Online Courses Enrollment System Chapter # 1: Introduction 1.1 Background

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1.1 Background

The world is making progress day by day and evolving technology is making this era a whole
new world highly equipped with internet and tech in almost every field of life. No-one wants
to do any task manually by putting a lot of effort and time rather sees for such a way that can
accomplish the same task quickly and more efficiently in less time and effort.

This can be possible only with the help of technology devices that everyone has with him all
time. No matter what type o task is. Whether it is related to any business activity, educational
task or any office work and even the domestic chore like payment of bills etc. Each of these
tasks is done by almost everyone. As the technology is evolving, more and more manual
tasks are now being shifting to technology devices and the internet dependent.

Internet has access all over the world and anyone can get any type of stuff do any kind of
work sitting in his home via the internet access and mobile or PC devices.

Educational institutes have also adopted technical and automatic means for doing the work.
Registering the students and courses is a very important task which is needed to be done with
proper attention and complete accuracy. In traditional way of catering this is to manually
writing all data and then selection of students. Students are directed to fill the forms for their
enrollment in relevant institution.

In manual working, many of the problems were faced by both the students and
administration. Mistakes in filling of forms, wrong data entry at one place often lead to a
major problem at time of degree completion. Moreover, handling too much stuff manually
when there is increasing number of students every year is a difficult task for administration.

Courses Enrollment System is basically designed and developed to solve all such kind of
issues and problems discussed above. It will provide a platform where data could be managed
easily and efficiently. Online availability of system will lead to access it from anywhere
anytime. Mistakes in manual filling of forms would be reduced to a mark-able level in online

The system will provide two portals that is for admin and for students. The admin can add
students, edit details, and update records and same for the courses addition, deletion and
updation. Student portal will provide student the facility to fill the form/registration details
with the help of short descriptions and tips with every field. A demo of filled form is also
shown to the student to guide and help him in correct filling. After filling, system will ask to
submit it, which will direct the student to review and then submit it when all the details are

1.2 Objectives:-

General objective of this study was to develop an online Courses Enrollment System to help
students to register them and help the administration to manage the data of students
efficiently. Following is the list of specific objectives which the project is seeking to achieve:

 Online Courses Enrollment System will provide a perfect path to access the data from
anywhere and anytime.
 It will provide a new pattern to how data will be managed.
 It will provide an interactive and responsive environment for both students and
 It will quite helpful for those students who are living far away or in other cities that
they need not to come to university again and again for registration purpose.
 It is cost reducing also for the students in a way.

1.3 Problem Description:

It is observed that students face many problems with manual registration process and the
administration is also facing issues in managing data and enrolling courses and students with
a lot of paper work. Therefore, I offer a system of managing all these problems and easily
performing required actions via the internet.

1.4 Methodology:

I will use Dreamweaver software for coding and use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap,
PHP and other programming languages for web development to make this project’s front-end
and back-end. I will use Xamp Server for connecting database and to serve as a localhost.
After completion of project, at time of deployment, server will be changed.

1.5 Project Scope:

Each task is done via the internet these days. Therefore, I build this system through which the
students can easily register them in relevant institution under desired course online. I also
target the issues regarding management of data and process of courses enrollment by the
administration of university. This will also help the out of city resident students to easily
enroll themselves.


2.1 Introduction

In a rapidly emerging world of technological advancement and innovations, computer has

become a way of life and a driving force of modern industry and businesses
( It has become one of the most significant tools for more productive
operations and accurate results (Kramer et al, 2007).

Web development can include a web design, web content development, client liaison, client-
server-side scripting, web server and network security configuration, and e-commerce
development (Rajapakse, 2012). It can range from developing the simplest static single page
of plain text to the most complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses or
social network services (Rajapakse, 2012). Many organizations and institutions increase their
investment in web-technology and online systems. The scope of web-based applications has
grown enormously and has moved to become a platform that can support all facet of
organizational work (Isakowitz et al., 1998). For this reason, engineers and IT specialists
strive and are still vigilant in combining web development to the practical application of
scientific investigations and research in developing systems that can support the core business
processes of institutions (

2.2 Background Studies of Previous Registration Systems

According to a case study by Ralph, Buskirk, and Schmidt (2007) regarding the use of online
projects, students in favor of online projects indicated that the accessibility to the professor
for fast and easy feedback was a great asset. Furthermore, the study revealed that when
implementing technology, students were concerned with the expense of the technology, the
necessity for internet access, and the reliability of the technology. Research on student
perceptions and satisfaction with online registration of courses provide insights to student
reactions and satisfaction with implementation of an online registration system. Hale (2007)
found that student satisfaction surveys reveal that the most important reason for taking an
online registration is its convenience.
The “widespread availability of computers and the Internet provide considerable enrichment
in terms of variety of material and formats for presentation over what was possible with the
old correspondence courses” (Walker and Kelly, 2007). The Chronicle for Higher Education
(2007) reported that a university stated that they use electronic education to add on to their
curriculum, not as the main basis. This lends to the implementation of an online service such
as a student registration system to register for courses, take lessons via distant learning and
under an exam.

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