The Epipelic Diatom Community at The Downstream Rivers of Torong, Galeh and Legi, Semarang (Indonesia)

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The Epipelic Diatom Community at the Downstream Rivers of

Torong, Galeh and Legi, Semarang (Indonesia)

Submitted by: Nina Desianti
(Supervise by Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati and Murningsih)
The Torong, Galeh and Legi rivers are 3 out of 17 inlets of Rawa Pening Lake, which have
varied of sedimentation potencies: from the lowest (77.73 ton/ha/yr.) to the very high (369.63
ton/ha/yr.). Those differences may induce the different of the relative abundance, diversity, evenness
and similarity of epipelic diatom species. The result of the research was expected to be database for the
watershed monitoring related to the river sedimentation. Samples were taken on July 2004 at the
downstream of Torong, Galeh and Legi rivers in 3 sampling site based on Justified Random sampling
method. Altogether, 148 species were found: 141 species are Pennatophycidae diatoms and only 7
species are Centrophycidae diatoms. The species relative abundance was low and only 7 dominant
species were found (Melosira varians, Cymbella tumida, Diploneis smithii, Meridion circulare,
Selaphora sp., and Synedra ulna). The total number of individuals and the diversity index of epipelic
diatom species of Legi downstream, which has the highest sedimentation potencies, was a little bit
higher. However, the epipelic diatom similarity index of Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream were
relatively high.

Keywords: epipelic diatom, sedimentation


Diatoms are photosynthesizing microalgae belonging into the division

Bacillariophyta. The chloroplast in diatom containing pigments such as chlorophyll a,
chlorophyll c and dominated by fucoxanthin and carotenoid that give golden-brown
colour. The unique feature of diatom cell is that they are encased within siliceous cell
wall with beautiful ornamentation called frustula. The cell wall form a box that is
constructed of two halves that fit together, one inside the other called valves and they
are joined together by siliceous girdle bands element.

Based on the habitat, diatoms can be classified into two groups, planktonic and
benthic. Planktonic diatoms are floating algae in the water coloumn, whereas benthic
diatoms are associated with substrates. Benthic diatoms can be divided into epilithic,
epiphytic and epipelic diatoms. Epilitic diatoms growing attached to rock surface,
epiphytic diatoms growing attached to other plants, while epipelic diatom growing on
sediment (Hauer & Lamberti, 1996).

Diatom is a good bioindicator of environmental condition in rivers and

streams. The advantages using diatom as bioindicator is because of diatom is widely
distributed, abundant, has a short life cycles, a primer producer and has important role
in the food chains. Diatom also very species rich, with each species having different
environmental preferences, there are sensitive species and tolerant species to
environmental changes. Previous diatom study by Soeprobowati (2001) has showed
that epipelic diatom could reflect the environmental changes of the lotic or streams

Diatom study of epipelic diatom community, based on sediment cores from

Rawapening Lake inlets, provide an opportunity for examining the impact of natural
and human-induced changes in the river imply sediment accumulation on stream

ecosystem. There have been numerous study in Rawapening Lake, which have
focused only on individual Lake, e.g. the composition of diatom epipelic community
in Rawapening Lake (Soeprobowati,, 2004); comparison of diatom epiphytic
community on Ludwigia sp., Pistia stratiotes, Echinochloa sp. and Eichhornia
crassipes roots in Rawapening Lake (Kusnawati, 2005). However, there was only few
study on Rawapening Lake inlets.

Rawapening Lake is located in Salatiga, Central Java, Indonesia. Rawapening

Lake collects water from 17 inlets and only has one outflow across Tuntang river as
an outlet. Rawapening Lake has a quite high sediment accumulation rate, averaged
778.93 ton yr-1 and was predicted will be drained out by the year of 2011. Erosion and
sedimentation of the Rawapening Lake inlets has contributed to the lake drought.
Legi river has the highest sedimentation potencies at 369.63 ton ha-1 yr-1, Galeh river
sedimentation potencies was at 166.16 ton ha-1 yr-1, Torong (77.33 ton ha-1 yr-1),
Panjang (50.82 ton ha-1 yr-1), Parat (238.3 ton ha-1 yr-1), Sraten (197.79 ton ha-1 yr-1),
Rengas (21.47 ton ha-1 yr-1), Kedung Ringin (68.83 ton ha-1 yr-1), Ringis (13.11 ton
ha-1 yr-1) (Anonim, 2000).

