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There are six questions in this section. You are advised to spend not more than 75 minutes
on this section

1. What are ornamental plants? (1)

2.An example of a field crop is.... and a garden crop is....... (2)

3. Why do we sharpen tools? (1)

4. Give any two examples of agrochemicals. (2)

5. What is used to measure humidity and wind speed? (2)

6. Zimbabwe is divided into ...... main natural farming regions. (1)

7. Give one function of water in the soil. (1)

8. Name one agent of weathering. (1)

9. The main cause of soil pollution is....... (1)

10. Name one use of mulch. (1)

11. What do you understand by the term permaculture? Give examples. (2)

12.Name two human activities that cause soil erosion. (2)

13.List two water borne diseases caused by drinking dirty water. (2)

14. Give two classes of vegetables. (2)

15. Name one way of harvesting tomatoes. (1)

16. What is a pest? (1)

17. List two vegetable pests you know. (2)

18.Name two cereal crop (2)

Another word for varieties is......... (1)


Answer any two questions. You are advised to spend not more than 45 minutes on this section.

1 Complete giving examples

Leaf ...........

Legume ...........

Fruit ............

Bulb ............

Root......... (5)

2 A) Name three things to consider when choosing an orchard site. (3)

B) List a product you can make from on orange. (1)

C) Name one tree that can be grafted. (1) (5 marks)

3 A)


PURPLE.. . .. .....

RED.. .......
ORANGE........ (3)

B) Name a weed that is said to be paralytic or that feeds from other plants. (1)

C) What are perennial weeds? (1)

(5 marks)

4 A) Why are animals important? (1)

B) List two by-products form animals. (2) C)

Name one of the endangered species. (1)

D) Name one use of animal skin.

(5 marks)

5 A) Why do small livestock need housing? (1)

B) Name two types of housing systems for poultry. (2)

C) Housing system for rabbits is a........ (1)

D) The giving birth of rabbits is known as....... (1)

(5 marks)

6 A) Name two examples of tractor drawn implements. (2)

7. Draw and label a mouldboard plough. (5)


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