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TEST 2: Page 78 – Page 86 24. El ectrodes of i ron or steel pl ates shall be at l east 6.

4 mm in
thi ckness.
1. 100 mm i s the maximum el ectrical trade si ze of i ntermedi ate
condui t. 25. The frame of the vehi cl e-mounted generator shall be permi tted
to serve as the groundi ng el ectrode for a system suppl i ed by a
2. Electrical perm it i s a type of permi t needed before starti ng any
generator l ocated on the vehi cl e under the foll owi ng condi ti ons:
i nstall ati on work, al ternati on, repai r or extensi on on any
el ectri cal system.  The vehi cl e of the generator i s bonded to the vehi cl e frame.

3. The PEC i s i ntended for mandatory appli cati ons by government  The generator suppl i es onl y equi pment l ocated on the
bodi es exerci si ng l egal juri sdi cti on over el ectri cal install ati on. vehi cle.

4. Equi pment for install ati on in hazardous l ocati ons must be tested  The non-current carryi ng metal parts of equi pment and the
and approve d for use accordi ng to the cl assi fi cati on of the equi pment groundi ng conductor termi nal s of the receptacl es
hazardous i nvolved. These are di vided i nto 3 groups. are bonde d to the generator frame .

5. Indi vi dual branch ci rcui ts usi ng type FCC (Fl at Conductor Cabl e) 26. The mi ni mum i nsul ati on level for the neutral conductors of a
shall have ratings not exceedi ng 30 A. sol i di ty grounded system shall be 600 V.

6. USE type conduct or is appl i cabl e for underground se rvi ce 27. The foll owi ng copper conductors have the same cross secti onal
entrance conductors. area but are made up of di fferent number of strands. Whi ch one
has the l east resi stance to AC current?
7. If there are three wi res of 150 mm 2
connected to one termi nal
enteri ng a cabi net or a swi tchboard, the bendi ng space at each  19-strand conduct or
termi nal shall NOT be l ess than 250 mm, provi ded the  Single solid conduct or
conductors do not enter or l eave the encl osure through the wall
 7-strand conduct or
opposi te i ts termi nal s.
 37-strand conduct or
8. A cl earance of not l ess than 26 mm shall be secured between
bare cu rrent carryi ng metal parts and any metal surface of an 28. Advi sory rul es i n the Code are characteri zed by the use of the
auxili ary gutter. word “should”.

9. No box shall have an i nternal depth of l ess than 12 mm. 29. Air terminal i s a devi ce capabl e to drawi ng li ghtni ng di scharge
to i t in preference to vul nerabl e parts of the protected area.
10. Whi ch of the foll owing el ectri cal conductor has the hi ghest
resi stance? (3.5 mm , 8.0 mm , 2.0 mm , 5.5 mm ). Note:
2 2 2 2 30. Conductors normal l y used to carry curr ent shall be of copper
Resistance is inversely proportion al to the cross -secti onal area unless otherwi se provi ded i n the PEC.
of the conductor wire . 31. Li ght fi xtures suspended from the ceili ng by chai ns shoul d be
11. Pendant i s a devi ce or equi pment whi ch i s suspended from wi red so that the wires do not su pport the fixture .
overhead ei ther by means of a fl exi bl e cord carryi ng the current, 32. Fixed app lian ce i s fastened or otherwi se secured at a speci fi c
or otherwi se. l ocati on.
12. In the schedul e of l oads for motor ci rcuits, whi ch of the foll owi ng 33. 110 A i s a standard rati ng of an inverse ti me CB.
i s NOT i ncl uded? (Type of motor, Motor’s manufacturer , Motor
34. Aeri al cabl e under non -metalli c extensi ons shall have a cl earance
as numbered or i denti fi ed in the power l ayout, number of
of not l ess than 50 mm from steel structure members or other
conducti ve materi al s.
13. 45 A is the all owabl e ampacity of THW i nsul ated cop per
35. Above ground tanks contai ning liqui ds at atmospheri c pressure
conductor wi th an area of 8.0 mm 2
and exposed to an ambi ent
are consi dered to be protected agai nst li ghtni ng if the foll owi ng
temperature of 30C.
requi rements are met. Whi ch one is NOT i ncluded?
14. For two condu ctors i nsi de the condui t, the ampaci ty of the
 The metal roof shall have a mi nimum thi ckness of 4.8 mm
conductors shall be derated to what percent? (90%, 80%, 70%,
none of these). Note: Derating is applicable only i f there are 3  The roof shal l be wel ded, bol stered or ri veted to the shell
or more wires.  All pi pes enteri ng the tank shall be metalli call y connected to
15. El ectri cal equi pment may best be mounted on a concrete wall by the tank at the poi nt of entrance
usi ng an expansion bolt.  None of th ese
16. What i s the neutral l oad of a ran ge that has a demand l oad of 36. Accordi ng to Republi c Act No. 184, a li censed Master El ectri ci an
10.4 kW? Ans. 7.28 kW may operate and tend generator rated up to 750 volts.

Neutral Load  70% of demand load   0.7 10.4 kW   7.28 kW 37. A heavy duty l amp hol der shall have a rati ng not l ess than 660
17. If the project i s extensi ve and requi res more ti me for checki ng
38. In ri gi d metal condui t wi ri ng, condui ts shall be supported at
and for computati ons of fees, t he i ssuance of the el ectri cal
l east every 3,000 mm.
permi t need not be i ssued i mmediatel y. However, the del ay shall
not be l onger than 5 working days . 39. Conductors used i n open wi ring method wi thin 2,000 mm from
the fl oor shall be consi dered exposed to physi cal damage.
18. Spli ces i n ground conductors shal l be as few as practi cabl e and
shall be attached so as to wi thstand a pull test of 890 Newtons. 40. Heating el ements of cabl es shall be sep arated at l east 200 mm
from the edge of outl et boxes and juncti on boxes.
19. Class II l ocati ons are hazardou s because of the pre sence of
combusti bl e dust. 41. Auxili ary gutters shall NOT contai n more than 30 current
carryi ng conductors at any cross secti on.
20. For an ambi ent temperature of 30 C, a THW i nsul at ed copper
conductor wi th a cross se cti onal area of 3.5 mm 2 an d buri ed 42. Ci rcui ts rated from 201 to 400 A requi res a mini mum i nsul ati on
underground has a 30 A ampaci ty. resi stance of 25,000 ohms.

21. All l ocated parts wi thin 1,800 mm of the li ghting protecti on 43. No over-current devi ce shall be connected i n seri es wi th any
system shall be bonded thereto. conductor that i s intentionally gr ounded .

22. Continuous duty i s an operati on at substanti all y constant l o ad 44. Whi ch of the foll owi ng si ze of singl e -phase transformer i s NOT
for an i ndefi nitel y l ong ti me. standard? (30 kVA, 37 ½ kVA, 75 kVA, 20 kVA).

23. Transforme r exceedi ng 112.5 kVA, shall not be l ocated wi thi n 45. For the purpose of li ghtning protecti o n, a hi gh ri se buil di ng i s a
300 mm from combusti bl e material s of the buil ding. buil di ng wi th a hei ght over 23 m.

46. Branch ci rcui ts are cl assi fi ed accordi ng to the maxi mum setting 18. The foll owi ng are common spl i ci ng rul es EXCEPT one. Whi ch one
of the over-current device . i s thi s?

47. Cabl e tray shall NOT be used i n hoistways .  A spli ce must provi de a path for the current to pass through.

48. TW type of el ectri cal conductor has a trade name of “moisture  A joi nt must be mechani cally as strong as the wi re itsel f.
resistant therm oplast ic”.  All spli ces must be mechani call y and el ectri call y secured by
49. Reactor is a devi ce used for the purpose of mi ni mi zi ng means of a sol der.
i rregul ari ti es i n the fl ow of wel di ng currents.  Wires of the s ame s ize should be spliced tog ether in
50. For all l and-based el ectri cal install ati on under the scope of the line.
PEC, where shoul d an el ectri cal permi t be filed? Ans. Local 19. For watercrafts, el ectri cal permi t shoul d be fil ed in Maritime
Building Office Industry Authority .

20. Reconnecti on by the suppli er of electri cal energy i n cases where

servi ce has been cut-off due to non -payment of bill s shall NOT
requi re a new certi fi cate of i nspecti on provi ded the peri od of
cut-off i s NOT more than one year.
TEST 4: Page 95 – Page 103
21. Li qui dti ght fl exi bl e non -metalli c condui t shall NOT be used where
1. For each 2-wi re l aundry branch ci rcui t, a feeder l oad of NOT l ess
the voltage of the contained conductors i s i n excess of 600 V.
than 1,500 VA shall be i ncl uded.
22. Roofs wi th a seri es of parall el ridges shal l have ai r termi nal s
2. The computed l oad for the branch ci rcui t i nstall ed to suppl y
al ong the end ri dge at i nterval s NOT exceedi ng 7,600 mm.
exteri or si gns and outline li ghtni ng shall be c omputed at a
23. Communi cati on wi res and cabl es shall be separated at l east 300
mi nimum of 1,200 VA.
mm of mi ni mum di stance from the servi ce drops of el ectri c li ght
3. Non-metalli c boxes shall be permi tted onl y wi th concealed knob
and powe r con ductors, whi ch are not i nstall ed i n a raceway or i n
& tube wiring, non -m etallic sheathed cable, and open
cabl e.
wiring on insulators .
24. Servi ce entrance usi ng copper conductors shal l have suffi ci ent
4. A buil di ng or other structure se rve shall be suppli ed by onl y one
capaci ty and shall NOT be small er than 8.0 mm 2 .
servi ce drop EXCEPT for:
25. Class III, Division 1 – hazardous l ocati ons i n whi ch easily
 Mul ti pl e occupancy buil ding
i gni tabl e fi bers or materi al produci ng combusti bl e flyi ngs are
 Fi re pumps handl ed, manufactured or used.

 Emergency el ectri cal system 26. The rati ng of the over-current devi ce shall NOT be l ess than the

 All of these non-conti nuous l oad pl us a percentage of the conti nuous l oad.
Ans. 125%
5. Ai r termi nal s exceeding 600 mm in hei ght shall be supported at
a poi nt NOT l ess than one-half of i ts hei ght. 27. A 40 or 50 A branch ci rcui t shall be permi tted to supply cooking
appl i ances that are fastened i n pl ace i n any occupancy .
6. At l east 1 entrance shall be provi ded to gi ve access to the
worki ng space about el ectri cal equi pment. 28. An over-current devi ce shall be connected at the poi nt where the
conductors to be protected r eceives its supply .
7. Sheet steel metal boxes over 1,6 40 cm 3
i n si ze shall be made
from steel NOT l ess than 1.35 mm thi ck uncoated. 29. Servi ce entrance cabl es shall be supported by straps or other
approved methods wi thi n 300 mm of every servi ce head.
8. For strai ght pull s, the l ength of the pull box shall NOT be l ess
than 48 times the outsi de di ameter over sheath of the l argest 30. Type MC cabl e shall be su pported and secured at i nterval s NOT

shi el ded or l ead covered conductor or cabl e enteri ng the box. exceedi ng 1,800 mm.

9. Armored cable, a type of cabl e, i s a fabri cated assembl y of 31. Outlet i s a poi nt in a wi ri ng system at whi ch current i s taken to

i nsul ated conductors encl osed i n a fl exi bl e metal sheath. be used i n some equi pment.

10. Heath car e facilities ci rcui ts shall NOT be grou nded. 32. Li ve vegetati on or trees shall NOT be used for support of
overhead conductor spans.
11. An attachment pl ug and receptacl e shall be permi tted to serve as
the di sconnecti ng means for si ngl e phase room ai r condi ti oner 33. Bare conduct or i s a conductor havi ng no coveri ng or el ectri cal

rated 250 V or l ess, if the manual control s of the room ai r i nsul ati on.

condi ti oner i s readil y accessi bl e and l ocated wi thi n 1,800 mm 34. Type FC cabl es shall have the temperature rati ng durabl y marked
di stance from the fl oor. on the surface at interval s NOT exceedi ng 600 mm.

12. There are si tuati ons where devi ati ons from the code 35. Class II, Division 2 – hazardou s l ocati ons where combusti bl e
requi rements are necessary. Before such devi ati ons are made, dust i s not normall y i n the ai r in quanti ti es suffi ci ent to provi de
there must be a w ri tten permi ssi on from Board of Electr ical expl osive or i gni tabl e mixtures, and dust accumul ati ons are
Engineering . normal ly i nsuffi ci ent with the normal operati on of el ectri cal

13. Ci rcui ts wi th ri gi d non -metalli c condui t app roved for di rect buri al equi pment.

and pl aced under streets, hi -ways, roads, all eys, dri veways and 36. The cl earance from the top of a swi tchboard to a ceili ng whi ch i s
parki ng l ots shall have a mini mum cover di stance of 600 mm. combusti bl e shal l NOT be l ess than 1,000 mm.

14. Energi zed parts of generat ors operated at more than 50 V to 37. Overhead con ductors used i n festoon li ghti ng shall NOT be l ess
ground shall NOT be exposed to acci dental contac t where than 3.5 mm 2 .
accessi bl e to unqualifi ed persons.
38. Conductors used i n li ghtni ng protecti on system maybe coursed
15. Raintight, a test condi ti on, i s so constructed or protected that through ai r wi thout support for a di stance of 900 mm.
exposure to a beati ng rai n will not resul t i n the entrance of
39. In conceal ed knob and tube wi ri ng, the cl earance to be
mai ntained between conductors i s 76 mm.
16. The cross secti onal area i n square millimeters of a conductor
40. A run of type IGS cabl e between pull boxes or termi nati ons shall
shall be durabl y marked on the surface repeate d at i nterval s NOT
NOT contai n more than the equi valent of 4 quarterbends.
exceedi ng 600 mm.
41. For opti onal cal cul ati on i n dwelli ng uni ts, the fi rst 10 kW shall be
17. Motor ci rcui t swi tches shall be permi tted to be of the knife
computed at 100% whil e the remainder i s at 40%.
swi tch type.
42. Operati on of equi pment i n excess of normal , full l oad rati ng or of
a conductor i n excess of rated ampaci ty. Ans. Overload
43. Branch ci rcui t l arger than 50 A shall supply onl y non -li ghti ng 9. Whi ch of the foll owi ng statements i s NOT true?
outl et l oads.  Conductors i n raceways shall be conti nuous between outl ets.
44. When ci rcui t breakers are i nstall ed i n encl osed swi tchboards,  Metal raceways, boxes, cabi nets and fi tti ngs shall be
they are usuall y derated to 80%. grounde d.
45. Whi ch of the foll owi ng statement is NOT true?  Metal or non-metalli c raceways shall be conti nuous between
 El ectri cal equi pment and wi ri ng not me nti oned i n the code cabi nets, boxes or othe r encl osures.
shall requi re a speci al permi ssi on pri or to i nstall ati on.  Raceway shall b e used as a m eans of supp ort for other
 Extended use of tempor ary installation sh all n ot raceways.
require a new appr oved electrical permit. 10. For receptacl e outl ets, each si ngl e or each mul ti pl e receptacl e on
 An appli cati on of i nspecti on shall be fil ed wi th the one strap shal l be consi dered NOT l ess than 180 VA.
government agency concerned be fore a preli mi nary and or 11. Corner joi nts on a gutter shal l be made ti ght, where the
final i nspecti on i s done. assembl y i s hel d togeth er by rivets or bol ts. The spaci ng shall
 A copy of the el ectri cal permi t shall be posted or kept at the NOT be more than 300 mm.
job si te at all times, until the approval of the work have 12. 360 degrees i s the total number of mechani cal degrees that a
been made. PVC condui t run maybe bent between pull joi nts (pull boxes,
46. Fi xed el ectri c space heati ng l oads shall be computed at 100% of juncti on boxes or utili ty boxes).
the total computed l oad. 13. The mi nimum si ze of wi re used in el ectri cal wi ri ng i s the former
47. The powers of the Board are veste d i n them by whose authori ty? #14 AWG. Under the SI standard i n the PEC, what i s the
Ans. Under RA 7920 di ameter of thi s wi re? (1.2 mm, 2.0 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.6 mm).

48. The current carryi ng conductors in cabl e bus shall have 14. Pull box i s a box wi th a bl ank cover whi ch i s inserted i n one or
i nsul ati on rati ng of 70 C or more. more runs of raceway to facili tate pulli ng of the conductors.

49. In hazardous l ocati on, the use of non -metalli c condui t shall be 15. The neutral conductor from the neutral poi nt of the transformer
permi tted provi ded i t i s buri ed NOT l ess than 600 mm bel ow the or gene rator to i ts connecti on poi nt to the groundi ng i mpedance
earth l evel . shall be fully insulated.

50. Open conduct ors shal l be separated from open conduct ors of 16. The sum of the cross secti onal area of all conductors i n a
other ci rcui ts by NOT l ess than 100 mm. wi reway must NOT exceed 20% of the cross-secti onal area of
the wi reway.

17. Ci rcui t contai ni ng el ectri c di scharge li ghti ng transformer

excl usivel y shall NOT be rated i n excess of 30 A.

18. For ranges of 8.75 kW or more in rati ng, the mini mum branch
TEST 6: Page 113 – Page 121
ci rcuit requi red shall be 40 A.
1. Where fl exi bl e tubi ng i s used to encase the conductors , the
19. Li ghti ng fi xtures shall be wi red wi th a fi xture fl exi bl e cord wi th a
tubi ng shall extend from the l ast i nsul ating support to NOT l ess
cross-secti onal area of NOT l ess than 0.75 mm 2 .
than 6.4 mm.
20. If the setti ng of over-current devi ce in a ci rcui t ahead of
2. Metal raceways, encl osures, frames and other non -current
equi pment i s 60 A, the mi ni mum requi red groundi ng conductor
carryi ng metal parts of el ectri c equi pment shall be kept at l east
usi ng copper i s 5.5 mm 2 .
1,900 mm di stance from li ghtni ng rod conductors.
21. Mi neral i nsul ated metal sheathed cabl e shall be permi tted in any
3. Where no standard el ectri cal equi pment of the exact si ze or
of the foll owi ng i nstall ati ons EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
rati ng i s avail abl e and the next larger si ze i s nei ther avail abl e
 For cont rol ci rcui ts
the next small er si ze or rati ng maybe used provi ded a speci al
permi ssi on i s obtained from Electr ical Inspect or .  Where expose d to oi l and gasoline

4. Instruments, pil ot li ghts, potenti al transformers and othe r  For feeder ci rcui ts
swi tchboard devi ces wi th potential coil s shall be suppli ed by a  Where exposed to corr osive at mosphere
ci rcuit that i s protected by a stan dard over -cu rrent devi ce rated
22. Conductors whi ch ru n above the top l evel of a window shall be
up to 15 A.
permi tted to be less than 1,000 mm but in no case shall be l ess
5. Guy i s a wi re or other mechan i cal member havi ng one end than 300 mm.
secures and the other end fasten ed to a pol e mai ntained under
23. For barber shops and beauty parl ors, the general li ghting l oad
tensi on.
per square meter of area shal l be 24 watts.
6. Bel ow the factors that affect the ampaci ty of an el ectri cal
24. Li qui dti ght flexi bl e non -metalli c condui t shall be permi tted to be
conductor EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
used: for direct burial, wher e flexibility is required , in
 Insulation r esistan ce
exp osed or concealed locat ions .
 Length of the conductor 25. Outl et boxes shall NOT be used as a sol e support for cei li ng
 Conductor materi al fans.