Sedimentation is weathering of the impervious surfaces of the riverbeds

followed by the erosion of minerals from it, their transport, deposition and their
burial. Flowing water moves and carries sediment over the riverbeds, exceeded with
the changes of sediment carrying volume and water flow rate (Soewarno, 1991).
Epipelic diatoms that live on sediment substrate are affected by the condition of the
substrate. Therefore, the assessment of epipelic diatoms communities on ranged
sedimentation rate of the rivers was needed to investigate whether and how this factor
affects the epipelic diatoms communities.

The objective of the research is to assess the relative abundance, diversity,

evenness and similarity of epipelic diatom community of Torong, Galeh and Legi
downstream rivers, which have varied sedimentation potencies. The assessment could
serve database for environmental water monitoring, especially those related to
sedimentation of the rivers.


The research was conducted in the Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream rivers
located in Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia. Samples were taken on July 2004 at the
downstream of Torong, Galeh and Legi rivers in 3 sampling site based on Justified
Random sampling method (Figure 1).

Physicochemical parameters were measured in-situ at each sample site.

Temperature and pH of the water was recorded using pH meter 90 WTW. Electrical
conductivity was measured using conductivity meter. DO meter YSI Model 51 B was
used to measure oxygen content of the water. Turbidity was measured using turbid
meter La Motte Model 2008. The transparency and depth of the site of the streams
was recorded using Secchi disk.

Water samples collected from each sample site using water sampler. The
samples were sent for chemical analysis to Chemistry Laboratory, Diponegoro
University, Semarang, Indonesia (UNDIP). Variables tested were silica (SiO 2 ), total

phosphorus (TP) and total nitrogen (TN). Sediment samples were taken at each
sample site using modified corer. Cores were extruded and sectioned at 5 cm over the
20 cm cores achieved. The top layer (5 cm) was used for diatom analysis at Ecology
and Biosystematics Laboratory UNDIP. The remaining cores sent to Chemistry
Laboratory, UNDIP for SiO 2 , TP and TN analysis.

1 x a year rice field N

2 x a year rice field
Rawapening Lake

Source: The Landuse Plan of Watershed Management of Rawapening. Local Government of
Semarang 2000.

Figure 1. River sampling site and their upstream catchments


Preparation of diatom was followed those outlined in the Wetzel & Likens
(1991). 4 gram sediment sample were put into a beaker glass, 50 mL Hydrogen
Peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) and 10 grams Potassium Dichromat (K 2 Cr 2 O 7 ) were added
carefully to oxidize organic matter and clean the diatom frustule. The beaker were
placed on a hot plate and allowed to boil for 20 minutes. After boiling, the suspension
was settled for 20 minutes and supernatant was removed. To the beaker, 50 mL
aquadest were added and were boiled again on the hot plate for 20 minutes, was then
settled for 20 minutes and supernatant was removed. This process was repeated a few
times to ensure all trace of the acid were removed. The diatom residue was then stored
for making permanent slides. 200 L diatom residue was pipette onto glass coverslips
(20 mm x 20 mm) using micropipette. The coverslips were placed onto a warmer plate
and was heated to evaporate the solution. Once dry, the coverslips affixed to slides
with entellan, a high refractive index mountant. Three replicate slides were made from
each sample to ensure maximum representation from diatom residue. All slides of
diatom have been labeled and deposited with the Diponegoro University for future

Diatoms are identified to the species level based on morphological

characteristic observed using light microscopy. In this research, diatoms were
identified to species level following Gell (1999), Gasse (1986) and Holland &
Clark (1989). Enumeration of diatom was done by scanning the permanent slide of
diatoms, first under 100 X, then 400X to assess general profile of the frustules and
then frustules counted scanning the slide from top to bottom. Frustules count until
minimal 100 frustules of the dominant species was reached (Round, 1993).

Epipelic diatom community was assessed using standard diatom metrics and
ecological indexes. Diatom relative abundance (D i ) was calculated the number of
species in a sample and determine the dominance species. Shannon diversity index
(H’) reflects the number of species in the sample, as well as the equitability of their
relative abundances, and was predicted to be lower at stressed sites. Evenness index
(e) and Sorensen similarity index show the distribution pattern of diatom on sites.


