Four Arguments For Slavery

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Four Arguments for Slavery

 The Bible can be used to justify slavery as a religious and acceptable system. This idea can be
supported in the Old Testament in the passage about the curse of Ham and his descendants and
their blackness gibing them inferiority and making them slaves forever. Also in the New
Testament, justification can also be found as a passage speaks about the Holy Ghost, speaking
through St. Paul, and telling them that slaves should accept their status. It is believed that
slavery creates a way of converting non-christens into followers of God, and punishes those who
refuse to accept the Word of God.

 The blacks are going to be unprepared for freedom. If slavery is discontinued, the brutalities of
the white race prejudice will continue as new laws will develop to limit the freed slaves from
their rights. These freed slaves are uneducated; therefore they will not understand certain
conditions in order to live their freed lives. Some will grow up in poverty and living condition will
be worse than on the plantations. Therefore, it is best that the slavery system continues to
prevent these consequences.

 Slavery helped in maintaining and preservation of the white society. If the slaves are freed, this
means that the whites will become a minority. Slavery gave small planters a chance of rising in
the world and emulating the big planters. The successes of the planters could led to huge profits
and increase their chances of becoming a leader in society, economically, politically, socially and
culturally. The freedom of slaves could impact the poor whites status as it makes them feel
equal to the freed slaves. This will create a threat for the poor whites.

 Men were not born “free and equal”. It is nonsense to talk of “inalienable rights” for slaves
because they were from a degraded race. Negroid Africans were considered a different species
and should not be treated as they were from a privileged class. It is not right for backs to be
treated as whites are treated due to their origin and appearance. Slavery is the only available
option to keep a line between the slaves and the superior whites and to keep the social
hierarchy intact. Without slavery, the blacks will have access to certain privileges that for the
whites only.
Four Arguments against Slavery

 Even though, there are some instances in which the Bible is for Slavery. It was morally wrong for
Christians to be involve in the trafficking or keeping of humans, including black people. Most
Christians believe in the bible quote “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”
written in Luke 6:31. It is proved that the Bible is highly against this verse since no one would
want to be in a slave’s position. The Anti-Slavery Society also used the Bibles to back up their
arguments as the y pointed to the scripture in Luke 16:13,”No man can serve two masters”.

 Secondly, the slavery that existed in Africa was very different from the Transatlantic Slave Trade.
Those who were sent to be slaves in Africa were usually the ones who were involved in criminal
acts. They were usually prisoners of war or victims of political or judicial punishment. However,
the slaves involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade were mostly innocent people who did not do
anything wrong to deserve such treatment. Slavery should discontinue so that these slaves can
return their normal lives as freed people and end the horror their faced as slaves.

 Slavery has also affected the planters and brought fear into the lives of the whites. Slavery led to
a number of horrific and murderous revolts that have occurred across the New World. These
slave revolts and massacre led to countless deaths and severe damage to property. It has also
led to a decrease in profit and the usage of large sums of money to repair their plantations. To
prevent any more of these revolts and massacre, it is best to put an end to slavery to reduce
expenditure and massive causalities.

 The slave system was wasteful, inefficient and unproductive. There is always a high and
increasing mortality rate since slaves were dying because of sickness and sever injuries, careless
or wilful damage to machinery and property and the maintenance and check-ups of young and
old slaves. The death of these slaves meant that the owners had to quickly buy new ones which
leads to loss of profit. Also, there was high replacement rate for the damaged machinery and

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