Sample Motivation Letter For Undergraduate Scholarship

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Sample motivation letter for undergraduate scholarship

Dear members of the scholarship committee,

I am writing this letter to express my situation for availing the scholarship for my
undergraduate studies.

Every time I plan on deciding whether to apply or not for the University studies the factor
that pulls me back is affordability of the undergraduate studies. I grew up in a middle
class family in Pakistan and my parents have always supported me and my siblings
during schooling. They were determined to provide us education, which was not easily
accessible to them because of the difficult circumstances. Thanks to my determination,
hard work and their support I have graduated from the high school as one the best
pupils in the class.

Even so, doing undergraduate University studies abroad is not affordable for my family.
My father is now retired because he was not able to work after his limb amputation
surgery and my mother is working as a teller in the local branch office of the bank. In
these circumstances without this scholarship my dream of studying in the renowned
university in the USA will remain a dream.

My parents and family are not in the position to fund my studies, because most of our
family income covers only the care and medicines for my father and food costs. I am
doing a part time job for several years, however the money I have earned during last
two years was enough to cover only application fees for the University. Since I am not in
the position to pay the first installment of the tuition, my enrollment is still pending, even
though I have been accepted for Undergraduate studies (Bachelor) in Internet

I really wish to get the scholarship through which I will have a chance to study in an
excellent University and pave a road to my future career and accomplishment of my life
goals. It will give me freedom to study without thinking about the future financial burden
and relieving my parents from the stress of not being able to support my education.

This scholarship opportunity I perceive as an extraordinary chance to interact with

students and scholars from diverse professional and cultural backgrounds coming from
all the World. This type of networking is very important for integration of different ideas
and perspectives pertaining to diverse global issues.

At the end I would like to point out that I am determined to make the most out of the
scholarship program. I believe that being a student in prestigious University would not
only empower my career development, but would give me the tools to utilize my full
I am grateful for considering my application and I look forward to a favorable reply.


Name Surname

Motivation letter for Master in

Renewable energy
Dear Sir, Madam

With this letter, I am applying for a position in the Masters in Renewable Energy, offered
by Technical University in Eindhoven in the Netherlands. With my current experience as
an Energy Research professional, I wish to enlarge my technical knowledge of energy
systems in general and turn my focus towards development and utilization of renewable
energy resources. By reading the course curriculum available online, I have found that
the subject material covered will best suit my career goals. Lastly, the prospect of
participating in a mandatory exchange program is an excellent way to observe different
energy systems, as well as to build upon my cultural awareness.

As you know social demand for sustainable energy supplies is growing, and energy
generation and usage are getting increasingly cleaner and more efficient. One aspect of
this change is the increasing use of renewable energy sources such as biomass.

The Renewable Energy Technology Master Degree program on Eindhoven University of

Technology (TU/e)will allow me to broaden knowledge of energy technology. Therefore,
studying at this particular program has a great importance to me, because it is an
important step in achieving my professional goal: working on projects as a technical
consultant for renewable energy sources.

In university, I did a bachelor degree in Energy technology, which is an economically

important area for my country and wider region in general. By the graduation, I was able
to understand the dynamic nature of the energy industry, especially in connection to the
growing demand for energy efficiency, sustainability, and environmental safety and the
need to optimize production processes in companies.
I am particularly interested in learning more about methods and techniques applied in
practice to develop resource-saving technologies. I would also like to specialize in the
development of Bio-Energy Systems which are gaining more and more significance in
the parts of the world which are remote and far from other energy resources.

I hope that my previous studies, have given me the expertise to think inversely about
finding solutions to contemporary issues in the energy and resources sector.

I would highly benefit from this master program, as international experience will provide
an opportunity to work for big International companies, which are highly involve in
energy sector of the country. Therefore, I am confident that the courses in this program
match perfectly with my professional and personal areas of interest and academic

I believe that with my work and studies I have a solid foundation, but through the
Master’s program I hope to develop expertise and boost my career prospects. Thank
you very much for considering my application and I am looking forward to hearing from


Name Surname

Anita gave a great guide on how you can be able to make a motivation letter for
the university applications. There’s a subtle difference between writing a
motivation letter for a university and writing a motivation letter for a
scholarship. A motivation letter for the university admission will focus on why
you are interested in learning at a certain university and taking a certain
course and should include your professional goals before, during and after the
course. A motivation letter for the scholarship, however, would be entirely
dependent on the type of scholarship you are applying for.

