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Luc de Brabandere, Alan Iny, Nicolas Kachaner, and Sarah Sonnenfeld

C ompanies have always needed to be

clear about who they are and what
they want to be. A strong corporate vision
Essentially, Amazon’s zag involved chang-
ing how it thought of itself, as not just a
seller of goods, but as an organization with
can open up new business opportunities expertise in web services.
and energize the organization. Yet today,
fixing that vision too rigidly can limit its In its early days, Michelin made an inter-
shelf life, particularly in a world where esting zig-zag. In 1900, André Michelin,
technological, geopolitical, consumer, and who with his brother Édouard founded the
other disruptions are the norm. A willing- tire company, wanted to find a way to en-
ness to challenge the status quo and courage car owners to drive more. At the
rethink strategy should be part of the time, vehicle unreliability and the likeli-
corporate DNA. This often means moving hood of encountering problems—often,
in unexpected directions—by zig-zagging. flat tires—deterred people from taking
long or frequent journeys.
To make new things again and again (zig-
ging), you need sometimes to change the The solution? Offer drivers a free list of
way you look at those things (zagging). The garages. The Michelin Guide of garages was
zig-zag involves mental shifts, quests for gradually improved with additions such as
unfulfilled opportunities, business model mechanics’ names, pictures of the garages,
innovation, expanded ambitions, and maps, lists for other countries, and, starting
thinking the unthinkable. in 1922, a price tag to purchase the now-
invaluable guide.
Take Amazon. It became an expert book-
seller but then zigged to capture more of As the bottom of Exhibit 1 shows, building
the consumer wallet by selling everything on a successful existing idea—in this case,
—and then zagged by harnessing its exper- a directory of garages—enables continuous
tise in the cloud to offer web services. improvement, or zigging, and the inflow of
Exhibit 1 | Michelin: From Repairs to Repasts



Source: BCG research.

innovations that can be applied to that ba- Genuinely fresh thinking demands such
sic concept. And while zagging usually disruptive change in perception, a shift in
means facing headwinds, once you have the mental model. Only this leap of creativ-
zagged, you can enjoy the tailwinds when ity can produce a “new box” (on the top
zigging. left of Exhibit 1), which unlocks the innova-
tion process once again (on the right) to en-
able a new wave of growth.
Pursuing the Zag
Such an approach to innovation is iterative, In retrospect, the Michelin restaurant guide
profitable, and enables the maximum to be was a great idea. But the only way the com-
extracted from an idea that has been pany was able to get to it was to zig-zag.
turned into a successful product or busi- Zigs are incremental and exploratory—you
ness model. But in a constantly changing need them, but they aren’t enough for the
world, relying on the same idea can be tak- kind of paradigm shift that comes from
en only so far. Milking it produces ever- zagging.
lower returns. Eventually, you need a para-
digm shift that can enable a completely dif- Ciba Vision also zagged in the 1980s. The
ferent approach—the zag. company, which sold contact lenses and re-
lated eye-care products, faced stiff competi-
Here’s how it happened at Michelin. While tion from Johnson & Johnson, particularly
exploring ways to improve the garage direc- after J&J launched a disposable contact
tory, the company realized drivers got hun- lens in 1987. While Ciba Vision had pro-
gry while waiting for their cars to be fixed. duced some innovative products like
Why not recommend a restaurant near bifocals, the company’s president, Glenn
each garage? Bradley, knew that J&J’s economies of scale
posed a serious risk to the company’s long-
Rather than seeing this only as an incre- term profitability. Zigging—making incre-
mental improvement, Michelin also made mental adjustments—would be insuffi-
a mental shift, transforming a directory of cient. (See Exhibit 2.)
garages with information about restaurants
into a directory of restaurants. That repre- Over the next five years, in a concerted ef-
sented a breakthrough. And the restaurant fort to find the “zag,” Ciba Vision launched
directory led to further improvements— a series of innovative contact lens products
and so the idea to rank restaurants with and pioneered a lens-manufacturing pro-
“Michelin Stars” was born. cess that dramatically reduced production

Boston Consulting Group | Zig-Zag and the Art of Strategic Creativity 2

Exhibit 2 | Ciba: From Lenses to a New Vision





Source: BCG research.

