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Malaria is known to be a disease of tropics caused by a parasite called plasmodium.

It is transmitted from one infective individual to another by the female anophele mosquito
during a blood meal.
These mosquitoes usually present with dusk to dawn bite patterns.

Signs and Symptoms

Malaria characteristically presents with high grade fever with
chills and rigors. However, these symptoms appear cyclically. i.e.
an individual may be absolutely okay between two episodes of
fever. This is because of the peculiarity of the parasite that it
shows symptoms only in a specific phase (in the red box)

Other symptoms include vomiting, pain in abdomen,

excessive sweating, absence of desire to eat anything,
jaundice and headache.

Your doctor may suggest you to get a blood check up done.

Presence of plasmodium in your blood is the diagnostic of malarial

When do you see a doctor? : The right time to see a doctor is when you experience fever with or without
history of mosquito bite (as it may go unnoticed many times)

How do we prevent a malarial infection?

It's simple! Malaria spreads through mosquito bites. prevention of mosquito bites prevents spread of malaria
Avoid water stagnation, if cannot avoided, release Gambuisa
fishes in stagnant water (they eat mosquito babies)
Wear clothes covering most of body parts to prevent bites
Use mosquito repellents. avoid using on face as they can be
irritant to eyes.
Use mosquito nets and screenings

Most cases of malaria can be treated easily with drugs that kill plasmodim parasite. However, resistance to
these drugs developed by these parasites can be a matter of concern
Establishment of classical homeopathic drugs for malaria can prove as a next generation therapy,
as homeopathy doesn’t give any scope of resistance. The homeopathic approach may be useful specifically
because it does not focus on the cause of the disease but on the teleonomy of the patient’s reaction

Dr. Disha's Homoeopathy

Dr. Disha Agashiwala
Rajnikunj Building, M.G. Road, Kandivali West,
MONDAY- SATURDAY: 6 pm- 8 pm
For enquiries: 9773652659/ 8779269510

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