2. What type of scholarship are you

applying for?
Different scholarships will have different profiles of people they are looking for
because each scholarship has specific goals. For example:

 An academic scholarship would want you to demonstrate an outstanding

history of academic achievement in your motivation letter because their
goal is to attract applications from outstanding students.
 A scholarship that is being awarded to professionals will want your motivation to
highlight your professional experience, past impact, professional
aspirations and future impact because their goal is to attract applications from
outstanding professionals who will create impact.
 Scholarships for minorities will want you to demonstrate how you fulfil the
ethnic requirements and may need you to highlight some challenges that you
would like to solve in your current setup once you get the scholarship.

3. Start with Brainstorming.

Credits: Moa Karlberg/
After clearly understanding WHO exactly your scholarship is looking for, it is
time to evaluate yourself to see how you compare with the person they aim to
attract. A simple exercise that can help you discover if you make a great fit for a
scholarship is through having a brainstorming session. It could be with yourself
or with a friend/colleague who knows about your academic and professional
journey. Brainstorming can be done through questions such as:
1. What course have you applied for? How does it relate to your long term plan?
How does it relate to the Scholarship goals?
2. What makes you unique?
3. What have you achieved so far? (Could be academic, professional based on the
scholarship type)
4. What impact have you created so far?
5. What are your short and long term plans after getting the scholarship? How will
the scholarship help you realise these plans?
6. What impact will this scholarship have for you and society?
4. Write this up in an easy to read

Credits: Simon Paulin/

One of the biggest tricks to stand out is to put yourself in the position of the
person who is going through your application. They should have an easy
understanding knowing who you are, what moves and motivates you, why you
stand out from the rest and why you deserve the scholarship. The overall
structure and format guidelines include:

 One of the ways of making sure your motivation letter is easy to follow is to
ensure that each paragraph communicates a specific point. This grounds and
structures your writing and makes it easy to follow.
 Avoid typos through the use of proof-reading tools such as Grammarly. It is a no
brainer that typos make you stand out less however, we are not perfect and a
typo or grammar error may crop up after several edits of your letter. Using
proof-reading tools helps you tighten the loose ends.

5. Be as precise as possible

Credits: Cecilia Larsson Lantz/

Scholarship motivation letters will almost always have a word limit. It is
therefore important that you are straight to the point and precise. One of the
reasons motivation letters fail is because the writer is not precise and beats
around the bush. It is best to ensure that you only include information that is
relevant to the requirements listed for the scholarship since those are the
only details that will be considered. This process needs you to be quite critical
and practical.

6. Show, don’t tell.

Credits: Simon Paulin/

There are certain common words that can be fetched from any motivation letter.
They include “Motivated. Leader. Hardworking.” It is common for everyone to
say that they are motivated and want to create a change and this is why you need
to differentiate yourself through examples. You are motivated yes, but can you
show or prove this? Here are 2 examples of how 2 candidates describing
themselves that help to illustrate this.

Example 1:

“I believe that I am motivated and that getting this scholarship will allow me to
fulfil my professional and personal goals as well as create an impact in my society”

Example 2:

“I plan to set up a women’s community education centre after I graduate to

empower women with basic accounting skills to run small and medium-sized
businesses. The scholarship and master programme will allow me to acquire skills
that will help me to create tools and resources for their training”

See the difference? Who is more likely to be considered for the scholarship?

7. Go through your letter over and over


Credits: Melker Dahlstrand/

It is important that the process of writing is done in cycles. After ensuring that
step 1 to 6 is complete, you are ready to compile the first version of a motivation
letter. Read it. Ask yourself, would you be convinced to give yourself a
scholarship if you read what you have written? If not, tweak your application and
revise it until you feel that what you have written is the best and cannot be
changed. After doing this, ask your colleague to read it and ask for their opinion.
You might be surprised how a different view of your application would allow you
to add useful information that you may have left out before.
With these tips, I believe you are on your way to making sure that your
scholarship motivation letter stick out. All the best in your applications!

PS: The application for SISGP scholarship is currently open until 14th Feb so let’s
get with it!

Motivation Letter Example for Scholarship

My name is ________.

