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Exercise: Defining Constraints

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Procedure Setup:
1. To avoid naming conflicts, it is recommended you save your work, click File > Close until no models
display, then click File > Manage Session > Erase Not Displayed.

2. Click File > Manage Session > Set Working Directory and navigate to the
PTCU\CreoParametric2\Simulate_Modeling\Constraints folder and click OK

3. Click File > Open and double-click TILT_LEVER_CONSTRAINEFFECTS_SIM.PRT.

Define Pin constraints in cylindrical holes.

Use the three-point constraint rule for statically determinate constrained models.

Use the Inertia Relief functionality as an alternate for those models.

Review the stiffening effects of constraints and related errors.

In this example, you investigate the influence of the constraints and loads for an Aluminum tilt lever subjected
to a quasi-static bending load of 1500 N. The load is caused by steel rods placed with some clearance inside
of the cylindrical holes. You are interested in the lever’s stiffness and strength.

An accurate analysis of the stress state around the holes can be performed with a nonlinear contact analysis
of the complete assembly, taking into account the tolerances and stiffness (geometry and material) of the
steel rods. Since this is very resource- and time-consuming, you learn different approximate solutions of how
to constrain and load the part. You use these solutions to judge what the best and worse loading condition
may be in reality.


Task 1. Define the pin constraints using predefined pin constraints.

1. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

2. In the Constraints group, click Pin Constraint . The Pin Constraint dialog box appears.

3. Press CTRL and on the model, select the two larger holes as shown. 21-03-2018
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Figure 1

4. Validate that the axial translations and rotations are set to free as shown.

Figure 2

Axial translations are not fixed in the pin constraint because this would prevent the material
at the hole surfaces from shortening or expanding axially due to Poisson’s effect (lateral
strain effect). This would artificially stiffen the lever, especially at the central hole where the
bending moment is highest.

5. Click OK.

6. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

7. In the Constraints group, click Displacement . The Constraint dialog box appears.

8. Select Points from the References drop-down menu.

9. On the model, select PNT1.

10. In the Translation section, click Free Translation for the X and Y translations.

11. Click OK.

Simulate requires, in a static analysis, that the model is at least statically determinate. It
also may be redundantly constrained. To prevent the complete lever from sliding along the
bearing hole axes, one arbitrary point on the lever surface in WCS Z-direction is 21-03-2018
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constrained. Since there is no applied force in the Z-direction, this cannot cause a

Task 2. Define the bearing load.

1. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

2. In the Loads group, click Bearing . The Bearing Load dialog box appears.

3. On the model, select a half surface of the small hole. Two surfaces are listed in the dialog box.

4. In the Force section, type –1500 in the Y field. The completed dialog box is shown.

Figure 3

5. Click OK.

Task 3. Mesh the model.

1. In the ribbon, select the Refine Model tab.

2. Click AutoGEM from the AutoGEM group. The AutoGEM dialog box appears.

3. Click Create. Note there are approximately 1500 solid elements created. 21-03-2018
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4. Click Close in all dialog boxes and No to the prompt to save the mesh.

Task 4. Define and run the static analysis.

1. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

2. Click Analyses and Studies from the Run group. The Analyses and Design Studies dialog box

3. Click File > New Static. The Static Analysis Definition dialog box appears.

4. Complete the following:

◾ In the Name field, type tilt_lever_pinconstrained.

◾ Select the constraint and load sets displayed in the Constraint Set/Component and Load
Set/Component sections.

◾ Click the Convergence tab and click Single-Pass Adaptive from the Method drop-down

5. Click OK to return to the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.

6. Click Configure Run Settings . The Run Settings dialog box appears.

7. The results and temporary output directories are set by default in the working directory. Both
analyses are stored in this location. Click OK.

8. In the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box, select the analysis just defined and click Start Run
. Click Yes to run interactive diagnostics.

9. Click Display Study Status to view the summary report after the analysis is complete.

10. Carefully inspect the information displayed in the summary file. Note the maximum values for the
most sought quantities (stresses and deformations). Close all dialog boxes and return to the
Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.

Task 5. Create result windows and inspect the results.