 Cross-secti onal area of the conductor 26. Fl exi bl e metal condui ts must NOT be used i n wet locat ions,
hoistways, and stor age battery rooms .
7. For ci rcui ts over 600 V nomi nal , conductors shal l NOT be bent to
a radi us l ess than 12 times the di ameter for shi el ded or l ead 27. For 25 to 50 A ci rcui ts, the mini mum i nsul ati on resi stance i s
covered conductors. 250,000 ohms.

8. Whi ch of the foll owi ng statement about over -current devi ces i s 28. 75 C i s the maxi mum operati ng temperature of type THWN
NOT correct? conductor.

 It shall be l ocated whe re they will not be exposed t o physi cal 29. Counterpoise is a conductor enci rcli ng a buil di ng and
damage. i nterconnecti ng all ground termi nal s.

 It shall be readil y accessi bl e. 30. The conductor connecti ng the neutral poi nt of the transformer or
generator to the groundi ng i mpedance shall be permitted t o be
 It can be located inside cloth es closets .
installed in a sep arat e raceway .
 In a multi -family dwelli ng, each occupant shall have ready
access to ove r-current devi ce protecti ng hi s occupancy.
31. The total l oad on over-current devi ce l ocated i n a panel board TEST 8: Page 130 – Page 138
shall NOT exceed to 80% of i ts rati ng. 1. Space heati ng cabl es shall be secured at i nterval s NOT exceedi ng
32. For underground feeder and branch ci rcui ts, UF type of 200 mm.
conductors shal l be used. 2. A run condui t between outl ets, between fi tti ngs, between outl et
33. Guy insulator, an i nsul ating element, generall y of el ongated and fi tti ng shall NOT contai n more than the equi val ent o f 4
form wi th transverse hol es or sl ots for the purpose of i nsul ati ng quarterbends.
two secti ons of a guy or p rovi de i nsul ati on between structure 3. Switchgear is a general term coveri ng an assembl y or
and anchor. assembli es of devi ces for the i nterrupti on, control and meteri ng
34. 30 A i s the ampaci ty of a 5.5 mm 2 TW coppe r con ductor. of el ectri c power.

35. A two wi re DC system suppl ying premi ses wi ri ng shall be 4. Thermopl asti c i nsul ated fi xture wires shal l be durabl y marked on
grounde d EXCEPT, the surface at i nterval s NOT exceedi ng 600 mm.

 A system equi pped wi th ground detector and suppl yi ng only 5. The average di stance between down conductors i n a li ghtni ng
i ndustri al equi pment in li mited areas. protecti on system shall NOT exceed 30 m.

 A system operati ng at 50 V or l ess between conductors. 6. Type AC cabl e shall NOT be permi tted to be used:

 A recti fi er devi ce DC system supplied from an AC system.  In storage battery

 All of these  On cranes or hoi sts

36. Class I, Division 1 – hazardous l ocati on i n whi ch i gni tabl e  In moti on pi ctures
concentrati ons of fl ammabl e gases or vapors can exi st under 7. Earth shal l NOT be used as the sol e equi pment groundi ng
normal operati ng condi ti ons. conductor.
37. Swi tches are operated verti cally rather than hori zontally. The 8. Service entran ce cable i s a si ngle conductor or mul ti -conductor
upward posi ti on of the handl e shall mean switch-on position. assembl y provi ded wi th or wi thout an overall covering, pri marily
38. The use of surface non -metal raceway i s NOT permi tted i n all used for servi ces.
those menti oned bel ow EXCEPT one. W hi ch one i s thi s? 9. Fi xture wi res shall NOT be smaller than 0.75 mm 2 .
 Dry locations 10. Standard l ocknuts and bushings shall NOT be used as a bond for
 Where subject to seve re physi cal damage the servi ce entrance raceway.

 Where the vol tage i s over 300 V 11. Transforme rs that contai n li qui d that will burn shall be installed
onl y i n approved vaul ts and shall al so compl y with the foll owing
 Where conceal ed
condi ti ons EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
39. The branch ci rcui t rati ng shall NOT be l ess than 100% of the
 Ampl e ventil ati on shall be provi ded for the conti nuous
non-conti nuous l oad.
removal of fl ammabl e gases.
40. For i nstall ati on consi sti ng of not more than tw o 2 -wi re branch
 Vent openi ngs shall l ead to a safe l ocati on outsi de the
ci rcuits, the servi ce di sconnecti ng mai ns shall be rated NOT less
buil di ng.
than 30 A.
 All vent ducts and openi ngs shall be of suffi ci ent areas to
41. What i s the l owest diel ectri c strength of transforme r oi l , whi ch i s
reli abl e expl osi on pressures wi thi n the vaul t.
acceptabl e to the PEC? Ans. 25,000 volts
 There shall b e r obust d oor b et ween th e v ault and any
42. Wi reways shall be supported at interval s NOT to exceed 1,500
non-hazard ous location .
12. Fl at cabl e assemblies shall have conductors of 5.5 mm 2 speci al
43. For a dwelli ng uni t havi ng a fl oor area NOT more than 50 square
stranded coppe r wi res.
meters shall be permi tted to have a si ngl e 20 -A, 2-wi re branch
ci rcuit provi ded the total l oad shall NOT exceed 3,680 VA. 13. Jumper is a short l ength of a conductor used to make a
connecti on between termi nal s or around a bre ak i n a ci rcui t.
44. For show wi ndow li ghti ng, a l oad of NOT l ess than 600 VA shall
be i ncl uded for each li ners meter of show wi ndow. 14. The surface non -metalli c raceway may NOT be used i n the
foll owing l ocati ons EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
45. The maximum setti ng of the ground faul t protecti on of
equi pment shall be 1,200 A.  In dry locations

46. Busway i s a grounded metal encl osure contai ni ng a factory  Where conceal ed
mounted, bare or i nsul ated conductors, whi ch are usuall y  Where subject to seve re physi cal damage
coppe r, or al umi num bars, rods or tubes.
 In hoi stways
47. Fl at Conductor Cabl e (FCC) system shall NOT be used i n the
15. For bare metal parts, busbars, etc of opposi te pol ari ty hel d free
l ocati ons enumerated bel ow EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
i n ai r shall mai ntain a mi nimum spaci ng of 19 mm for vol tages
 Locati ons where subject to corrosi ve vapors
rated NOT over 250 V.
 Damp locations 16. Type IGS cabl e i s usi ng a dry kraft paper tape and an SF 6 gas.
 Resi denti al buil di ngs What do you mean by SF 6 ? Ans. S ulfur hexaflu oride

 Outdoors 17. Hazard ous locations do NOT allow the i nstall ati on of PVC ri gi d
condui ts.
48. Type MI cabl es shall be securely supported at i nterval s NOT
exceedi ng 1,800 mm. 18. Fl at cabl e assemblies shall NOT be installed:

49. The groundi ng i mpedance for neutral system shall be installed  In hoi stways
between the grounding electr ode and system n eutral .  In any hazardous l ocati ons
50. In any watercraft, receptacl e outlets operati ng at 50 V or more  Outdoors
shall have a groundi ng pol e.
19. Ground connecti ons shall be made at approxi matel y every other
steel col umn around the perimeter of the buil di ng and shall NOT
be more than 18 m apart.

20. For sch ool buil di ngs, the general li ghting l oad i s 24 VA per
square meters.

21. Type AC i s fabri cated assembl y of i nsul ated conductors i n a 49. Most wi res used i n resi denti al house wi ring are usuall y i nsul ated
fl exi bl e metalli c encl osure. by thermoplast ic.

22. Spli ces and taps i n messenger wire shall be made by approved 50. Open wi ri ng on insul ators shall be permi tted for wi ri ng systems
methods. of 600 V or l ess.

23. A storage battery suppl yi ng emergency li ghti ng and power shall

mai ntain NOT l ess than 87.5% of full vol tage at total l oad for a
peri od of at l east 1.5 hours.

24. Portable appliance i s an appli ance whi ch can easily be moved

from one pl ace to another i n normal use.
TEST 10: Pag e 147 – Page 155
25. The feeder demand fact or for thre e ki tchen equi pment other than
dwelli ng kitchen equi pment shall be 90%. 1. Stage equi pment li ke footli g hts, borde r li ghts and others shall be
so arrange d that no branch ci rcui t suppl yi ng such equi pment will
26. To provi de for sm all appli ance l oad i n a dwelli ng uni t, the feeder
carry a l oad exceedi ng 20 A.
shoul d be computed at 1,500 watts.
2. Metal pol es shall be pe rmi tted to be used to support li ghti ng
27. Cabl es operated at over 2,000 V shall be shiel ded.
fixture and encl osed suppl y conductors.
28. The nearest ground terminal shall be NOT l ess than 600 mm
3. Rigid non-met allic conduit race way method i s NOT al l owed to
from the foundati on wall .
be used i n a hazardous l ocati on.
29. Feeder i s the ci rcui t conductors bet ween the servi ce entrance
4. 1 or mor e sid es of any pull box shall be removable.
equi pment or i sol ated generati ng pl ant and the branch ci rcui t
overl oad devi ce or devi ces. 5. Dimmers installed i n ungrounded conductors shal l be protected
by OCPD NOT exceedi ng 125% of thei r rati ng.
30. Conductors shal l be securel y attached to the bui l di ngs usi ng
fasteners. Fasteners shal l be spaced NOT more than 900 mm. 6. Mobi l e home servi ce equi pm ent shall be rated NOT l ess than 100
31. The mi ni mum di ameter of ai r termi nal used at the top of a heavy
duty smoke or vent stacks shal l be 15 mm, excl usi ve of the 7. The branch ci rcui t conductors that suppl y one or more uni ts of
corrosi on protecti on. data processi ng systems shall have an ampaci ty NOT l ess than
125% of the total connected l oad.
32. Locknuts are used on condui ts and are l ocated i nsi de and
outsi de of the box. 8. Class III – l ocati ons whi ch are hazardous because of the
presence of easi l y i gni table fi bers of flyi ngs.
33. No parts of cord connected fi xtures, hangi ng fi xtures or pendants
shall be l ocated wi thi n a zone measured 900 mm hori zontall y 9. Where nail s or screws are used to mount knobs, they shall be of
from a bathtub ri m. a l ength suffi ci ent to penetrate the wood to a depth equal to at
l east one-half the hei ght of the knob.
34. Busbars shall be copper havi ng a mi nimum conducti vi ty of 97%.
10. Expl osi on hazards exi st due to the presen ce of the fol l owing
35. 75C i s the temperature rati ng of THW i nsul ati on.
materi al EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
36. Indi vi dual open conductors and cabl es other than ser vi ce
 Combusti bl e dust
entrance cabl es shall NOT be install ed wi thi n 3,100 mm of every
grade l evel .  Fl ammabl e vapors

37. An i nsul ated grounded con ductor of 14 mm 2 or small er shall be  Fl ammabl e li qui ds
i dentifi ed by a continuous white or naturally gr ay outl et fi ni sh  Carb on dioxide g as
al ong i ts enti re l ength.
11. Metal cl ad cabl es shall be supported and secured at interval s
38. Messenger supported wi ri ng i s permi tted onl y in industrial NOT exceedi ng 1,800 mm.
establishments where mai ntenance personnel servi ce the
12. The ampaci ti es of type UF (underground feeder) cabl e shall be
that of the 60 C conductors.
39. In damp or wet l ocati ons, boxes and fi tti ngs shoul d be prope rl y
13. Some of the pri nci pal factors that affect the operati ng
pl aced or i nsul ated to prevent water fr om enter ing the box or
temperature of a cabl e are the foll owi ng EXCEPT one. Whi ch one
i s thi s?
40. Equi pment having an open ci rcui t vol tage exceedi ng 300 V shall
 Vol tage
NOT be i nstall ed in dwelli ng occupanci es.
 Ambi ent temperature
41. Conceal ed knob and tube wi ri ng conduct ors shal l be ri gi dl y
supported on knobs NOT more than 1,300 mm of mi nimum  Ventilation
di stance apart.  Load current
42. Split knobs are used t o support the conductor i n the open 14. Communi cati on wi res and cabl es shall have a vol tage rati ng of
wi ri ng method. NOT l ess than 300 V.
43. The mi ni mum si ze of type IGS cable shall be 125 mm 2 . 15. Sel f-exci ted generators suppl yi ng power to organs shall have a
44. Watercraft’s swi tchboards shal l be provi ded with a cl ear working potenti al of NOT more than 15 V.
space of at l east 1,000 mm at the front. 16. 90 C i s the temperature rati ng of THHN insul ati on.
45. For groundi ng electrode to whi ch po rtabl e or mobi l e equi pment 17. All AC squi rrel cage mot ors and synchronous motors wi th
system neutral impedance i s connected, shall be i sol ated from autotransformer starti ng shall have an over -current protecti ve
the ground by at l east 6,000 mm from any other system or devi ce usi ng i nverse ti me ci rcui t breaker wi th a maximum setti ng
equi pment groundi ng el ectrode. of 200% of its full l oad current rati ng.
46. Copper metal i s the best conductor of el ectri ci ty. 18. Rosettes for use wi th condui t boxes or raceway shal l ha ve bases
47. Incandescent l amp fi xtures s hall be marked to i ndi cate the hi gh enough to keep wi re and termi nal s at l east 10 mm from the
all owabl e wattage of l amps. The marki ngs shall be permanently surface wi red over.
i nstall ed in l etters at l east 6.4 mm hi gh. 19. No mot or ci rcui t i n any watercraft shall have conductors l ess
48. If the duty cycl e of a motor-gene rator arc wel der i s 100%, the than 2.0 mm 2 .
suppl y conductors shall NOT be l ess than 100% of i ts rated 20. Si zes of buil di ng wi res manufactured in the Phili ppines are
pri mary namepl ate current. standardi zed i n square milli meters. What i s the area of copper
conductor, whi ch i s next l arger than 8 mm 2 ? Ans. 14 mm 2 .
21. Fl exi bl e cords or data processi ng cabl es used to connect 47. Ri gi d metal condui t and i ntermedi ate metal condui t when used
computer uni ts shall be appr oved as part of the system. underground shall have a mi ni mum buri al of 150 mm.

22. Branch ci rcui ts to receptacl es under rai sed fl oors i n computer 48. Storage batteri es used, as source of power for emergency
rooms shall be wi red with: EMT, IMC, and AC cable . system shall mai ntain a vol tage appl i ed to the l oad wi thout
falling bel ow 87.5% of normal value.
23. As to the general rul e, fl oati ng buil di ngs shall be suppli ed by 1
set of feeder conduct ors from their servi ce equi pment. 49. Dri ven rods maybe used as a groundi ng electrode provi ded the
dri ven depth shall NOT be l ess than 2,450 mm.
24. Whi ch of the foll owin g el ectri c wires has the hi ghest ampaci ty?
(5.5 mm 2 , 8.0 mm 2 , 30 mm 2 , 50 mm 2 ) 50. Raceway i s an encl osed channel desi gned expressl y for hol di ng
wi res, cabl es or busbars wi th additi onal functi ons as permi tted.
25. Indoor antennas an d i ndoor l ead -in conductors sh all NOT be run
nearer than 50 mm to conductors of other wi ri ng systems i n the
premi ses.

26. The ampaci ty of the neutral conductor of a dual vol tage feeder
shall be 100% of the ampaci ty of the ungrounded conduct ors.

27. Accordi ng to the PEC, the mi nimum i nsul ati on level for neutral
TEST 12: Pag e 164 – Page 172
conductors of resi denti al i nstall ati ons, whi ch have soli dl y
grounde d system, shall NOT be l ess than 300 V. 1. The bondi ng conductor used i n agri cul tural buil di ngs shall be
coppe r, i nsul ated, covered or bare , NOT smal l er than 8.0mm 2 .
28. Exi t li ghts on watercrafts shall be provi ded at each poi nt. The
word “E XIT” shal l be red l etters NOT l ess than 50 mm hi gh. 2. In any watercraft, the motor ci rcui t shall have an ampaci ty of
NOT l ess than 100% of the motor’s full l oad current rati ng.
29. The nomi nal vol tage used i n el evator, dumbwai ter, escal ator and
movi ng wal k dri ving machi ne motors, machi ne brakes and mot or- 3. The l argest si ze of el ectri cal metalli c tubing i s 100 mm.
generator sets shall NOT exceed 600 V. 4. The overl oad rel ay used to protect each motor -compressor set
30. Traveling cable i s a cabl e made-up of el ectri c conductors whi ch shall be selected to tri p at NOT more than 140% of the motor-
provi des el ectri cal connecti on between an el evator or compre ssor rated l oad current.
dumbwai ter car and fi xed outl et i n the hoi stway. 5. Lamp prote cti on shall be provi ded by el evati on of at le ast 2 m
31. 23 kg i s the mini mum wei ght of a fi xture that requi res a support from the normal worki ng surface.
that i s i ndependent of the outl et box. 6. Type UF cabl e shall NOT be used as service entran ce.
32. For si ngl e phase AC or DC motors suppl i ed by a two wi re, si ngl e 7. Where “U” pull s are made on the pull box, the di stance between
phase AC or DC wi th one conductor grounded. How many each raceway entry i nsi de the box and the opposi te wall of the
overl oad uni ts shall be requi red? Ans. (1) in the ungr ounded box shall NOT be l ess than 6 times the trade di ameter of the
conduct or l argest raceway i n a row.
33. 500,000 ohms i s the insul ati on resi stance acceptabl e by the 8. Reference ambi ent temperature for expl osi on proof el ectri cal
PEC for 600-V ci rcui ts consi sti ng of 2.0 mm 2 conductor. equi pment shall be 50 C.
34. Each pati ent bed l ocati on shall be provi ded wi th a mini mum of 4 9. Arc welding i s a process wherei n coal escence i s produced by
recept acles. heati ng wi th an el ectri c arc wi th or wi thout the appli cati o n of
35. Open conduct ors on i nsul ators shall be separated at l east 50 pressu re and wi th or wi thout the use of filler metal .
mm from metal raceways, pi pi ng or other con ducti ng materi al s. 10. The use of underground feede r cabl es may NOT be use d i n the
36. The nomi nal gas pressure used i n type IGS cabl e shall be 138 foll owing condi ti ons EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
kPa.  Embedded i n concrete
37. 15 mm i s the small est si ze of EMT (el ectri cal metalli c tubi ng).  Hazardous l ocati on
38. The use of non-metalli c raceway shall be permitted i n dry  Direct burial
locations only.
 Theaters
39. Metal cl ad cabl es shall be permi tted for i nstall ati ons i n the
11. Facepl ates of i nsul ati ng materi al s shall be non -combusti bl e and
foll owing l ocati ons EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
NOT l ess than 2.5 mm i n thi ckness.
 Si gnal ci rcui ts
12. Conductors suppl yi ng two or more motors shall have an ampaci ty
 Branch ci rcui ts equal to the sum of the FLA rati ng of all motors pl us 25% of the
 Direct burial in the earth hi ghest motor FLA i n the grou p.

 Aeri al cabl e 13. White col or i denti fi es the grounded conduct or of a branch
ci rcuit.
40. One set of servi ce entrance con ductors shall be permi tted to
suppl y more than 1 set of servi ce equi pment. 14. Rosette i s an encl osure of porcel ai n or other i nsul ati ng materi al ,
fi tti ng wi th termi nal s and intended for connecti ng the fl exi bl e
41. Rigid n on-met allic conduit i s known i n the fi el d as PVC.
cord carryi ng a pendant to the permanent wi ring.
42. Conceal ed knob and tube wi ri ng shall be supported wi thi n 150
15. Receptacl es i nstall ed for the attachment of portabl e cords shal l
mm of each si de of each tap or spli ce.
be rated at NOT l ess than 15 A, 250 V.
43. A 15-A or a 20-A branch ci rcui t shall be permi tted to suppl y
16. Motors wi th a marked servi ce factor of l ess than 1.15 shall have
li ghting uni ts and other utili zati on devi ces. The rati ng of any one
an overl oad protecti on equal to 115% of the motor’s FLA.
cord and pl ug connected appli ance shall NOT exceed 80% of the
branch ci rcui t rati ng. 17. Cabl es and cords suppl i ed through pl uggi ng boxes shall be of
copp er.
44. Receptacl es l ocated on stages i n theaters shall NOT exceed 80%
of thei r rati ngs for conti nuous duty l oads. 18. Whi ch of the foll owi ng statements i s NOT corre ct?

