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A group of more than 1,000 farmers gathered in a village in

Akola of Maharashtra to sow seeds of an unapproved,
genetically modified variety of cotton, defying government
regulations. The government is now investigating what was

Bt cotton:
• Developed by: US giant Bayer-Monsanto.

• Working: It involves insertion of two genes viz ‘Cry1Ab’ and ‘Cry2Bc’ from the soil
bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis into cotton seeds. This modification codes the plant
to produce protein toxic to Heliothis bollworm (pink bollworm) thus making it resistant
to their attack.

• Release:
o Bt cotton remains the only GM crop allowed to be cultivated in the
country. The commercial release of this hybrid was sanctioned by the government
in 2002.

o Besides Bt cotton, the GEAC has cleared two other genetically modified crops —
brinjal and mustard — but these have not received the consent of the Environment

Important Info :
Recent development:
• The farmers in Akola led by Shetkari Sanghtana, planted a herbicide-tolerant
variety of Bt cotton. This variety (HtBt) involves the addition of another gene,
‘Cp4-Epsps’from another soil bacterium, Agrobacterium tumefaciens. It is not
cleared by GEAC.
• The farmers claim that the HtBt variety can withstand the spray of glyphosate, a
herbicide that is used to remove weeds, and thus it substantially saves them de-
weeding costs.
• However, genetic changes made in a plant can make it unsafe for consumption,
have adverse impacts on human or animal health, or introduce problems in the soil
or neighbouring crops.
About GEAC
• The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC) functions in the Ministry of
Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC). As per Rules, 1989, it is
responsible for appraisal of activities involving large scale use of hazardous
microorganisms and recombinants in research and industrial production from the
environmental angle. The committee is also responsible for appraisal of proposals
relating to release of genetically engineered (GE) organisms and products into the
enviornment including experimental field trials.
• GEAC is chaired by the Special Secretary/Additional Secretary of MoEF&CC and co-
chaired by a representative from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT). Presently, it
has 24 members and meets every month to review the applications in the areas indicated

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