A total of 148 species were identified in Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream
rivers respectively. Composition of epipelic diatoms community at Torong, Galeh and
Legi downstream were dominated by Pennatophycidae diatom (141 species) and only
7 species Centrophycidae diatom. Members of the Pennatophycidae diatom were
represented by Achnanthes (5 species), Cymbella (8 species), Eunotia (10 species),
Fragillaria (8 species), Gomphonema (14 species), Gyrosigma (5 species), Navicula
(14 species), Nitzschia (9 species), Pinnularia (6 species), Surirella (7 species) and
remaining 34 genera was represented less than 5 species (Table 1). It shows that
Pennatophycidae diatoms were the prominent diatoms of benthic diatoms community
(Killinc & Sivaci, 2001; Werner, 1977).
Centrophycidae diatoms are mainly holoplanktic or meroplanktic, with only a
few genera that are associated with substrates throughout their life cycles and were
rarely occur in epipelic diatoms communities. The presence of Centrophycidae
diatoms in the epipelic diatom community was considered as sinking diatom that
settled to the bottom of the rivers (Gell, 1999). Centrophycidae diatoms recorded
in the sediments of Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream were Aulacoseria distans

Ehrenberg, Aulacoseria granulata Ehr., Cyclotella compta Kutzing, Cyclotella

meneghiana Kutzing, Melosira sp., Melosira varians Agardh dan Stephanodiscus
astraea Ehr.

Table 1. Diatom species recorded from Torong, Galeh and Legi Downstream
Aulacoseria Eunotia Neidium
Aulacoseria distans Eunotia camelus Neidium affine
Aulacoseria granulata Eunotia curvata Neidium sp
Cyclotella Eunotia exigua Nitzschia
Cyclotella compta Eunotia flexuosa Nitzschia acuta
Cyclotella meneghiniana Eunotia lunaris Nitzschia atomus
Melosira Eunotia monodon Nitzschia closterium
Melosira sp Eunotia pectinalis Nitzschia fonticola
Melosira varians Eunotia serpentina Nitzschia linearis
Stephanodiscus Eunotia sp Nitzschia palea
Stephanodiscus astraea Eunotia tenella Nitzschia sigmoidea
Achnanthes Fallacia Nitzschia sp
Achnanthes brevipes Fallacia pygmaea Nitzschia tryblionella
Achnanthes delicatula Fragilaria Pinnularia
Achnanthes lanceolatum Fragilaria imtermedia Pinnularia acuminate
Achnanthes minutissima Fragilaria sp Pinnularia divergens
Achnanthes sp. Fragillaria brevistriata Pinnularia gibba
Amphora Fragillaria capucina Pinnularia leptosoma
Amphora coffaeformis Fragillaria crotonensis Pinnularia sp
Amphora ovalis Fragillaria pinnata Pinnularia viridis
Amphora sp. Fragillaria rumpens Pleurosigma
Amphora veneta Fragillaria virescens Pleurosigma obscurum
Anomoeneis Frustulia Rhoicosphenia
Anomoeneis sp Frustulia Rhoicosphenia abbreriata
Bacillaria Frustulia rhomboides Rhopalodia
Bacillaria Gomphonema Rhopalodia
Bacillaria paradoxa Gomhpnema olivacea Rhopalodia gibba
Caloneis Gomphonema acuminatum Rhopalodia vermicularis
Caloneis Gomphonema affine Sellaphora
Caloneis bacillum Gomphonema angustatum Sellaphora
Caloneis ventricosa Gomphonema augur Sellaphora bacilum
Campylodiscus Gomphonema constrictum Stauroneis
Campylodiscus noricus Gomphonema fanensis Stauroneis
Cocconeis Gomphonema gracile Stauroneis acuta
Cocconeis placentula Gomphonema intricatum Stauroneis anceps
Cocconeis sp Gomphonema lanceolatum Stauroneis phenicenteron
Cymatopleura Gomphonema parvulum Stenopterobia
Cymatopleura solea Gomphonema sp Stenopterobia intermedia
Gomphonema truncatum
Gomphonema ventricosum

Table 1. Diatom species recorded from Torong, Galeh and Legi Downstream
Cymbella Gyrosigma Surirella
Cymbella affinis Gyrosigma acuminatum Surirella augusta
Cymbella aspera Gyrosigma obtusatum Surirella linearis
Cymbella caespitosa Gyrosigma scalproides Surirella nyassae
Cymbella cistula Gyrosigma sp Surirella ovalis
Cymbella prostata Gyrosygma peisonis Surirella robusta
Cymbella sp Hantzschia Surirella sp
Cymbella tumida Hantzschia amphyoxus Surirella spiralis
Cymbella ventricosa Mastogloia Synedra
Denticula Mastogloia Synedra acus
Denticula Mastogloia elliptica Synedra affinis
Denticula elegans Meridion Synedra capitata
Diatoma Meridion circulare Synedra ulna
Diatoma hiemale Navicula Tabellaria
Diatoma vulgare Navicula acicularis Tabellaria flocculosa
Diploneis Navicula atomus Tabularia
Diploneis elliptica Navicula brakkaensis Tabularia fasciculate
Diploneis ovalis Navicula cryptochepala Tabularia tabulate
Diploneis smithii Navicula cuspidata Tersipnoe
Encyonema Navicula erigmatica Tersipnoe musica. Her
Encyonema minuta Navicula gallica Tryblionella
Entomoneis Navicula geoppertiana Tryblionella levidensis
Entomoneis alata Navicula gregaria
Epithemia Navicula lanceolata
Ephitemia argus Navicula mutica
Ephitemia zebra Navicula pupula
Navicula rhyncochepala
Navicula sp

