DG SemarangTimeLine

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The Historical TimeLine of Semarang

Copyright © 2001-2003, J.A.Oltmans
All Rights Reserved

Semarangs past is covered in clouds.Jawanese stories name the harbour in Sanscrite

like Pragota or Pergota, which means that there had to be some kind of Indo-Jawanese

8 th - 15th century - Bergota: Javanese establishments

- Palau Tirang: Javanese establishment

15 th century - Beginning 15de century: Sam Po Kong: mosque and temple.

Following geologists the row of hills surrounded the mouth of the Kali Semarang ,
southwest of Semarang nowadays.
This is the place where admiral Zhenghe ( from the Ming ) went, and where now the
temple Gedung Batu is located.
- End 15th century: an Arabic mullah took the local nameof Ki Pandan Arang.
He founded a village on this place and subjected him to the mighty Demak. His
grave is on the Bergota hill.

1547, Mei 2 - After consulting Sunan Kalijaga, Sultan Hadiwijaya from Pajang declared Pandan
Arang the first Bupati (mayor/districthead ) of Semarang, it was also the same day
as Maulud Nabi Muhammad SAW, on (12 Rabiul Awal 954 H) 2 May 1547. On that
date, "culturally and politically, Semarang was born

1650 - The first tobacco plantations spread to Semarang.

1678 - Amangkurat II, without money to pay his debts to the VOC, promises to give up
Semarang, his claims to the Priangan, and fees from coastal ports until debts are

1682 - Semarang state founded by the Dutch.

1697, August 21 - A ship of the VOC be shipwrecked near Semarang.

Name ship : Bronstee
Type ship : KatUsed from 1685 until august 21, 1697 by the VOC
length : 100 voet
width : 23,5 voet
cavity : 11 voet
capacity : 253 ton
Captain : Jakob Barendsz. Sonbeek

1704 - Puger leaves the court of Mataram at Kartasura for Semarang, seeking VOC help.
- Puger gets support from Cakraningrat II of Madura. VOC accepts Puger as
Susuhunan Pakubuwono I.
- Their army takes Demak, other coastal areas.

1705 - Amangkurat III sends an ambassador to the VOC at Semarang, but too late, the VOC
has already received Pangeran Puger favorably.
- Representatives of both rivals are sent to Batavia at the same time.

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1705, March 18 - VOC recognizes Pangeran Puger as Susuhunan Pakubuwono I

- VOC sends reinforcements to Semarang.

1705, June 19 - Susuhunan Pakubuwono I takes his office in a public ceremony at Semarang.

1705, October 5 - Pakubuwono I makes deal with VOC.

- Mataram debts to VOC are wiped out.
- East Madura goes to VOC control.
- Semarang is officially a VOC city after years of occupation.
- VOC gets extensive trade rights
- Javanese sailors must stick to their home waters

1740 - VOC begins a campaign to have "superfluous Chinese" deported to Ceylon (Sri
Lanka) or South Africa.
Rumors spread that the Chinese, once aboard ship, will be killed at sea.
Some Chinese begin arming themselves to resist.
Anti-Chinese riots break out in Batavia in response to the perceived rebellion.
10,000 or more Chinese are killed, and the Chinese district is burnt down.

1741 - Escaped Chinese fell the VOC-establishments at in Semarang and Rembang.

In Rembang became all the VOC-personnel murdered.
Pakubuwana II chose, under influence of its patih Natakusuma, the side of the
rebels and steered an attacks army to Semarang that now besieged became
through 20.000 Javanese and 3500 Chinese with 30 guns.
The garrison of the VOC in Kartasura was destroyed. Cakraningrat IV of Madura
offered the VOC assistance and began Easterly-Java to conquer.
The VOC steered reinforcements to Semarang and succeeded in it the attackers to
drive away.
By the learn of the appointment of Van Imhoff, names Valckenier discharge and
feed back to patria. As replacement functioned Johannes Thedens.
- Pakubuwono II changes sides, sends a force to attack VOC at Semarang, and
destroys the VOC garrison at Kartasura.
- Forces of Mataram and rebellious Chinese attack many north coast cities of the
VOC. Siege of Semarang is unsuccessful.

1749 - Java's north east coast am run from Semarang De second important city in this
region was Surabaja. The VOC had further various medium-sized forts along the
coast.The native population was run by her own Javan heads, the so-called regent.
As said had the VOC in these region the monopoly on the import of Indian textile, in
it particularly decorated cloths were here popular, and of opium.
Were further the mainly bulk good that exported became by the VOC with name
rises salty, bray, boards and other timmerhout till complete ships to, that served
for patrol goals and classroom transportation in Asia.
As well for the VOC in the general as for the population of Batavia became Java's
north east coast a were 'grain and wood shed'

1753, July 13 - Build of the Protestant church (dome-shaped) (Gereja Blenduk).

1754 - The first Postal Communication between Semarang - Batavia, Cheribon and Tegal.

1772 - Built of the Chinese Buddhist temple Tay Kak Sie at Lombok Street

1810 - Opening of the Regular Post by horse.With a Director for the Roads and Post Office.

1814 - Raden Sarief Bustaman, (be known as Raden Salèh Danoediredjoe) born.He was the
first Indonesian artist to paint in western style. His contemporaries reproduced
established styles and forms whereas Raden Salèh was the first Indonesian artist to
express creativity and individual style in his works.
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1827, May 29 - Semarang get his City-Arms.

1827, May 29 - The National Guard get is banner.

1857 - Opening of the Telegraph-Service, Batavia-Semarang-Ambarawa-Soerabaja.