45. Li ghti ng fi xtures exposed to cleansi ng water in agri cul tural  Over-current devi ces shall be l ocated where they will not be
buil di ngs shall be watertight. exposed to physi cal damage.

46. Intermediate met al conduit i s a metal raceway of ci rcul ar  Over-current devi ces shall be readil y accessi bl e.
cross secti on wi th i ntegral or associ ated coupli ngs, connectors  Over-current devices may be locate d insid e clothes
and fi tti ngs approved for the i nstall ati on of el ectri cal conductors. clos ets.

 In a multi -family dwelli ng, each occupant shall have ready 44. Type MI cabl e shall NOT be used where exp osed to
access to al l over-current devi ces protecti ng hi s occupancy. destructive corr osive condit ion s .

19. A conductor or group of con ductors, i n switchgear assembl ies 45. Each receptacl e for DC pl uggi ng boxes shall be rated at NOT less
whi ch serves as a common conne cti on for two or mo re ci rcui ts. than 30 A.
Ans. Bus 46. Insul ated ground conduct or of 14 mm 2 or smal l er shall be
20. The ampaci ty of capaci tor ci rcui t conductors shal l NOT be l ess i dentifi ed by a conti nuous whi te outer fi ni sh al ong i ts enti re
than 135% of the rated current of the capaci tor. l ength or another col or whi ch i s natural gray .

21. The al ternate or back -up source of power i n a hospi tal shall have 47. Metal covers for boxes shall be li ned wi th fi rml y attached
a capaci ty to sustai n its connected l oads for a mi ni mum of 1.5 i nsul ating materi al NOT l ess than 0.80 mm.
hours. 48. El ectri cal non-metalli c tubing shall NOT be used wh ere the
22. Cabl e trays shall NOT be used i n hoistways . vol tage i s over 600 V.

23. The l oad for the requi red branch ci rcuit i nstall ed for the supply 49. Busways shal l be marked wi th: voltage r ating, manufacturer’s
of exteri or si gns or outli ne li ghti ng shall be computed at a name, and current rat ing .
mi nimum of 1,200 VA. 50. The system neutral conductor shall NOT be connected to ground
24. The usual functi on of a di sconnect swi tches i n hi g h voltage EXCEPT
ci rcuits i s to isolat e from energized buses, equipm ent which  When the generator frame i s not grounded
are n ot in service.
 Through the gr ounding imp edance
25. Pendant conductors where not cabl ed and l onger than 900 mm
 Through a groundi ng transformer
l ength shall be twi sted.
 When a ground faul t i s very common
26. The ampaci ty of the phase conductors from the generator
termi nal s to the fi rst ov er-current devi ce shall NOT be l ess than
115% of the namepl ate current rati ng of the generator.

27. What i s the maximum number of conduct ors permi tted i n a

wi reway at any cross-secti on, signal ci rcui t or starter -control
wi res are not i ncl uded? ( 30 conductors , 50 conduct ors, 40
conductors, 25 conductors) TEST 14: Pag e 181 – Page 189

28. Each motor shal l be provi ded wi th only 1 di sconnect. 1. When thermal overl oad rel ay are used for the protecti on of a
three-phase i nducti on motor, their pri mary purpose i s to protect
29. Energi zed parts of a generat or operated at more than 50 V to
the motor i n case of sustained overload .
ground shall NOT be exposed to acci dental contact where
accessi bl e to unqualifi ed persons. 2. In type AC cabl e, al l bends shall be made so that the cabl e will
not be damage and the radi us of the curve of the i nner edge of
30. A hoi sting and l oweri ng mechani sm equi pped wi th a car or
any bend shall NOT be l ess than 5 times the di ameter.
pl atform whi ch moves in gui des in a substanti ally verti cal
di recti on and whi ch serves two or more fl oors of a bui l di ng or 3. Non-metalli c sheathed cabl e shall be supporte d wi thi n 300 mm
structure. Ans. Elevat or from every cabi net, box or fi tti ng.

31. Extension cord i s an assembl y of a fl exi bl e cord wi th an 4. 230 VAC i s the nomi nal suppl y vol tage speci fi ed by the PEC for
attachment plug on one end and a cord connector on the other. resi denti al homes.

32. Any box NOT over 1,640 cm 3

i n si ze, i ntended for mounti ng in 5. Messenger supported wi ri ng shall NOT be used i n hoistways.
cl osed buil di ng constructi on shall be affixed wi th anchors or 6. Temporary el ectri cal power and li ghting i nstall ati ons shall be
cl amps as to provi de a ri gi d and secure i nstall ati on. permi tted for a peri od NOT to exceed 90 days for Chri stmas
33. In battery rooms wi th al kali ne batteri es, the shel ves shall be decorati ve li ghting, carni val s and si mil ar purposes.
li ned with steel sheet NOT l ess than 75 mm thi ck. 7. Type THH N conduct ors i s NOT appli cabl e on wet l ocati ons.
34. Flashover i s a di srupti ve di scharge around or ove r the surface 8. Impulse i s a surge of uni di recti onal pol ari ty.
of a soli d or li qui d i nsul ator.
9. For each smal l appli ance branch ci rcui t, the fee der l oad shall be
35. Emergency li ghti ng of 10 lux sh all be provi ded i n exi t paths 1,500 VA per 20 A ci rcui t.
from all areas of attended stati ons.
10. The el ectri cal pl ans for resi dential house i ncl ude the foll owi ng
36. An overheated cord often i ndi cates corroded termin als and i tems EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
defective cord .
 Substation plan
37. Indi vi dual arrester groundi ng conductors shal l NOT be smal ler
 Locati on pl an
than 14 mm 2
coppe r.
 Fl oor pl an showing l ocati on of servi ce
38. Lamp i s a generi c term for an artifi ci al source of li ght.
 Layout of wi ri ng pl an for general li ghting and receptacl e
39. Cabl e bus shall be securely supported at interval s NOT exceeding
outl ets
3,600 mm.
11. Tool s and portabl e hand l amps li kely to be used i n wet and
40. Snap swi tches used wi th open wi ri ng on i nsul ators shall be
conducti ve l ocati ons shall NOT be requi red to be grounde d where
mounted on i nsul ating materi al that separates the conduct ors at
suppli ed through an i sol ati ng transformer wi th an ungrounded
l east 13 mm from the surface wi red over.
secondary of NOT more than 50 V.
41. The usual namepl ate data on DC motors i ncl ude the foll owi ng
12. The mini mum si ze of branch ci rcui t capaci ty to suppl y l aundry
EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
receptacl e outl ets shall be 20 A.
 Manufacturer’s name
13. Conductors in open wi ri ng on i nsul ators shall be ri gi dly
 Rated frequ ency supported wi thi n 150 mm from a tap or spli ce.
 Rated vol tage 14. Mai n and equi pment bondi ng jumper shall of copper.
 Rated speed 15. The mi ni mum i nsul ati on l evel for neutral conductors of sol i dl y
42. Verti cal runs of wi reways shall be securel y supported at i nterval s grounde d system shall be 600 V.
NOT exceedi ng 4,500 mm. 16. For cl ass II li ghti ng materi al s, the mi ni mum di ameter of a soli d
43. Si ze 0.75 mm2 fi xt ure wi re has an ampaci ty of 6 A. coppe r ai r termi nal shall be 12.7 mm.

17. Bonding connection between conducti ve or i nducti ve metal 35. Cabi net and cutout boxes shall have an ai r space of at l east 25
object in an el ement of a li ghtni ng protecti on system to mm between any energi zed metal parts of encl osed fuses and
accompl i sh el ectri cal conti nui ty. the door.

18. The groundi ng electrode conduct or shall be: copper, copper- 36. Auxili ary gutter shall be supporte d throughout i ts enti re l ength
clad-aluminum, and alum inum . at i nterval s 1, 500 mm.

19. Mats of i nsul ati ng rubber or other sui tabl e fl oor insul ati on shall 37. A li ghti ng and appli ance branch circui t panel board i s one having
be provi ded for the operator where the vol tage to ground more than 10% of i ts over-curren t devi ce rated 30 -A or l ess.
exceeds 150 V. 38. Open wi ring on i nsul ators shall be permi tted on systems of up to
20. 1 or m ore 20-A branch ci rcuit shall be provi ded for all 600 V.
receptacl e outl ets for the small appli ance l oad. 39. Conductors i n conceal ed knob and tubi ng wi ri ng shall mai ntai n a
21. For a one famil y dwelli ng uni t havi ng an ini ti al l oad of 10 kVA or cl earance of NOT l ess than 76 mm between conductors.
more, the mi nimum servi ce entrance c apaci ty shall be 60 A. 40. The mi nimum si ze of wi re used in el ectri cal wi ri ng i s the former
22. Fl exi bl e cords used i n l ocati ons where there i s a l ot of flyi ng fli nt #14 AWG. Under the metri c system shown i n the PEC, the
or fi bers shall compl y wi th the foll owi ng EXCEPT one. Whi ch one di ameter i s 1.6mm.
i s thi s?
#14 AWG = 2.0 mm2
 It shall be approved for use i n locati ons whi ch are vapor - 4 2 
d2 4A
filled. A  thus, d =   1.6 mm
4  
 It shall contai n i n addi ti on to the conductors, a groundi ng
41. Non-metalli c sheathed cabl e shall be secured in pl ace at
i nterval s NOT exceedi ng 1,300 mm.
 It shall be of type approved for extr a har d usag e .
42. Motor A has a full l oad current of 8 -A and motor B 10-A. What i s
 It shall be provi ded wi th suitabl e seal to prevent the the ampaci ty of the feeder conductor suppl yi ng these two
entrance of dust. motors? Ans. 20.5 A
23. Load center i s a poi nt at whi ch the l oad of a given area i s Feeder ampacity = Sum of motors' FLA + 25% of largest motor FLA
assumed to be concentrated. = 8 + 10 + 0.25  10 
24. The workspace about el ectri cal equi pment shall be adequate to = 20.5 A
permi t at l east 90 degrees openi ng of doors or hi nged panel s.
43. The bendi ng radius of type SNM cabl e shall NOT be l ess than 5
25. The mul ti pl yi ng factor for dete rmini ng the si ze of branch ci rcui t times the di ameter of the cabl e.
protecti on for non -ti me del ay fuse i s 300%.
44. Fl exi bl e metalli c tubi ng shall NOT be used i n l engths l onger than
26. For banks, the general li ghti ng l oad shall be computed at 28 per 1,800 mm.
square met ers of the fl oor are a.
45. Si ze 1.25 mm 2 fixture wi re has an ampaci ty of 8 A.
27. In dwelling uni ts, the computed lighti ng and small appli ance l oad
46. Each transformer up to 600 V nomi nal shall be protected by an
above 120,000 VA shal l be computed at what demand? Ans.
i ndi vi dual over-current devi ce on the pri mary si de at NOT more
than 125% of the rated pri mary current of the transformer.
28. Whi ch of the foll owing statements i s NOT one of the pri mary
47. Outdoor l i ghting fi xtures and associ ated equi pment shall be
objecti ve of the PEC?
permi tted to be supported by tree s.
 To establ i sh el ectri cal work standards
48. Rosettes shal l be rated at 660 W, 250 V wi th a maxi mum current
 To establ i sh basi c materi al quali ti es rati ng of 6 A.
 To ensure safety in usi ng el ectri ci ty 49. Heating cabl es shall be furnished compl ete wi th factory
 None of th ese assembl ed non-heati ng l eads at l east 2,100 mm i n l ength.

29. The code has been approved an d adopted by the Board, PRC. 50. Conductors suppl ying one or more motor -compre ssors wi th or
What does the acronym PRC stands for? Ans. Professional wi thout addi ti onal l oads shall have an ampaci ty NOT l ess than
Regulat ion Commission the sum of the rated l oad pl us 25% of the hi ghest motor-
compre ssor rati ng i n the group.
30. Wireways are sheet metal trou ghs wi th hi nged or rem ovabl e
covers for housi ng and protecti ng el ectri c wi res and cabl es an d
whi ch conductors are l ai d i n pl ace after thi s object has been
i nstall ed as a compl ete system.

31. Portabl e appli ances equi pped wi th proper cord and pl ug caps and
TEST 16: Pag e 198 – Page 206
NOT more than 1,200 VA maybe install ed without an el ectri cal
permi t. 1. Capaci tors contai ni ng more than 11 liters of fl ammabl e li qui d
shall be encased i n vaul ts or outdoor fenced enc l osures.
32. Whi ch of the foll owi ng i s n ot a standard content of an el ectri cal
pl an? 2. Wi ri ng methods/materi al s all owed by the Code for gasol ine
stati ons i ncl ude all the foll owing EXCEPT on. Whi ch one i s thi s?
 Locati on pl an
 Type MI cabl e wi th approved terminal fi tti ng
 Legend and general notes
 Threaded steel i ntermedi ate condui t
 Schedule of m ainten ance
 Rigid n on-met allic conduit
 Speci fi cati ons
 Threaded ri gi d metal condui t
33. When i nstalli ng cabl es or raceway type wi ri ng method parall el to
the frami ng members such as joists, rafters or studs, the cabl e 3. A mai n bondi ng jumper shall be a: bus, screw, or wire
or raceway shall be i nstall ed and supported so that the neare st 4. What does the symbol consi sti ng of rectangl e wi th soli d shadi ng
outsi de surface of the cabl e or raceway i s NOT l ess than 50 mm i ndi cate? Ans. Lighting panelb oard
of di stance from the nearest edge of the framing member.
5. The ampaci ty of conductors su ppl yi ng therapeuti c equi pment
34. Whi ch of the foll owi ng i s NOT a standard ampere rati ng of a shall NOT be l ess than 100% of the current rati ng of the
fuse? equi pment.
(60 A, 125 A, 45 A, 55 A) 6. For 800 A ci rcuits, the mini mum insul ati on resi stance shall be
5,000 ohms.
7. Branch ci rcui ts shall be cl assi fied accordi ng to the maxi mum 27. Ci rcui ts from portabl e swi tchboards di rectl y suppl ying equi pment
permi tted ampere r ating. contai ni ng i ncandescent l amps of NOT ove 300 -W shall be
protecte d by over-current devi ce havi ng a setting of 20 A.
8. Medi um vol tage cabl e shall be permi tted for i nstall ati on on the
foll owing EXCEPT one. Whi ch one is thi s? 28. The El ectri cal Code requi res that el ectri cal pl ans and drawi ngs
shall be drawn on sheets of the foll owing standard si ze. Whi ch
 Where i nstall ed i n cabl e trays
one i s NOT consi dered standard?
 Where exposed to direct sunlight
 600 mm x 900 mm
 Power systems up to 35,000 vol ts i n dry l ocati ons
 217 mm x 279 mm
 Power systems up to 35,000 vol ts i n wet l ocati ons
 760 mm x 1000 mm
9. Each autotransforme r up to 600 V shall be pr otected by an
 500 mm x 760 mm
i ndi vi dual over-current devi ce rated NOT more than 125% of i ts
rated full l oad current. 29. Sparkover i s a di srupti ve di scharge between el ectrodes of a
measuri ng gap.
10. Each of the three 3.5 mm 2 TW copper conduct ors are i n a condui t
has an ampaci ty of 20 A. If there will be si x of them i n the 30. The chassi s-groundi ng termi nal of the battery shall be bonded to
condui t, what will be the amp aci ty of each conductor? Ans. 16 A the vehi cl e chassi s wi th a copper conductor of 8.0 mm 2 si ze or
i ts equival ent.
New ampaci ty = Ampaci ty x Derati ng of six wi res = 20 x 80% =
16 A 31. The l ength of the cord from the face of the attachment pl ug cap
to the poi nt where the cord enters the mobil e home shall NOT be
11. Branch ci rcui t conductors suppl ying a si ngl e motor -compre ssor
l ess than 6 m.
shall have an ampaci ty NOT l ess than 125% of ei ther the motor-
compre ssor rated l oad or the br anch ci rcui t sel ecti on current, 32. Non-metalli c sheathed cabl es shall be supported wi thi n 200 mm
whi chever i s l arger. of a non-metalli c outlet box wi thout cabl e cl amps.

12. 30 A i s requi red to suppl y a fixed li ghting l oad of 21.5 A used at 33. A test l amp using an ordi nary bul b i s used to test the ground
conti nuous duty. check.

Ampaci ty = 125% of l oad current = (1.25)(21.5) = 26.875, use 34. Ai r condi ti oni ng l oad has a demand l oad of 100%.
a 30-A branch ci rcui t 35. 5 sets of the compl ete el ectri cal pl ans and speci fi cati ons si gned
13. Potenti al transformers i nstall ed i n doors or encl osed shall be and seal ed by a PEE shal l be submi tted, as one of the
protecte d wi th primary fuses. requi rements i n filling for an el ectri cal permi t.

14. Whi ch of the foll owi ng i s NOT a standard si ze of di sconnect? (30 36. If there will be si x or more 2 -wi re branch ci rcui ts for a one
A, 60 A, 50 A, 100 A) family dwelling uni t, the mi ni mum servi ce entrance capaci ty
shall be 100 A.
15. A di sconnecti ng means shall be provi ded i n each ungrounded
conductor for each capaci tor ban k and shall NOT be l e ss than 37. Device i s a uni t of an el ectri cal system whi ch i s intended to
135% of the rated current of the capaci tor. carry but not utili ze el ectri c energ y.

16. If a 460-V swi tchboard has exposed part s on one si de and 38. Servi ce entrance cabl es shall be supported at i nterval s NOT
grounde d parts or concrete on the opposi te si de, what worki ng exceedi ng 760 mm.
cl earance between the two si des is permi tted by the Code? Ans. 39. Fuse i s an over-current devi ce wi th a ci rcuit opening fusi bl e part
1,100 mm that i s heated severed by the passage of over -current through i t.
17. Cell s in rubber or composi ti on contai ners shall requi re no 40. 10 A i s the maxi mum si ze of li ghti ng l oad that can be connected
addi ti onal insul ati ng supports where the total nomi nal vol tage of to a 20-A singl e phase branch ci rcui t suppl yi ng a fixed appli ance
all cell s in seri es does NOT exceed 150 V l evel of vol tage. l oad of 7-A. Note: The additional load shall NOT exceed 50% of
18. 12 A i s the maxi mum l oad of a 15-A ci rcui t breaker protecti ng a the branch circuit rating.
branch ci rcui t that suppli es a continuous l oad. Thus, l oad = (0.50)(20) = 10 A
Load = 80% of rati ng = (0.8)(15) = 12 A 41. If an el ectri ci an does not understand the i nstructi on that were
19. Ai rcraft energi zers shall be so desi gned and mounted that all gi ven by the supervi sor, whi ch of the foll owi ng i s the best for
el ectri c equi pment and fi xed wi ring shall be at l east 460 mm hi m to do?
above fl oor l evel .  He asks that the instruction be repeat ed and clar ified
20. Each pati ent bed l ocati on where in pati ent care i s provi ded shall  He does the job the way he thi nks best
be suppli ed by at l east 2 branch circuits .
 He works out the sol uti on to the probl em hi msel f
21. Generators com partments shall be li ned wi th galvani zed steel ,
 He gets one of the other el ectri ci ans to do the job
NOT l ess than 0.40 mm thi ck.
42. The branch ci rcui t l oad for dryi ng equi pment i s the l arger of
22. For a ri gi d steel condui t of trade di ameter 50 mm, the f i el d bend
ei ther the VA rati ng of the nameplate or 5,000 VA.
shall be so made that the radi us of the i nner edge shall NOT be
l ess than 300 mm of radi us for conduct ors wi thout l ead 43. For hall ways of 3,000 mm or more i n l ength, at l east one
sheathed. receptacl e outl et shall be i nstall ed.

