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HOBBIES What do you do in your free time?

What is the best way to spend your free time?

riding motorbikes playing computer games clubbing window shopping

doing aerobics playing chess playing team sports

Which of the activities have you done?

Which do you think is …? the most enjoyable

the cheapest
the healthiest
the most relaxing
the least active
the best one to do with friends

Which would you like to try? Why?

HOLIDAYS What type of holiday do you prefer?

What do people normally do?
What does your family normally choose?
Which holiday would you enjoy most? And which least? Why?

a camping holiday at a campsite walking and climbing a cruise

at a luxury hotel a beach holiday on a cruise ship
meeting new people sunbathing a sightseeing holiday at sea
relaxing at a youth hostel in the mountains backpacking
visiting monuments in the city centre at the seaside
seeing new places

In Speaking Part 3, the two candidates must discuss a situation or problem together
and reach a decision. The examiner:
• gives you a page with a picture or several pictures showing different ideas
or options
• tells you what your task is. She/He asks you to discuss the options and tells
you what you should decide about. The questions are also printed on the
prompt sheet.

Imagine that your college is organising an end-of-year trip for its students. The
photographs show some of the options.
• First talk together about how each of these trips could benefit the
• Then decide which one you think would be the most suitable.
Make a brainstorm with vocabulary, grammar and different ways of expressing to
answer this activity. GOOD LUCK!
FOOD What is your favourite dish?
Do you prefer eating alone or whit other people? Why?
What is for you healthy food?
Is healthy eating an activity that people have to learn at school?


A school in California finds a new way to teach students about healthy eating.
Alice Waters – chef and restaurant owner – is sitting in the kitchen garden of the
Martin Luther King School in Berkeley, California. The kitchen garden is called the
Edible Schoolyard and students at this public school are preparing a vegetable bed as
part of a lesson, Later, they will cook what they pick as part of their school lunch.
1 – H Each student receives between 18 and 40 hours tuition a year in the Schoolyard
and as a result what they eat at school has changed. A good part of the food grown
here is used in the school’s daily meals.

Waters has been fighting to improve children’s diets for a decade, and in 1996 she
started a campaign to raise funds for the Edible Schoolyard and the School Lunch
Initiative. 2 - ___ And Waters hopes that they will set an example for other parts of the
country as well. “We have such a huge problem of bad eating habits in the United
States that teaching abut food cannot be left to parents,” she says. “So many children
generally are eating fast, cheap, easy food that something has to be done.”

Marsha Guerrero, director of the School Lunch initiative, explains, how it all works.
“This is mainly a teaching garden,” she says. “ 3 - ___” Nearby farms therefore also
supply food as part of the regular lunches at the school. These are prepared using fresh
organic ingredients when possible.

Typical classes in the Edible Schoolyard involve plenty of gardening activity. However,
they are not a break from normal school work as academic projects are always
attached. In one lesson the students are asked to choose one part of the garden as
their personal sport for the entire year. Hey then observe and record in a journal what
happens in this sport as time progresses. They record their observations of insect life,
the soil and changes to the plants. 4 - ___

Classes in the kitchen involve cooking lunch, but also link into classroom academic
subjects. The food cooked here includes a range of dishes from pasta to stuffed vine
leaves and delicious Italian omelettes filled with herbs and vegetables are available.
Science is taught through nutrition and cooking technique; geography through the
effects of the seasons and eating habits around the world. 5 - ____

Today’s midday meal consists of home – made pesto and tomato sandwiches, with a
big vegetable salad. Everyone is eating. Teo Hernandez, 13, says he has changed they
way he eats. “I can now cook and grow things,” he says. “ 6 - ____ I have changed my
attitude to food; I like some herbs and lettuce and I use less salt. It’s been fun, the
teachers are nice – and there’s no homework.” Teo has been in the US for only three
years, but his teachers say he has learned to speak perfect English in such a short time
because he is so happy at school.
But has Alice Waters succeeded? is the Edible Schoolyard model the way forward?
7 - ___ “When kids become un healthy due to bad diet, they become isolated,” says
Waters. “But eating such good food and picking, smelling and cooking the vegetables
and fruit in this garden makes them care about them. Just seeing a child saying to
another, ‘Would you like some?’ – that is the essential thing.”
Adapted from The Daily Telegraph

A I don’t know yet if I will continue doing so in the future but I know I can.
B Judging by the happiness in this garden among a mixed bunch of ordinary
children, the answer would have to be yes.
C Keeping notes in this way is viewed as an essential part of experimental
D One lesson, on European diets in the Middle Ages, ends with the children
cooking roasted vegetables with herbs and garlic.
E The problem, according to some critics, is that these projects may be just too
expensive to run.
F These two projects aim to provide all 10,000 students in Berkeley’s public
schools with good food while also placing food at the heart of the curriculum.
G We couldn’t possibly produce enough food in this small space to feed all 300
H Lessons like this one take place in the garden and kitchen and they form part of
the curriculum.