Fragilaria cappucina

Pinnularia gibba

Navicula cryptochepala

Cymbella tumida

Source : Soeprobowati (2004)

Under light microscopy 400 x magnification, picture was taken using

Olympus digital camera with optical zoom 5 x.

Figure 2. Some epipelic diatom recorded from Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream

Tabularia sp.

Surirella linearis

Rhoicosphenia abbreviata

Gomphonema sp.

Source : Soeprobowati (2004)

Under light microscopy 400 X magnification, picture was taken using

Olympus digital camera with optical zoom 5 X.

Figure 2. Some epipelic diatom recorded from Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream

The highest population of epipelic diatoms were recorded in Legi downstream

(233.813 individu/g), followed by Torong downstream (188.367 individu/g) and
Galeh downstream (137.829 individu/g) (Figure 3). Regarding on the sedimentation
rate of the rivers, epipelic diatom population was found relatively high on Legi
downstream that has higher sedimentation potencies. It was suspected related to
sedimentation process. High sedimentation rate encourage the deposition of sediment
particles along with diatom cell happen rapidly and at large quantities (Cawly, 2002).

Populasi (individu/gram)





Torong Galeh Legi

Figure 3. Epipelic diatom population in Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream

Diversity index (Shannon-Wienner) and evenness index of epipelic diatom in

Torong, Galeh and Legi were relatively high. Diversity index ranged from 4.31 up to
4.91, while the evenness index values from 0.91 to 1.27 (Figure 4). High diversity
index reflects stable ecosystem of Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream based on
epipelic diatom community. Evenness index of epipelic diatom in Torong, Galeh and
Legi downstream indicates the quite even of species distribution on these downstream
rivers (Odum, 1993).

5.40 1.40
5.20 1.20

5.00 4.91
1.00 0.91 0.87
evenness index
Diversity index

4.61 0.80
4.40 4.31

4.00 0.20

3.80 0.00
Torong Galeh Legi Torong Galeh Legi

Figure 4. Comparison of diversity index and evenness index of epipelic

diatom in Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream

High diversity index and evenness index also related to sediment and water
quality of Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream that support the diatom grow well.
Generally, water quality has ranged pH value between 6.45 to 6.67; DO concentration
value from 5.83 to 6.80 mg/L and SiO2 concentration value from 1.40 to 1.60 mg/L.
high silica and DO concentration contribute to the increasing of diatom productivity
and biomass (Anonim, 2005; Werner 1977).

Table 2. Water quality of Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream

No. Parameters STATION

Torong Galeh Legi
1 pH 6.67 6.67 6.45
2 Conductivity (mS) 0.80 1.10 0.85
3 DO (mg/L) 6.80 6.50 5.83
4 Temperature (oC) 25.97 23.30 26.73
5 Transparency (cm) 11.17 11.00 65.00
6 Depth (cm) 81.67 116.67 65.00
7 Turbidity (NTU) 14.35 16.20 6.60
8 TSS 5.50 6.95 2.20
9 TDS 0.00 0.00 0.00
10 SiO2 (mg/L) 1.40 1.60 1.60
11 Total nitrogen (mg/L) 8.17 7.19 2.91
12 Total phospor (mg/L) 0.59 0.42 0.37
13 Sedimentation potencies (ton/ha/th) 77.73 166.16 369.63

Table 3. Sedimen quality of Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream

No. Parameters STATION

Torong Galeh Legi
1 SiO2 (mg/L) 43.26 45.5 48.91
2 Total nitrogen (mg/L) 4.52 5.42 4.45
3 Total phospor (mg/L) 2.43 1.42 2.18

Similarity were observed between Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream rivers.
There was no difference in diatom species composition between the downstream
rivers that could be inferred by high value of Sorensen index, ranged from 0.58 to
0.76 as shown on table 2 below.