23. For all deck or fl oor pl ans, the standard scal e to be used i s 44. The mi ni mum headroom of worki ng space about servi ce
1:100. equi pment, swi tchboards, panel boards, etc. shal l be 1,900 mm.

24. In l ocati ons where fl ammabl e anestheti cs are emp l oyed, the 45. The equi pment-groundi ng conduct or of a branch ci rcui t shall be
enti re area shall be consi dered hazardous l ocati on whi ch shall i dentifi ed by a conti nuous green col or.
extend upward to a l evel 1,500 mm above the fl oor. 46. Connect ed load i s the sum of the conti nuous rati ngs of the l oad
25. As a rul e, branch ci rcuits shall NOT be suppli ed by an consumi ng apparatus connected to the system or any part
autotransformer . thereof.

26. Motor oper ation sequ ence switch i s a mul ti-contact swi tch, 47. An outl et box shoul d be fastened to a concrete wall by the use of
whi ch fixes the operati on sequence of the major devi ce duri ng exp ansion b olts .
starti ng and stoppi ng or duri ng other sequenti al swi tchi ng 48. A 30 A branch ci rcui t shall be permi tted to suppl y fixed li ghti ng
operati ons. units wi th heavy -duty l amphol ders.

49. In every ki tchen, famil y room, dini ng room, li ving room, parl or,
li brary, bedroom or si mil ar rooms or area of dwelli ng uni ts,
receptacl e outl ets shall be i nstalled so that no poi nt al ong the 14. Lamps i nstall ed in scene docks shall be so l ocated and guarded
fl oor li ne i n any wall space i s more than 1,800 mm measu red and shall provi de an ai r space of NOT l es s than 50 mm between
hori zontall y from an outl et in that space. such l amps and any combusti bl e materi al .

50. The path to ground from ci rcui ts equi pment and metal encl osures 15. Di rect buri al cabl es or conductors wi th a nomi nal vol tage of 660
for conduct ors shall : V or l ess and pl aced under a one or two family dwelling
dri veways and parki ng areas shall have a mi nimum cover
 Have capaci ty to conduct safel y any faul t current
di stance of 460 mm.
 Have suffi ci ently l ow i mpedance
16. A Type RH conductor has a trade name “heat -resi stant rubber”.
 Be permanent and conti nuous
17. Bonding i s the permanent joi ni ng of metal li c parts to form an
el ectri cally conducti ve path whi ch will assure el ectri cal conti nui ty
and the capaci ty to conduct safel y any current li kel y to be
i mposed.

18. A metal ungrounded gas pi pi ng system shall not be used as a

groundi ng system.
TEST 18: Page 215 – Page 223
19. Cartri dge fused and fuse hol ders shal l have a maxi mum
1. Where i nstall ed in raceways conductors of si ze 8.0 mm 2 and
operati ng vol tage of 300 V.
l arger shall be stranded.
20. The Buil ding Code (PD 1096) of the Phili ppi nes has several
2. A Type THH N conductor has a t rade name “moi sture resi stant
referral codes. The onl y no-referral code i s
thermopl asti c”.
 The Phili ppi ne El ectri cal Code
3. When the vol tage between conductors does NOT exceed 300 V
and the roof has a sl ope of NOT less than 100 mm i n 300 mm,  Fi re Code

the cl earance can be reduced to 1,000 mm.  Structural Code

4. The down condu ctors shal l be protected for a mi ni mum di stance  Chemical Engineering Code
of 1,800 mm above grade l evel .
21. Type MTW con ductors are used for machi ne tool wi ri ng i n dry or
5. Fuses shall be pl ainl y marked wi th: ampere rating, volt age wet l ocati ons.
rating, and interrupting rating .
22. Fuses, ci rcui t breakers or combi nati ons thereof shall NOT be
6. Whi ch of the foll owi ng statements i s NOT true about groundi ng connected i n parallel .
el ectrode conductor?
23. At l east 150 mm of free conductor shall be l eft at each outl et,
 It shall be soli d or stranded juncti on and swi tch poi nt for spli ces or the connecti on of fixtures

 It must be continuous or devi ces.

 Splice or joints are allowed 24. Whi ch of the foll owi ng cables i s NOT used as an el ectri cal cabl e?

 It shall be insul ated, covered or bare  Fl at cabl es

7. The uses of non -metalli c extensi ons are NOT al l owed i n all but  Opti cal fi ber cabl es

one of the foll owi ng. Whi ch one i s thi s?  Armored cabl es

 As an aeri al cabl e  Steel cables

 Where expose d to corrosi ve vapors 25. El ectrodes of pi pe or condui t shall NOT be small er than 20 mm

 Where subject to corr osive v apors trade si ze.

 Through fl oors or parti ti ons 26. 8.0 mm 2 TW coppe r has an ampaci ty equal to 40 A.

8. Fi xture wi res shall NOT be used as branch cir cuit conduct ors . 27. The derati ng factors for the number of wi res i n a raceway shal l
not appl y to conduct ors in nippl es having a l ength NOT
9. Exposed energi zed parts of motors and control l ers shall be
exceedi ng 600 mm.
guarded agai nst acci dental contact by el evati ng i t 2,400 mm or
more above the fl oor. 28. Transform er vault is an enclosure ei ther above or bel ow
ground, wi th fi re resi stant wall s, ceili ng and fl oor excl usivel y
10. Exposed energi zed parts of mot or and controll er op erati ng at 50
buil t for unattended transformer and thei r auxili ari es.
V or more between termi nal s shall be guarded agai nst acci dental
contact by encl osure. 29. A certai n resi denti al house li ghti ng l oad of 1.1 kVA and an
appl i ance l oad of 10 A at 220 V, si ngl e phase, two wi res, 60 Hz.
11. To i mprove the i nsul ati on resi stance of a motor, i t i s fi rst
The branch ci rcui t fuse protecti ons for li ghting and appli ance
cl eaned, washed, varni shed t hen baked. Whi ch is very
l oads are 15 A & 20 A respecti vely.
economi cal and effecti ve method of baki ng parti cul arl y the insi de
coi l s of a l arge motor? 30. One of the approved groundi ng el ectrode system i s usi ng the
metal underground w ater pi pe i n di rect contact wi th the earth for
 Putti ng incandescent l amps around the wi ndi ng and cover
3,000 mm or more .
 Hangi ng resi stor stri ps i nsi de the core and cover
31. Flash point i s the mi nimum temperature at whi ch a gi ven li qui d
 Putting it inside the baking ov en and control the oven gi ves off vapor i n suffi ci ent conce ntrati on to form an i gni tabl e
temperatur e mixture.
 Connecti ng the termi nal s to vari abl e l ow vol tage suppl y and 32. One equi pment shall i n si ght from another equi pment NOT more
i ncrease the baki ng current graduall y until the desi red than 15 m from the other.
baki ng temperature i s attai ned, making sure that the rated
33. Lamp hol ders i nstall ed over hi ghl y combusti bl e materi al shall be
current i s not exceed.
l ocated at l east 2,400 mm above the fl oor.
12. Controller i ncl udes any swi tch or devi ce normall y used to start
34. How can the pol ari zati on index of transformer oi l be improved?
and stop a motor by maki ng and breaki ng the motor ci rcuit
Ans. Filtering
35. Ground termi nal s shall be: solid plat e, str anded cable, and
13. Groundi ng el ectrodes shal l be i nstall ed such that at l east 2,400
solid wire or r od.
mm of l ength i s in contact with the soil .
36. Whi ch of the foll owi ng statements i s NOT true regardi ng a

 Fusi bl e rosette shall NOT be i nstalled

 Rosettes i nstal l ed i n damp or wet l ocati ons shall be or 8. Type MI i s a factory assembl y of one or more conduct ors
weatherproof type i nsul ated wi th a hi ghly compresse d refract ory mi neral i nsul ati on
and encl osed i n a li qui dti ght and gasti ght conti nuous copper or
 Separabl e rosettes that may change pol ari ty shall NOT be
all oy steel sheath.
9. The combi ned cross-secti onal area of all conductors or cabl es
 None of th ese
shall NOT exceed 40% of the internal cross -secti onal area of the
37. Sheet metal of fl ush and recessed fixture housi ngs shall be
protecte d agai nst corrosi on and shall NOT be l ess than 0.65 mm
10. No con ductors l arger than 50 mm 2 shal l be i nstall ed in cell ul ar
thi ck.
metal fl oor racew ays.
38. What i s the si ze i n square millimeters (mm 2 ) of the cabl e 250
11. In mobi l e homes, receptacl e outl ets shall NOT be i nstall ed wi thi n
MCM i n si ze? Ans. 125 mm 2
760 mm of shower or bathtub space.
39. Metal fi xtures, transformers an d transformer encl osures on
12. Ri gi d non-metalli c condui t shall be supported wi thi n 900 mm of
ci rcuits operati ng at over 150 V to ground shal l be grounded.
each box, cabi net or other condui t termi nati on.
40. NOT l ess than 150 mm of free non-heati ng l ead shall be wi thi n
13. Every recreati onal vehi cl e si te wi th el ectri cal suppl y shall be
the juncti on box.
equi pped with at l east one 20 A, 250 V receptacl e.
41. A ci rcl e with the l etter B stands for outlet with blank cover .
14. A mai n di sconnecti ng means shall be provi ded where fuses are
42. The ampaci ty of branch ci rcui t conductors an d the rati ng or
used or where more than 2 circuit breakers are empl oyed.
setti ng of over-current devi ces suppl yi ng fixed el ectri c space
15. For (3) recreati onal vehi cl e si tes, the demand factor f or feede r
heati ng equi pment for pi pelines and vessel s shall be NOT l ess
and servi ce entrance conductors shall be 100%.
than 125% of the total l oad of the heaters.
16. Conductors in open wi ri ng on i nsul ators shall be ri gi dly
43. Motors wi th a marked temperature ri se NOT over 40 C shall have
supported wi thi n 300 mm of a de ad end connecti on to a rosette,
an overl oad protecti on equal to 115% of the motor full l oad
l amp hol der or receptacl e.
17. El ectri cal metalli c tubing smaller than 15 mm el ectri cal trade
44. For si ngl e-phase AC or DC motors suppl ied by a 3 -wi re, si ngl e-
si ze shall NOT be used.
phase AC or DC wi th grounded neutral , the number of overl oad
units requi red shall be one, in eit her ungrounded condu ctor . 18. 1,300 mm is the maximum distance between open servi ce
conductor supports for a vol tage of up to 300 V.
45. For w ound rot ors, to determi ne the maximum setti ng of i ts short
ci rcuit protecti ve devi ce, using a f use or an inverse ti me ci rcui t 19. Conceal ed knob and tube wi ri ng shall be permi tted to be used
breaker, a mul ti plyi ng factor of 150% of i ts current rati ng shall  For extensi ons of exi sti ng i nstall ati ons
be used.
 In unfi ni shed atti c and roof spaces
46. The constructi on of metal cabi nets and cutout boxes shal l be
 In the holl ow spaces of wal l s and ceili ngs
such as to secure strength and ri gi dity. If constructed of
uncoated sheet steel , the meta l thi ckness shoul d NOT be l ess 20. Type AC cabl e shall be secured by approved stapl es, straps
than 1.35 mm. hangers or si mil ar fi tti ngs at interval NOT exceedi ng 1,300 mm.

47. The fl oors of transformer vaul ts in contact wi th the earth shall 21. Where coaxi al cabl e i s attached to buil di ng, they shoul d have a
be of concrete NOT l ess than 100 mm thi ck. separati on of at l east 100 mm from el ectri c li ght or power
cabl es.
48. The nomi nal battery voltage shall be computed on the basi s of
2.0 V per cel l for the l ead aci d type. 22. Type MC cabl e shall be permi tted for systems i n excess of 600
49. Class I, Division 2 – Hazardou s l ocati ons, in whi ch vol atil e
fl ammabl e gases are handl ed, processed or used. 23. For smooth sheath cabl es (type MC) wi th an external di ameter of
more than 38 mm, shall have a bendi ng radi us of NOT l ess than
50. In mobil e homes, i f a range, cl othes dryer or si mil ar appli ance i s
15 times the metalli c sheath of the cabl e.
connected by metal covered cable or fl exi bl e metal condui t, a
l ength of NOT l ess t han 900 mm of free cabl e or condui t shall be 24. Cabl es that are fl ame retardant and have li mi ted smoke
provi ded to permi t moving the appli ance. characteri sti cs shall be permi tted to be i dentifi ed wi th the suffix

25. Fl at cabl e assembly shall be i nstalled for exposed work only .

26. 10 ft i s the mini mum cl earance of servi ce drops ove r si dewal ks.

27. The overall covering of type NM (non -metalli c sheathed) cabl e

TEST 20: Page 232 – Page 240
shall be flame ret ardant and m oisture resistant .
1. Conductors passi ng from wi ndows, doors, porches, fi re escapes
28. Cleat is an assembl y of two pi eces of i nsul ati ng materi al
or si mil ar l ocati ons shall mai ntai n a hori zontal cl earance of
provi ded wi th grooves for hol di ng one or more conductors at a
1,000 mm.
defi nite spacing from the surface wi red over and from each
2. Span i s the hori zontal di stance between two adjacent supporti ng other, and wi th hol es for fastening in posi ti on.
poi nts of a conductor.
29. Type TC (powe r and control tray) cabl e shall be permi tted to be
3. 60C i s the temperature rati ng of a TW i nsul ated conductor. used i n any of the foll owi ng EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
4. Service conductors are the suppl y conductors that extend from  In raceway
the street mai n or from transformer to the servi ce equi pment of
 In cabl e trays i n hazardous (cl assifi ed) l ocati ons
the premi ses supplied.
 For power, l i ghting, control , si gnal and communi cati on
5. Conceal ed knob and tube wi ri ng shall be supported at i nterval s
ci rcuits
NOT exceedi ng 1,300 mm.
 Where exposed to d irect rays of the sun
6. A dead end of a busway shal l be closed.
30. A phase converter i s usually employed to convert si ngl e -phase to
7. What i s the di ameter of a soli d wi re, whi ch i s equi val ent to 5.5
three-phase powe r suppl y so that three-phase motors maybe
mm 2 ? Ans. d = 2.65 mm
used. For thi s servi ce, the PEC speci fi es that the si ngl e -phase
d2 4A 4 5.5 conductors shal l have an ampaci ty of NOT l ess than 216% of the
A  thus, d =   2.65 mm
4   full l oad current rati nf of motor or l oad bei ng served where the
i nput and the output vol tages are identi cal .

31. The small est electri cal trade si ze for ri gi d non -metalli c condui t i s 5. Flashover i s a di srupti ve di scharge around or ove r the surface
20 mm. of a soli d or li qui d i nsul ator.

32. Where fl exi bl e metal condui t i s install ed as a fi xed raceway, i t 6. The mini mum si ze of servi ce l ateral conductors u si ng copper
shall be secured wi thi n 300 mm on each si de of every outl et wi res shall be 5.5 mm 2 .
box. 7. Pl ug fuses shall NOT be install ed i n ci rcui ts exceedi ng 250 V
33. The si gnatures that are needed i n the a ppli cati on form for an between conductors.
el ectri cal permi t: 8. A conti nuous el ectri cal l oad i s one where the maxi mum current i s
 Owner or authori zed representati ve expected to conti nue for a mi ni mum durati on of ti me. What i s
thi s mi ni mum durati on of time? Ans. 3 hours
 PEE who si gned and seal ed the el ectri cal pl an
9. Di rect buri ed conductors and cabl es emergi ng from the ground
 El ectri cal practi ti oner i n -charge of the i nstall ati on
shall be protected by encl osures or raceways extendi ng from the
34. In the install ati on of power resi stors, a thermal barri er shall be
mi nimum cover di stance requi red to a poi nt 2,400 mm above
requi red i f the space between the resi stors an d any combusti bl e
fini shed grade.
materi al i s l ess than 300 mm.
10. For i nstall ati ons to suppl y onl y limi ted l oads of a si ngl e branch
35. Spli ces and taps shall be made only i n junction boxes .
ci rcuit, servi ce entrance conductors shal l NOT be small er than
36. The si ze of conductors i n cabl ebus system shall be i n no case 3.5 mm 2 hard drawn copper.
small er than 50 mm 2 .
11. Air termin al i s the upper most porti on of a li ghtni ng protecti on
37. El ectri cal non-metalli c tubi ng shall be fi rml y fastened wi thi n 900 system.
mm of each outl et box, juncti on box, cabi net or fi ttings.
12. Where no standard el ectri cal equi pment of the exa ct si ze or
38. In esti mati ng the l oadi ng of a branch ci rcui t, the l oading shall be rati ng requi red i s avail abl e, the next larger standar d siz e
used for each recept acl e i s 180 VA. maybe used.

39. Nai l s where used as a faste ning means, shall be permi tted to 13. 8.0 mm 2 i s the mi ni mum si ze of servi ce drop coppe r conductors
pass through the i nteri or of the encl osure if l ocated wi thi n 6.4 all owed by the PEC.
mm of the back or ends of the encl osure.
14. Entrances to rooms and other guarde d l ocati ons contai ni ng
40. The conductors i ncl udi ng spli ces and taps shal l NOT fill the exposed energi zed parts shal l be marked wi th a warning sign.
auxili ary gutter to more than 75% of i ts area.
15. Appl i ance outl ets installed in a dwelli ng unit for speci fi c
41. A space of 1,000 mm or m ore shall be provi ded between the top appl i ances, such as l aundry equi pment, shall be i nstall ed wi thi n
of any swi tchboard and any combusti bl e ceili ng. 1,800 mm of the intended l ocati on of the appli ance.