The aim of this letter is to request an opportunity regarding Ph.D. in the field of solar thermal
technology more specifically solar cooling/refrigeration and heating. I had my B.Sc in
Mechanical Engineering from University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan and
M.Sc in Mechanical Engineering from College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, National
University of Science & Technology, Rawalpindi Pakistan. My master’s thesis work is completed
and I have a final defense at the end of next month.

To add a genuine contribution of knowledge in the field of Mechanical Engineering & add
something to what has previously been known on the subject, I really want to conduct a
research work at doctorate level in the field of solar thermal technology (Solar Heating &
Cooling) which may include areas like heat transfer, refrigeration & air-conditioning, solar
thermal systems, Power Plants, internal combustion engines etc.

My M.Sc Thesis title is “Modeling & analysis of solar assisted adsorption cooling system”. This
work is concerned with the study of two configurations of solar assisted adsorption cooling
system to meet cooling load of 46kW for an office building located at Islamabad. In
configuration-I, return water from adsorption chiller always flows towards hot water storage
tank which is connected to the solar collector. In configuration-II, return water from adsorption
chiller may become isolated from collector-storage tank loop if water temperature in the
storage tank is less than required temperature i.e. (85C°). Since adsorption chiller can be
driven by a low-grade heat at lower temperature range 50-85 C° therefore Flat plate collector
and/or Evacuated tube collector can be used. The two system configurations were modeled
and analyzed in TRNSYS. Parametric analysis was then carried out to investigate the optimum
collector tilt angle, least collector area for a maximum solar fraction, fractional primary energy
savings, and solar collector thermal efficiency.

Therefore I have acquired a respectable level of understanding in the field of solar cooling and
heating systems. Absence of even a single solar thermal cooling system here in Pakistan to
conduct practical research and hence availability of very few people who truly understands the
implementation of this technology from practical point of view, power crisis in Pakistan since
2005 which demands implementation of energy efficient solar thermal cooling system are few
reasons which really motivated me to continue my doctorate level research in this area. That
was the thirst of practical exposure of this technology which motivated me to conduct research
at Technical University Ilmenau.

Presently I am applying for DAAD Ph.D. Research Grant and if being nominated for this
scholarship scheme DAAD will sponsor my Ph.D. For this, I have to arrange an acceptance letter
from the German Professor and get admission at university/research institute. I look forward
to a committed research where I can not only use my academic knowledge to achieve my
research goals but also make original scientific contributions to my area of interest and to
mankind in general. I will, therefore, be grateful to your Research group if you can give me
admission in my above-mentioned research area.

your Name ________________
How to Write a Motivation letter
Letter of Motivation: Motivation Letter Template for
Scholarship | Motivation Letter Template for Job

Muhammad Yousaf

10 7 minutes read
Writing the perfect Motivation Letter, whether it’s for a job application,
scholarship or University admission, can be challenging. That’s why I created this, as sort of a
reference guide, for you to use when wondering, “How do I write the perfect motivational
letter?” Please refer back to this guide for the best tips and advice when writing
your professional motivation letter.
Motivation Letter Writing for CSC Scholarships

 How to write Motivation Letter for CSC Scholarship?

What is the Motivation Letter?
The letter of motivation is your introductory one-page document attached with your
resume. Motivation letter is considered as a 20 seconds read which introduces you to the
recruiters and convince them to look further into your documents for consideration of a job or
scholarship or admission.
It’s important to keep your motivation letter within one page (unless requirements state
otherwise). Recruiters, university admission officials, and managers only spend about 20
seconds to assess each motivation letter on an average. With only 20 seconds to impress, you
must keep your motivation letter short and direct. There are templates that can be found and
used to help you write your motivation letter but remember that recruiters/managers want to
know that their job/company is of high importance to you. Therefore, use caution when using
guides or motivation letter templates, these give off the impression that you copy and pasted
the same letter to multiple entries/openings.
Your motivational letter is your only chance to show skills you’ve got what it takes to be
accepted for a job or to be awarded a scholarship. The motivational letter is your only chance
to prove yourself. You need to highlight your strengths, present yourself as a highly motivated
and capable applicant.
A professional Motivation letter must include following 7 things:
1. Your name and contact details (best way to get ahold of you)

2. The name of the company or University you are applying to and its address

3. The date

4. Dear Sir/Madam (directly address the person/manager/hiring director if it’s known)

5. The body of the paper

6. Sincerely

7. Signature (signed with a pen, not typed format)

How to write a Motivation letter?

