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Stephen B. Rejto

MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Lexington, MA, USA

This work is sponsored by the U.S. Army Strategic and Missile Defense Command, KMR Support Directorate,
under Air Force Contract F19628-95-C-0002. Opinions, interpretations, conclusions and recommendations are
those of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by the United States Air Force.”
RADAR OPEN SYSTEMS systems. This modular OS architecture can lead to
improvements in time-to-market, reduced cost, and
ARCHITECTURE AND increased commonality.
Open Systems
Stephen Rejto, MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Lexington, MA, USA An open system is a collection of interacting
components designed to satisfy stated needs. All
components conform to formal interface specifications.
Introduction Interactions among the components depend on the interface
specifications; in particular, the interface specification of
Radar systems are traditionally developed from the all components in an open system is
ground up, using proprietary hardware and software
architectures. This traditional development model is • Fully defined,
expensive and requires long design times. Further, because • Available to the public, and
each radar system employs unique architectures and • Maintained according to group consensus.
technology, it is difficult and expensive to maintain and
upgrade the vast assortment of fielded systems. An open system approach
Acquisition reform and the proliferation of open • Is an integrated technical and business strategy.
systems (OS) and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) • Uses modular hardware and software design.
technologies have paved the way for major changes and
• Buys, rather than builds, individual components.
cost reductions in the development process of defense-
acquisition programs. But OS and COTS are about more
A key aspect of OS is a focus on decomposition and
than saving money: they speed up the development process
interfaces, which provides maximum flexibility in
and provide access to the latest technology advances.
developing and maintaining a system. By decomposing a
Further, OS facilitates the use of common architectures,
system into functional units that are connected using open
alternate vendors, and a more competitive acquisition
interfaces, developers can select components from a
model. A standard open architecture applied to radar
competitive marketplace based on performance, quality,
systems could streamline the development process and
and price. Replacing older parts with new components that
improve future technology-insertion opportunities.
adhere to the standard interface provides a maintenance
and upgrade solution. A common example of an open
This paper presents the radar open-systems
system is the personal computer, which provides standard
architecture (ROSA) that has been used successfully in
interfaces for disk drives, graphic cards, and other
building the prototype Cobra Gemini radar and is currently
peripherals. By focusing on the interfaces, personal
being used to modernize four unique signature radars at the
computers can be built using the best new low-cost
Kwajalein Missile Range (KMR) and three unique radars
technology. Customers also benefit by being able to
at the Millstone Hill radar facility. ROSA embraces the
replace or upgrade components independent of a specific
OS model by decomposing a radar into functional building
blocks constructed using COTS hardware. This
decomposition provides loosely coupled operational
Another important issue in an OS approach is COTS
subsystem components that, when tied together using well-
technology. Maximizing the use of COTS allows
defined interfaces, form a complete radar-processing and -
developers to benefit from a competitive market and to
control system. Building blocks can be easily added or
change quickly to newer, better, and lower-cost
modified to allow new technology insertion, with minimal
components. Developing custom components that adhere
impact on the other elements of the radar system. More
to standard open interfaces is perfectly acceptable within
importantly, existing radar building blocks can be shared
an open system where custom components are required;
and used to create new radars or to modernize existing
conversely, COTS components that adopt proprietary
closed interfaces cannot be part of an open system.
“This work is sponsored by the U.S. Army Strategic and
Missile Defense Command, KMR Support Directorate, How is the OS approach relevant to large defense
under Air Force contract F19628-95-C-0002. Opinions, systems? For years the Department of Defense (DoD) was
interpretations, conclusions and recommendations are the major driver of electronic components used in weapon
those of the author and are not necessarily endorsed by the systems, allowing the DoD to synchronize the modification
United States Air Force.”
or fabrication of new systems with new components. message to all the subsystems. Each subsystem reads the
Today’s electronic world is market-driven, and the DoD message and performs the requested function: in essence,
has little control over the fast evolution of commercial each subsystem becomes an intelligent peripheral that