42. 500,000 ohms is the mi ni mum i nsul ati on resi stance of a 16. 16 A i s the maxi mum permi tted l oad of a 20 -A branch ci rcui t.
buil di ng’s el ectri cal wi ri ng for ci rcui ts using 2.0 mm 2 or 3.5 mm 2
Permi tted l oad = 80% of the branch ci rcui t rating = (0.80)(20) =
16 A
43. NOT more than 48 over-current devi ces of a li ghting and
17. For warehouses or storage, a gen eral li ghti ng l oad of 2 VA/m 2
appl i ance branch ci rcui t panel board shal l be i nstall ed i n any
shall be used.
cabi net or cutout box.
18. Outl ets for heavy -duty l amp hol ders shall be rated 600 VA.
44. For non-i nsul ated busbars, the mini mum spacing between i t and
19. When fasteni ng an outl et to a brick wall , the el ectri ci an shoul d
the bottom of the encl osure shall be 255 mm.
use expansion bolts .
45. Knife i s a form of ai r swi tch in whi ch the movi ng el ement i s a
20. Ground terminal i s a porti on of a li ghtning protecti on system
hi nged bl ade wedge between stati onary contact bl ades when
extending i nto the earth.
cl osed.
21. Open conductors passi ng over publi c streets, alleys, roads,
46. Open conductors passi ng over resi denti al dri veways and those
parki ng areas subject to truck traffi c shall mai ntain a verti cal
commerci al areas NOT subject to truck traffi c where the vol tage
hei ght 5,500 mm from fini shed grade.
i s limi ted to 300 V to ground shall mai ntai n a verti cal di stance of
3,700 mm. 22. Usi ng copper, the mi ni mum si ze of servi ce entrance conductors
shall be 8.0 mm 2 .
47. In wi ri ng usi ng ri gi d metal condui ts, condui t small er than 15
mm shall NOT be used. 23. When testing the insul ati on i ntegri ty of a new or ol d electri cal
wi ri ng install ati on ci rcuit 5. 5 mm 2 conductors, the Code speci fi es
48. Intermittent duty i s the operati on for al ternate i nterval s.
a mini mum insul ati on resi stance of 250,000 ohms.
49. Festoon l i ghting i s a string of outdoor l i ghts suspended between
24. Insulation r esistan ce t est i s usuall y made on cabl es after
two poi nts more than 4,500 mm apart.
i nstall ati on.
50. From si gns, chi mneys, radi o and tel evi si on antennas or si mil ar,
25. For fou r to si x conduct ors i n a condui t, the derati ng factor for
cl earances through verti cal , di agonal and hori zontal shall NOT be
the conductor ampaci ty i s 80%.
l ess than 1,000 mm.
26. When sol deri ng two copper surfaces together, they shoul d be
kept cl ean whil e heating by the use of flu x.

27. Ci rcui ts wi th a vol tage of 600 V or l ess i n a ri gi d metal condui t

or i n a ri gi d metal condui t or in a ri gi d non -metalli c condui t
TEST 22: Page 249 – Page 257 approved for di rect for di rect buri al and pl aced under dri veways

1. Receptacle i s the contact devi ce i nstall ed at the outl et for the and parki ng areas of a one or t wo famil y dwelling uni ts, shall

connecti on of a si ngl e attachment pl ug. have a mi ni mum cover di stance of 460 mm.

2. Wi th respect to the safety val ue of the i nsul ati on on el ectri cal 28. Pl ate el ectrodes of non -ferrous metal shall be at l east 1.5 mm in

mai ntenance tool s, i t can be sai d prope rl y that the insulation thi ckness.

should NOT be used as the only protective m easure . 29. Conductors are sel ected at NOT l e ss than 125% of the
3. For ranges of 8.75 kW or more in rati ng, the mini mum branch namepl ate rati ng of the water heater.

ci rcuit rating shall be 40 A. 30. The PEC requi res that no el ectri cal i nstall ati on, al terati on or

4. Servi ce heads and goosenecks i n servi ce entrance cable shall be addi ti on shall be connected or reconnected t o any el ectri cal

above the poi nt of attachment of the servi ce drops to the power suppl y wi thout a certificate of inspection .

buil di ng. 31. Neutral current up to 200 A i s computed at 100%.

32. In general , l ayout of motors and power outl ets NOT exceedi ng a 4. Ci rcui ts with a vol tage of 600 V or l ess i n a ri gi d non -metalli c
total of 10 maybe i ncl uded i n the li ghti ng l ayout provi ded such condui t approved for di rect buri al without concrete encasement
i ncl usi on will not make the readi ng, interpretati on and or and pl aced i n trench bel ow a 50 mm thi ck concrete or equi val ent
checki ng of the sai d pl an diffi cul t. shall have a mi nimum cover di stance of 300 mm.

33. Di rect grade l evel access i s defi ned as being l ocated NOT more 5. Duct i s a singl e encl osed raceway for conduct ors or c abl es.
than 2,000 mm above grade l evel and bei ng readily accessi bl e. 6. Whi ch of the foll owi ng statements i n NOT correct ?
34. For armori es and audi tori ums, the general li ghting l oad shall be  The use of an indu ctive ballast for fluor escent lamps is
8 VA/m 2 . usually because it is the most efficient
35. Before an ammeter i s di sconnected from an energi zed current  Li ghti ng fixtures havi ng exposed bal l asts shall be so
transforme r ci rcui t, Primary winding should be opened . i nstall ed that they will NOT be i n contact with combusti ble
36. Power conductors on pol es, below communi cati on conductors materi al s
shall maintai n a spaci ng di stance of 760 mm.  A ball ast whi ch i ncorporate s an autotransformer to rai se the
37. It i s the intent of the PEC that factory -i nstall ed i nternal wi ri ng or vol tage to more than 300 V shall be supplied onl y by a
the constructi on of equi pment ne ed NOT be i nspected at the ti me suppl y system whi ch i s grounded
of i nstall ati on of the equi pment EXCEPT  A receptacl e outl et i nstall ed outdoors shal l be l ocated so
 To test for conti nui ty that water accumul ati on i s NOT li kel y to touch the outl et
cover or pl ate
 To test for durabili ty
7. Conductor crossi ngs of more than 2 type FCC cabl e runs shall
 To detect alt erat ions or dam ages
NOT be pe rmi tted.
 All of these
8. A generator set used for stan dby power systems shal l have a
38. The standard conduct or si zes shall be expressed i n square
ti me del ay feature permi tti ng a 15 minute setti ng to avoi d
millim eters.
retransfer i n case of short ti me reestabl i shment of the normal
39. Mandatory rul es of the PEC are characteri zed by the use of the source .
word “shall”.
9. Ri gi d metal condui t shall be fi rmly fastened wi thi n 900 mm of
40. 4,600 mm i s the mi nimum verti cal cl earance from fi ni shed grade each outl et box.
of a servi ce drop conductor i nstall ed between buil di ngs on
10. Type TW conductors have a maximum operati ng temperature of
resi denti al properti es and dri veways.
60 C.
41. Where a neutral i s NOT avail able, the groundi ng i mpedance shall
11. Type UF cable shall be permi tted for use underground
be i nstall ed between the grounding electrode and th e neutral
including d irect burial t o earth .
derived from a gr ounding tr ansformer .
12. Encl osures of metal for el ectrode s of el ectri c di scharge tubi ngs
42. The vol tage devel oped between the portabl e or mobil e equi pment
shall NOT be l ess than 0.50 mm thi ck sheet metal .
frame and ground by the fl ow of maximum ground faul t current
shall NOT exceed 100 V. 13. A general -purpose si ngl e-phase motor rated 0.5 hp has a cu rrent
rati ng of 5 A. what shoul d be the setting of the overl oad rel ay
43. A si ngl e el ectrode consi sti ng of a rod, pi pe or pl ate shall have a
that i s i nstall ed to protect the motor? Assume the servi ce factor
resi stance to ground of 25 ohms or l ess.
of the motor to be 1.0. Ans. 5.75 A
44. Where more than one el ectrode i s used, each el ectrode of one
Setti ng = 115% of FLA i f motor SF i s 1.0 = 1.15 x 5 = 5.75 A
groundi ng system shall NOT be less than 1,900 mm from any
14. The grounded conductor of type FC (fl at conductor) cabl e shall
other el ectrodes of another groundi ng system.
be i denti fi ed by means of a di sti nctive and durabl e whi te or
45. Board of Electrical Engineer ing shall make the final deci si on
natural gr ay marki ng.
i n the i nterpretati on of controversi al provi si ons of the PEC.
15. For mul ti pl e motors on a si ngl e crane or hoi st, the mi ni mum
46. For equi pment protected by a 20 -A over-current devi ce, the
ci rcuit ampaci ty of the power con ductors shal l be the namepl ate
mi nimum si ze of equi pment grou ndi ng co nductor usi ng copper
full l oad ampere rati ng of the l argest motor for any si ng l e crane
shall be 3.5 mm 2 .
moti on, pl us 50% of the nameplate full l oad ampere rati ng of
47. The hei ght of ai r terminal s shall be such as to bri ng the ti p NOT the next l argest motor.
l ess than 254 mm above the object to be protected for 6,000
16. Indi vi duall y covered or i nsul ated groundi ng conductors shal l
mm maxi mum i nterval s.
have a continuous outer fini sh that i s ei ther green, or green wi th
48. The mi nimum cl earance between the overhead ground wi res and one or more yellow stri pes.
the hi ghest protecti on on the prot ected structure shall be 1,800
17. Intermedi ate metal condui t shall be shi pped i n standard l engths
of 3,000 mm.
49. S 2 means duplex swit ch.
18. The smallest copper con ductor of type MC cabl e shall be 0.75
50. Type RH conductor i s appli cabl e only on dry l ocati ons. mm 2 .

Note: To be applicable for wet locations, a letter W shall be 19. If a bare li ve conductor i s touched acci dentall y, the severi ty of
included in the type letter of t he conductor. Without W, the the el ectri cal shock i s determi ned pri maril y by the contact
conductor is applicable only in dry locations. resistance between the bar e wire and the p erson at the
point of contact.

20. 15 mm i s the smallest el ectri cal trade si ze for fl exi bl e metal

condui t.

21. Inverse tim e, as appl i ed to ci rcui t breaker, a term i ndi cating

TEST 24: Page 266 – Page 274
there i s purposel y i ntroduced a del ay i n the tri ppi ng acti on of
1. Encl osures for ove r-current devi ces shall be mounted i n vertical the CB.
posi ti on.
22. Type IGS i s a factory assembl y of one or more conductors each
2. 1,900 mm i s the mi nimum depth of cl ear working space i n front i ndi vi dually i nsul ated and encl osed i n a l oose fi t non -metalli c
of a swi tchboard rated at 4,160 V, where there are exposed fl exi bl e condui t as an i ntegrated gas space r.
energi zed parts on both si des of the workspace .
23. Hazardous l ocati ons are cl assifi ed by the PEC i n three classes.
3. A 2 mm 2 TW coppe r conduct or has an ampaci ty equal to 15 A.

24. The branch ci rcui t conductors suppl yi ng one or more uni ts of a di recti on, the fl oor area of whi ch does NOT exceed 0 .85 m 2 and
data processi ng system shall have an ampaci ty NOT l ess than whi ch i s used excl usi vel y for carry i ng materi al s.
125% of the total connected l oad. 48. Whi ch of the motor starte rs does NOT stress the motor wi ndi ng
25. The mai n di sconnecti ng means for all el ectri c dri ven i rri gati on severel y?
machi nes shall be vi si bl e and NOT more than 15 m from the  Across the li ne starter
machi ne.
 Wye-delta st arter
26. Non-met allic sheathed cable i s a factory assembl y of two or
 Soft-start starter
more i nsul ated conductors havi ng an outer sheath of moi sture
resi stant fl ame-retardant, non -metalli c materi al .  Transforme r-type starter

27. The bottom of si gn and outli ne lighti ng en cl osures shall NOT be 49. The demand factor for two el evators on a si ngl e feeder shall be
l ess than 4,900 mm above areas accessi bl e to vehi cl es. 95%.

28. Whi ch i s the most i mportant thi ng to do when a person has been 50. Conceal ed knob and tube wi ri ng shall NOT be used i n: theat ers,
shocked by el ectri ci ty? motion p ictures studios, and commercial gar age

 Separat e the victim fr om the electric wire as soon as

possible making sure that you do not becom e another TEST 26: Pag e 283 – Page 291
1. In banks and offi ce buil di ngs, a unit l oad of 8 VA/m 2 shall be
 Call for competent hel p i ncl uded for the general purpose receptacl e outl ets when the
 Appl y resusci tati on actual number of outl ets i s unknown.

 Di sconnect swi tch 2. Type AC cabl e shall be permitted

29. Fastener, as appl i ed to li ghtning protecti on, i s an attachment to  For branch ci rcui ts
secure the conductor to the structure or bui l di ng.  For feeders
30. In a watercraft, when the source of el ectri c power is a  In cabl e trays where i denti fi ed for such usage
generator, i t shall be automati cally started and connected to the
3. Interl ocked type armore d cabl e or corrugated sheath cabl es shall
emergency swi tchboard wi thin 45 seconds of l oss of mai n
have a bendi ng radi us of NOT l ess than 7 times the external
source of el ectri cal power.
di ameter of the metalli c sheath.
31. Generator neutral maybe connected i n common, provi ded that
4. The use of ri gi d metal conduits shall be permi tted under all
the thi rd harmoni c content of th e waveform of e ach generat or
atmospheri c condi ti ons subject to the foll owing condi ti ons
does NOT exceed 5%.
EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
32. As a gene ral rul e, equi pment rated 1,000 A or more and
 Al umi num fitti ngs and encl osures shall be permi tted to be
measuri ng more than 1,900 mm wi de, contai ni ng over -current
used wi th ri gi d steel condui ts.
devi ces, shall have an entrance at both ends of the swi tchboard
room. The wi dth and hei ght of each entrance shall be NOT l ess  Ferrous metal condui ts shall be permi tted to be i nstall ed i n
than 600 mm wide x 2,000 mm high . concrete.

33. Type AC cabl e shall be secured by approved stapl es, straps  Conduits shall be perm itted to b e used in sand fill
hangers or si mil ar fitti ngs wi thi n 300 mm from every outl et box, which is subject t o p ermanent moisture .
juncti on box, cabi net or fi tti ng.  Where the ferrous raceways are protected sol el y by enamel ,
34. 100 mm i s the maxi mum el ectri cal trade si ze of li qui dti ght the use i s permi tted onl y i ndoors.
fl exi bl e metal condui t. 5. The radi us of the i nner edge of any bend for type MI cabl es shall
35. Communi cati on conductors shall be separated at l east 50 mm NOT be l ess than 5 times the di ameter of the cabl e.
from conduct ors of any el ectri c li ght or powe r ci rcui ts. 6. The rati ng of the branch ci rcui t usi ng fl at cabl e assembli es shall
36. Receptacl es used i n ci rcui ts operati ng at l ess than 50 V shall NOT exceed 30 A.
have an ampere rati ng of NOT l ess than 15 A. 7. Where rece ptacl es are connected to a 30 -A branch ci rcui t, the
37. Each resi stance wel der shall have an over-cu rrent devi ce rated maximum all owabl e cord and pl ug connected l oad shall NOT be
or set at NOT m ore than 300% of the conductor rati ng. more than 24 A.

38. To support condui t on a holl ow bl ock wall , use toggle bolt Note: Load pe rmitted shall NOT exceed 80% of the branch circuit
method. rating

39. Ci rcui ts containi ng el ectri c di scharge li ghti ng transformers 8. At l east (1) receptacl e outl et shall be installed i n the bathroom.
excl usivel y shall NOT be rated i n exce ss of 30 A. 9. Ri gi d metal condui t shall be supported at l east every 3,000 mm.
40. The transforme r’s secon dary open ci rcui t vol tage used i n el ectri c 10. 5% i s the maxi mum all owabl e voltage drop from the di stri buti on
si gns shall NOT exceed 15 kV. panel to the farthest l oad.
41. Conductors external to motors and control s i n cranes and hoi sts 11. Open wiring on insulators i s an exposed wi ri ng method usi ng
shall NOT be small er than 1.25 mm 2 . cl eats, knobs, tubes and fl exi bl e tubi ng f or the protecti on and
42. For three cranes suppl ied by a common con ductor system, a support of singl e i nsul ated conductor run i n or on buil di ng and
demand factor of 91% shall be used. not conceal ed by the buil di ng structure.

43. Intermedi ate metal condui t shall be supported at l east every 12. Conductors i n conceal ed knob and tube wi ri ng shall mai ntain a
3,000 mm. cl earance of NOT l ess than 26 mm between the conductor and
the surface over whi ch i t passes.
44. An over-current devi ce rated or set at NOT more than 200% of
the conductor rati ng shall pro tect conductors that suppl y one or 13. General purpose and appli ance branch ci rcuits usi ng type FCC
more motor-generat or arc wel ders. cabl e shall have rati ngs NOT exceedi ng 20 A.

45. Type MI cabl es shall permi tted for: branch cir cuits, feeder 14. Cable tr ay i s a uni t assembly of uni ts or secti ons and associ ated
circu its, and services fi tti ngs, formi ng a ri gi d structural system used to suppor t
cabl es.
46. Conductors in open wi ri ng on i nsul ators shall be ri gi dly
supported at i nterval s NOT exceedi ng 1,300 mm. 15. Over-current i n transformers affect all of the foll owi ng EXCEPT

47. Dumbwaiter i s a hoi sti ng and l oweri ng mechani sm equi pped  Breather effectiveness
wi th a car whi ch moves i n gui des in a substanti all y verti cal  Mechani cal stresses
 Li fe i nsul ati on  For di rect buri al

 Ri se in temperature  Where used i n corrosi ve l ocati ons

16. The rati ng of the branch ci rcui t servi ng a conti nuous l oad shall 37. Ri gi d metal condui ts small er tha n 15 mm el ectri cal trade si ze
NOT exceed 125% of the conti nuous l oad. shall NOT be used.

17. One or more non -metal li c surface extensi ons shall be permi tted 38. Fl exi bl e metal condui t shall be secured by an approved means at
to be run i n any di recti on from an exi sti ng outl et, but NOT on i nterval s NOT exceedi ng 1,300 mm.
the fl oor or wi thin 50 mm from the fl oor. 39. Whi ch of the foll owi ng premi ses wi ring i nstall ati ons i s NOT
18. Where a condui t enters a box, fi tting or othe r encl osure, a covered i n the scope of the PEC?
bushing shall be provi ded to prot ect the wi re from abrasi ons.  Parki ng l ots
19. Bondi ng jumpers whi ch connect communi cati ons cable groundi ng  dockyards
conductors and the groundi ng el ectrode of the buil di ng shall NOT
 quarri es and mi nes
be small er than 14 mm 2
copper si ze.
 Motor vehicles
20. In hospi tal s, the general li ghting l oad requi red shal l be 16
VA/m 2 . 40. Pilot wire i s an auxili ary conductor used i n connecti on wi th
remote measuri ng devi ces or for operati ng apparatus at a di stant
21. Each pl ate el ectrode shall expose NOT l ess than one-fifth
poi nt.
square met er of surface to exteri or soil .
41. Servi ce entrance conductors passi ng over roofs shal l have a
22. Non-metalli c sheathed cabl e shall NOT have a bendi ng radi us
cl earance over the roof whi ch they pass of 2,500 mm.
l ess than 5 times the di ameter of the cabl e.
42. The conductors i ncl udi ng spli ces and taps shal l NOT fill the
23. Branch cir cuit conductors are conductors after the fi nal over -
wi reway to more than 75% of i ts area at that poi nt.
current and before the l oad served.
43. Li qui dti ght metal condui t small er than 15 mm el ectri cal trade
24. In every drawi ng, the ti tl e bl ock shall be a standard stri p, whi ch
si ze shall NOT be used.
shall contai n the name of the project, owner, ti tl e of the sheet,
scal e used, name and si gnature of the PEE. How wi de i s the 44. Servi ce drop con ductors pa ssi ng over resi denti al property and
stri p? Ans. 40 mm dri veways and those commerci al areas not subject t o truck
traffi c shall have a verti cal cl earance of 4,600 mm.
25. Periodic duty i s an i ntermi ttent operati on i n whi ch the l oad
condi ti on i s regul arly recurrent. 45. The equi pment bondi ng jumper shall be permi tted to be i nstall ed
i nsi de or outsi de of a raceway or encl osures where i nstall ed on
26. Type TC is a factory assembl y of two or more i nsul ated
the outsi de, the l ength of the equi pment bonding jumper shall
conductors wi th or wi thout associ ated bare or covere d groundi ng
NOT exceed 1,800 mm.
conductor under a n on-metalli c sheath, approved for i nstall ati on
i n cabl e trays or i n raceways. 46. An el ectri ci an shoul d consi der all el ectri cal equi pment li ve unl ess
he defini tel y knows that they are not. The mai n reason of thi s
27. Rod el ectrodes of steel or i ron shall be at l east 16 mm i n
practi ce i s to avoi d personal inju ry .
di ameter.
47. El ectri cal fl oor assembl i es shall NOT be i nstall ed
28. The mi ni mum si ze of conductors t o be used for li ghti ng purposes
i s 2 mm . 2  Where subject to corroded vapors

29. Conductors on pol es sha l l have a separati on of NOT l ess than  Outdoors
300 mm where not pl aced on racks or brackets.  In wet or damp l ocati ons
30. Type FCC cabl e shall be permi tted for the foll owi ng appli cati ons 48. In cases where there are energi zed parts n ormal l y exposed on
EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s? the front of swi tchboards or mot or control centers, the worki ng
 For branch ci rcui ts space i n front shall NOT be l ess than 1,000 mm.