There are two ways in which you can structure the content in your motivational letter:

1. You can write it with three paragraphs (an introduction, a body, and a conclusion)

2. You can write up to seven paragraphs, each around 3 sentences, that contain clear and
concise information regarding the position you are applying for.

Whether you chose the first structure, or the second structure mentioned above, you will use
the same 3 steps to focus and direct your letter. Using these 3 steps will increase your chances
of getting an interview.
Step #1: Identify; what an ideal candidate be like as their criteria
As I mentioned earlier, it is important to make the recruiter, company or admission office feel
highly important. Research the company or position you are applying to. Find out why they
need the position filled. What problem or issue is the company facing? What are they trying to
fix by having the position filled? Knowing this information allows you to express your
awareness of their problem, gaining the recruiter’s and any reader’s attention immediately.

Step #2: Offer the solution

No matter what challenge you discover they are having, the answer to their problem is always
the same. And that answer is and must be YOU. Elaborating on why you are the solution to
their current problem is the most effective way to be selected or awarded for the
position. State all of the relevant information you can think of – your skills, your achievements,
and all of the education you’ve had – that tells them you’re the right candidate. Tell them what
they would be gaining by hiring you and what they would be missing out on if they don’t.
Step #3: Close with confidence
Up to this point, you’ve shown passion and hard work. Now, you need to end your motivational
letter in confidence. Close with something similar to this: “I know I could be of great help to
your company/department. When can I start?”

Motivation Letter Writing Tips

Remember, this is a professional writer. And a very important one that determines your
future. This is not a quick e-mail back to an old friend, signed with your first name. This
writing requires a business format.

Research the university you’re interested in. What are the core values of the university? What
is their mission and vision statement? What’s their graduation rate? If you’re writing a
motivational letter for entrance into a certain program, then research that program in
depth. After you’ve researched, incorporate some of the information you found into your
motivational letter. Showing that you’ve put the time in to do some research is impressive and
it goes a long way in the acceptance process!
Sit down with a pen and notepad and try to come up with a list of things that make you
unique. Why should you be accepted? What makes you stand out? How are you different from
everyone else? It’s crucial that you mention you’re a fast learner and a hard worker. Tell them
about your great work ethics. Say that you’re a positive and upbeat person. Go ahead and let
them know the last time you helped out in the community or did some volunteer work. The
Admission’s Board is reading and filtering through hundreds, or maybe even thousands of
these letters, so you want them to read everything they can about you before moving on to the
next letter.

Before writing your first draft, create a detailed outline for your motivational letter to
follow. Include the research section (mentioned above) and the list that makes you unique
(also mentioned above), but also include answers to important questions that are specific to
your motivational letter. The questions listed below are most commonly used and answered
when writing a motivational letter.

A Motivation Letter outline includes the following questions while writing a draft:
 Who are you and what are you applying for?

 Why did you choose this University/degree/program?

 How did you hear about this University/degree/program?

 Why should you be accepted/considered to this University and/or program?

 What makes you a good candidate?

 What life experiences have prepared you for this University/degree/program?

 What work experiences have prepared you for this University /degree/program?

 What qualities do you have? What skills or qualifications do you have?

After writing your first Motivation Letter Draft, get up and stretch. Make a pot of coffee. Turn
on some music and forget about writing for a minute. The purpose of this is to re-direct your
mind and let it recalibrate. A good rule of thumb is to break for a couple of minutes, every
thirty minutes to an hour of working. Not giving your mind a much-needed break is just setting
yourself up for writer’s block!
Nobody gets the first rough draft perfect, think again. Look over your rough draft multiple
times. Once you’re truly satisfied, make sure it looks professional. What font and size are you
using? Is it easy to read? Make sure the font is a universal used font, like Times New Roman,
Calibri, or Arial. Don’t write in a size smaller than 12. Does your letter fit on one page? Having
your motivational letter as one page (unless requirements state otherwise) is extremely
important. It makes reading your letter easier. And having more than one page makes your
letter seem and feel overwhelming to applicant readers.

We scholarship fellow mentors always recommend you to write Motivation letter or letter of
interestby yourself but for some students who still face stumbling blocks in writing it can use
below Motivational Letter Template:
The Example of Motivational Letter

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