1. In the Analyses and Design Studies window, select tilt_lever_pinconstrained.

2. Select Results > Show Default Result Windows. Three default result windows appear:
◾ von Mises Stress Animation

◾ Displacement Magnitude Fringe

◾ Principal Stress Vectors

3. Review the following:

◾ Observe the movements and deformations of the lever in the animated results. The pin
constrained bearing holes can rotate, but they cannot deform in the constrained directions,
since these become infinitely stiff. 21-03-2018
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◾ In the principal stress vector plot, observe the non-realistic principal stress vector directions at
the two constrained holes. Since the real bearing rod can just carry forward compression
forces, there can be no tension stresses normal to the hole surfaces. In the outer big bearing
hole, observe that the vectors normal to the hole surface do not point down, but are oriented
towards the left side. The reason is that the idealized pin constraint fixes the through rod
within the hole in the WCS-X direction also, not only in Y.

◾ As a consequence, the stress near the constraints may be inaccurate.

4. Click File > Exit Results to return to Creo Simulate. Click No in the Message dialog box.

5. In the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box, click Close.

6. Click File > Manage Session > Erase Current to close the displayed window and erase the
model from memory.

7. Click Yes in the erase confirm prompt.

Task 6. Open the model to begin a three-point constraint modeling approach.

This second method of analysis uses a three-point constraint method. The rule for applying
the three-point constraint is as follows:

◾ The points can be anywhere on the model surface, but are not allowed to be

◾ Fix the first point in all translational directions.

◾ Fix the second point in the two orthogonal directions relative to the axis through
point 1 and point 2.

◾ Fix the third point normal to the surfaces through all points.


Task 7. Define the three-point constraints.

1. On the model, locate points PNT0, PNT1, and PNT2 as shown. Note they are not collinear. 21-03-2018
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Figure 4

2. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

3. In the Constraints group, click Displacement . The Constraint dialog box appears.

4. In the Member of Set section, click New. The Constraint Set Definition dialog box appears.

5. In the Name field, type 3point.

6. Click OK to return to the Constraint dialog box.

7. Select Points from the References drop-down menu.

8. On the model, select PNT2.

9. In the Translation section, click Fixed for the X, Y, and Z translations. This is the first point fixed
in all translational directions.

10. Click OK.

11. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

12. In the Constraints group, click Displacement . The Constraint dialog box appears.

13. Select Points from the References drop-down menu.

14. On the model, select PNT0.

15. In the Translation section, click Free Translation for the X translation. Verify that the Y and Z
translations are fixed. This is the second point fixed in the two orthogonal directions relative to the
axis through point 1 and point 2.

16. Click OK.

17. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

18. In the Constraints group, click Displacement . The Constraint dialog box appears. 21-03-2018
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19. Select Points from the References drop-down menu.

20. On the model, select PNT1.

21. In the Translation section, click Free Translation for the X and Y translations. Verify that the Z
translation is fixed. This is the third point fixed normal to the surfaces through all points.

22. Click OK.

Task 8. Define the bearing loads.

1. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

2. In the Loads group, click Bearing . The Bearing Load dialog box appears.

3. In the Member of Set section, click New. The Load Set Definition dialog box appears.

4. In the Name field, type force_equilibrium.

5. Click OK to return to the Bearing Load dialog box.

6. On the model, select a half surface of the small hole. Two surfaces are listed in the dialog box.

7. In the Force section, type –1500 in the Y field.

8. Click OK.

9. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

10. In the Loads group, click Bearing . The Bearing Load dialog box appears.

11. On the model, select a half surface of the middle hole. Two surfaces are listed in the dialog box.

12. In the Force section, type 3152.81 in the Y field.

13. Click OK.

14. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

15. In the Loads group, click Bearing . The Bearing Load dialog box appears.

16. On the model, select a half surface of the remaining third hole. Two surfaces are listed in the
dialog box.

17. In the Force section, type –1652.81 in the Y field.

18. Click OK.

19. To review the resultant load in the model, click the Loads group drop-down menu and select
Review Total Load. The Load Resultant dialog box appears.

20. In the Loads section, click Select Reference .

21. In the model tree, expand Loads/Constraints and Load Set force_equilibrium. Select Load1,
Load2, and Load3.

22. In the Select dialog box, click OK. 21-03-2018
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23. In the Load Resultant dialog box, click Compute Load Resultant.

24. Note that all the Load Resultant values are approximately zero. This confirms the correct values for
the balanced bearing loads, and the fact the model is in equilibrium. Click OK.

Task 9. Define and run the static analyses.

1. In the ribbon, select the Home tab.

2. Click Analyses and Studies from the Run group. The Analyses and Design Studies dialog box

3. Define this first static analysis using the three-point constraint defined. Click File > New Static.
The Static Analysis Definition dialog box appears.

4. Complete the following:

◾ In the Name field, type tilt_lever_3point.

