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Chart of Greek & Roman gods

(Note: Roman names are shown in blue; Greek names are shown in red.)

In the Beginning...
Father Sky (Caelus/Uranus) and Mother Earth (Terra/Gaia) came
together to give birth to:

The 12 Titans
The 3 Hecatonchires (giants with 100 hands and 50 heads)
The 3 Cyclops (one-eyed giants)
several other forces and powers

Caelus despised the Hecatonchires and placed them in the underworld.

This angered Terra and at her request, Saturn/Cronus (one of the
Titans) killed Caelus by cutting off his genitals. From the blood came the
Furies, the underworld goddesses of vengeance.

After killing Caelus, Saturn took his father's place as king of the gods.
However, he was later told that one of his own sons would someday
replace him. In order to avoid this, he ate all of his children. His wife
Ops/Rhea eventually hid his last son, Jupiter/Zeus, and when this son
was old enough, he released his brothers and sisters, waged war with the
Titans and became the third and final king of the gods.

Through Jupiter and various women (including both goddesses and

mortals), came most of the other well-known gods and goddesses of
Greco-Roman mythology.

The Titans (old gods)

The original 12 Titans:

Oceanus - original God of

the Sea
Tethys - original Goddess
of the Sea
Hyperion - original God of
Theia - original Goddess of
Mnemosyne - Goddess of
Saturn/Cronus Ops/Rhea Justitia/Themis Coeus
Phoebe - a lunar goddess
God of the Mother of Goddess of God of Wisdom
Crius - a god
Harvest & King Jupiter & his Justice
Iapetus - a god
of the Gods siblings
prior to Jupiter
Children of the Titans:
Children of Hyperion & Theia: Children of Iapetus:

Sol/Helios Luna/Selene Aurora/Eos Atlas Prometheus Epimetheus

original God of original Goddes of the was forced to God of God of
the Sun Goddess of the Dawn carry the Earth Foresight; Hindsight;
Moon creator of husband of
humans; stole Pandora, the
fire from gods first woman

Children of Justia: Children of Children of Atlas: Grandchild of Crius:


The Fates The Muses The Pleiades Victoria/Nike

the controllers of the inspiration for nymphs of Artemis Goddess of Victory
destiny artists

The Olympians (new gods)

The children of Saturn & Ops:

Jupiter/Jove/ Juno/Hera Neptune/ Pluto/Hades Ceres/ Vesta/Hestia

Zeus Queen Poseidon God of the Demeter Goddess of the
KING OF THE Goddess of God of the Sea Underworld Goddess of Hearth
GODS Women & Agriculture
God of the Sky Marriage
Children of Jupiter:
by Juno: by Leto (daughter of Coeus &

Mars/Ares Vulcan/ Juventia/ Disconcordia/ Apollo Diana/

God of War Hephaestus Hebe Eris God of the Artemis
God of Fire Cupbearer of Goddess of Sun, Medicine Goddess of the
the gods & Discord & the Arts Moon &
Goddess of Hunting

by Maia, by Dione: from the head of by Ceres: by Semele (a by Alcmene (a

daughter of Jupiter: mortal): mortal):

Mercury/ Venus/ Minerva/ Proserpina/ Bacchus/ Hercules/

Hermes Aphrodite Athena Persephone Dionysus Heracles
Messenger of Goddess of Goddess of Goddess of the God of Wine The hero who
the gods & Love & Beauty Wisdom & Spring & the became a god
God of Civilization stolen wife of
Commerce Pluto

Grandchildren of Jupiter:
Sons of Mercury & Venus: Son of Mercury & a

Cupid/Eros Hermaphroditus Faunus/Pan

God of Love The androgynous God of Shepherds
god & Flocks

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