components. With electronic components evolving every provides a unique function driven by the control message.
18 months, it is increasingly difficult to build and maintain
DoD systems, which have 8- to 15–year cycle times. In addition to simplifying design, ROSA systems show
benefits in the test and evaluation stages. First, the radar
In order to benefit from new technology and interfaces of each subsystem can often be built using
reductions in cost, new DoD systems must be designed to widely-available commercial boards that have already been
accommodate the fast evolution of the commercial market. tested by the manufacturer and are supplied along with
An OS approach is the solution. By using open, standard diagnostic software. As a result, testing can start at the
interfaces, defense contractors can harness the best, lowest- subsystem level instead of the component level, drastically
cost technology for the DoD. If standard interfaces are improving the development cycle of the subsystem.
used, new technology can be easily integrated or used to
replace failed components that may no longer exist. Second, the distributed architecture in a ROSA system
provides a clean mechanism for testing individual
The use of OS is the solution to bridging the subsystem components prior to integration. By providing
commercial market with the DoD and building cost- intelligence within the individual subsystems, test and
effective systems that can evolve over a lifetime and adapt evaluation can be completed using a modular approach.
to new threats. Modular testing is accomplished by allowing each
subsystem to generate its own control messages. (Figure 3
Radar Open-Systems Architecture describes this concept.) During development and testing,
subsystems generate and drive their own control message.
The ROSA model decomposes a radar-processing and This modular testing provides a very efficient use of
-control architecture into individual loosely coupled resources and allows all subsystems to be developed and
subsystems. Each subsystem performs specific radar tested in parallel. The capability also provides control over
functions and can run completely autonomously. When specific sections of the radar without requiring the
combined, these building-block subsystems form the entire complete system. For example, the antenna control
processing and control architecture for a complete radar. subsystem (ACS) can move the antenna while the
Figure 1 compares the traditional radar architecture with a transmitter control subsystem can transmit pulses
ROSA. Figure 2 shows a ROSA system. independently while running in “local” mode. The
autonomous nature of the subsystems also provides
Radar systems have historically employed tightly distributed fault isolation: subsystems are responsible for
integrated designs, custom hardware, and proprietary isolating faults within their section of the radar.
interfaces. ROSA replaces the tightly integrated design
with subsystems for each major radar component. These One example of a ROSA subsystem is the ACS. The
intelligent subsystems (also called radar peripherals) ACS is 90% COTS and consists of a VME-based control
perform all interface functions between the high-level main computer and VME boards that perform all the interface
computer and low-level radar electronics. This functions required for a radar antenna pedestal, including
configuration provides an important level of abstraction the electronic interfaces to the servos, encoders, and status
that dramatically increases the level of hardware- lines, as well as the required servo-control software. The
independent software within the main radar computer. As ACS receives high-level position (azimuth and elevation)
the main computer software is not dependent on the commands from the main radar computer and then does
underlying hardware, it is very portable from radar to everything else. The main computer does not need to be
radar. cognizant of the underlying antenna electronics or the
details of the servo loops. All required information is
Communication between the subsystem components passed back and forth between the ACS and the main
and the main computer is key to the success of a ROSA computer using high-level messages.
architecture. Subsystems act as a software object that
performs specific functions based on control messages; ROSA Applications
specifically, a high-level control message is passed from
the main computer to the subsystems using a single The Air Force Electronic Systems Center, MIT
commercial network interface. With every major control Lincoln Laboratory, and MITRE have recently developed
cycle (20 Hz), the main computer broadcasts a control and fielded a dual-band instrumentation radar using the
ROSA approach. The OS approach was key in meeting the Figure 4 shows an example of several ROSA
low cost and short development schedule (two-year subsystems. The exciter is responsible for generating the
ground-based operations, three-year ship-based timing gates and signals used by the radar. The exciter
operations). subsystem is driven by high-level target position
KMR, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and Raytheon Range information (state vectors) from the main computer. The