 For service entr ance 49. Cabi net and cutout boxes shall have an ai r space of at l east 2
mm between the base of the devi ce and the wall of any metal
 In damp l ocati ons
cabi net or cutout box i n whi ch the devi ce i s mounted.
 In heated fl oors
50. Servi ce conductors i n cabl e shall NOT be small er than 5.5 mm 2 .
31. Non-metalli c surface extensi ons shall be secured in pl ace by
approved means at i nterval NOT exceedi ng 200 mm.

32. Any unguarded metal sheathed servi ce cable, servi ce condui ts,
metal fi xtures and si mil ar non -current carryi ng parts, i f l ocated TEST 28: Pag e 300 – Page 308
i n urban di stri cts and where li able to be charged to more than 1. For non-dwel li ng receptacl e l oads, the demand factor for the fi rst
300 V to ground shal l be i sol ated or guarded so as not t o be 10 kVA or l ess shall be 100%.
exposed to acci dental contact by unauthori zed persons.
2. In each conduit run enteri ng an encl osure for swi tches, ci rcui t
33. Auxili ary gutters may encl ose conductors or busbars but shal l breakers, rel ays and others that m ay produce hi gh temperatures,
NOT encl ose seal s on the condui t shall be i nstall ed withi n 460 mm l ength
 Swi tches before enteri ng the encl osure.

 Over-current devi ces 3. The ampaci ty of the conductors can be derated at most, 3
 Appl i ances
4. In the schedul e of l oads for li ghting, whi ch of the foll owi ng
34. RA 7920 – Republi c Act whi ch i s known as the “New El ectri cal
contents i s NOT necessary?
Engi neeri ng Law”.
 Protecti ve devi ce rati ng
35. Where an i ntermedi ate metal condui t i s used, there shall NOT be
more than the equi val ent of 4 quarter bends between pull  Panel as numbered i n the feeder di agram
poi nts.  Number of l i ghting outl ets per ci rcui t
36. Underground cabl e feeder and branch ci rcuit cables shall be  Frequency rat ing
permi tted for use in any of the foll owing appli cati ons EXCEPT
5. If potenti al exceedi ng 600 V are empl oyed, a permanent warni ng
one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
si gn shall be di spl ayed.
 Where embedde d i n poured concre te

 For interior wir ing

6. Continuous load i s a l oad where maxi mum current i s expected 29. Field winding i s a component of a DC motor whi ch i s used to
to conti nue for 3 hours or more. control the speed.

7. Communi cati on conductors shal l NOT be small er than 2 mm 2 . 30. Swi tches used i n watercrafts, shall be capabl e of breaki ng and
making safel y a l oad current equal to 150% of thei r rated
8. Receptacl e and attachment pl ugs shall be permitted to be of
current at the rated vol tage.
l ower ampere rati ng than the branch ci rcui t but NOT l ess than
125% of the fixture full l oad current. 31. Concealed knob and tube wiring i s a wi ri ng method usi ng
knobs, tubes, and fl exi bl e non -metalli c tubi ng for the protecti on
9. A wye-del ta starter for a si ngl e vol tage three phase squi rrel cage
and support of si ngl e i nsul ated conductors conceal ed i n holl ow
i nducti on motor woul d requi re the connecti on of 6 wires from
spaces of wal l s and ceili ngs of buildi ngs.
the motor.
32. The ampaci ty of the branch ci rcuit conductors and the rati ng or
10. At least (1) receptacl e outl et shall be i nstall ed outdoors for a
setti ng of over-current protecti ve devi ces suppl yi ng fi xed el ectri c
one family dwelli ng unit.
space heati ng equi pment consi s ting of resi stance el ements wi th
11. 12 A i s the maxi mum permi tted l oad of a 15 A branch ci rcui t.
or wi thout a motor shall NOT be l ess than 125% of the total
Note: Load pe rmitted shall NOT exceed 80% of the branch circuit l oad of the motors and the heaters.
33. Both commutat or and slip ring is a repul si on motor equi pped.
12. Where a feeder suppli es conti nuous l oad or any combi nati on of
34. Communi cati on conductors shal l have a verti cal clearance of NOT
conti nuous and non -conti nuous load. The rati ng of the over -
l ess than 2,400 mm from all points of roofs above, whi ch they
current devi ce shall NOT be l ess than the non -continuous l oad
pl us 125% of the conti nuous l oad.
35. Coron a i s a l umi nous di scharge due to i oni zati on of the ai r
13. Facepl ates of insul ati ng materi al shall be non-combusti bl e and
surroundi ng a conductor caused by a vol tage gradi ent exceedi ng
NOT l ess than 2.3 mm i n thi ckness.
a certai n cri ti cal val ue.
14. For racew ay 20 mm trade si ze or larger contai ni ng conductors 22
36. General purpose bran ch circuit is a branch ci rcui t that
mm 2 or l arge r, the mi nimum l ength of the box i n strai ght pull s
suppli es a number of outl ets for lighti ng and appli ance.
shall NOT be l ess than 8 times the trade di ameter of the l argest
37. The mi ni mum number of branch ci rcui ts shall be determi ned from
the total computed load and the rating of the circuits used .
15. Type MC cabl e shall NOT be used
38. The insul ated conductor of type TC (cabl e tray) cabl e shall be i n
 Where expose d to corrosi ve material s
si zes 0.75 mm 2 through 500 mm 2 copper.
 As di rect buri al to earth
39. A motor-gene rator arc wel der has a 70% duty cycl e, the suppl y
 Where expose d to ci nder fill s conductors shall NOT be l ess than 86% of its rated pri mary

16. Usi ng al umi num or coppe r cl ad al uminum conductors, the namepl ate current.

mi nimum si ze of servi ce entrance conductors shal l be 14 mm 2 . 40. A frequency meter i s connected as a potenti al devi ce, whi ch i s

17. Ground counterpoi se conductor shall be soft copper wi re NOT connected across the l ine because of the reading will be

small er than 8 mm 2 . independent of the varying curr ent .

18. The di sconnecti ng means for motor ci rcui ts rated up to 600 41. Ri gi d non-metalli c condui t approved for di rect buri al wi thout

vol ts, shall have an ampere rating of at l east 115% of the full concrete encasement shall have a mi nim um buri al of 460 mm.

l oad current of the motor. 42. All metal parts associ ated wi th the hot tub shall be bonded usi ng

19. How many amperes will a 100 A ci rcui t br eaker hol d before coppe r bondi ng jumper, i nsul ated, covered, or bare, NOT small er

tri ppi ng open the ci rcui t? (use rul e of thumb). Ans. 300 A than 8 mm 2 .

20. Transfer swit ch i s a devi ce for transferri ng one or more l oad 43. All li ghti ng fixtures, submersi bl e pumps and other submersi bl e

conductor connecti ons from one power source to anothe r. equi pment used i n fountai ns shall operate at 250 V or l ess
between conductors.
21. For an AC transforme r and DC recti fier arc wel der havi ng a ti me
rati ng of one hour, the suppl y conductors shal l NOT be l ess than 44. The ground counterpoi se when i nstall ed i n earth shall be pl aced

75% of i ts rated pri mary namepl ate current. 75 mm above all cabl e i n a trench.

22. Electric locom otive refers to the power pl ant mounted on 45. Type FCC cabl e shall NOT be used i n any of the foll owi ng EXCEPT

wheel s as used i n the rail road tran sportati on i ndustry.  outdoors

23. If the termi nal of the equi pment groundi ng conductor i s not  Indoors
vi si bl e, the conductor entrance hol e shall be marked wi th the
 Wet l ocati ons
word “gr een”.
 Hazardous l ocati ons
24. Type NMC (non-metalli c sheathed cabl e) shall have an outer
46. The ampaci ty of the conductors an d the rati ng or setti ng of ove r -
coveri ng whi ch has the foll owi n g characte ri sti cs. Whi ch one i s
current devi ces i n a ci rcui t of a sol ar photovol tai c system shall
NOT i ncluded?
NOT be l ess than 125% of the computed current.
 Fl ame retardant
47. For si gnali ng ci rcui ts NOT exceedi ng 24 V, the cu rrent requi red
 Moi sture resi stant
shall NOT exceed 1 A.
 Corrosi on resi stant
48. The groundi ng el ectrode shall be
 None of th ese
 The nearest avail abl e effecti vel y grounde d structural metal
25. Power and control tray cabl es (type TC) maybe used where member of the structure.
installed in industrial establishment where a registered
 The nearest avail abl e effecti v el y grounded metal water pi pe
master electrician will ser vice t he installation .
 The nearest concrete encased el ectrode
26. Where rear access i s requi red to work on de -energi zed parts on
49. Non-metalli c boxes NOT over 1,640 cm 3 shall be permi tted onl y
the back of encl osed equi pment, a mi nimum worki ng space of
800 mm hori zontally shall be provi ded. on non-metalli c wi ri ng method.

50. The equi pment bondi ng jumper (the connecti on between the
27. A one famil y dwelling uni t shall have a di sconnecti ng means of at
equi pment groundi ng conductor and the groundi ng i mpedance)
l east 60 A where the ini ti al computed l oad i s 10 kVA or more.
shall be an unspliced conduct or run .
28. Large batteri es are those connected to a chargi ng devi ce wi th an
output of more than 2 kW.
 Where suppl i ed with a metal raceway or othe r wi ri ng

24. El ectri cal equi pment except x -ray tube insi de anestheti zi ng room
shall be l ocated at l east 2,400 mm above the fl oor.
TEST 30: Page 317 – Page 325
25. Where the di stance requi rement i n making hol es cannot be
1. Accordi ng to i ts make, condui ts maybe cl assifi ed as
mai ntained, the cabl e or race wa y shall be protected from
 Ri gi d metal penetrati on by screws or nail s by a steel pl ate of bushi ngs at

 Ri gi d non-metal l east 1.6 mm thi ck and of approved l ength and wi dth to cover
the area of the wi ndi ng.
 Fl exi bl e metal
26. The enti re area of the ai rcraft h angar, i ncl udi ng any adjacent
2. In no case shall the groundi ng conductor be smal l er than 8 mm 2
communi cati on areas not suitabl y cut -off from the hangar shall
coppe r.
be cl assi fi ed as hazardous up to a level of 460 mm above the
3. Class I – Hazardous l ocati on i n whi ch fl ammabl e gases or vapors fl oor.
are present in the ai r in quantiti es suffi ci ent to produce
27. In whi ch method of starti ng a motor i s the starti ng current a
expl osives or i gni tabl e mixtures.
mi nimum? Ans. star-delta
4. The system neutral conductor shall NOT be connected to ground,
28. All switches and ci rcui t breakers used as swi tches shall be so
EXCEPT through the neutral grounding impedance.
i nstall ed that the center of the gri p of the operati ng handl e when
5. In a damp or wet l ocati ons, cabi nets and cutout boxes of the i n i ts hi ghest posi ti on shall NOT be more than 2,000 mm above
surface type shall be mounted with at l east 6.4 mm ai r space the fl oor or w orki ng fl atform.
between the encl osure and the wall .
29. For strai ght pull s, the l ength of the pull box shall NOT be l ess
6. The mini mum di ameter of a sol i d ai r termi nal under cl ass I than 32 times the outsi de di ameter of the l argest non -shi el ded
materi al requi rem ents shall be 9.5 mm for copper and 12.7 mm conductor or cabl e.
for al umi num.
30. Al umi num el ectrode shall NOT be permi tted to be used.
7. Ci rcui ts wi th a nominal vol tage of 600 V or l ess i n a ri gi d metal
31. El ectri cal non-metalli c tubi ng shall be cl earl y and durabl y
condui t or i ntermedi ate metal condui t and pl aced i n a trench
marked at l east every 3,000 mm.
bel ow a 50 mm thi ck concrete or equi val ent shall mai ntai n a
mi nimum cover di stance of 150 mm. 32. Whi ch of the foll owi ng si zes of fuse i s NOT standard? (80 A, 45
A, 125 A, 75 A)
8. Verti cal cl earances of all servi ce drop conduct ors above roofs
shall NOT be l ess than 2,500 mm. 33. The PEC, Part 1 does n ot cover wi ri ng of equi pment i nstall ed
wi thin airplanes.
9. The li ghtning conductor or ground termi nal shall extend
verti call y NOT l ess than 3,000 mm i nto earth. 34. 15 mm i s the small est electri cal trade si ze of i ntermedi ate metal
condui t.
10. The ci rcui t suppl yi ng an autotransf ormer type di mmer shall NOT
exceed 230 V between conductors. 35. The use of el ectri cal metalli c tubi ng shall be permi tted for
exp osed works and concealed works .
11. Sideflash i s a spark occurri ng between nearby metalli c objects
or from such objects t o the li ghtning protecti on system or to 36. The zone of protecti on of an overhead ground wi re is

ground. conventi onall y taken as a triangular prism .

12. Covers for boxes shall be permanently marked. The marki ng 37. The mini mum spaci ng between bare metal parts of opposi te

shall be on the outsi de of the box usi ng the bl ock type l etters at pol ari ty where mounted on the same surface shall be 32 mm for

l east 12 mm i n hei ght. vol tages rated NOT ove r 250 V nomi nal .

13. When wi ri ng a raceway at l east 150 mm of free conductors shal l 38. The maxi mum electri cal trade size of fl exi bl e metalli c tubi ng

be l eft at each outl et. shall be 20 mm.

14. Where a ri gi d metal conduit i s used, there shal l NOT be more 39. Arrester i s a protecti ve devi ce for li mi ting surge voltages by

than the equi val ent of 4 quarter bends between pull poi nts. di schargi ng or by passi ng surge curre nt.

15. There shall be at l east 2 down condu ctors on a heavy-duty 40. A conveni ence outlet ci rcui t consi sti ng of 8 outl ets connected

smoke or vent stacks. across a 220 V suppl y consi deri ng 180 W per outl et, what i s the
maximum ci rcui t current? Ans. 6.54 A
16. If the setti ng of the over-current devi ce i n a ci rcui t ahead of the
equi pment i s 60 A, the mini mum equi pment groundi ng conductor P 180
I  8  6.54 A
usi ng copper shall be 5.5 mm 2 . E 220

17. Messenger support ed wiring i s an expose d wi ri ng support 41. Pl ug fuses and fuse hol ders shall NOT be installed or used i n
system usi ng a messenger wi re to support i nsul ated conductors. ci rcuits exceedi ng 250 V between conductors.

18. Ai r termi nal shall be withi n 600 mm of outerm ost projecti on of 42. The standard l ength of ri gi d metal condui t i s 10 feet.
roof edge. 43. For warehouses, the feeder demand l oad for the gene ral li ghting
19. In repl aci ng a busted fuse whi ch of the f oll owing i s important? and small appli ance l oad for the first 12,500 VA or l ess i s 100%,
Ans. same siz e and type whil e the remai nder over 12,500 VA i s charged at 50%.

20. Coaxial wires have 75-ohm i mpedance. 44. Li qui dti ght fl exi bl e non -metalli c condui t shall NOT be used i n
l engths l onger than 1,800 mm.
21. Ri gi d metal condui t shall be shi pped i n standard l engths of
3,000 mm. 45. Li ne and ground connecti ng conductors to surge arresters shal l
NOT be smal l er than 2 mm 2 coppe r or 3.5 mm 2 al umi num.
22. Cord i s the term gi ven to an i nsulated stranded wi re.
46. El ectri cal metalli c tubi ng shall be secur el y fastened i n pl ace at
23. Exposed non-current carryi ng metal parts of fixed equi pment
l east every 3,000 mm.
li kel y to become energi zed shall be grounded unde r the foll owi ng
condi ti ons. Whi ch one i s NOT i ncl uded? 47. For the purpose of li ghtni ng protecti on, cl ass I ordi nary buil di ng
i s one that i s at l ess than 23 m i n hei ght.
 Where l ocated i n wet or damp l ocati ons
48. For dwel ling uni ts, the demand factor for the fi rst 3,000 VA of
 Where in electr ical cont act wit h wooden floor
l oad i s 100%.
 Where i n a cl assifi ed hazardous l ocati ons

49. Ventil ati ng pi pes for motors, gene rators or other rotati ng el ectri c spi ral metal tape and wi re shi el d and jacketed w i th an extruded
machi nery of for encl osures for el ectri c equi pment shall be of moi sture, fl ame, oil , corrosi on, fungus and sunli ght resi stant
metal NOT l ess than 0.50 mm i n thi ckness. non-metalli c materi al .

50. Di rect buri al cabl es or conductors wi th nomi nal vol tage of 600 V 20. To cut ri gi d metal condui ts, an el ectri ci an shoul d use a hack
or l ess and passe s under streets, hi -ways, roads, all eys, saw and ream the ends .
dri veways and parki ng l ots shall have a mini mum cover di stance 21. Where the ove rl oad rel ay sel ected usi ng the factor 125% i s not
of 600 mm. suffi cient to start the mot or or to carry the l oad, the mul ti pl yi ng
factor shal l be increased but shall NOT exceed 140%.

