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@ Blazej .

I am quoting you: Islam introduced many regulations improving status of

women 1.400 years ago. But times has changed (apparently not for everybody), and
we developed Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You know what is it? What does it
- All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with
reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

As for your information Blazej, they haven’t. This nudity was prevalent in the pre-Islam
era. People of Quraish used to circle nude around Ka’aba and Islam abolished this insane
act. The West of these days is repeating the same pre-Islam acts and humanity needs to
find peace in Islam. You can’t name anything in today’s world that hasn’t been practiced
before Islam came. Be it gayism, nudity, or adultery, all were in practice nad Islam and
other religions came to tame human’s uncontrolled wishes. Human beings are born with
dignity and grace and are not allowed to roam around nude like animals in the name of
so-called modernism and free will. Not just Islam, other divine religions namely
Christianity and Judaism also favor modesty of women. In Christianity, only a certain
group of women, nuns, cover themselves from top-to-toe and the rest roam around free.
Islam doesn’t create any such distinction and only a small group of people don’t have to
act differently from the masses. Hijab shows that a woman has dignity and that she is not
AVAILABLE. A woman in hijab does not have to tolerate filthy looks from all types of

As for yr Universal Declaration of Human Rights is concerned, how it can possibly

even compete with Divine code of conduct. Does the Lord, the creator of heavens and
earth, knows more or do the humans like us? Does the manufacturer of a car knows the
car more or does a fellow car do? If according to your Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, humans are allowed to exercise all kind of free will, what would this universe
turn out to be? Since acc to free will humans have a RIGHT to be gays, lesbians, then I
suppose they should be allowed to have physical relationship with animals too. What
would this world turn out to be if everyone is allowed to do what they WISH to? What
has happened to family life and values in the West? If people follow Islam in the true
spirit, there won’t be any need of homes for un-married moms and bastard kids. What
future are you promising to those gals and their bastard kids who wd either have an
immature mom or no parents t all and would be stigmatized for the rest of their lives..

- Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without
distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

THIS is Islam. Every one is given rights regardless of race, color, sex, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status..
I quote you: Do you find it offensive? On the other hand, let me repeat myself from other
1) Muhammad's dislike for women caused him to declare that the majority of the
inhabitants of Hell are women. When asked why he said it was because they are deficient
in intelligence and religion and because they are ungrateful to their husbands

I would say VERY CLEARLY that prophet Mohammad saww DID NOT dislike women.
He loved his wives and hence, was the best husband for them.Read his saww’s life
history to eliminate yr ignorance. He never said that women are deficient in religion.
Hazrat Ayesha RA(one of the wives of the prophet saww) was one of the best preachers
of islam. The great companions of the prophet saww used to come to her to inquire about
Islam. As for intelligence, women are called inferior in intelligence in islam but that is
because of real-life factors. We, women, are more emotional and sensitive and emotions
can come in our way of judging things. The Lord knows us humans the best of way. The
reason men are declared QAWWAM-leader-is because they are supposed to earn and
provide for the needs of their wives. In islam a woman has no duty to feed her husband.

2) The Prophet said, "Isn't the witness of a woman equal to half of that of a man?" The
women said, "Yes." He said, "This is because of the deficiency of a woman's mind."
I already explained this point and that does not make su inferior. It’s just a fact.

3) There is no equivalent term for ‘rape’ in the Qur'an. There are several verses in this
book which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women.
I strongly disagree and challenge you to quote ayah from quran.

4) Raping your wives is permitted in Islam,

Why would there be a need for a rape?But yes women are taught to be obedient to men
and they should come to their husbands whenever they call them. You wanna know why?
Because if a man wont be satisfied with his wife, he wd go to whores n other women thus
not only disturbing his family life but spreading serious diseases too. If a woman wd be
opted to choose btw 2 options:
 She refuses to come to her husband’s bed and make him go to prostitutes fr
 She fulfills his wishes the halal way.
What option wd a woman choose?

5) Wife-beating in the Muslim world comes from the teachings of Islamic religious texts
such as the Quran and the Hadiths. It has been an accepted part of Islam since its
inception. Muhammad himself declared "A man will not be asked as to why he beat his
This is wrong. Don’t quote things without explaining context. Prophet saww always
preached men to be king and loving to their wives. He told men that they wd eb asked
about their behavior toward their wives. Once prophet Mohammad saww took his wife
ayesha RA to watch the war games and he stayed there wth ayesha’s chin on his shoulder
till she asked him to leave.this si just one example. When asked the to choose btw wordly
gains and the prophet himself saww, the prophet’s wives willingly chose his love and
companuionship over material gains.

6) “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other,
and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They
guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those whom you fear
disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them”,

This aya specifically address the situation where a women is adulterous and is not leaving
the practice of adultery. In this case the husband can divorce his wife and IF and only If
he wants to keep her, he is allowed to try to rectify her sin in the following manner:
 Admonish her.Husband should orally tell his wife to not have physical
relationship with other men.If she doesn’t listen then
 He should separate their beds and if she still continues to cheat on him, then
 He should beat her and not on face but on her body and in away that won’t leave
any mark on her body(not ferociously).

Can u tell me of any other reasonable way of dealing with this situation? What wd u do if
you face this situation? And if the man decides to divorce her, he doesn’t have to
convince or beat her(lightly).

7) Wife-beating is divinely sanctioned in the Qur'an and Hadiths, and is viewed as a

method to keep the wife under control
This is totally wrong. Other than the situation where the wife is adulterous, beating a wife
is not allowed in islam. Don’t misquote Islam. It’s husbands’ duty to provide for their
wives economically, physically, morally and emotionally and the husbands and wives
both would be asked about their deeds toward each other on the Judgment day.
8) wife-beating is institutionalized in Islam. Muhammad had no problem with telling his
followers it is ok to beat their wives
This is totally wrong and I have already addressed this gross allegation.
9) women are forbidden to certain things in some countries like voting, driving car, going
out without husband, father or brother
In Islam voting is allowed. Infact Islam is the one that introduced the concept of voting
for women and the West followed its footsteps and there is no problem in a woman
driving her car (that’s not allowed in just 1 country) but yes women are asked to go out
with their bros or hubbies or fathers fr their safety. But I think in today’s world, where
everyone is so busy it is ok to go out alone. Allah knows the best.

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