Production Planning PI

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Production Planning in a cross plant
This document explains the steps required to configure a system for
Production planning in a cross plant set-up. It has been observed that
many members post questions with a bit of variation regarding this
scenario. Hopefully this blog will address any current and future queries
regarding this topic.
Cross plant production is one of the key parts of SAP – Production
Planning, it is also know as production in alternative plant. In this
document we will use Special procurement types 70 and 80 to address
this scenario, thus eliminating the need of doing any transfer postings.
Prerequisites – Create Master Data i.e.
Material Master (FERT, HALB and ROH)
Routing (FERT and HALB)
Work Centers
HALB will be created in 3350 plant, while FERT and ROH will exist in both
plants by extending them to the other plant through MM01.
Only configuration required in this scenario is to configure special
procurement types 70 and 80.
For plant 3300 we will use special procurement type 80. We will mention
plant 3350 in special procurement section of [ Prod. Other plant ].
For plant 3350 we will use special procurement type 70. We will mention
plant 3300 as issuing plant in the ‘As BOM component’ section. Make sure
there’s a tick at the box of withdr.altern.plant (withdrawal from alternate
Special procurement 70 will be assigned to HALB’s BOM component. We
will select ROH material in the BOM and click on item (or press F7).
T.Code CS02
Special procurement 80 will be assigned in FERT’s MRP 2 view in plant
3300. T.Code MM02

After completing all of the above tasks we will proceed with a real time
test. For FERT material, stock of 50 already exists thus we will have to
add this in our future calculations.
Now we will go to PIR planning table T.code MD61, and enter the value of
100. Make sure the date is not on a holiday.

You can double check the planned qty and its date in Schedule lines tab.
After running the MRP (T.Code MD02) we will go to stock requirement list
of FERT material. Here you can see IndReq of 100 and planned order of 50
quantity. Reason being that 50 qty of FERT is already available in
unrestricted stock, so that stock will be consumed first. You can also see
supplying plant as 3350 because FERT material will be manufactured in
plant 3350.
For FERT Material in plant 3350 (T.code MD04) you can see Planned order
for 50 qty while 3300 plant is showing as planning plant.

For HALB Material in plant 3350 you can see a planned order of quantity
For ROH Material you can see DepReq of 100 and PurRqs of 100. That’s
because in one HALB material 2 ROH materials are consumed.

Convert Purchase requisition of ROH to purchase order and do GR in plant

Convert planned order of HALB to production order.
In component overview of HALB’s production order you can see 3300
plant for ROH material.

Now we will do goods issuance (Movement type 261) on the production

order of HALB material.
Before Goods issuance, ROH material stock is 100.
After Goods issuance, ROH material stock reduces to zero. Point to notice
is that there were no transfer postings done.
After doing Confirmation of HALB’s production order we will do Goods
Receipt of HALB material.

Before GR of HALB
After GR of HALB. 50 quantity has been added to stock.

After GR of HALB material, we will convert planned order of FERT to

Production order. Note supplying plant is 3350.
Planning plant and MRP area for FERT’s production order is coming as
Now we will do goods issuance to FERT’s production order. 261 movement
type is done.
In stock/requirements list (T.Code MD04) for HALB you can see the effects
of GI
In FERT material’s Production order HALB’s withdrawal quantity is coming
as 50
After confirmation of production order we will do GR of FERT material.
But before that you can see for plant 3300, FERT’s material
Stock/requirement list is showing 3350 as supplying plant while for plant
3350 Stock/requirement list is showing 3300 as planning plant.
We will go to MIGO and do GR of FERT’s production order. It will be done
directly to 3300 plant 0001 Sloc without the need of any transfer postings.
After GR, stock in 3300 plant has increased from 50 to 100
After GR, stock in 3350 plant has decreased to zero.
You can see in Stock overview list (T.Code MMBE) that stock in
‘unrestricted use’ is 100 for plant 3300 in 0001 Sloc, while stock is Zero
for plant 3350. Production Cost will be collected in production plant 3350.
There are numerous scenarios for Multi Plant Planning, I hope this blog
has established a baseline understanding of how Multi Plant Planning
Production planning- Process Industry
1. Create Order Type for Process Order using Tcode CORN
Process Order Type: PI01
Enter order category as 40 (process order) and order type as PI01 and
save the order type
2. Create Order Type Dependent Parameters using Tcode COR4
Assign Order type PI01 to plant 1000 and save the order dependent
3. Create Production Scheduling Profile using Tcode CORY
In ‘Automatic actions’ on release select all the three functions and save
production scheduling profile
4. Specify Scheduling Parameter using Tcode OPUZ
Create scheduling parameters as per requirement
5. Specify confirmation Parameter for order type PI01
6. Create Control Recipe Destination using Tcode O10C
Control recipe destination is a Process control system, line operator, or
group of line operators that receives
and executes control recipes.
Control Recipe destination: G2
Enter plant, control recipe destination, destination type as 4 (browser
based PI sheets) and address of
operator and save the destination