22. Where the prote cti on of a motor - compressor l oad is not

suffi cient for the starting current of the motor, the rati ng or
TEST 32: Page 334 – Page 342
setti ng shall be i ncre ased but NOT more than 225% of i ts rated
1. Type FC i s a factory assembl y of paral l el conductors formed
l oad current.
i ntegrall y wi th an insul ati ng materi al web speci fi call y desi gned
23. Insulating end i s an i nsul ator desi gned to el ectri cally i nsul ate
for fi el d i nstall ati on i n metal surface raceway.
the end of a type FCC cabl e.
2. Snap swi tches shall NOT be grouped or ganged i n encl osures
24. Flat conduct or cable consi sts of 3 or m ore fl at coppe r
unless they can be so arrange d that the vol tage between
conductor pl aced edge to edge se parated and encl ose d wi thi n an
adjacent swi tches does NOT exceed 300 V.
i nsul ating assembl y.
3. Wi ri ng l ocated above heated cei lings shall be NOT l ess t han 50
25. Lamp hol ders i nstall ed i n wet or damp l ocati ons shall be of the
mm above the heated ceili ng and shall be consi dered as
weatherpr oof type.
operati ng at an ambi ent of 50 C.
26. The si ngl e-phase conductors suppl ying the phase converter shall
4. Wireways are rectangul ar sheet metal encl osures equi pped wi th
have an ampaci ty NOT l ess than 2.16 times the full l oad current
removabl e covers provi di ng access to conductors i nsi de.
rati ng of the motor or l oad bei ng served.
5. Each uni t l ength of heati ng cabl e shall hav e a permanent l egi bl e
27. Non-met allic extension is an assembl y of 2 i nsul ated
marki ng of each non -heating l ead l ocated wi thi n 75 mm of the
conductors wi thi n a non -metalli c jacket or an extruded
termi nal end.
thermopl asti c covering.
6. Metal facepl ates or receptacl es shall be of ferrous metal NOT
28. Dry type transformers rated ove r 35,000 V, shall be installed i n
l ess than 0.76 mm i n thi ckness or of non -ferrous metal NOT l ess
vaul ts.
than 1 mm i n thi ckness.
29. In wall s or ceili ngs of concrete, til e, or other non -combusti bl e
7. Surface mounted i ncandescent fi xtures shall be permi tted to be
materi al s, boxes and fi tti ngs shall be i nstall ed that the front
i nstall ed in cl othes cl osets provi ded there is a mini mum
edge of the box or fi tti ng will NOT set back of the fi ni shed
cl earance of 300 mm between the fi xture and the nearest poi nt
surface more than 6.4 mm.
of the storage are a.
30. Type MV cable i s a si ngl e or multi -conductor sol i d di el ectri c
8. Thermal i nsul ati on shall NOT be install ed wi thin 38 mm of the
i nsul ated cabl e rated 2001 vol ts or hi gher.
recessed fi xture encl osure.
31. In selecti ng the maxi mum setting of an i nstantaneous tri p CB to
9. Li ghti ng track l oad shall NOT be install ed where l ess than 1,500
be used to protect al l AC motors f rom short ci rcui t, a mul ti plyi ng
mm above the fi ni shed fl oor EXCEPT where protected from
factor of 700% shall be used.
physi cal damage.
32. The paper space r thi ckness of type IGS cabl e havin g a conductor
10. Where ci rcui t breakers are used to protect the pri mary si de of a
si ze of 125 mm 2 to 500 mm 2 shall be 1.02 mm.
transforme r over 600 V nomi nal , thei r conti nuous current rati ng
shall NOT exceed 300% of the rated pri mary current. 33. 48 devices i s the mi nimum number of over -cu rrent devi ce of a
li ghting and appl i ance panel board that shall be i nstall ed i n a
11. The l owest standard si ze of di sconnect i s 30 A.
cabi net.
12. The pri mary winding of a step down transformer shal l be
34. Intermedi ate metal condui t shall be fi rml y fastened wi thin 900
protecte d on the pri mary si de by an over -current devi ce rated
mm of each outl et box, juncti on box, cabi net or fi tting.
NOT more than 125% of the primary current.
35. Resi stance type heati ng el ements in electri c space heati ng
13. For a two-wi re FCC cabl e system wi th groundi ng, the groundi ng
equi pment shall be protected at NOT more than 60 A.
conductor shal l be the middle con ductor.
36. Heavy-duty li ghting track i s a lighti ng track i denti fi ed for use
14. Where passi ng through wood cross members in pl astered
exceedi ng 20 A.
parti ti ons, conductors i n conceal ed knob and tube wi ri ng shall be
protecte d by i nsul ating tubes extendi ng NOT l ess than 76 mm 37. For three-phase motors suppl i ed by any 3-phase system, the
beyond the wood member. number of overl oad uni ts requi red shall be 3, one in each
15. Branch ci rcui t conductors suppl ying a si ngl e motor s hal l have an
ampaci ty NOT l ess than 125% of the motor full l oad current 38. As compared wi th soli d wi res, stranded wi res of the same cross
rati ng. secti onal area have the foll owing advantage EXCEPT one. Whi ch
one i s thi s?
16. In indoor wet l ocati ons, the entire wi ring system i ncludi ng all
boxes, fi ttings, control boards and panel boards shal l be i nstall ed  It i s l arger i n overall di ameter
on wall s wi th 10 mm mi nimum cl earance.  It is easier to skin off the insulation
17. Type NM cabl e shall NOT be i nstalled…  It i s better for hi gh vol tage
 Where expose d to corrosi ve material  It has a hi gher current rati ng
 Where embedde d i n concrete 39. Each l ength of the ri gi d metal condui t shall be cl earl y and
 In a shall ow chase i n masonry, concrete or adobe durabl y i denti fi ed i n every 3,000 mm as requi red.

18. Dry type transforme rs i nstall ed i ndoors and rated 112.5 kVA or 40. For al l si ngl e-phase motors, to protect them from short ci rcui ts
l ess shall have a separati on of at l east 300 mm from and ground faul ts, a multi plyi ng factor of 300% of i ts full l oad
combusti bl e materi al . current rati ng shall be used the protecti ve devi ce sel ected i s a
non-ti me del ay fuse and 175% i f the protecti ve devi ce i s a ti me
19. Type SNM cable i s a factory asse mbl y of two or m ore i nsul ated
del ay fuse.
conductors i n an extruded core of moi sture resi stant, fl ame
retardant non-metalli c materi al covered wi th an overl appi ng

41. Fl exi bl e metal condui t shall be supported wi thi n 300 mm on 12. (4) 3-phase motor are suppli ed by one common feeder cabl e.
each si de of every outl et box, juncti on box, cabi net or fi tting. The full l oad current rati ngs of the motors are 10 A, 20 A, 30 A
and 40 A. What shoul d be the mini mum ampaci ty of the feeder
42. The maxi mum el ectri cal trade si ze of electri cal metalli c tubi ng
cabl e? Ans. 110 A
shall be 100 mm.
Feeder ampaci ty = Sum of FLAs + 25% of l argest FLA
43. For i nstall ati ons of 2 mm 2
conductors i n 6 00 V ci rcui ts. What i s
the mi ni mum i nsul ati on resi stance all owed by the PEC? Ans. Feeder ampaci ty = 10 + 20 + 30 + 40 + 0.25(40) = 110 A
500,000 ohms 13. Thermal barri er shall be requi red i f the space between the
44. Askarel i nsul ated transformers i nstall ed i ndoors and rated over resi stors and reactors and any combusti bl e materi al i s l ess than
25 kVA shall be furni shed wi th a pressu re reli ef vent. 300 mm.

45. In strai ght pull s, the l ength of the pull box shall NOT be l ess 14. The ampaci ty of conductors that connect a capaci tor t o the
than 8 times the trade di ameter of the l argest raceway. termi nal s of a motor ci rcui t conductor shall NOT be l ess than
one-third the ampaci ty of the motor ci rcui t conductors and i n
46. Busways shal l be securel y supported at i nterval s NOT exceedi ng
no case l ess than 135% of the rated capaci tor current.
1,500 mm unl ess otherwi se desi gned and marked.
15. The l oad for each ungrounded feeder and se rvi ce conductor
47. The small est el ectri cal trade si ze of a li qui dti ght fl exi bl e non -
suppl yi ng 5 to 8 recepta cl es that suppl y shore power for boats
metalli c condui t shall be 20 mm.
shall be cal cul ated as 90% of the sum of the rati ng of the
48. Boxes i ntended to encl ose fl ush devi ces shall have an i nternal
receptacl es.
depth of NOT l ess than 24 mm.
16. Interlock i s a devi ce actuated by the operati on of some devi ces
49. A branch ci rcuit suppl yi ng a fi xed storage type water heater
wi th whi ch it is di rectly associ ated, to govern succeedi ng
having a capaci ty of 450 liter s or l ess shall have a rati ng NOT
operati ons of some or al lied devi ces.
l ess than 125% of the namepl ate rati ng of the water heater.
17. Service lat eral i s the servi ce conductors between the street
50. Cover i s defi ne as the shortest di stance measured between a
mai n, incl udi ng any ri sers at pol e or other structure or from
poi nt on the top surface of any di rect buri ed conductor, cabl e,
transforme rs and the fi rst poi nt of connecti on to the servi ce
condui t and the top surface of fi nish grade.
entrance conductors.

18. For 101 A to 200 A ci rcui ts, the m i ni mum i nsul ati on requi red
shall be 50,000 ohms.

19. 175 kVA is NOT a standard k VA rati ng of a si ngl e -phase

TEST 34: Page 351 – Page 359 transforme r.

1. A wall screen or fence l ess than 2,500 mm i n hei ght shall NOT 20. For vol tages above 600 V, the mi nimum i nsul ati on resi stance

be consi dered as a preventi ng access unl ess i t has other features shall be 1,000,000 ohms per kilovolt r ating .

that provi de a degree of i sol ati on equi val ent to the hei ght of the 21. The rati ng of any cord and pl ug connected utili zati on equi pment
fence i n questi on. shall NOT exceed 80% of the branch ci rcui t rati ng.

2. Branch ci rcui t conductors suppl ying a si ngl e -phase motor shall 22. If there will si x or more 2 -wi re branch ci rcui ts, the servi ce
have an ampaci ty NOT exceedi ng 125%. di sconnecti ng means shall NOT be small er than 100 A.

3. Pi ts wi thi n 7,600 mm hori zontall y from the fl ammabl e vapor 23. For di rect cu rrent motors, the mul ti plyi ng factor to be used i n
source , shall be consi dered a hazardous l ocati on under Cl ass I, sel ecti ng the si ze of over-current devi ce usi ng an i nverse time
Divi si on 1 l ocati on. CB shall be 150% of its full l oad current.

4. Type TW conductor i s a moisture resistant and thermoplastic 24. Speci fi cati ons wri tten on the pl ans or submi tted on separate
type. standard si ze sheets shall show…

5. Ampacity i s the current i n amperes a conductor can carry  Types of wi ri ng, i .e. servi ce entrance, branch ci rcui ts,
conti nuousl y under the condi ti ons of use wi thout exceedi ng i ts feeders, etc
temperature rati ng.
 Nature of el ectri cal servi ce, i .e. no. of phase , vol tage,
6. Fl at conductor cabl es maybe i nstall ed in any of the foll owi ng frequency, etc
l ocati on EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
 Speci al equi pment to be i nstall ed indi cati ng ratings
 On hard concrete fl oori ng
25. Stationary ap pliance i s an appl i ance whi ch i s fi xed i n one pl ace
 In wet locations to another i n normal use.

 For branch ci rcui ts 26. In starti ng a l arge DC motor, a starter i s primaril y used in order

 In damp l ocati ons to limit the starting current .

7. Varying duty i s an operati on of loads and for i nterval s of ti me, 27. Class III, Division 2 – Hazardous l ocati ons i n whi ch easil y

both of whi ch may be subject to wi de vari ati ons. i gni tabl e fi bers are stored and han dl ed.

8. For equi pment rated 1 ,200 A and over, 1,900 mm wi de 28. In commerci al garages, repai r and storage a reas, the enti re area

contai ni ng over-current devi ces and control devi ces at l east one up to a l evel of 460 mm above t he fl oor shall be consi dered to

entrance of NOT l ess than 600 mm wi de and 2,000 mm hi gh be Cl ass I, Di vi si on 2 hazardous l ocati on.

shall be provi ded at each end. 29. Conductors passi ng over roof surface, a verti cal clearance of

9. Batteri es and di rect current ci rcui ts shall be physi call y separated 2,500 mm shall be mai ntai ned.

by at l east a 12 mm gap or other approved means from ci rcui ts 30. In thi s new El ectri cal Engineering L aw, what i s the offi ci al
of a di fferent power source. desi gnati on of “master el ectri ci an”? Ans. Registered Mast er

10. Where contactors are used as the di sconnecti ng means for fuses, Electrician

an indivi dually externall y operabl e swi tch, such as tumbl er 31. Peak load i s the maxi mum l oad consumed or produced by a uni t
swi tch for the control of each contactor shall be l ocated at a or group of units i n a stated peri od of ti me.
di stance of NOT more than 1,800 mm from the contactor.
32. Isolation tr ansform er i s a transformer of the multi p le wi ndi ng
11. No el ectri cal i nstall ati on, alterati on and or addi ti on shall be type wi th the pri mary and secondary winding physi call y
connected or reconnected to an y power suppl y or any other separate d whi ch i nductivel y couples i ts secondary wi ndi ng to the
sources of el ectri cal energy wi thout certificat e of fin al grounde d feeder system that energi ze i ts pri mary wi ndi ng.

33. In judgi ng the sui tabili ty of electri cal equi pment for prope r TEST 36: Pag e 368 – Page 376
mounti ng, the foll owing factors shoul d be consi dered, one of 1. Busways shal l be permi tted to be i nstall ed behi nd panel s if
whi ch i s the LEAST i mportant. Which one i s thi s? means of access are provi ded and i f the conditi ons bel ow are
 Type of encl osure met. One of them i s NOT vali d. Whi ch one i s thi s?

 Wi re bendi ng space  No ove r-current devi ces are install ed on the busway other
than for an indivi dual fi xture
 Electrical insulation
 The busway i s so i nstall ed that the joi nts between secti ons
 Mechani cal strength
and fi tti ng are accessi bl e for mai ntenance purposes
34. The branches of the emergency system i n a hospi tal shall be
 The busway is open and of the ventilator type
i nstall ed and connected to the al ternate powe r source so that al l
functi ons shall automati cally restored t o operati on wi thi n 10  The space behi nd the panel s i s not for ai r handling purposes
seconds after i nterrupti on of the normal source. 2. The OCPD for resi stance wel ders shall NO T exceed 300% of the
35. 3,100 mm i s the mi nimum di stance of open conductors of not conductor’s ampaci ty suppl ying the ci rcui t.
over 600 V and above fini shed grade, si dewal ks or form any fl at 3. For i nstall ati ons to suppl y onl y limi ted l oad of a si ngl e branch
form or proje cti on whi ch they mi ght be reached where the suppl y ci rcuit, the servi ce di sconnecti ng means shall have a rati ng of
conductors are l i mi ted to 150 V to ground and accessi bl e to NOT l ess than 15 A.
pedestri ans onl y.
4. Metal cl ad cabl e (MC) can be used i n syste ms of 600 V or more.
36. Whi ch of the foll owing wi ri ng cabl es is most sui tabl e for
5. Open conductors passi ng over resi denti al dri veways and those
shi pboard i nstall ati ons?
commerci al areas not subject to truck traffi c where the vol tage
 Fl at cabl e assembly
exceeds 300 V to ground shal l have a verti cal cl earance of 4,600
 Shi el ded non-metalli c sheathed cabl e mm.

 Metal cl ad cabl e 6. MC cabl e i nsul ati on shall have a maxi mum operati ng temperature
of NOT l ess than 90 C.
 Armored cable

37. If there will be four or more appli ances fastened i n pl ace and 7. The ampaci ty of conductors i n non -metalli c sheathed cabl e shall

served by the same feeder, i t shall be permi ssi bl e to appl y a be used at 60 C.

demand factor of 75% to the total namepl ate ratings of the 8. What i s the radi us of a soli d round conductor, whi ch i s the
l oads. nearest equi val ent of a stranded conductor whose total area i s

38. All exposed i ncandescent l amps in dressi ng rooms, where l ess exactl y 8 mm 2 ? Ans. 3.191 mm

than 2,400 mm from the fl oor, shall be equi pped wi th open end
d2 4A 4(8)
guards ri veted to the ou tl et or otherwi se l ocked in pl ace. A ; d=   3.191 mm
4  
39. 5% i s the maximum all owabl e vol tage drop from the mai n ci rcui t
9. For hi gh i mpedance groundi ng, the system neutral conductor
breaker to the farthest l amp l oad.
shall NOT be connected to the ground EXCEPT through the
40. Where the vol tage between conductors does NOT excee d 300 V groundi ng i mpedance.
and the roof has a sl ope of NOT l ess than 100 mm i n 300 mm, a
10. Servi ce equi pment rated over 600 V l ocated on mezzani ne fl oors
reducti on to 1,000 mm of the di stance of the servi ce conductors
shall be requi red to be accessi ble by permanent stairways &
from the roof surface shal l be permi tted.
ladders .
41. If there are n o ove r-current prote cti ve devi ce rated 30 A or l ess
11. The l oad for househ ol d el ectri c cl othes dryer i n a dwel ling unit i s
wi th neutral connecti on, thi s panel board i s cl assifi ed as a power
the l arger of the namepl ate rati ng or 5,000 VA.
panelboard .
12. Each li ghting and appli ance branch ci rcui t panel board shal l be
42. Individual bran ch circuit i s a branch ci rcui t that suppli es onl y
protecte d i ndivi duall y on the suppl y si de by NOT more than two
one utili zati on equi pment.
mai n CBs or two sets of fuses h avi ng a combi ned rati ng NOT
43. In hall s, corri dors, cl osets and stai rways of any occupancy greater than that of the panel board.
EXCEPT one famil y dwelli ng uni t, a general li ghti ng l oad of 4
13. The l ong time rati ng for x -ray equi pment is based on an
VA/m 2 shal l be consi dered.
operati ng ti me of 5 minutes or l onger.
44. At l east one receptacl e outl et shall be install ed di rectl y above a
14. For ci rcui ts suppl yi ng l oads consi sti ng of motor operated
show wi ndow for each three linear meter l ength or a major
utili zati on equi pment that i s fastened i n pl ace and that has a
fracti on thereof.
motor l arger than 0.125 hp i n combi nati on wi th other l oads, the
45. Service point i s the poi nt of connecti on between the facili ti es of total computed l oad shall be base on 125% of the l argest motor
the servi ng utili ty and the premi ses wi ri ng. l oad pl us the sum of the other l oads.
46. Accordi ng to the Code th e mi nimum i nsul ati on l evel for neutral 15. Exposed AC cabl e shall cl osely follow the finish of the buil di ng.
conductor of re si denti al i nstall ation whi ch has soli dl y grounded
16. A 3-phase general purpose squi rrel cage motor draw s a full l oad
system shall be 300 V.
current of 40 A. what i s the maximum si ze o f ti me del ay that
47. A demand factor of 50% of maxi mum possi bl e connected l oad may be used for short ci rcui t protecti on? Ans. 80 A
for tel evi si on studi o sets shall be permi tted for all portabl e
Si ze = 175% of FLA = 1.75(40) = 70 A
The cl osest hi gher standard rati ng i s an 80 A fuse.
48. For offi ce buil di ngs, a general li ghti ng l oad of 28 VA/m 2 shal l be
used. 17. A 5.5 mm 2 TW copper conduct or has a conductor ampaci ty of 30
49. An i nsul ated conductor i ntended for use as a grounde d conduct or
where contai ned withi n a flexi bl e cord shall be i denti fi ed by a 18. The branch ci rcui t l oad for conti nuous duty receptacl es shall be
whi te or a natural gr ay outl et fi nish col or. cal cul ated at 180 VA per receptacl e.

