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If you’re like me you probably think If I have cancer the doctor will save me.

Believe me that would be a mistake. It took me six months of research before I

accepted the fact that our mainstream medical system was killing people. The
research below was not conducted by me but much of it overlaps what I have
found. I read it and was shocked. These people found out the truth and would
have been dead if they followed their doctors instructions. I have conducted
my own research for the last seven years and am providing you information
only. I lost my wife and sister to cancer and feel that every person should
know about the open genocide being conducted in mainstream medicine.

Lee Euler says “I’m a medical journalist and researcher” he recommends the book “ Complete
Guide to Alternative Cancer Treatments” It will inform you on virtually every significant cancer
breakthrough available to you now.

Perhaps you know someone like Oliver. Seemingly young and healthy at 25, Oliver was shocked
to hear a cancer diagnosis. He was told his body was “full” of cancer. His doctor recommended

Oliver’s cancer went into remission, but soon returned. This time the doctor recommended a
devastating dose of radiation. Oliver’s reaction was so bad he had to stop. The treatment was
literally killing him.

He had more chemo. His cancer kept growing. He turned yellow. He lost weight. The tumor
on his lymph node grew so huge it was strangling him. Oliver was dying.

In desperation, Oliver decided to try another course of action. He chose a therapy being
offered by a brilliant doctor in southern Germany. What’s unusual about this therapy is that this
doctor has perfected a technique that increases blood circulation naturally—boosting the
supply of oxygen directly to the cancer site.

Cancer cells wither and die in the presence of oxygen. So this treatment turns your body into
a hostile environment for cancer…where it’s impossible for cancer cells to survive.

What’s more, the procedure is painless and without the nausea, hair loss and other harsh
side effects of chemotherapy and radiation. Best of all, this treatment works within weeks!
That was 2008. Today Oliver is cancer-free and the picture of health!
And so is Karl, a 57-year-old pilot who beat colon cancer. Thanks to this amazingly effective
treatment, his cancer was gone within 3 months.
Then there’s Vida, a 45-year-old woman with a giant tumor in her lung. She underwent this
treatment and within six weeks her tumor disappeared.
This special treatment saved 42-year-old Dieter from stomach cancer 14 years ago. He’s fine
today. Friedrich was saved from prostate cancer at 60.
He remains cancer-free.
This treatment also saved 55-year old Edith, who
had a brain tumor, from the brink of death. Her tumor
shrank by 50% within one week! She continues to
respond well to this special treatment.
The best, most effective treatment sare FORBIDDEN
in the United States!
If you’d seen everything I’ve seen, you’d be
shocked to discover how very little advancement
mainstream medicine has been made in the treatment
of cancer.
For decades, American doctors have fought cancer
using the big three treatments with very little
variation: surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Or as
you’ve probably heard it called, “slash, burn, and
poison”. Doctors are actually FORBIDDEN to
recommend any treatment not approved by the
Federal Drug Administration (FDA). If they do, they
could lose their license or, even worse, go to jail!
Of course, the FDA only approves drug treatments submitted by the pharmaceutical industry—
also known as “Big Pharma”. And Big Pharma spends billions to suppress the truth about
alternative cancer treatments. Why? Because they don’t want the competition cutting into their
highly profitable, fast-growing, $50 billion-a-year industry!
That’s why Big Pharma plows some of its obscene profits into medical schools to ensure
students are only taught the traditional “slash, burn, and poison” approach, so they can
maintain the status quo. Meanwhile, medical journals are heavily funded by advertising from
Big Pharma to hush up new, safer, and much more effective alternative treatments.
As a result, most doctors remain ignorant of the latest alternative cancer therapies that could
save your life. And when it’s a matter of life or death, you need to know ALL your options.
Otherwise, you may never hear about breakthrough cancer treatments that really work.

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