Engineering are currently modernizing the four signature exciter subsystem performs master timing for the radar.
radars (ALCOR, MMW, ALTAIR, and TRADEX) located For every pulse repetition interval (PRI) up to 2000 Hz, the
on Roi-Namur on the Kwajalein Atoll. The existing radars subsystem extrapolates the state-vector information and
are world-class systems supporting seven frequencies from computes the appropriate transmit and receive timing. The
VHF to W-band and an instantaneous bandwidth up to 2 subsystem then commands the appropriate gates and
GHz. These radars are used for metric and signature data generates the requested waveform signals using digital
collection on theater and national missile defense waveform generators. The signal is passed through the
experiments, as well as for space surveillance. The radars upconvertor section of the exciter, which outputs the radar
also play an important role as surrogates for testing new signal. With the exception of the upconverter board
radar technology that may be appropriate for new weapon- (which uses different radar frequencies), the exciter system
system radars. Examples of such technology include wide- is completely common from radar to radar. It exciter is a
bandwidth waveforms (512 MHz and 1 and 2 GHZ) and generic system capable of generating over 100 waveforms
frequency jump burst waveforms. (easily expanded), from continuous wave to 2-GHz
bandwidth, at pulse-repetition frequencies up to 2000 Hz.
Although extremely capable, each KMR radar is a The exciter is PRI-agile, which allows unique control for
unique, one-of-a-kind system, making all four radars costly each pulse over the placement of waveform and range
to maintain and operate. The goal of the KMR window. In addition, the system provides a flexible test-
modernization effort is to expand the current world-class target capability. The system is built using open VME and
data-collection capabilities, reduce operation and VXI standard technology and is 80% COTS, including all
maintenance costs, and increase the flexibility of the the digital and analog components.
systems to adapt easily to customers’ needs and to
incorporate new radar technology. Figure 4 also shows the intermediate frequency (IF)
receiver and digital pulse-compression subsystems
An OS architecture is essential in meeting these goals. (DPCS). The IF receiver is 85% COTS and is designed
By decomposing the radar system into ROSA building around two VXI chassis. The first chassis contains the IF
blocks, a high degree of commonality (greater than 75%) receiver card and other COTS boards to perform PRI-rate
can be achieved among the four radars. Each ROSA automatic gain control, AMP/PHS alignment, bandpass
component is designed to work as a generic radar filtering, and downconversion. The second chassis
subsystem, which allows a subsystem to be moved from contains COTS VXI test equipment: signal generators,
one radar to another with minimal impact. As subsystems arbitrary waveform generator, noise source, oscilloscope,
are used to abstract unique hardware components, the main spectrum analyzer, and power meter. The test equipment
computer real-time program can also be shared among the can be used to inject and measure signals within the radar,
individual radars. providing automatic fault isolation. Remote operations of
the receiver functions are also provided.
ROSA Subsystems
The DPCS provides analog-to-digital sampling, digital
Figure 2 shows the ROSA decomposition for the filtering, inphase-to-quadrature conversion, and pulse
modernized Kwajalein radars. Each subsystem is built compression. Critical to the design is the use of digital
using VME or VXI standard components. A very large receiver technology. Combined with the digital waveform
percentage (approximately 85%) of the radar subsystems is generators in the exciter, the digital receivers provide
built using COTS components. Only seven custom boards extreme flexibility in modifying or adding to the 100+
exist for all the radars! As most of the KMR radars are waveform repertoire. The system is scaleable in fast
dual-frequency, two copies (shaded boxes) of some Fourier transform processors. Fully populated, the system
subsystems are required. Using two copies of a subsystem provides four-channel, all-range pulse compression for
for a dual-frequency radar demonstrates the benefit of time-bandwidth waveforms as high as 3000. Data rates
decomposition: a single-frequency radar could not use a within the DPCS can reach 480 Mbytes/second sustained.
subsystem designed to handle two frequencies. The finer The DPCS is designed around the open VME standard and
decomposition increases commonality by allowing a is 90% COTS.
single-frequency radar to use a single copy of a subsystem
and a dual-frequency radar to use two copies.
Main Radar Computer that they could leverage many of the existing ROSA
building blocks. The OS architecture, available
The main radar computer is responsible for subsystems, and generic radar software have drastically
coordinating all aspects of the radar. The main computer’s reduced the cost for the modernization effort at
real-time program (RTP) is developed to be common Millstone Hill.
across all the KMR radars, which is accomplished by