◾ Select 3point/TILT_LEVER_CONSTRAINEFFECTS_SIM in the Constraint Set/Component

section. De-select any other constraint set if required.

◾ Select force_equilibrium/TILT_LEVER_CONSTRAINEFFECTS_SIM in the Load

Set/Component section. De-select any other load set if required.

◾ Click the Convergence tab and click Single-Pass Adaptive from the Method drop-down

5. Click OK to return to the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.

6. Click Configure Run Settings . The Run Settings dialog box appears.

7. The results and temporary output directories are set by default in the working directory. Both
analyses are stored in this location. Click OK.

8. In the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box, select the analysis just defined and click Start Run
. Click Yes to run interactive diagnostics.

9. Click Display Study Status to view the summary report after the analysis is complete.

10. Carefully inspect the information displayed in the summary file. Note the maximum values for the
most sought quantities (stresses and deformations). Also note that the resultant load is zero. Close
all dialog boxes and return to the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.

11. In the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box, define a second static analysis using inertia relief.
Click File > New Static. The Static Analysis Definition dialog box appears.

12. Complete the following:

◾ In the Name field, type tilt_lever_inertiarelief.

◾ Select Inertia Relief. Note the constraint sets are grayed out in the Constraints section.

◾ Select force_equilibrium/TILT_LEVER_CONSTRAINEFFECTS_SIM in the Load

Set/Component section. De-select any other load set if required.

◾ Click the Convergence tab and click Single-Pass Adaptive from the Method drop-down
menu. 21-03-2018
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13. Click OK to return to the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.

14. Click Configure Run Settings . The Run Settings dialog box appears.

15. The results and temporary output directories are set by default in the working directory. Both
analyses are stored in this location. Click OK.

16. In the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box, select the analysis just defined and click Start Run
. Click Yes to run interactive diagnostics.

17. Click Display Study Status to view the summary report after the analysis is complete.

18. Carefully inspect the information displayed in the summary file. Note the maximum values for the
most sought quantities (stresses and deformations) and resultant load. Close all dialog boxes and
return to the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box.

Task 10. Create result windows and inspect the results.

1. Create three result windows displaying the von Mises stress using the following output folders:
◾ tilt_lever_pinconstrained

◾ tilt_lever_3point

◾ tilt_lever_inertiarelief

2. Review the following:

◾ Notice that the stiffening effect from the constraint is missing and observe significant higher
stress (+50%) around the central bearing hole. The completed bearing load is transferred to
the upper bearing hole half cylinder. Compare these results with the ones when we used pin

3. Create three additional result windows displaying the principal stress vectors using the following
output folders:
◾ tilt_lever_pinconstrained

◾ tilt_lever_3point

◾ tilt_lever_inertiarelief

4. Review the following:

◾ The stress results for the three-point constraint and inertia relief are the same.

◾ The principal stress vectors, especially in the central hole, look more reasonable for the
models analyzed in force equilibrium.

5. Create three additional result windows displaying the displacement magnitude using the following
output folders:
◾ tilt_lever_pinconstrained

◾ tilt_lever_3point

◾ tilt_lever_inertiarelief

6. Compare the differences between them. 21-03-2018
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7. Note the advantages and disadvantages of these methods:

◾ Cylindrical CSYS/Pin Constraints
◾ Easy and fast to create, especially the pin constraints. Suitable for redundantly
constrained structures where the external forces cannot be analyzed by hand without
taking into account the structural stiffness.

◾ Inaccurate results near the constraints. The constrained directions become

infinitesimally stiff.

◾ Three-point
◾ Resultant load in the report file enables checking that the force balance was correct.

◾ Also, “hot spot” check at the point constraints enables furthermore checking free
moments, even if the force balance is correct.

◾ Defined Zero point for displacements.

◾ Tedious and long operation to define the point constraints.

◾ Inertia Relief
◾ Easy and fast to create (no constraint definition necessary).

◾ Just the force balance can be checked. A free moment is difficult to control since no “hot
spots” appear (no constraints prevent the part deformation from a free moment,
balanced with rotational acceleration).

◾ No defined “Zero”-point for displacements.

8. Click File > Exit Results to return to Creo Simulate. Click No in the Message dialog box.

9. In the Analyses and Design Studies dialog box, click Close.

10. Click File > Manage Session > Erase Current to close the displayed window and erase the
model from memory.

11. Click Yes in the erase confirm prompt.

This completes the exercise. 21-03-2018

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