Table 2. Epipelic Diatom Sorensen similarity index in Torong, Galeh and Legi
Station Sorensen similarity index
Torong Galeh 0.58
Galeh Legi 0.70
Legi Torong 0.76

Generally, diatom population in Torong, Galeh dan Legi as Rawapening inlets

is similar with those in Rawapening Lake itself as well as in Rawapening Lake outlet.
Plankton community in Rawapening Lake outlet showed that there was diatom
species as plankton community assemblages that is also found in epipelic diatom
assemblages in Rawapening Lake inlets. The similarity of diatom species composition
between Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream rivers and Rawapening Lake outlet was
28 %. These planktonic diatoms species are Navicula sp., Eunotia pectinalis Rab.,
Fragilaria capucina var. rumpens Desmazieres, Tabellaria sp., Pinnularia gibba Ehr.
dan Synedra ulna Her. (Astuti, 2005).

Epiphytic diatoms found in Rawapening Lake are Achnanthes minutissima

Kutz., Cocconeis placentula Ehr., Epithemia zebra Ehr. Rhiocosphenia abbreviata
Lange Bartalot dan Navicula rhyncocephala Kutz. (Kusnawati, 2005). These species
were also found as epipelic diatom community in Torong, Galeh and Legi
downstream rivers with quite high similarity at 43 %.

Epipelic diatoms populations of Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream are mix
species of planktonic diatom (15 %), epiphytic diatom (21 %), epilitic diatom (14 %)
and epipelic diatom (44 %). Varied diatom population is suspected due to planktonic
diatoms that sink and buried over the bottom of the river, could be from epiphytic
diatoms that lose from plant substrate because wind and finally sinking and buried in
the sediment, also from epilitic diatom that release from rock surface (Killinc &
Sivaci, 2001).

Dominant species in Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream are Diploneis

smithii Cleve also several species, such as Melosira varians Ag., Cymbella tumida
Van Heurck, Meridion circulare Ag., Sellaphora sp., Synedra ulna Ehr. that dominant
in all station (Torong, Galeh and Legi) (Figure 5).




0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 200 255 10 15 200 255 10 15 200 255 10 15 200 255 10 15 20 25

Figure 5. Dominant epipelic diatom species in Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream

Those species were species that have high tolerant range and widely distributed
species (Gell, 1999).

The presence of Cyclotella meneghiana Kütz., Melosira varians Ag.,

Achnanthes lanceolata Round & Bukht., Amphora veneta Kütz., Cocconeis
placentula Ehr., Gomphonema parvulum Kütz., Navicula geoppertiana Mann.,
Navicula mutica Mann., Nitzschia palea Kütz. and Rhoicosphenia abbreviata Lange-
Bart. in Sungai Torong, Galeh dan Legi indicates eutrophication of the water region
(Gell, 1999; Fore & Grafe, 2002). Eutrophic water is aquatic habitat which has
very high phosphor content, more than 0.02 mg/L, while oligotrophic is water with
phosphor concentration less than 0,01 µg/L and the mesotrophic has phosphor
concentration ranged between 0,01 to 0,02 mg/L (Waite, 1984). The phosphor
concentration of the water was quite high and showed that Torong, Galeh and Legi
downstream was in the eutrophic category, which have 0,37 to 0,59 mg/L of phosphor
concentration. TP of the water were above the water quality standard for drinking
water (0,2 mg/L), however it still meet the water quality standard for irrigation (0,5
µg/L) (PP No.82 Tahun 2001).

However, some species that indicate oligotrophic environment were found,

they are Achnanthidium minutissima Kütz., Meridion circulare Ag., Gomphonema
lanceolatum Ehr. and also the mesotrophic species were found, such as Diatoma
vulgare Bory dan Synedra ulna Ehr. Oligotrophic and meso-eutrophic species could
not grow well under high nutrient (phosphor and nitrogen) concentration.

The differences of sedimentation potencies of Torong, Galeh and Legi downstream
river did not have strong influence on relative abundance, diversity, evenness and
similarity of the epipelic diatom.

I would like to thank the Grant Competitive Research XII
No.031/SPP/PP/DP3M/IV/2005 for giving me the opportunity to work on this study.
Many thanks to my mentor, Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati and Murningsih, and
surveyor team for their support and encouragement. I would also like to thank Eni,
Yunita and Maya for their invaluable help in the lab and Karyadi Baskoro for sharing
his knowledge. Many thanks to Ecology & Biosystematics Lab staff and students for
making this fun, memorable experience possible.

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Galeh 1 Galeh 2 Galeh 3

Legi 1 Legi 2 Legi 3

Gomphonema lanceolatum

Torong 1 Torong 2 Torong 3

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