Differences between DISH/DISHES/FOOD/PLATE


You will hear an interview about Slow Food with Valerie Watson, a representative
for an organisation called the Slow Food Movement.

1. The Slow Food Movement was originally started because:

A people wanted more time to enjoy cooking and eating.
B a restaurant was opened in a historic location.
C doctors warned that fast food was bad for people’s health.

2. What, according to Valerie, is Slow Food?

A food which is complicated to cook
B food which takes a long time to eat
C food of good quality

3. What does Valerie says is the problem with fast food companies?
A They serve the same food all over the world.
B They make traditional food producers disappear.
C Their food is not as healthy as traditional food.

4. According to Valerie, the main aim of the Movement is to improve people’s

A diet.
B health.
C lifestyles.

5. What is the Salone del Gusto?

A an event where food producers can shoe their products.
B an organisation which educates people about food.
C a company which sells traditional Italian food.

6. What surprised Valerie about the Salone del Gusto?

A the wide range of foods she saw there.
B the nationality of many of its visitors.
C the effect it has had on British food.

7. Who does Valerie think will benefit most from the Slow Food Movements?
A children
B working parents
C families in general

Paradise Hotel
Can you imagine a more __________________ way to RELAX
spend one’s summer holiday than in a
_____________ hotel? The hotel which we had COMFORT
booked was beside a lake and surrounded by
spectacular mountains. Imagine how ______________ APPOINT
we felt when we arrived at the Paradise Hotel and
found that we had been given a room with a view
over the kitchens and not the ______________ NATURE
mountain scenery we had been expecting. Then
when we went down for dinner the first evening
feeling _____________ after our long journey HUNGER
we found that a coach tour had arrived and the
restaurant was so ____________ that we had to CROWD
wait for a table. it was really ___________ with NOISE
so many people talking and when we finally sat
down for dinner the waitress was tired, irritable
and generally _____________. So the next day we FRIEND
decided to move to a smaller and _____________ QUIET
hotel just down the road. And fortunately we made
the right decision because we had a thoroughly
______________ stay there. ENJOY
1. During my visit to London, I took hundreds of photos.
I took hundreds of photos ____________________________ London.

2. I didn’t notice that my passport was missing until I reached the immigration desk.
When I reached the immigration desk, I noticed that _________________________.

3. I’ve given up using public transport to travel to work.

I ______________________ by public transport, but I’ve given it up.

4. She was still at university when she got married.

She got married _________________________ at university.

5. Paola and Antonio met for the first time at the party yesterday.
Paola and Antonio ________________before the party yesterday.

6. Pablo is no longer as frightened of spiders as in the past.

Pablo ____________________ frightened of spiders than he is now.

Changing diets.
Even in quite _____________ societies eating habits TRADITION
are changing. In the past people used to prepare all
their meals from fresh ingredients, but now
______________ food and ready meals are becoming CONVENIENT
increasingly popular. Experts suggest that eating
too much fast food may not be very _______________ HEALTH
and so governments and other ______________ now ORGANISE
offer information about diet and nutritrion in the
hope that it will ______________ people to eat more COURAGE
fresh fruit and vegetables and have a generally more
______________ diet. BALANCE
On the other hand, some people argue that although
many traditional dishes have ________________ from APPEAR
our menus, in general our diets are not as
________________ as they used to be. There is a REPEAT
much wider _______________ of products available CHOOSE
in supermarkets and other shops than there was 20
years ago. Fresh fruit and vegetables are sold all the
year round which means we can _______________ EASY
prepare meals which are good for us.
1. The food was so hot that we didn’t really enjoy it.
The food was ________________________ really enjoy it.

2. The waitress spoke so quickly that we had difficulty understanding her.

The waitress didn’t speak _____________________ understand her easily.

3. We didn’t get a table at the restaurant because it was too full.

The restaurant _______________________ we couldn’t get a table.

4. I asked for a second helping because the food was so delicious.

It was ____________________ I asked for a second helping.

5. Julio is not a very good cook so eh won’t get a job in that restaurant.
Julio doesn’t ____________________ to get a job in that restaurant.

6. We ate very late because Phil spent too much time preparing the meal.
Phil spent _____________________________ preparing the meal that we ate very

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