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Augustan age (1668-1798)

Augustan age 18th c England it is also called neo classical age and age of reason.
The term augustan age comes from the self consciousness immitain of augustan
writer Horace and vorgil.
 Why it is called augustan age? Because king augustas was the th diz of
roman empire
 Why ity is called neo classical age?bescse neo means new classical means
classical principal in art and lituature writes tried to imitate the style of
roman and greeekswriters.
Augustan age was the period after restration till the death of pope (1688 to 1798)
Mock epic was the product of this age its from of satire irony . satire that adopt
the elevated mockry comic heroic style of the classical epic to trivial subject.

Example of mock epic.

Ode on the death of favorite cat by (Thomas gray)

Emerged of novel.
The idea of modern novels seem to develop from England.
 Neo classical novels are divided by crates in the following category.
 Travelogues novels by robiason grusoe and guliver travel by swifts
 (1)Picaresque novels
Rescolos is discous and his confect with socity

 (2)epistolary novels
Neo classical novels newely emerged and had no theory or rulls henry fielding
only conscious atrics who tried to develop a theory for novels

 Agr of prose and reason.

The idea of reasons had already taken its roots in 19th century qwhen the writers
like Dryden DENHAM they showed the new path beause Elizabethan are had
been an age of romantisicism imagination and melodrama but 18th century was
maved by reason good sense refrnment of form wit and logicsim with the fair
amount of realism.

 Heroic couplet (structured by chocer)

Heroic couplet in the form in which te sense is ended with aslomost absolute
regularity at the end of every second line.heroic couplet be a stanza convsisting
two rhyming lines. Heroic couplt was the prioncipal meter used in drama in
absent mid senenteen century

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