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Assignment 3B-Justification of Artifacts:Domain D

Monica Tepozano

National University

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

Capstone TED 690

Clifton E. Johnson


This assignment serves to justify the three artifacts chosen for Domain D: Planning Instruction;

Artifact #1:Weekly Planning, Artifact #2: Daily Lesson Plan​, ​Artifact #3: Unit of Study.

Artifact #1: Weekly Planning

I selected this artifact because I utilized this planning tool together with the rest of the 7th

grade ELA team, to follow a uniform timing for the units and lessons. Although a bit

unorthodox, the working document allowed us to collaborate as a grade level team, when we

couldn’t be in the same room together. The use of technology to collaborate and plan together,

was very beneficial because it also gave me an opportunity to see how lesson plans change

according to the needs of our students.

Yell, Busch, and Rogers (2008) state that “ The teacher’s planning process should begin

with determining what to teach, then move to developing objectives, choosing methods and

strategies to teach content…” (p.31). This working document serves as a plan of what to teach

and it gives us a framework of how to do it. I did also have a paper planner, for my personal use,

but I also benefited from this digital version because I could use it to ensure I was keeping at the

same pace as the rest of the grade level team, and they also made suggestions and comments as

they went.

Artifact #2: Daily Lesson Plan

I chose this artifact because this lesson plan was designed for my second observation by

my university provider. I carefully developed this lesson with my students in my mind, after

carefully reflecting on the previous lessons. This lesson was an excellent example of how I

adjusted my weekly plan, to better suit the needs of my students. In the original plan, students

were going to independently brainstorm and write their informative/explanatory essay with little

to no direct instruction. It was designed to be a working period. This changed when I realized,

after a check for understanding, that my students did not really understand the concept of

compare and contrast and that they were having a difficult time organizing their thoughts. I

adjusted my weekly plan, and developed this lesson plan. Yell, Busch, and Rogers (2008) say

that “ teachers can increase the effectiveness of their instructional programs if they

systematically plan their lessons and activities” (p.37).

In this lesson plan, I utilize different learning strategies, such as modeling and provide

tools, such as a venn diagram to compare and contrast. This lesson plan also provided me with an

opportunity to reflect on my rationales for choosing certain strategies and utilizing different tools

to assist students in accessing the content.

Artifact #3 ​ ​Unit of Study

I chose this artifact because I developed this unit of study from beginning to end. I

carefully selected activities, text dependent questions, and I was strategic about which

vocabulary to focus on for each chapter. I gave students the opportunity to choose from either

Beowulf: A New Telling​ and ​The Outsiders​. When students chose Beowulf, I then created a

student packet to accompany the readings. The packet consists of text dependent questions and it

was printed to accommodate blank pages for left side activities. This packet was modeled after

an interactive journal. Students would answer text dependent questions after each chapter, work

with new concept vocabulary, and work with left side activities that gave them the opportunity to

go further in depth with their chapter readings.This packet gave me an opportunity to be creative

in my planning and to incorporate activities to show understanding in multiple ways. I designed

this packet to “appeal to the verbal/linguistic and intrapersonal learners” (Rutherford, 2012, p.



Rutherford, P. (2012). ​Active learning and engagement strategies.​ Alexandria, VA:Just ASK

Publications & Professional Development.

Yell, M., Busch, T., & Rogers, D. (2008). Planning instruction and monitoring student performance.

Beyond Behavior,​ ​17(​ 2), 31–38.

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