1860, August 17-18 - Mutiny in the Württembergse Kazerne (barracks) on the Jalan Djoernatan
(street).The instigation are principally Swiss soldiers of the KNIL.
During the fight 4 soldiers kill and fifteen wounded.
After the Mutiny, +/- 35 soldiers hanging on order of the Court-Martial.

1862 - The first Pillar boxes (post) appear in Semarang.

1881 - Erection of the N.V.Semarang-Joana Stoomtram Maatscappij (SJS) (Semarang-

Joana Steam-Tram Company).
Train connection between: Semarang - Demak, koedoes, Joana, Rembang and

1884 - Opening of the local Telephone-Service.

- Erection of the N.V.Semarang-Cheribon Stoomtram Maatscappij (SCS) (Semarang-
Cheribon Steam-Tram Company).
Train connection between: Semarang - Kendal, Tegal, Pekalongan and Cheribon.
The calll the rail-line also the 'Suikerlijn' (Sugarline).

1894 - Connection of the local Telephone-Service to the Telephone-System: Batavia-

- The first train connection between: Batavia - Semarang - Soerabaja

1906 - Municipality Government was made.

This big city government was headed by a Mayor. This government system was held
by The Netherlands, with a high official called: Assistent-Resident, general of the
local government.

1908, June 30 - Rob Nieuwenhuys born.

Rob Nieuwenhuys became on 30 June 1908 in Semarang, in the middle of-Java born as son of
a Dutch father and an Indian mother. Its youth he brought through in Batavia (Jakarta)
where be father manager was of the prestigious Hotel of the Indes. Nieuwenhuys followed
the Secondary School in Surabaja after that Indian straight and Dutch in Lead to go study.

Back in Indonesia, he became teacher in different Javan cities. During the Japanese
garrison, he was as prisoner of war interned in different contend. In December 1945, he left
to the Netherlands only in July 1947 went he to Indonesia already again back. He lectured
that literature at the University in Jakarta. In July 1952, he went definitive back to the
Netherlands where he during ten year teacher was Dutch.

In 1957, he was also-founder of the literary periodical Tirade. Of 1963 until 1973 was he
head of the division Documentation history of Indonesia of the Royal Institute for
Language, Country and peoples knowledge To Lead. Its work became distinctions with
different prices, below which Lead in 1983 the Constantijn Huygensprijs for its entire
works and an eredoctoraat at the Rijksuniveristeit because of its wages on the territory of
the colonial Dutch literature.

Rob Nieuwenhuys passed away on 7 November 1999.

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1916 - The first mayer of Semarang, ir. D.de Iongh, in former days town-councillor (until

1911, June 21 - "St Aloysius Broeder School" was founded.

1919 - The first selected representative of the Indonesian population in the town-council.
Sir: Kasan, Semaoen and Sanjoto, from the "Sarekat Islam" organization.

1920 - The Communist Party (PKI) of Indonesia was established in Semarang, under the
influences of a Dutch colonist.

1927 - Mayer A.Bachus and H.E.Boissevain until March 1942

- The first Alderman of Semarang: Cohen, Schuling, Slamet and Tan Tiong Khing.

1928 - The first daily return-service flight of the "Konigklijke Nederlands-Indische

Luchtvaartmaatschappij" (KNILM) (Royal Dutch-Indian Airline Company), Batavia -
Semarang (Airport Simongan Semarang, south-west of the city.)

1929 - The first daily return-service flight of the KNILM, Soerabaja - Semarang (Airport

1930 - Official the Municipality of the City Semarang.

- The first daily return-service flight of the KNILM, Bandung - Semarang (Airport

1942 - During Japan period, Semarang was headed by a military government (Shico) from
Japan, with two vice government (Fuku Shico), one from Japan and one from

1945, October 15- 20 - Was a heroic incident by Semarang youths which fought against Japan which
refused to surrender to the Republic army. This struggle was known as The Five Day
Fight/ Struggle.
2,000 PKI people were killed in battle against the Allied Forces.
However, the fighters in the constitution still operate the government in the
refugee camp or the rural area, until December 1948. The refuge place moved
from Purwodadi, Gubug, Kedungjati, Salatiga, and finally in Yogyakarta. The ruling
was held by R. patah, R. Prawotosudibyo and Mr. Ichsan, chronogically

1945 - Representative/Mayor, Mr. Moch.lchsan (until 1949)

1949 - Mayor, Mr. Koesoebiyono (1949 - 1 July 1951)

1950, February - Sovereignity has to be given to Komandan KMKB of Semarang

1950, April 1 - Mayor, Suhardi, Komandan KMKB gave the head of the Semarang government to Mr.
Koesoedibyono, a high officer in Inland Ministry in yogyakarta. He arranged the
government again to run smooth.

1951, July 1 - Major, RM. Hadisoebeno Sosrowardoyo (- 1 January 1958)

1958, January 7 - Mayor, Mr. Abdulmadjid Djojoadiningrat (- 1 January 1960)

1961, January 1 - Mayor, RM Soebagyono Tjondrokoesoemo (- 26 April 1964)

1964, April 25 - Mayor, Mr. Wuryanto (- 1 September 1966)

1966, September 1 - Major, Lieutenant-Kolonel Soeparno (- 6 march 1967)

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1967, March 6 - Mayor, Lieutenant-Kolonel R.Warsito Soegiarto (- 2 January 1973)

1973, January 2 - Mayor, Kolonel Hadijanto (- 15 January 1980)

1980, January 15 - Mayor, Kolonel H. Imam Soeparto Tjakrajoeda SH (- 19 January 1990)

1990, January 19 - Mayor, Kolonel H.Soetrisno Suharto (- 19 January 2000)

2000, January 19 - Mayor, H. Sukawi Sutarip SH. (- present )

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