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Academic Freedom is an article written by Isagani Cruz. Here he defines what Academic

Freedom is. Academic Freedom is the freedom to choose what to teach, who to teach and

how to teach.

I like how the writer explains Academic freedom clearly. As an aspirant College Professor, I

am glad to know that there's liberty to choose what to teach. They do not make College

Professors as robots. We do not want the feeling of being prohibited. We want to be honest. I

have the same experience with the college teacher whom the writer uses as an example. I do

not also agree with some portions of the prescribed textbooks in the school where I teach.

With academic freedom, I know that I can disagree with what I do not believe.

Since I have learned about this article, I can now practice and exercise Academic Freedom

when I teach in college. It upholds my freedom to discuss topics written on my field of

expertise without fear of being persecuted.

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