stones in the sequence< 30

Input Format
The first line contains N, the number of integers (this is a positive integer)

The next line contains the N points (each a positive integer) separated by commas. These are the points on the
stones in the order the stones are placed.

One integer representing the maximum score

Test Case

Example 1





There are 3 stones (N=3), and the points (in the order laid out) are 4,2 and 3 respectively.

If we step on the first stone and skip the second to get 4 + 2 x 3 = 10. A double jump to the third stone will get
only 9. Hence the result is 10, and the double jump is not used

Example 2






N=6, and the sequence of points is given.One way of getting 35 is to start with a double jump to stone 3 (3 x
6=18), go to stone 4 (7) and jump to stone 6 (10 points) for a total of 35. The double jump was used only once,
and the result is 35.
Overlapping Boxes
Problem Description
There are N rectangular boxes(Bi) and each has a special value(Power) Pi. These rectangular boxes are placed
in the first quadrants of the x-y plane.

These boxes are represented by two coordinates,bottom-left and top-right.


Below rectangle(highlighted with yellow) is represented as (1,1) i.e. bottom-left and (3,6) i.e. top-right

If two boxes(B1 & B2 with special value P1 & P2 respectively) overlap each other, then the special value of
the common area is P1+P2.

Find the total area with maximum Power.


0<=x,y <= 10^4 i.e.the lowest co-ordinate of bottom-left corner is (0,0) and the highest coordinate of top-right
corner is (10000,10000)


Input Format
The first line contains the number of boxes N

In next N lines, each line contains five integers where

The first two integers represent the (x, y) coordinates of bottom-left corner

Next two integers represent the (x, y) coordinates of top-right corner respectively

The last integer represents the special value or power, P

Total area with maximum power

Test Case

Example 1



Sample output #1

Explanation #1

The area highlighted with red has the highest value of P and its area is 2

Example 2

21 46 38 56 13

26 28 47 38 8

18 32 38 38 5

31 35 42 51 8

39 31 45 38 5



Explanation #1

Above image is only for illustration. Not a scaled image.

Total Area with P=21 is 65.

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