Biotech Examp 3Q

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Department of Education

Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Cabangan National High School
Sta. Rita Cabangan, Zambales

3rd Quarter Examination in Biotechnology

School Year 2018 – 2019

Name: _________________________________ Score: ______________

Grade & Section: ________________________ Date: _______________

Test I. Fill in the blanks. Write the correct term/terms to complete each statement below.
1. _________________ is the code of life.
2. The ___________ codes for a protein, which in turn codes for a trait.
3. ______________ have double rings of carbon-nitrogen.
4. ______________ have single carbon-nitrogen rings.
5. An enzyme that separate DNA strand by breaking the hydrogen bonds at the replication fork is called
6. The addition of complementary nucleotides in DNA replication is done by _________________.
7. The ___________________ is the flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to Protein.
8. Making RNA molecule complementary to a portion of DNA is known as __________________.
9. __________________ happens when the sequence of bases of mRNA directs the sequence of amino
acids in a polypeptide.
10. The ____________________________ determines the proteins structure and function.
11. ________________ codes for a specific amino acid.
12. ________________ known as the start codon.
13. ___________, 14. ___________, and 15. ___________ are the stop codons that ends translation.

Test II. Enumeration. Give the following.

a. Scientist involved in the discovery of DNA (7)
b. Composition of a DNA nucleotide (3)
c. Base Chemicals of DNA (4)
d. Base Chemicals of RNA (4)
e. Forms of DNA double helix (3)
f. Types of RNA (3)

Test III. Essay. Briefly answer the following questions using 2 – 3 sentences.
1. What is it mean by the doble helix is anti-parallel? (5 points)
2. Explain the Chargaff;s rule. (5 points)
3. Describe the flow how do cells make protein. (10 points)

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