writing software that is parameter-driven and hardware- Future
independent. As described earlier, hardware-independence
is achieved using subsystems to abstract the underlying Electronic technology is rapidly advancing, and digital
radar hardware. Parameter files are used to configure the hardware is quickly replacing analog components.
RTP for a specific radar; these parameters include radar Decomposing radar systems into loosely coupled
frequencies, available waveforms, and beamwidths. subsystems provides an evolutionary path for migrating to
new technology. By using industry-standard VME and
The RTP performs the following major functions: VXI boards, subsystems can be maintained or upgraded.
In a similar manner, building radars using subsystems with
• Coherent pulse integration and detection, well-defined open interfaces allows whole sections of the
• Signature and catalog data recording, radar to be upgraded or replaced without affecting the
• Multiple-target tracking, other pieces of the system. Because hardware abstraction
• Target classification, is provided, whole subsystems can be replaced without
• Display generation and button processing, modifying the main radar software. It is possible that some
• Subsystem communication, day radar subsystems could be built by commercial
• Track file maintenance. companies to a common industry specification, which
would provide all the benefits that open systems have to
All radar functions are under the control of the offer.
autotasker and/or console buttons. The autotasker is a real-
time interpreter that processes mission-profile scripts: these Conclusion
mission profiles are developed for individual missions and
contain detailed operating instructions for the radar, Acquisition reform, OS, and the use of COTS
including contingencies. Manual operations and technology have paved the way for major changes and cost
diagnostics are available from a local console at the radar reductions in the development process of DoD acquisition
facility and by a remote console located at the Kwajalein programs. Using an OS approach can
Mission Control Center on the island of Kwajalein,
60 miles away from the radars. Remote access is also • Provide cost reductions,
provided by a satellite link to a console within the • Simplify new technology insertion,
continental United States. Automation, remote operations, • Promote the use of alternate vendors,
and diagnostics all help lower the cost of operations and
• Streamline the development process.
maintenance of these systems.
Radar systems are traditionally developed using
Figure 5 shows the complete ALCOR radar system.
proprietary architectures, hardware, and software, which
Each rack represents an individual radar subsystem. The
creates radar systems that are very expensive to build and
ALCOR system was received at KMR in December 1999;
maintain. By embracing the OS approach, the ROSA
within only two weeks, and on its very first attempt, the
decomposes a radar into functional subsystems, each built
system successfully performed a satellite track. Follow-on
using standard commercial components.
systems for the MMW, ALTAIR, and TRADEX radars are
scheduled for delivery within the next few years.
ROSA has been used successfully in building the
prototype Cobra Gemini radar and is currently being used
Millstone Hill Radars to modernize four unique signature radars at KMR and
three unique radars at the Millstone Hill radar facility.
The Haystack, HAX, and Millstone radars are located This modular OS architecture leads to improvements in
in Westford, Massachusetts, and perform space- time-to-market, cost, technology refresh, and commonality
surveillance functions for the U.S. Air Force. Within the across radar systems.
last year these radars began a modernization effort similar
to the KMR program. After evaluating the KMR radar
modernization effort, the Millstone Hill engineers realized
3. Secretary of Defense Memorandum, Subject:
1. Gillis, Matt (1999), “Open Systems Joint Task Force Specifications & Standards – A New Way of Doing
Gets the Word Out”, PM, July-August, pp. 44-47 Business, 19 June 1994
2. Rejto, Stephen (1997), ”COBRA GEMINI Radar 4. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and
COTS Based Architecture”, International Test and Technology Memorandum, Subject: Acquisition of
Evaluation Association (ITEA) workshop on T&E, Weapons Systems Electronics Using Open Systems
August, Bedford, MA Specifications and Standards, 29 November 1999

Custom Origin 2000 COTS

Origin 2000


Exciter ...
Origin 2000
Origin 2000
Exciter Antenna Receiver

Main Computer And

Main Computer Recording
Historical Architecture Radar Open Systems Architecture

Figure 1 Historical and ROSA


Transmitter Transmitter

Master Timing Main
Upconverter Computer

Digital Pulse
Receiver Compression

Antenna Recording

Figure 2 ROSA Block Diagram

Full radar operation Development, local and diagnostic

Origin 2000

Control Message

Origin 2000

Control Message


Main Computer Subsystem

Figure 3 Communication (local and System mode)

Exciter - Timing, WFGs 6 channel Receiver 6 channel Digital
and Upconverterr and Diagnostics Pulse Compression

Figure 4 Example ROSA Subsystems

Figure 5 KMR Radar System Electronics

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