7. Copy standard characteristics and message categories to the client

Execute adopt predefined characteristics, adopt predefined message
categories and adopt predefined display
8. Create characteristics for process messages and process instructions
using Tcode O27C
Enter description, characteristics group as process message
characteristics or process instruction characteristics.
Also enter data type, number of char, number of decimals and unit of
measure and save the characteristic
9. Create Process Massage Destination using Tcode O03C
Process Message destination: PL01
Process massage destination is a User or component to which process
messages are sent for processing.
Enter destination name, Type and destination address and save

10. Create process message categories using Tcode O13C

Process message category: K001
Enter process message category and its description and double click on
‘characteristics/message categories’
and then assign the required characteristics

Now double click on destinations/message categories and enter the

process message destination previously

11. Create Process Instruction Category using Tcode O12C

Enter instruction category name, description and process instruction
category type
Process instruction category: A001, Process instruction type: 1 (Process
Double click characteristics/process instruction categories and enter
required characteristics and its values which will get displayed in PI
sheet as process parameters

Now create second category K001 with category type as 2 (Process data
request) and double click on characteristics/process instruction
Enter required characteristics as well as predefined characteristics and
their values as below and save the characteristics.
In PI sheet, the process instruction destination has to fill this data and
send it to the process message destination

Master Data
1. Create finished product and its raw materials using Tcode MM01
Finished product: ICE CANDY1 Raw Materials: 7000000116, 7000000117
On ‘work scheduling’ view of finished product, enter production
scheduling profile as G001 and save the material
2. Create finished product BOM using Tcode CS01
Enter the ingredients and quantity in which they are required and save the

3. Create Resource using Tcode CRC1

Resource: MIXER

4. Create Master Recipe using Tcode C201

In recipe header enter status and usage and the go to ‘Operation’ tab
Enter Phases and operations with required resource and control key also
enter the process instruction destination.
Now save the master recipe and again go to change master recipe using
Tcode C202 and then go to ‘Material’ tab
In production version enter ‘alternative BOM’ and ‘BOM usage’ and select
‘Check’, system will automatically pic the correct BOM.

Now go to ‘operation’ tab and select phase to which the process

instructions are to be assigned and then

For auto goods issue and auto goods receipt select last phase and go to
process instructions tab and assign standard process instructions
PROD_5 (auto goods receipt) and CONS_5 (goods issue), assign CONS_5
two times as there are two ingredients that needed to do goods issue.

Now double click on CONS_5 and assign ingredient number and its base
unit of measure to respective characteristics, repeat same for other

Now select Go To- Process management- simulate PI sheet for control

recipe destination
System will show the simulation of PI sheet which will be sent to control
recipe destination
Phase: 0020

Phase: 0040
Phase: 0080

Now save the control recipe

Production planning- Process Industry
August 5, 2017 webadmin

Business process steps

1. Create Process Order Manual using Tcode COR1
Enter required quantity and release the order
Once release is carried out, the system will give the message

As it’s mentioned in production scheduling profile that generate control
recipe at the order release, now save The order.
2. Order confirmation using Tcode COR6N
Enter the order number and phase no. and save the confirmation, similarly
do the confirmation of all the phases.
2. Control recipe monitor using Tcode CO53
Select ‘created/sent’ tab to access generated control recipe
Now select the control recipe and select ‘Send’ to send the recipe to
control recipe destination

The system will give message

3. Maintain PI Sheet using Tcode CO55/CO60
Select the PI sheet and select

Enter the actual values of process parameters that is speed, temperature

and viscocity

Enter quantity of finished material to do goods receipt and quantities of

raw materials to post goods issue

Now select ‘complete’ to complete the document and generate process

4. Process message monitor using Tcode CO54
Select ‘To Be Sent’ tab to view and edit the process messages
PI_CRST: Process message to change status of control recipe to
K001: Process message of actual readings of process parameters
PI_PROD: Process message for goods receipt of finished product
PI_CONS: Process message for goods issue of raw materials
Now first to post the goods issue select the PI_CONS message and select
Here enter the storage location in front of characteristic

Now select both PI_CONS messages and select to send the

messages at process message destinations.
Similarly enter storage location in PI_PROD message and send the
message to post goods receipt,
Also check the process parameters and send K001 message to message
destination, which is of SAP user type, this will trigger mail to the address

After that send PI_CRST message which will change the status of control
recipe to completed.
5. Check the status of control recipe using Tcode CO53
Status of control recipe is ‘Executed’
6. Check good issue and goods receipt documents using Tcode MB51
1. Raw material: 7000000116

2. Raw material: 7000000116

3. Finished product: ICE CANDY1

7. Technical completion of order and order settlement using Tcode KO88

Enter controlling area, order number and settlement period and execute
System will do the settlement of order to material as cost receiver

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