50. The all owabl e ampaci ti es of conductors rated from 0 to 2,000 19. Ground rod cl amps shall be secured with at l east 2 bolts or cap
vol ts, 60C to 90C and not more than three of them i n raceway, screws.
cabl e or earth i s based on an ambient temperature of 30 C. 20. Over-current protecti on devi ces i n emergency system shall …

 Be coordi nated

 Cl ear i n steps

 NOT tri p the mai n devi ce so there i s at l east 10 mm ai r space between the encl osure and
the wall .
21. Service later al i s the undergrou nd servi ce conductors between
the street mai n, i ncludi ng any ri sers at the pol e or other 42. Type RH W conductor has a trade name “moi sture and heat
structure or from transf ormer and the fi rst poi nt of connecti on to resi stant rubber”.
the servi ce entrance conductors in a terminal box. The poi nt of 43. Counterpoise i s a groundi ng conductor i nstall ed over li ghti ng
connecti on i s consi dered to be the poi nt of entrance of the cabl es for the purpose of i nterconnecti ng the system ground
servi ce conductors i nto the buil di ng. el ectrodes and provi di ng li ghtni ng protecti on for the cabl es.
22. Down conductors on a heavy duty smoke or vent stacks shall be 44. The surge arrester for servi ces l ess than 1,000 V connected by
protecte d from physi cal damage or di spl acement for a di stance coppe r conduct or to groundi ng el ectrode conductor or the
of NOT l ess than 2,400 mm above fi ni sh grade. equi val ent groundi ng termi nal shall NOT be smaller than 2 mm 2 .
23. The PEC permi ts (4) 90 bends i n a si ngl e condui t run. 45. The OCPD for arc wel ders wi th transformers shall NOT exceed
24. A warni ng si gn shall be posted where high voltage i s avail abl e 200% of the pri mary full l oad current.
i n servi ce equi pment. 46. On ci rcui ts of l ess than 1,000 V, the rati ng of the surge arrester
25. Ci rcui ts wi th a nominal vol tage of 600 V or l ess i n ri gi d metal or shall be equal to or greater than the maxi mum conti nuous
non-metalli c condui t and pl aced under a mi ni mum of 100 mm phase to ground power fre quency vol tage avail abl e at the poi nt
thi ck concrete exteri or sl ab wi th no vehi cul ar traffi c shall have a of appl i cati on.
mi nimum cover di stance of 100 mm. 47. The l ong ti me rati ng used to sel ect OCPDs to protect ci rcui ts to
26. Conductors suppl yi ng a group of motor - generator arc wel ders are x-ray equi pment shall be 100%.
si zed at 85% of the thi rd l argest wel der plus the percentage of 48. A 3.5 mm 2 TW copper con ductor has an ampaci ty equal to 20 A.
the other wel ders.
49. Whi ch of the foll owing statement on li ghting fixtures i s NOT
27. Whi ch of the foll owi ng statements on wi ri ng in commerci al correct?
garages and shops i s NOT correct?
 Outdoor li ghti ng fixture and associ ated equi pment shall be
 The ground conductor shal l be connected to the ground permi tted to be supported by tree s.
termi nal of the utili zati on equi pment
 Metal fixtures and encl osures rate d at 250 V and i nstall ed up
 Receptacl es, attachment pl ugs and si mil ar devi ces shall be i n the ceiling shall be grounded
of the pol ari zed type
 Stranded conduct ors shal l be used in wi ri ng a fi xture
 Lamps and lamp holders for fixed lighting that ar e supporti ng chai n and other movable fl exi bl e parts
located above vehicles shall be installed NOT lower
 Fixtures and lighting equipm ent oper ating at ov er 250
than 2,500 mm
V shall be gr ounded
 Battery chargers and batteri es bei ng charged shal l NOT be
50. Conductors from the servi ce poi nt to the servi ce di sconnecti ng
l ocated in l ocati on cl assi fi ed as hazardous
means are consi dered service con ductors.
28. Conductors may travel hori zontally through vertical sect ions of
swi tchboards i f i sol ated from busbars by a barri er.

29. There shall be no more than 6 disconnects pe r se rvi ce grouped

i n any l ocati on. TEST 38: Pag e 385 – Page 393

30. When a ci rcui t breaker handl es are ope rated ver ti call y rather 1. Connecti on or fi tti ngs shall NOT connect groundi ng el ectrode
than hori zontall y, the “up” posi ti on of the handl e shall be the ON conductors to equi pment by means of solder.
posi ti on. 2. Each l ength of non -metalli c condui t shall be cl earl y and durably
31. AC equi pment on board wate rcraft shall operate sati sfactori ly at marked at l east every 3,000 mm as requi red.
minus 5% to plus 10% vol tage li mitati ons. 3. Doors l eadi ng into a transformer vaul t shall be kept l ocked and
32. Emergency power panel conductors suppl yi ng a buil ding are access al l owed only to qualified p erson .
tapped on the line side of the s ervice . 4. Resi stors and reactors shall NOT be i nstall ed i n cl ose proxi mity
33. Where bui l di ngs exceed three stori es or 15 meters i n hei ght, to combusti bl e materi al s such that i t consti tutes a fi re hazard.
overhead l i nes shall be arranged, where practi cabl e, so that a What i s the mi nimum cl earance that i s requi red by the Code?
cl ear space of at l east 1,900 mm wi de will be l eft to facili tate Ans. 300 mm
ti tle rai si ng of l adders w hen necessary for fi re fi ghti ng. 5. The grounded conductor shall be equal to the l argest phase
34. For the pu rpose of l i ghtning prote cti on, a smoke or vent stack i s conductor.
cl assifi ed as heavy duty i f the cross secti onal area of the fl ue i s 6. Compl etel y encl osed, ventil ated transformers equi pped wi th an
greater than 0.32 m 2 and the hei ght i s greater than 23 m. 80C ri se i nsul ati on may be i nstalled i n a room of fir e r esistant
35. Vol tage drop shall be consi dered to servi ce l ateral s run at long construction.
di stance. 7. In a swi tchboard there shall be an ai r space of at l east 25 mm
36. Conductors used in li ghtni ng protecti on system shall have no between the energi zed metal part and the door of the cabi net.
bend formi ng an i ncl uded angl e of l ess than 90. 8. El ectri cal metalli c tubi ng shall be securel y fastened i n pl ace
37. Control conduct ors used for l oad management can be routed wi th wi thin 900 mm of each outl et box, juncti on box, cabi net or
the servi ce entrance conductors i n the same raceway or cab le. fi tti ng.

38. A li ghting fixture shall be wi red wi th a fl exi bl e li ghti ng cord wi th 9. Lead-i n antenna conductors for tel evi si on or radi o equi pment
a cross secti onal area of NOT l ess than 0.75 mm 2 of mi nimum shall be securel y attached & fast ened to antennas.
area. 10. Li ghti ng fi xtures approved for damp l ocati ons shall be i nstall ed
39. Servi ce conductors shal l NOT be run i n such a manner as to onl y in damp locations.
bl ock openings to buil di ngs. 11. What i s the metri c si ze equivalent of 1,000 MCM? Ans. 500 mm 2
40. Conti nuous duty l oads shall be fi gured at 125% for branch 12. Antenna conductors for tel evi si on equi pment shall be installed so
ci rcuits. they will not cross under open el ectri c li ght or power conduct ors
41. Encl osures for over-current devices in damp or wet l ocati ons where possi bl e.
shall be i denti fied for use i n suc h l ocati ons and shall be mounted 13. For churches, the general li ghti ng l oad shall be computed at 8
VA/m 2 .

14. *** 40. Type MC Cab le i s a factory assem bl y of one or more conduct ors,
each i ndi vi duall y i nsul ated and encl osed i n a metalli c sheath of
15. El ectri c di scharge li ghting shall be connected by fl exi bl e cord i f
i nterl ocki ng tape of a smooth or corrugated tube.
the cord i s vi si ble for 100% of i ts enti re l ength.
41. Whi ch of the foll owi ng li sted materi al s i s consi dered among the
16. What i s the l atest edi ti on of the PEC, Part 2? Ans. 1988
best insul ati on materi al for motor rewi ndi ng? (Nomex, Red fi ber,
17. Feeder i s al l ci rcui t conductors between the servi ce equi pment
Myl ar, Fish paper)
or the generator swi tchboard of an i sol ate pl ant, and the fi nal
42. Indi vi dual open conductors and cabl es other than servi ce
branch ci rcui t over-current devi ce.
entrance cabl es shall NOT be i nstall ed wi thi n 3,100 mm of grade
18. Breakdown i s a di srupti ve di scharge through i nsul ati on.
l evel or where exposed to physi cal damage.
19. Insul ators used to support wi res under cross arms are
43. Bondi ng provi des el ectri cal conti nui ty and safely conductors any
fault current that m ay occur .
20. Electrical n on -met allic tubing i s a pli abl e corrugat ed raceway
44. A barri er shall separate undergrou nd coaxi al cabl e when entering
of ci rcul ar cross-secti on wi th i ntegral or associ ated coupl ings,
ducts, ped estals, and h andholes .
connectors and fi tti ngs for the install ati on of el ectri c conductors.
45. Heavy duty li ghti ng tracks shall be i denti fi ed to exceed 20 A i n
21. The scope of the PEC covers all el ectri cal conductors i ncl udi ng
rati ng.
opti cal fi ber cabl e and equi pment i nstall ed wi t hi n or to or from
46. Where the condui ts enter a swi tchboard at the bottom, a
any of the foll owi ng premi ses, which one i s NOT i ncl uded?
suffi cient space shall be provi ded to permi t i nstal l ati on of the
 Ai rcraft
conductors i n the encl osure. The mi nimum spacing between the
 Motor vehi cl es bottom of the encl osure and the non -i nsul ated bus bar shall be

 Rail way rolling stocks 255 mm.

 All of these 47. Type FCC cab le consi sts of three or more fl at copper condu ctors
pl aced edge to edge, separated and encl osed wi thi n an insul ati ng
22. The maxi mum si ze of li qui d ti ght fl exi bl e metal condui t shall be
assembl y.
100 mm trade si ze.
48. The fi rst choi ce for the groundi ng el ectrode of a separatel y
23. Transforme rs that are i nstall ed in unsupervi sed l ocati ons and
deri ved system i s a building steel.
rated over 600 V are protected by fuses on the pri mary si de and
cannot exceed 300% of the pri mary full l oad current. 49. A fi xture frame i s consi dered gr ounded i f connected by EMT or
IMC i n a conti nuous run.
24. Each l ength of i ntermedi ate metal condui t shall be cl earl y and
durabl y i denti fi ed at 760 mm i nterval s wi th the l etters “IMC”. 50. Non-metalli c extensi ons shall NOT be used as an aer ial cable.

25. What i s the maxi mum rati ng of a mol ded case ci rcui t breaker to
protect a 10 hp squi rrel cage i nducti on motor rated at 230 vol ts,
3-phase, 60 Hz wi th a full l oad rat i ng of 28 A? Ans. 70 A
TEST 40: Pag e 403 – Page 411
Si ze = 250% of FLA = 2.5(28) = 70 A
1. The sum of all contai ned conductors of an auxili ary gutter at any
26. Conductors used onl y for groundi ng shall be green, green with cross secti on shal l NOT exceed 20% of the i nteri or cross
yellow stripes, or bare . secti onal area of the sai d gutter.

27. Screw type l amp hol ders shall have the grounded conduct or 2. Fl uorescent li ghting fixtures i nstall ed i n suspended ceili ngs
connected to the screw shell . shall be attached to the frami ng of the ceiling by cli ps, bol ts,

28. Demand factor i s the rati o of the maxi mum demand of a system screws, or ri vets.

or part of a system to the total connected l oad of a system or 3. In ri gi d metal wi ri ng condui t, condui ts shall be supported at
the part of the system under considerati on. l east every 3,000 mm.

29. El ectri cal non-metalli c tubi ng small er than 20 mm (outsi de 4. Di rect buri al cabl es or conductors wi th a nomi nal vol tage of 600
di ameter) el ectri cal trade si ze shall NOT be used. V or l ess and passes unde r ai rport runways i ncl udi ng adjacent

30. Fi xture studs i n octagonal boxes used to mo unt li ghti ng fixtures areas where trespassi ng i s prohibi ted, shall have a mi ni mum

are computed on the biggest conductor enteri ng the box. cover di stance of 460 mm.

31. Type NM (non-metalli c sheathed cabl e) shall be permi tted for 5. If the vol tage l evel i s from 250 to 600 V, the ai r space between

exposed & concealed w ork i n normall y dry l ocati ons. the wall , door or gutter parti ti on of any cabi net shall be at l east
26 mm.
32. Transforme rs rate d over 600 V and i nstall ed in supervi sed
l ocati ons are protected by ci rcui t breakers on the pri mary si de 6. For motors wi th a marked servi ce factor NOT l ess than 1.15, the

and cannot exceed 600% of the pri mary full l oad current. multi pl yi ng factor to be use d i n determi ning for si z e of overl oad
protecti on shall be 125%.
33. The uni t li ghti ng for a dwelli ng uni t expressed i n watts per
square meter shal l be 24 watts. 7. For a motor starte r to be i n si ght of the control l ed motor, i t must
NOT be more than 15 m away.
34. A 15 A or 20 A branch ci rcui t shall be permi tted to suppl y
li ghting uni ts, other than utili zation equi pment or a combi nati on 8. Pi peli nes with i mpedance heati ng shall NOT operate at greater

of both. than 30 VAC.

35. Type FCC cabl e shall be cl early and durabl y marked on both 9. The area wi thi n 1,500 mm hori zontall y from an ai rcraft power

si des at i nterval s of NOT more than 600 mm. pl ant shall be cl assi fi ed hazardous under Cl ass I, Di vi si on 2
l ocati on.
36. The starti ng wi ndi ng of an inducti on motor i s wound on top of
the mai n wi ndi ng. 10. Fi xture chai ns shall be wi red wi th stranded wi re from the outl et
box connecti ons to the sockets of the fi xture.
37. Outl et boxes are not re qui red to have bl ank covers to prevent
the escape of arcs and sparks . 11. Metal facepl ates for fl ush mounted snap swi tches shall b e of
ferrous metal NOT l ess than 0.8 mm i n thi ckness.
38. Type MV i s a si ngl e or mul ti -conductor sol i d di el ectri c i nsul ated
cabl e rated 2,001 vol ts or hi gher. 12. Fl exi bl e metalli c tubing small er than 15 mm el ectri cal trade si ze
shall NOT be used.
39. Intermedi ate metal conduit shall be permi tted to b e i nstall ed i n
or unde r ci nder fill where subject to permanent moi sture when 13. The sum of the cross secti onal areas of all contai ned conductors

protecte d on all si des by a l ayer of non -ci nder concrete NOT l ess at any cross secti on of the wi reway shall NOT exceed 20% of the

than 50 mm thi ck. i nteri or cross se cti onal area of the wi reway.

14. Where nail s or screws are li kel y to penetrate non -metalli c 35. If two or more bui l di ngs are supplied by a grounded system from
sheathed cabl e or el ectri cal non -metal tubi ng, a steel sl eeve or one mai n servi ce, each buil di ng shall have separate grounding
steel cli p NOT l ess than 1.6 mm i n thi ckness shall be used to electrod e systems .
protect the cabl e or tubi ng.
36. The conti nuous l oad suppli ed by a branch ci rcuit shall NOT
15. An auxili ary gutter shall NOT extend a greater di stance than exceed the branch ci rcui t rating by more than 80%.
9,100 mm beyond the equi pment, whi ch i t suppl ements. 37. Armored cable i s a cabl e provi ded wi th a wrappi ng or metal
16. A cl earance of NOT l ess than 50 mm shall be provi ded from usuall y steel wi res or tapes, pri maril y for the purpose of
recessed fi xtures and thei r tri ms, ventil ati ng openi ngs and other mechani cal protecti on.
such openi ngs i n room surfaces. 38. In all cases where there are energi zed parts on the front of the
17. Storage batteri es i n sol ar photovol tai c systems for dwellings swi tchboards or motor control centers, the worki ng space in
shall have cell s operati ng at l ess than 50 V. front of such equi pments shall NOT be l ess than 1,000 mm of
di stance.
18. The mi nimum spacing between the bottom of encl osure and the
i nsul ated busbars, thei r supports and other obst ructi ons shall be 39. Border l i ghts shall be i nstall ed around stages i n theaters on
205 mm. ci rcuits rated at 20 A or l ess.

19. Stranded wire consi sts of a group of wi re twi sted to form a 40. Wi ri ngs all owed to be i nstall ed outsi de buil di ngs are enumerated
metalli c stri ng. bel ow EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?

20. Servi ce drop conductors passi ng through si dewal k accessi bl e  Type MC cabl e
onl y to pedestri ans where the vol tage i s limi ted to 300 V to  Flat conduct or cable
ground shal l mai ntai n a verti cal cl earance of NOT l ess than
 Ri gi d metal condui t
3,100 mm at the el ectri c servi ce entrance to buil di ngs.
 Open wi res on i nsul ators
21. Secondari es of tran sformers suppl yi ng vol tage for i mpedance
heati ng of vessel s are computed at NOT l ess than 100% of the 41. Conductors suppl yi ng a heati ng uni t shall be cal cul ated at 125%
heati ng l oad. ti mes the heating l oad pl us the bl ower motor.

22. The ampaci ty of suppl y branch ci rcui t conductors suppl yi ng 42. Masts separate from the structure to be protected shal l be a
di agnosti c equi pment and the current rati ng of the over -current mi nimum of 1,800 mm from the protected st ructure.
protecti ve devi ces shall NOT be l ess than 50% of the momentary 43. Li ghti ng track conductors shal l be a mi ni mum of 3.5 mm 2 or
rati ng or 100% of the l ong ti me rati ng whi chever i s l arger. equal and shall be copper.
23. In dwelling uni ts and guestrooms of hotel s, motel s and simil ar 44. The wall s and roofs of transforme r vaul ts shall be constructed of
occupanci es, the vol tage shall NOT exceed 250 V nominal materi al s that have adequate structural strength for the
between conductors that suppl y the terminal s of medi um base condi ti on with a mini mum fi re resistance of 3 hours.
screw shal l l amp hol ders.
45. In orde r to protect a pe rson nel and prevent shock, the
24. The groundi ng el ectrode for groundi ng communi cati ons system equi pment shoul d be connected good earth ground throu gh the
may be connected to the nearest accessi bl e l ocati on on any of cold wat er pipe.
the foll owi ng EXCEPT one. Whi ch one i s thi s?
46. When computi ng the servi ce l oad wi th the standard method,
 Buried inter ior PVC water pipin g s ystem more than three fixed appli ances are computed wi th a demand
 Groundi ng electrode conduct or factor of 75% of the namepl ate rati ng.

 Buil di ng structure of a concrete bu il di ng 47. When computi ng the servi ce l oad wi th the standard method, a 20
kW el ectri c space heati ng uni t i s computed at 100%.
 Groundi ng termi nal of servi ce equi pment i f provi ded by the
utility company 48. Where knobs are used, conduct ors shall be securel y ti ed thereto
by tie wires havi ng i nsul ati on equi val ent to that of the
25. Transforme rs used to ste p down vol tage for general use are
cl assifi ed as separately derived systems.
49. A photovol tai c power source having one conductor of a 2 -wi re
26. For a portabl e motor rated at 0.33 hp or l ess, the control l er
system over 150 V shall be soli dly grounded.
shall be permi tted to be an attachment pl ug and receptacl e.
50. The Code requi res that all energi zed part of el ectri cal equi pment
27. Class II, Division 1 – Hazardous l ocati ons i n whi ch combusti bl e
operati ng at 50 V or more shal l be guarded agai nst acci dental
dust i s i n the ai r under normal operati ng condi ti ons i n quanti ti es
contacts by approved encl osures.
suffi cient to produce expl osi ve or igni tabl e mixtures.

28. A fi xture requi ri ng suppl y wi re rated hi gher than 90 C shall be so

marked i n l etters 6.4 mm hi gh promi nentl y di spl ayed on the

29. Rosettes for exposed wi ri ng shall be provi ded wi th bases that

shall be hi gh enough to keep the wi res and termi nal s at l east 13
mm from the surface wi red over.

30. Branch l i ghti ng ci rcui ts shall be protected by over -current

devi ces NOT rated more than 20 A.

31. Sol ar photovol tai c systems i n a one -family dwelli ng uni ts with
ci rcuits rated over 150 V to ground whil e energi zed shall NOT be
accessi bl e to other than quali fied persons.

32. Where l i qui dti ght flexi bl e metal condui t i s installed as a fi xed
raceway, i t shall be secured at interval s NOT exceedi ng 1,300

33. Cablebus i s an approved assembl y of i nsul ated conductors wi th

fi tti ngs and conduct or te rmi nations i n a compl etel y encl osed
ventil ated protecti ve metal housing.

34. The i nner strand of ACSR i s made of steel.


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