costs, enabling it to overtake J&J in some Consider Monsanto. In 1982, a team of sci-
market segments and generating profits entists working at the company modified
that enabled ongoing experimentation. the genetics of a plant cell, laying the foun-
dation for genetically modified crops. To-
Critically, however, the company also day, those crops account for most of the
launched a drug for treating age-related soybeans, corn, and cotton grown in the
macular degeneration. While this might United States and have transformed the
seem an unlikely strategy for a contact lens global seed industry. This invention did not
maker, Bradley and his team had identified come from a start-up or an academic lab
a new North Star—“Healthy Eyes for but from a team of scientists working for
Life”—that linked the company’s break- an 81-year-old company.
through initiatives to its conventional
operations, uniting employees around a Since then, Monsanto has zagged from be-
common cause and preventing organiza- ing an agricultural chemicals company
tional fragmentation. (with constant zigs in that area) to divest-
ing most of its chemicals business to focus
Ten years later, sales (which had been on biotechnology and GMO seed sales
stuck at about $300 million a year) had (with constant zigs in that area as well),
more than tripled, to more than $1 billion, which ultimately led to its acquisition by
and the new drug, transferred to Novartis’s Bayer in 2018.
pharmaceutical unit, was on its way to be-
coming a billion-dollar business. What en- Today, digital transformation offers rich op-
abled such a breakthrough at Ciba Vision portunities for zags. Take China’s BYD
was not just an incremental process of in- Company, founded as a battery manufac-
novation but a new way to frame the prob- turer in 1995. After capturing half of the
lem, opening the door to a different way of world’s cellphone battery market, it moved
thinking about the business. into other forms of rechargeable batteries
(a zig), including for electric cars. By mov-
Challenging long-held assumptions in this ing up the value chain, the company has
way may not change the bottom line over- built capabilities that it has harnessed to
night. But it can enable a company to head compete effectively and then dominate
in new directions, or even to evolve into a new sectors, such as electric car manufac-
new kind of enterprise. turing.

Boston Consulting Group | Zig-Zag and the Art of Strategic Creativity 3

Laying the Foundations •• Taking the perspective of a different
Of course, while the kinds of creative shifts company or stakeholder. How might
we just described may seem obvious after another organization or individual
the fact, the change in mindset that en- approach the challenge or opportunity
ables them does not always come easily. you want to address?
Such shifts require a corporate environ-
ment where continuous evolution and rig- •• Exploring how to apply different forms
orous experimentation are the norm, of business model innovation to your
where challenging the status quo is cele- company, such as shifting from selling
brated, and where risk, thoughtfully consid- products to selling services, or moving
ered, is embraced. Such a culture enables to a low-cost model, or developing a
swift reaction to potential disruptions peer-to-peer model—to name but three
(from the entry of a competitor out of left archetypes.
field to regulatory and societal shifts) and
business opportunities (changing consumer •• Looking at where leading VC players
behaviors or gaps in the market). are investing, or tracking new-patent
Without such a culture in place, disrup-
tions and opportunities may be missed or •• Finding new ways of learning, such as
not addressed fast enough. For example, it taking executives into a completely differ-
took almost a decade before someone no- ent business environment. For example,
ticed that farmers were removing the back some US grocery chains send their
row of seats from their new Model T Fords managers to visit leading-edge retail
to use the vehicle to haul things. If dealers networks in Europe, while mining
had thought about this differently, the pick- companies have been sending leaders to
up truck might have been invented sooner meet Indian consumers and suppliers.
than it was. And had more people noticed
the potential disruption heralded by the
iPhone, producers of everything from cam-
eras to listening devices might have been
able to weather the storm that followed its
Z ig-zagging means experimenting
constantly, scanning the horizon for
new perspectives, and maintaining a port-
invention more effectively. folio of possibilities that could enable the
enterprise to evolve into something fresh
So how should a company get started on and new. There are many ways to get there,
the path to zig-zag? First, set the conditions but today, as businesses from taxi services
by establishing norms that make nonlinear to hotel chains are being challenged by the
thinking possible—in particular, encourage likes of Uber and Airbnb, with similar dis-
your people to take thoughtful risks and ruptions across every other industry, the
challenge assumptions. Once the culture is ability to zig and zag at the right moments
in place, find ways to monitor changes in has never been more important. Not only
the external environment—from shifting can zig-zagging help companies avoid
customer expectations to new technologies downside risk, but it also can open doors,
and emerging trends. Being alert to the align teams behind a new vision, and re-
threats and opportunities that trends pres- shape a business to meet the demands of a
ent allows a company to react more swiftly. world where the only constant is change
Finally, companies can use specific tools to
operationalize zig-zagging. These include:

Boston Consulting Group | Zig-Zag and the Art of Strategic Creativity 4

About the Authors
Luc de Brabandere is a senior advisor to the Corporate Finance & Strategy Practice of Boston Consulting
Group. He specializes in creativity, scenario building, and strategic vision techniques applied to business.
He has served as a BCG Fellow and has been a managing director and partner at the firm. You may con-
tact him by email at

Alan Iny is BCG’s global lead for creativity and scenarios, and a member of the firm’s Corporate Finance
& Strategy management team. Based in BCG’s New York office, he advises clients worldwide across indus-
tries on issues relating to strategic vision, innovation, and thinking more expansively about the future.
With Luc de Brabandere, he coauthored Thinking in New Boxes: A New Paradigm for Business Creativity (Ran-
dom House, 2013). You may contact him by email at

Nicolas Kachaner is a senior partner and managing director in BCG’s Paris office and a core member of
the firm’s Corporate Finance & Strategy Practice, which he led for six years. For 12 years, he was BCG’s
global topic leader for strategic planning. You may contact him by email at

Sarah Sonnenfeld is the former general manager for North America of BCG’s People & Organization

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